Celebrating Manhood and Womahood as the Gathered Church...for the Glory of God...and Because of the Angels

Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  1:37:12
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Pastor James teaches on 1 Corinthians 11:2-16

Over 7 weeks…including today…we have covered Biblical manhood and womanhood as described in the scriptures and as intended by God for us…His Church...
If you remember in sermon #1 of the series we dug deep into the plan and purpose of God in creation…specifically the creation of humans…and more specifically the creation of us humans…as male and female…with distinct roles…SO THAT we would fulfill the purpose of us having dominion....over the earth God created...
Psalm 115:16 ESV
The heavens are the Lord’s heavens, but the earth he has given to the children of man.
And why?
Genesis 1:27–28 ESV
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. And God blessed them. And God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”
So we saw that first...God creates man…gives man His roles in the dominion commission...
Man as head…is to lead, provide, protect…but in order for man to be fruitful…multiply…fill the earth…to have dominion…we quickly see...
Genesis 2:18 ESV
Then the Lord God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.”
So from the side of man…out of man…from man…for man...
God creates woman…and in the battle for dominion with man as head...to lead…provide…protect…
Woman as helper is to...
And you might notice I said…in the battle for dominion…why will the dominion commission be a battle...
We quickly find out…and this is important for our text today as well…right away...
In Genesis 3 the devil shows up…he does not like that God created us to have dominion over God’s creation…because he wants dominion…he wants headship...he and a third of the angels were cast out of heaven…because the devil did not accept his position…of submission…under the headship of God...he wanted authority…he wanted to rule over...
So when He sees God give dominion to humans he attacks…and he knows…that in order for us to have dominion God had said...
Genesis 1:27 (ESV)
male and female he created them.
So manhood and womanhood is what the devil attacks…in the garden…going to eve…deceiving eve…woman eats the fruit…then leads man who had not lead…into sin...
And so throughout this series we have been looking at....what does God now intend for us to do…how does God intend for us to live as male and female...
ESPECIALLY FOR US…as followers of Jesus…given the Holy Spirit…both male and female…image bearers of God…but distinctly male and female...
Together we have an awesome and beautiful calling and responsibility…and the power to obey…by the blood of the cross...
But what is that to look like…well the Bible tells us so...
However…the attack of the devil did not stop in the garden…and his attack on manhood and womanhood seems to have intensified even in our day…and it may be because he has scored many victories in this area…our it may be because the day of Jesus return is drawing near…most likely both...
Which should drive us to intensify our lives of godliness and holiness in obedience to the Lord…including what He tells us about manhood and womanhood…we need tobe on offence where the devil is attacking…to keep him on defense...
We often say the Lord’s return is drawing near…but how then shall we live?
In speaking of the return of the Lord Peter tells us how to live in the meantime...
2 Peter 3:11–12 ESV
Since all these things are thus to be dissolved, what sort of people ought you to be in lives of holiness and godliness, waiting for and hastening the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be set on fire and dissolved, and the heavenly bodies will melt as they burn!
Whoa…that is what we are saying when we say the Lord’s return is imminent…and how then shall we live? Lives of Holiness and Godliness!
So over this series we have seen how we as new creations in Christ…male and female…how do we live out these roles God has given us…how do we by the Spirit for the glory of God…overcome the attack of the enemy…to show this world…our families…unbelievers…angels...and the devil that we are God’s people…that we trust God…that we will have dominion…as we obey His Creation Order…and today…as His church...for His glory!
Men to to lead, provide, and protect…and women to submit, nurture, and respect…as we live as God has intended and commanded we live…in holiness and godliness...as His people on this earth...
Set apart…in the world but not of it...as male and female…in our lives…in marriage…and last week we saw in the church?
We have seen that this is important to God and to our mission on this earth...
Not only because our obedience to God is for our joy and His glory…but also because when we live as He has intended…there is blessing and power...
We saw from Brian...that God has put power and glory into the meaning and creation of marriage...
God has made marriage to be a physical display of His glory....to tell the world a truth through our marriages…the truth of Christ and the church....
Husbands as the head to lead their wives by loving them sacrificially…as a physical display of the way Christ is the head of the church…and gave of Himself for us…and loves us...
Wives as the helper to submit to their husbands in everything…as the church submits to Christ…as a physical display of our lives of joyful obedience to Christ...
We saw this in Ephesians 5...
So headship…helper…displayed in marriage as a physical picture of Christ and the church...
Then last week we saw the headship-helper relationship…in the church...
Men as elders/pastors/overseers leading the church…providing for the church with the Word…and protecting the church from false doctrine...
Women in the church as helpers…not to lead or teach…but to use their gifts to quietly and beautifully…as indispensible to God’s church…to serve the church under the leading of the elders…all for the glory of God...
But is there also a physical picture that we are to display as men and women in the church?
Well I ended last week by showing that in all of these verses about manhood and womanhood…in the NT God has shown us in the verses themselves... that they are not grounded on culture…or issues in the church…but as foundational…fundamental…to the very reason for manhood and womanhood in the first place…going back to God’s plan…His purposes…our dominion…over His earth…our joy...and His glory...
And I concluded…I said that we would end with (in this message today) the one place in the NT that summarizes the glory of this truth…headship and Creation order in the church....with a physical picture of that to be lived out in the men and women of the church...much like marriage is a physical display of the relationship of Christ and the church...
The headship and helper relationship displayed when we gather as the church is also a display...it is meant to be a display of God’s wisdom in Creation Order…His purposes for us in Headship…and the glory He has given us as the church…men and women…to minister to one another…and to have dominion in this world as we hasten the day of Christ’s return!
As the church if we are to have dominion....to be a pillar and buttress of the truth…we must trust God…do things His way…and especially when it is countercultural or even counter our flesh nature…we must TRUST the Word of God as our source of truth in all things...
We must recover the lost truth that Manhood and Womanhood is a MAJOR doctrine…not a secondary issue…remember in the book of Titus...
Titus 2:1 ESV
But as for you, teach what accords with sound doctrine.
And what does Paul immediately talk about in Titus 2 after saying in order to keep from falling away from the truth…what must Titus be sure to teach?
Right after saying this Paul addresses Manhood and Womanhood in the church!
We see this as central to the creation account in Genesis…the attack point in the fall into sin...
Central to the meaning of marriage…
And now, in a culture denying the very existence of so-called gender…this text today tells us of central importance of God creating us male and female...
And how we are live that out as His church…even as a physical display of this powerful truth...
This is so important for the church....that God has given us a tradition to practice…when we gather together...that shows this truth…to the world…to our own church…to our families…and to the angles above...
We have seen the importance of traditions to God over and over in the OT...
Traditions are to remind us of a foundational truth…and to help us hand this truth down to generations…and to celebrate it together as the church!
We have another NT tradition that we practice every week to remind us of the death of Christ…communion...
So what is this NT tradition…listed with communion in 1 Corinthians 11...that shows the glorious truth of Headship and Creation Order to be displayed by the church?
And before we dig in…if you remember...I also said last week that the same text that summarizes this glorious truth for the church…and how we are to be a living display of this truth...
I also told you that this is also the only text in the NT that gives women the power and freedom and opportunity to obediently verbally contribute to the body…in our gatherings…the other verses that we saw last week that clearly state in the gathering…when it comes to teaching or having authority over men…or when it comes to the ordered practice of tongues or questioning a prophecy…when questions arise in the gathering...women are commanded in all those areas to be silent...
But as I said last week there is a text that gives women the opportunity to use their gifts to contribute to our gatherings…through prayer and prophecy...and that same text IS the text that lays out this tradition we are to follow as the NT church to show the glory of the fact that…God created us male and female so that we the church would have dominion…by living out headship and Creation order as God’s people...
And that tradition…and practice…that God has given to His church as a powerful display of this powerful truth…is the tradition or practice of head covering...
I am sure you all know…this tradition or practice has nearly completely vanished in the current American and visible worldwide church…over the last 60-100 years...
And not surprisingly, the distinctions between men and women as God intended have nearly completely vanished from the church over that same period of time…
And since we are to be the pillar and buttress for truth in this world…and impact the culture around us...these distinctions have also, over that same period of time…nearly completely vanished in every part of the culture in much of the world...
And since this text is in the Bible to positively state a ministry opportunity that women can have in the gathered church that is verbal during the gatherings of God’s church...
Giving women the opportunity to pray and prophesy in the gathered church…according to the Word of God...this is not only an opportunity for women to powerfully and helpfully participate in the ministry of the church…but also a tradition the church is to practice to show the world…the church…our families…and the angels…that we the church know, accept, love, trust, and desire to honor and obey God when it comes to Headship and His Creation Order...
So when (as we will see) God tells us to celebrate this tradition as the gathered church…what then are we to do with this text…that has seemingly been canceled or erased from the practice of the current visible church...
This question has been on my mind for more than a few years now...
As a church that reads through and teaches through the whole Bible…we can not and should not…and will not...avoid any text…which means over the years this has come up…and every time I studied the verses, I became more and more convinced that we…the church of God in this Current World…were missing something…something big and vital...
Those who know me know a few things about me as a pastor and a person that I hold dearly to…and one of these things is the preaching and teaching of the whole counsel of God…
One of the things that I believe gets pastors and churches and denominations to go off track…is the ignoring or skipping over seemingly complex or culturally controversial parts of God’s Word…as though we are ashamed of God…embarrassed of something He has said…or unwilling to address and obey Him in something He has commanded of us in His Word…if it will be controversial…or uncomfortable...
In 1 Samuel 15, Saul (the first and fallen King of Isreal) tells us why he fell…he disobeyed God's clear Word because he cared too much about the people's opinion. He confessed as much to the prophet Samuel in...
1 Samuel 15:24 ESV
Saul said to Samuel, “I have sinned, for I have transgressed the commandment of the Lord and your words, because I feared the people and obeyed their voice.
This cannot be an option for the believing church. Samuel could not be more clear in his response to Saul...
1 Samuel 15:26 ESV
And Samuel said to Saul, “I will not return with you. For you have rejected the word of the Lord, and the Lord has rejected you from being king over Israel.”
May we never reject the Word…because we have been given the only source of truth and practice that we need as God’s people...
The Word of God.
I am well aware that there are many different ways people conclude that the modern church no longer needs to practice the tradition of head-covering...
It should first concern us that there are many different conclusions…which have mostly arisen since the 1960s...
God is not a God of confusion or disorder…he and His Word are unchanging...
So what happened in the last hundred years to change the way we icntepret these verses...
In the words of R.C. Sproul “Though the many authors differ on various issues associated with head-coverings, one important issue upon which they are all agreed is that Paul was not commanding the women in Corinth either to let their hair grow long to use their long hair as a head-covering in worship, or to neatly place their hair upon their heads as a head-covering in worship, but rather to place upon their heads a fabric head-covering when they worship before the Lord. This conclusion is reached by scholars from various denominational backgrounds, from different geographical locations, and from many periods of church history. The wearing of fabric head coverings in worship was universally the practice of Christian women until the twentieth century. What happened? Did we suddenly find some biblical truth to which the saints for thousands of years were blind? Or were our biblical views of women gradually eroded by the modern feminist movement that has infiltrated the Church of Jesus Christ which is “the pillar and ground of the truth.”~ R. C. Sproul
Here are some of the reasons now given for not practicing this tradition...
1 Was only for the Corinthians because they were struggling with manhood and womanhood in the church
2 Was only for the Corinthians because they had prostitutes in town who were bald, so Paul wanted them to distinguish themselves from prostitutes.
3 Was only for the Corinthians because they had prostitutes in town who were bald, and Paul wanted the prostitutes to be comfortable in the church so no one would know
4 God didn’t mean a physical head covering but meant hair
5 Or a wedding ring counts
6 This is only for churches that have prophetesses
And the most common conclusion people have…when asked…is I haven’t really studied it…but..
7 It is only for this one church in Corinth…and not for us…just because…of something to do with head-coverings back then...
The fact is that there are two glaring issues with all of these conclusions...
The first is that they need to rely on extrabiblical information…that is not inerrant… to come up with their conclusion…as though the word of God is insufficient…which it is not!
And the second which I will address at the end…is that although all the people in all these different camps feel united…they are not…they all have very different interpretations…but the one thing they are united in is this…they no longer physically practice this tradition...their conclusion leads to the church not practicing this tradition handed down by God…to all the churches of God...in any physical or even evident and powerful way...
That cannot be the outcome…as you will see, this text is one of the most powerfully grounded truths in the entire NT...
So if at the end of this you still do not believe that it is a head covering that is the physical component of this tradition to be handed down for the ages to all churches of God…
If you do not think it needs to be a cloth head covering…that still leaves you with at least 3 questions…how are you then going to practice this tradition in a way that shows the distinction of man and woman in the church when it comes to ministry...and not simply the distinction but gloriously tells the truth that God intends us to tell by practicing this tradition...
The Creation Order of God in headship...
And how will we then practice this in a way that allows us to be a church where women freely and obediently can pray and prophesy in the gathered church?
Those are the questions that needs to be answered by everyone…unless we simply ignore this text...
Since those other interpretations generally cannot answer these questions…the text becomes virtually cancelled...
To the point now that some cannot even believe that I…a preacher of the Word…would preach on this part of the Word of God…do you see the issue?
Here is how I believe the Bible answers these questions for us!
This text is important to God…is in His Word…laid out for His church…so we should do what we always do as a church…dig in…let the Spirit speak to us in alignment with the Word of God...
Then radically follow the Spirit of God into bold obedience to God…for our joy…and the glory of God…
I propose we do that...
Our text for today:
1 Corinthians 11:2–16 ESV
Now I commend you because you remember me in everything and maintain the traditions even as I delivered them to you. But I want you to understand that the head of every man is Christ, the head of a wife is her husband, and the head of Christ is God. Every man who prays or prophesies with his head covered dishonors his head, but every wife who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonors her head, since it is the same as if her head were shaven. For if a wife will not cover her head, then she should cut her hair short. But since it is disgraceful for a wife to cut off her hair or shave her head, let her cover her head. For a man ought not to cover his head, since he is the image and glory of God, but woman is the glory of man. For man was not made from woman, but woman from man. Neither was man created for woman, but woman for man. That is why a wife ought to have a symbol of authority on her head, because of the angels. Nevertheless, in the Lord woman is not independent of man nor man of woman; for as woman was made from man, so man is now born of woman. And all things are from God. Judge for yourselves: is it proper for a wife to pray to God with her head uncovered? Does not nature itself teach you that if a man wears long hair it is a disgrace for him, but if a woman has long hair, it is her glory? For her hair is given to her for a covering. If anyone is inclined to be contentious, we have no such practice, nor do the churches of God.
God’s Word to us this Lord’s day...
So here we stand....
For the overwhelming majority of the 2000 years of life of the churches of God…as Paul refers to them…for most of all of time and in all places...the general practice of the Church...was that Christian women covered…wore cloth head coverings…even wikipedia agrees with this statement...
And for the majority of the history of the Christian church…hardly anyone seriously debated…there were some alternatives discussed…and writings on them…but they were no where near the majority…not even close…so what do we do with that? Well...
Paul starts this letter with this...
1 Corinthians 1:2 ESV
To the church of God that is in Corinth, to those sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints together with all those who in every place call upon the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, both their Lord and ours:
So this letter is to the church in Corinth…and ALSO to us…in the very introduction of the letter we are addressed…we are those who are to be set apart and in every place call upon the name of the Lord...
The letter goes on to address divisions in the church...over which preacher they like best…and gives us the solution to that problem...
The wisdom of God…not the wisdom of the world or the word of man...
Then the letter addresses things like sexual immorality…legal issues…marriage…divorce…idolatry…and all of this leads up to another solution...
The keeping of order in the gathering of God’s church…what shall we do…how shall we do it…and why do we do what we do when we gather?
And in addressing order in the church…we are given instructions in 3 matters important to God in our corporate worship and gathering together...
Those 3 matters are...
- The tradition of covering (and not covering) to remember and display Headship in God’s creation order...
- The tradition of communion to remember and display the death of God’s Son...
- The practicing of the gifts in the gathered church...
And we see this start in Chapter 11 v2 with the word Now…or But…depending on your translation...
Verse 2 starts with now…verse 17 starts with but…chapter 12 starts with now...
This word in the greek is the same word…and functions like a bullet point...
The first point Paul addresses when discussing proper order when the Church gathers is the tradition of head covering...
So when when Paul indicates in his letter to the church…that this is a tradition…
1 Corinthians 11:2 ESV
Now I commend you because you remember me in everything and maintain the traditions even as I delivered them to you.
First notice what he is doing…he is telling them…good job…you are doing this one well...
He commends them…for this one…
When he gets to the way they practice the tradition of communion…not so much…look with me to verse 17...
1 Corinthians 11:17 ESV
But in the following instructions I do not commend you, because when you come together it is not for the better but for the worse.
So he will admonish them for how they are practicing communion…
1 Corinthians 11:20 ESV
When you come together, it is not the Lord’s supper that you eat.
They distorted the tradition of communion so much...it no longer tells the same powerful truth it is meant to tell…so Paul says…you are not even practicing it!
This tells us that we should not distort a practice or tradition to the point of it no longer being the same practice anymore…which is what has happened to the modern church with head-covering...
But for the practice of head-covering…in this letter...he commends them…and also notice...
Back to v2...
1 Corinthians 11:2 ESV
Now I commend you because you remember me in everything and maintain the traditions even as I delivered them to you.
And this is very important…he commends them not only for maintaining the tradition…but also for not changing it…but for practicing it just as he delivered it to them...
And I wonder if Paul were to write a letter to the American church on this topic if it would start…he may commend us on our practice of communion and then say...
But in your practice of the tradition of head-covering I do not commend you...because you have not only changed the tradition from the way I delivered it…but in reality you are no longer even practicing this tradition...
And we can also this early in the text already say…that God’s Word is not starting with…hey only the church in Corinth…because of prostitution in Corinth…I think you Corinthians should have the women cover their heads...
No…God’s Word is saying…Church…in Corinth and all of the saints...in every place...
I am going to tell you this again…because I know you will remember this tradition and practice it as I have handed it down to you…and all the churches of God…v 16...
Let me show you the importance of traditions to God and clear up any misconceptions we may have about traditions…
Paul is about to say this is WHY we do this tradition in the way he has delivered it to us...
But please don’t mishear the word tradition here...
We are not talking about a tradition like the Pharisees or the Catholic church where it is an unnecessary add on to something not in the Bible...
All traditions are not legalism…we would never say such a thing about communion…God’s people are a people of traditions…traditions are commanded by God for our good and because of His grace...
So head coverings are not inherently legalistic…they can be…as can be anything…but that does not mean we cancel them…no…it means we dig in and remember why God has handed down this tradition in the first place…I know you church…this is what you desire...
Jesus right before His death eats a Passover meal with His disciples…even though most everyone around them had turned the Passover week into something it was not meant to be...
So for me to say say we should study this text and do what it calls us to do…is no more legalistic than Ryan or Harlan saying you should not take communion in an unworthy manner…which Paul says next..
So when Paul says it is a tradition…he means…all churches of God (v 16) should practice this scriptural practice…
And remember why we are given traditions by God...
1. As a reminder of a deep scriptural truth!
2. As a way to hand down this truth to future generations so they do not forget!
3. And to celebrate the truth as God has established.
Traditions are both reminders and celebrations...
One of the things we tend to forget or push back on (since the fall and the curse) is headship in the creation order of manhood and womanhood…
So this tradition is to help us hold that highly and Honor God’s glory in it...
Which Paul will tell us…why…this is a tradition for all the Churches of God…the saints in all places...
And note...Paul says…maintain these traditions as I deliver them to you…maintain and do not change them…the word there is hold fast to…never let go of this tradition and as it was delivered…not in a different way...
The importance of traditions...
2 Thessalonians 2:15 ESV
So then, brothers, stand firm and hold to the traditions that you were taught by us, either by our spoken word or by our letter.
Very clear here that even to other churches…God’s Word is saying…stand firm in and hold fast to the traditions..in the letters...
Just think geographically of the churches that were in existence at this time:
Corinth, Phillipi, Thessalonica, Ephesus, Iconium, Caesarea, Antioch and many more. They all practiced head coverings. 
All these churches had a mixture of Jews and Gentiles and people from different cultures. They are spread out geographically over thousands of miles
Yet, they all held to the same doctrine regarding head coverings.
How can such unity be accounted for in a day without cell phones and internet…unless they were taught and understood head coverings to be a tradition for all Christians?
So are we standing firm in and holding fast to this tradition as delivered to the saints?
Finally on the importance of traditions and this tradition…as delivered...
Right after explaining the tradition of covering...look what the Word talks about next...Verse 17 starts with but…and he transitions into explaining another tradition…for the churches of God…which we would not argue...
The tradition of communion…the Lord’s supper…another “tradition”…and much like we give God glory by maintaining the tradition of communion in a worthy manner…to remember the cross…and we take communion very seriously…as we should...
The same for covering…there is glory and reason for it being a tradition of all the churches...
Where as communion is pointing to the cross and the death of Jesus…we will soon see…the tradition of covering…another physical tradition (like the eating of bread and drinking of the cup)…
However instead of pointing the cross…the covering tradition points to creation…and order…and headship…and authority and submission...and covering…
Which as God people…we should love those things! And stand firm in them…celebrate them!
The world is celebrating all sorts of lies when it comes to gender and se and sexuality…we need to celebrate the truth!
And ultimately when we (all of us) are under covering...we have freedom! To live for and obey God!
So…this tradition of the churches of God…like communion (or if you go on next Paul talks about Spiritual Gifts in the order of the church)…is important…and to be practiced...
All 3 of the ordered practices mentioned…head coverings…communion and Spiritual gifts...
Have a big…God…glorifying meaning…purpose…for the gathered church!
So Paul says...maintain these traditions…hold fast…own or take possession of tightly…do not let go of them…or change them...no matter what..
Then notice also this is not the first time Paul is telling them about the tradition of head coverings…he had already handed it down to them...
He had written to them before 1 Cor 5:9…that he had already written them a previous letter...
So then we ask…why is Paul writing this letter to them if they are already practicing it well…he tells us...
1 Corinthians 11:3 ESV
But I want you to understand that the head of every man is Christ, the head of a wife is her husband, and the head of Christ is God.
This is written and to be studied and taught…why?
So we would better understand headship…it is important for us to maintain this tradition and how it is handed down...
So here we are…often this text is said to be confusing…but I want to ask you a question…does not the HS write in verse 3 that He wants us to understand this…so to claim it is confusing…no excuse to ignore or disobey it…if it remains confusing it is something un us that is causing confusion…God is not a God of confusion and His Word is clear…especially in a text where He tells us…I want you to understand this…if the HS wants us to understand…and has written many reason for us to understand…we should be able to understand...
And what is it that God wants us to understand when we maintain the practice of this tradition as delivered?
Headship…Christ over man…husband over wife…Father God over the Son…Jesus Christ...
As we will see…but first look at how many times the word head is used in the text...
V3 head head head
v4 head head
v5 head head head
v6 head head head
v7 head
v10 head
v 13 head
God is wanting us to understand a deep, powerful Spiritual truth…that has been lost in the modern church...
So let us ask...Why is this so important to God that we understand and maintain this practice?
Depending on how you break up the text…Paul gives 3-4 grounds…
What is a ground? It is a foundational truth that gives reason to a statement or practice...
Here we see 4 very important reasons for maintaining…holding fast…standing firm in this practice...
What are those 4 reasons?
Reason 1…the main reason…the very purpose of this tradition…and how it is practiced shows its purpose...
Reason #1…Headship and Creation Order
1 Corinthians 11:3 ESV
But I want you to understand that the head of every man is Christ, the head of a wife is her husband, and the head of Christ is God.
Reason number one to hold fast…not let go of or change this tradition in all the churches of God...that men should not cover and women should cover...is that it shows God’s created order and the goodness and wisdom and importance of Headship!
Jesus Christ (begotten not created) knew who his head was…who was His covering…who was leading Him? The Father God!
So every man should know that his head…his primary covering is Christ…whose head is the Father God...
And therefore, every woman who is a follower of Jesus will be covered by her head…if married her husband…he is her primary covering…AND EXTREMELY IMPORTANTLY…her husband…is not the ultimate head…because his head is Jesus whose head is the Father God! The creator...authority and leader of all things!
So for this practice, God’s Word appeals to headship and order...which is not only for Corinth but is...principial…for all believers...
This is why he says this is a universal church practice to be maintained by all churches of God…the practice of head covering...
So to argue against this first point...would be to say we no longer need to understand headship and the created order God has put in place…
That we no longer need to remember and continually demonstrate it…to ensure it will be...handed down to future generations…and of course that is critically important…and a deficiency in the modern church…likely related in part to our canceling of this tradition...
To change it is to say...that we have figured out a better (more subtle or culturally acceptable) way to ensure God is glorified in this tradition He has ordained and delivered for all the churches...
We have seen since sermon 1 in this series…God created us male and female with this order…so that we would have dominion in God’s creation!
It is often said that head-coverings were practiced in Corinth because the women were sexually immoral or some pagan practice was happening…or they were confused about the Biblical roles of men and women…or what haircuts to get...and we need to see…
Paul does not give any of those as reasons…we will see he gives 4 much higher and deeper reasons...so we do not need extrabiblical reasons…
Paul gives us 4 deep and excellent reasons in the text...
And even if He did give those other reasons as the reasons for head covering…sexual immorality…prostitution…and women wanting to be men...all those things are happening in our culture…right now…so that would mean like in Corinth…we should undoubtedly practice the tradition of covering…if those were the biblical reasons…they would apply to us…in our culture...
Reason 1 is God wants us to understand headship and creation order...
He then explains further…and introduces the physical practice of the traditions...
1 Corinthians 11:3–9 ESV
But I want you to understand that the head of every man is Christ, the head of a wife is her husband, and the head of Christ is God. Every man who prays or prophesies with his head covered dishonors his head, but every wife who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonors her head, since it is the same as if her head were shaven. For if a wife will not cover her head, then she should cut her hair short. But since it is disgraceful for a wife to cut off her hair or shave her head, let her cover her head. For a man ought not to cover his head, since he is the image and glory of God, but woman is the glory of man. For man was not made from woman, but woman from man. Neither was man created for woman, but woman for man.
So reason #1 this is to be practiced as the church gathers is because of the importance of Headship…as also seen in God’s created order...
1 Corinthians 11:7–9 ESV
For a man ought not to cover his head, since he is the image and glory of God, but woman is the glory of man. For man was not made from woman, but woman from man. Neither was man created for woman, but woman for man.
Because God created men and women the way we have seen…purposefully in the order He has created us...man and woman were created in the garden…man first...
Then woman…from man and for man…man as head…woman as helper...under his leading and covering (protection)…
This will be a struggle for us because of the curse…so...
This practice of covering to remind us of headship and order…so it is a grace from God...
Here is this physical tradition to be practiced when the church gathers...to remind ourselves and the world and our children of God’s created order…lest we forget...
And be overtaken by the curse…
And so to show this…inn the gathering…when men pray or prophesy…their head should not be covered...
I the gathering…when women pray or prophesy…their head should be covered...
The Word here for cover in verses 5 and 6...katakalyptos…only used here in 1 Cor 11…means to come down from the head...the Word when used in the Septuigint - Greek OT…meant to cover from on top of…to come down from...
Other forms of this word in the NT always mean to cover something else…not as the same thing…but to be over or on another thing...
Luke 8:16 (“No one after lighting a lamp covers it over with a container”);
Matthew 8:24 (“the boat was covered with the waves”); metaphorically, to be on top of...
We know that a cloth veil or shawl coming down from the top of the head is what most Christians for all time (until modern time) have known that word in that verse to mean…including the Corinthians…
I want you to look at verse 3 again...
Did you notice in verse 3 after saying…the head of the wife is her husband…it says…seemingly out of order…that the head of Christ is God…why is that one put at the end?
To remind women (and men) that headship is not worth...we do not think lesser of Christ who submitted in all things to the Father...
So in a way…both the man and woman in this practice of headship are showing the glory of Christ...
Man…as head of woman....like Christ is head of man...
Woman under the headship of man…as Christ submitted to the Father in all things…as we are also told in Ephesians 5...
So by ignoring this tradition we are playing into the curse…and causing contention...
And WORSE....way way WORSE we are missing awesomeness, power, and freedom…and glory…and a YES from God to the women of the church…God here saying to us...
Women can publically in the gathering of the church in proper order...pray and prophesy…with the protection of being covered...
This was to be seen as beautiful…glorious...liberating freedom…for the women of the early church...what has happened that we see it s the opposite?
John Bunyan (Pilgrims Progress) once said…of this tradition…in about 1650...
“For this cause ought the woman to have power”, that is a covering, “on her head, because of the angels” 1 Corinthians 11:10…Methinks, holy and beloved sisters, you should be content to wear this as power or a badge…”~ John Bunyan (1628-1688)
Power…freedom…to be under covering and yet free to pray and prophesy…in the gathering...
So…in this physical tradition handed down…God uses what we do with our physical heads as way to remind us of this foundational truth when we gather...
But also warning us in the same text...that we can dishonor God and disgrace this truth by the way we handle and practice this tradition…or don’t...
May we not buy into the curse…because according to verse 7 what is at stake? Glory...
Reason #1…headship and creation order...
Reason #2. Because of the angels.
1 Corinthians 11:10 ESV
That is why a wife ought to have a symbol of authority on her head, because of the angels.
WHAT! We already saw that glory is at stake in the way we maintain this tradition...
What kind of glory are we missing out on if we ignore this practice…given reason number 2 for a woman to have a covering on her head…because of the angels…for reals...
This is a reason for this obligation…ought to…there means…bound by...for women...
To have authority…on her head...
So…not hair…more on this later...not because of culture…but a symbol of authority on her head…why?
Because the angels are watching…if that is not exciting to us we are missing something!
So now for us to argue against this practice...would be to say…no more angels? Or that angels watching us does not matter anymore...
1 Timothy 5:21 ESV
In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus and of the elect angels I charge you to keep these rules without prejudging, doing nothing from partiality.
This is a theme…the angels are watching to see how we obey God’s rules…without prejudging…
I ask…are you coming into this sermon without prejudging?
Oh how that applies to head coverings…angels are watching so obey God’s rules…without prejudging...
So again! Let the word speak to us...Why?
1 Corinthians 11:10 ESV
That is why a wife ought to have a symbol of authority on her head, because of the angels.
So then why would angels be watching to see if we trust God in obeying Him in headship and creation order without prejudging it and without contending against it?
Because angels have seen this go badly…when the devil refused to obey God without prejudging and rebelled agains this very truth...God’s creation order and headship…
Jude 6 (ESV)
And the angels who did not stay within their own position of authority,
This is how the devil tempted eve…you will be like God…if your disobey God…in this one thing...
That angels are watching to see if we will trust God is a common NT theme...
Peter in 1 Peter 1 and Paul in 1 Tim 5 and earlier in this same letter…Paul tells us...
1 Corinthians 4:9 (ESV)
...we (are) a spectacle to the world, to angels, and to men.
The angels are looking on to see how the we men and women of the church will obey God…when it comes to headship and order in the church...
They are watching us…to see if we will also rebel? Or will we show our trust in God by maintaining this tradition as it was delivered...when we gather to worship God?
What do we do when we gather as a church? We Worship God in the presence of God...
What do we do in worship and where do we get that from?
Not from culture or other churches or denominational statements…not from the reformers or our favorite pastor…who tells us how to Worship God?
Only God…and He does so in His Word…and in 1 Corinthians 11 He tells us to maintain this practice as we gather...
And not only is this for glory…but the angels are watching!
Church…we are only to reason #2…and this seals it and should motivate our very hearts...
That angels are watching is a powerful concept…see it again here...
Ephesians 3:7–10 ESV
Of this gospel I was made a minister according to the gift of God’s grace, which was given me by the working of his power. To me, though I am the very least of all the saints, this grace was given, to preach to the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ, and to bring to light for everyone what is the plan of the mystery hidden for ages in God, who created all things, so that through the church the manifold wisdom of God might now be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly places.
So the angels are seeing the wisdom of God as we obey and trust God in Headship and His creation order wisdom!
They are watching when we gather...watching for sinners to be saved…watching to see how God can take sinners and make them saints…watching to see if we will love and obey and glorify God…or if we will rebel like the demons did…because they did not want to obey…or especially submit…especially to God’s headship and order...
1 Corinthians 11:10 ESV
That is why a wife ought to have a symbol of authority on her head, because of the angels.
This also establishes it as a principial practice…
So any alternative way to maintain this tradition must tell this same truth!
Because angles are watching…it does not say simply the people of Corinth are watching…
1 Corinthians 11:10 ESV
That is why a wife ought to have a symbol of authority on her head, because of the angels.
I believe what is written next has a very specific purpose...
To stop this truth from this being wrongly used…abused...
Paul next removes the possibility…of abusing this practice...
1 Corinthians 11:11–12 ESV
Nevertheless, in the Lord woman is not independent of man nor man of woman; for as woman was made from man, so man is now born of woman. And all things are from God.
So do not think that the women are somehow less image bearers…because God has created man and woman with order...
Men do not think headship is equal to worth…or that when women are called to submit…and cover....that it is because having man as head makes women less important...
We would never say Christ is less important or worthy....
So for a man to ever use headship to abuse or demean a woman…is sin and wrong…Jesus would never do that to those He is head of!
Also don’t forget this is not a rule made up by man…but all things…including this practice of head covering…all things are from God…to this is good and glorious...
Reason #2…because of the angels...
John Chrysostom (about 400 A.D.), wrote,
“…the business of whether to cover one’s head was legislated by nature. When I say “nature,” I mean “God.” For he is the one who created nature. Take note, therefore, what great harm comes from overturning these boundaries! And don’t tell me that this is a small sin.”[4] ... “The angels are present here . . . Open the eyes of faith and look upon this sight. For if the very air is filled with angels, how much more so the Church! . . . Hear the Apostle teaching this, when he bids the women to cover their heads with a veil because of the presence of the angels.
Which leads into...
Reason #3. Nature.
1 Corinthians 11:13–15 ESV
Judge for yourselves: is it proper for a wife to pray to God with her head uncovered? Does not nature itself teach you that if a man wears long hair it is a disgrace for him, but if a woman has long hair, it is her glory? For her hair is given to her for a covering.
​If we forget that Paul is laying out the reasons for head coverings we will read this as an excuse to not cover…which it is most definitely not…but the opposite…
Nature is the 3rd reason the Word of God gives us for us to maintain the tradition of covering in the gathered church…
First creation order…then angels…now…he appeals to nature…
Do not think Mother Nature…but God’s natural law...
Paul is saying…as a 3rd reason for to maintain the practice of head coverings…as we gather as the church...
Just look and see that this same practice (truth) is happening in the natural world…by how God naturally created women...
Again...not look to what is happening in Corinth…but look to nature...
So creation…angels…now nature...
Why should women put a veil or cloth on their head…to remind and show us what nature already shows us…in believers and unbelievers…in and out of the church…
A superficial and incorrect reading of this has introduced the falsehood that hair is the head-covering God is talking about as the tradition…that is most certainly not what the Word of God is saying...
This is one of the main false contentions to head-coverings in our day…saying that Paul was talking about all Christian women having long hair as their head covering...
Here we see…this can not be hair…hair is actually ruled out by this verse...
Paul is saying a symbol…a cloth…IS to be used as covering…reason #3...
Because even nature agrees…that women should look different…and be covered...
So hair as the covering makes zero logical sense…because it is given as a reason for a head covering...
Paul is clearly referring to, a veil or some sort of cloth, covering…coming down from…And then saying...
Just like nature teaches us that men and women are different...
So when He says judge for yourselves he is not saying you just decide…he is saying come on…even nature shows us…and obeys this truth...
To show what he means by “judge for yourselves”...
For example Harlan takes out taser and Sam is like I want to be tased…and Harlan is like…it is going to hurt! And sam is like I don’t believe you…so Harlan says judge for yourself…and then shows him the truth…by giving a reason for him to believe...
There are 3 other reasons hair cannot be the head-covering...
The first I already showed…it is a ground…a reason…so it can not be the thing…nature and hair are given as a reason to wear a covering in the church...
Boots (cloth head covering) and socks (hair)...John want to go out in the snow…he has bare feet…I say john at least put on boots…he says no I will put on socks as my covering…I say yes John socks are an example of a covering…for another purpose…but boots are the proper covering for this other situation…to show that you understand the snow will give you frostbite...I say you should cover with boots in the snow…and doe you need me to tell you why? I say…you wear socks in the house to cover your feet and keep them warm…so like that wear boots in the snow to keep them warm and dry…
And if John said…I still think socks are the covering...
We would be like…John?!?
The sock (like hair) is another type of covering…but not the proper covering...
If you are still not be convinced that it is not hair as the covering…this next one seals the deal…
Paul literally says hair is not the veil…covering...
The word for covering in verses 5 and 6 and the word translated covering in 15 are different words...When describing the covering in...
1 Corinthians 11:5 ESV
but every wife who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonors her head, since it is the same as if her head were shaven.
Unveiled head...ἀκατακάλυπτος…as we saw it is the word akatakalupto…a meaning not veiled…no cloth coming down from...
“not veiled: 1 Corinthians 11:5, 13.”
However a different word is used for covering in verse 15…when talking about hair…so the Word of God is not saying hair is the veil…but hair is an example of another place God shows this truth with hair instead being a robe type covering...
So we can not say hair is the veil because Paul says it is something else...
1 Corinthians 11:14–15 ESV
Does not nature itself teach you that if a man wears long hair it is a disgrace for him, but if a woman has long hair, it is her glory? For her hair is given to her for a covering.
It is unfortunate that most translations use the same word covering…in verse 15…but you will notice it does not say…the covering…but a covering...
If it meant hair was an option or a head-covering veil…the Word of God would plainly tell us…and would have said the hair is the…katakalupto...
But remember this is not what he is trying to say…he is saying nature shows us something about covering that points to why we would cover women's heads with a cloth veil as the church...
This is a different covering to show the same truth in a different way....hair here is a...
The word translated “covering” in 1 Corinthians 11:15: (“her hair is given to her for a covering”) is peribolaion.
Defined this word as: “that which is thrown around, to be a covering; in NT, (a) a mantle: Ps 102:26...Like a robe (Heb 1:12) or a wrap or clothing...In other words…hair is an example that nature shows us covering…like a robe…for womanliness and modesty...
But a different covering than the veil…which is to show headship and authority...
If Paul were saying that the hair is the covering he would no doubt…without confusion…to not cause contention say that the hair is the katakalupto…the veil...
But he doesn’t say that…so we can not either...
I will remind you…if hair was the covering…then we would still need to apply that to the gathering of the church…especially when women would pray or prophesy...
Paul is saying here nature shows us another example of covering…to support this other veil of covering...Women should wear a veil on her head…and not disgrace man…her husband…or God...
And Nature gives a similar example…to supports this tradition…this practice of head-covering…
God has given women long hair to robe them in beauty…and wrap them in modesty...
And the head-covering is to show God…the church…the angels that we trust the goodness of headship and Creation order in the church...
So clearly to wear a cloth veil or shall or some type of cloth coming down from the top of the head is what God’s Word is saying and it is what the Corinthians understood Paul to mean…to wear a veil…cover...
If it meant hair…then it would just say…women have long hair…and the Corinthians would have all grown out their hair…but we know historically that was not how they practiced this tradition in Corinth…or any of the churches planted by the apostles...
We have a historical account to show this to us...
There is a book written by Tertullian about 200 years after Paul wrote this letter…so not that long after Paul wrote this letter…but a few generations later...
”On The Veiling Of Virgins”…
I want us to know something historical that he tells us in the book...
Tertullian is explaining that this text teaches that all women (married or unmarried) should wear a cloth covering…the rising question at the time was should this only be for married women…even hundreds of years later they did not question if…but whom?
Since the word is translated wife in the ESV is the the greek word…gyne…meaning woman…the question was…is it only referring to wives…or all women?
Tertullian in that book argues from Scripture that it should be the practice of all women and then he makes a reference 200 years later to the church now in Corinth. Historically telling us...that the practice in the churches of his day…including still the Corinthians...
Who were disciples of Paul…who recieved this very letter of the Bible from Paul...
Hundreds of years later they were still practicing head covering with a veil or shawl…coming down from the top of the head...for all women in the church, not just married women.
So to say Paul meant something else or that he meant hair…or any some other substituted thing...would be to say the Corinthians who read this letter we are reading…misheard Paul…and got it wrong…
And that when Paul came to visit them 2 times after this letter that he would have seen them wearing the coverings and corrected them and say…didn’t y’all know I meant hair...
Then, it is important for us to consider the fact that...from the time Tertullian publishes that book, up until really the 20th century, (about 60-100 years ago) you have the universal church for the most part...practicing what Tertullian argued for and what Paul had clearly laid out in the Word of God for all the churches in all places...
It was the near universal practice of all the churches of God, up until the mid-1900s…
Most of you know what happened in the mid 19 hundreds...the modern feminist movement…which inarguably has infiltrated the church...
The removal of head coverings in the church seems to go along with the feminist movement…the sexual revolution…and the changes in the church including women preaching in the church (clearly unbiblical)…and eventually homosexuality in the church...
This pattern should bother us...
So now...when we discuss head-covering…or consider head covering…anyone who covers is by many viewed as the weirdo…or legalist or has a problem...
When in reality for the majority of the history of the church of our God in time and place…for a church to not practice this tradition made you and oddball...and was thought to be contentious disobedience…to not practice this until about 60-100 years ago would have been seen by manny as rebellion to the Word of God!
The overwhelming majority practice has been that the women covered with a cloth on top of their head...
Fortunately for us...God is gracious and as Paul usually writes…he does not just say…do this…but He says why…and grounds it in what the Lord had told Him and gives us a grand and glorious reasons…
We should obey God even if not given the reasons...but we are given multiple reasons so that we understand why this tradition was handed down as delivered to be practice by the churches of God...
We are not only told…women should wear head coverings when they pray or prophesy in the gathering of the church...
We are told 4 grand reasons the Lord would have us practice this…in all the churches of God...
NONE of the reasons given...have anything directly to do with what is happening in the culture…in Corinth…with prostitution or even sexual immorality...
Not a single reference to any of that…not one…that should bother us…who believe the Bible to be sufficient!
So reason #3…God shows the distinction of men and women naturally…so we should practice it in the church traditionally...
All leading to reason #4...
Reason #4. All of God’s church’s practice this.
1 Corinthians 11:16 ESV
If anyone is inclined to be contentious, we have no such practice, nor do the churches of God.
This is not just for the church in Corinth…that is never implied…this is not simply to combat pagan practices…that is never stated...This is not for the first century…This is not just for women who want to be extra holy or love to be legalistic…or are weak in their faith...
This is not just or women but also for men…to practice!
Men show their honoring to God and the headship of Christ when they do not cover their heads in the gathered church…to pray and prophesy...
This is a universal truth therefore this practice or tradition is to be maintained as delivered by Paul to the church in Corinth...by all the churches of God...
By the time of this letter Paul had taught on 2 continents and many countries…to Jews and Gentiles...
And he taught this tradition…to all the churches of God…so where did this come from...
The Holy Spirit…who thinks this is important and wants us to understand...
Verse 16 is that same HS (through Paul) saying…to anyone in Corinth…or any church of God...
Do not contend against this practice…but be unified in your holding fast to this tradition…to show the glory of God in creating us male and female…for dominion…
Men as head…Woman as helper...
With Creation Order as a grace to us…so we should celebrate it as the gathered church!
Again...the Words of John Chrysostom (about 400 AD) To oppose this teaching on head coverings is contentiousness, which is irrational.
The Corinthians or us Americans might object, but if we do so, we are going against the intended practice of the church. All the churches of God!
1 Corinthians 4:17 ESV
That is why I sent you Timothy, my beloved and faithful child in the Lord, to remind you of my ways in Christ, as I teach them everywhere in every church.
This is for everyone…everywhere in every church...
It is very dangerous and a slippery slope we do not want to be on...to apply an argument against something the Bible is teaching and giving a reason other than what Bible is giving us…to disobey God...
There is much more to say and details to be worked out…but for now...
Remember that just before this teaching in this same letter Paul had said....
1 Corinthians 10:31 ESV
So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.
Not for our glory…yes…this is simply a piece of cloth or the absence of it...
Which according to the HS…this cloth…is telling a grand and glorious truth…that the angels long to see…and the demons hate...
Headship...instituted by God as a powerful act of obedience and a display of a foundational biblical truth…
Genesis 1:27 ESV
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.
Some will say…well isn’t this just a heart issue...
So I ask..
Don’t most biblical traditions have symbolic physical representations of glorious truths?
What about the unleavened bread of the passover...
What about anointing with oil?
What about communion…isn’t communion just bread and the cup???
What if week after week I sat out communion and you asked me why and I said…I am practicing communion in my heart from now on...
Besides the bread and cup don’t mean the same thing in our pagan gentile culture...
Or would we say to that…to not join with the gathered church in the traditional practice of communion is saying something about my heart...
What would we say if someone said…I don’t want to get baptized…it is just water…is that not a heart issue?
To these I think we would say we should say the same thing Paul says about any who would not want to maintain the practice of head covering as a Christian...
Over the course of this series, we have established…studied…and shown the importance of headship…that man was created to lead…provide…protect…and in the dominion commission…woman as man’s helper...was created to submit…nurture…and respect...
We have seen the importance of headship in creation…the attack upon headship at the fall…we know that the devil and his demonic forces fell due to their desire for headship...dominion…and that right now the angels are watching as we the church show the glory of God by our Holy obedience to him…until the day He returns for us!
We have seen that the distinctions of and roles of man and woman in general and in marriage are purposeful and powerful...
As properly displayed in marriage, we have seen that manhood and womanhood is to be a physical picture of the relationship between Christ and the church...
And over the last two weeks, we have seen that manhood and womanhood and their associated roles also flow into the church…the household of God...
And today, we have seen that like manhood and womanhood in marriage is a physical representation…display of the loving leadership of Jesus over the church…and the submission of us the church to Jesus as our Lord and Master...
We also know and will soon practice the physical tradition of the bread and cup of communion…
And now we see the Lord has set before us a tradition to show the glory of headship and creation order in the gathering of the church...
A truth this world desperately needs the church to show...
We now see the physical demonstration of it as practiced by the church…and handed down as a tradition…like ofter traditions with a physical component…to help us remember…to show and to teach this glorious truth each time we gather together…and hand this dominion-securing truth down to generations to come...
A truth we should celebrate!
That much it would be difficult to disagree with...
So then, the question we are left with is not should God’s people practice this tradition…as Paul says…all the churches of God should practice it...
The question before us is how should the NT church practice this tradition in a way that shows our care for…love of…and trust in God’s created order…and desire to obey Him in everything...
As Paul has laid out the practice…of men uncovered when praying or prophesying…and women covered when praying our prophesying...
Some of us…including me…and most Christians for all time have believed that this is the intended way to practice this tradition...
The wearing of a cloth covering for women down from the head…in the gathering of the church to Worship the Lord…especially when praying or prophesying...
The problem with most objections is not only are they not Biblically supported…
Maybe the bigger problem is that they end up canceling out the point and the practice of the tradition...
So if one is to conclude that some other cultural display would be appropriate for the practice of head covering…it would have to tell the same truth and display it physically for the church…and the angels…and all to see…and apply it properly to allow the women obediently to pray and prophesy when we gather...
So a ring, for example, tells the truth of a one-flesh commitment between a man and woman in marriage…but does not tell anything of headship…unless a man were to take off his ring in the gathering and a woman was to wear hers on her head...
And as we have seen, hair is canceled out by the text itself…
So this leaves us with 2 options...
1. The practice of head-covering as delivered in the Bible…and practiced for most of the history of the church…women wearing a cloth down from the head...
2. Some other physical tradition that tells the same truth when we gather and the women pray and prophesy.
How will this play out in Revival?
Well the reasons given for us to practice this tradition are glorious and timeless…therefore the practice itself is glorious and timeless...
Some (including Elissa and I) are convinced this is to be practiced…with a head covering...
I also love you…all of you and know some are hearing this for the first time and should have time and grace to go to the Word…ask questions…and allow the HS to guide us to the truth...
This Wednesday...
And if others still, after hearing this, refuse to practice this tradition…we as a church, to maintain unity, would need the HS to lead us…in that as well…I am confident He will...
But as we have seen in the last 2 weeks from the Word...based on what the Word says…to completely close the door on this practice…this physical tradition...is also to close the door on women verbally and openly ministering to the Body of Christ…or allowing them to do so unbiblically...
Although not sold this way on our day…1 Corinthians 11 is powerful…liberating…New Testament opportunity…a friend of all women…allowing them to contribute to the gatherings of the Body of Christ…the church...
I believe as we pray and consider and are lead by God to properly and awesomely practice this tradition as a church…we will see the HS move in ways we have not...
We will have the women participating in this ministry in ways that we have not…and unlike the unbiblical practices of the world…and the Worldly church...
We, the set apart...church of God, will show the beauty and glory of women filled with the Spirit…free to pray and prophesy in the church…to the glory of God…and Christ our head…and even…for the angels...
Let me remind you that if you do not fully understand all the depths of why God would have us do this…is that reason to not obey?…no it just puts you in good company…because if you all understand all of the mystery of this perfectly…then I taught it better than Paul did the first time he taught it in Corinth…which I certainly did not...
I would advise you with the words of RC Sproul…if you are still uncertain...
“Sometimes, after we have studied the background of a text thoroughly, we are still not sure whether it is giving us a principle or a custom. But it is better to treat a custom as a principle than a principle as a custom. If we think a custom is a principle, we are only guilty of being overtly scrupulous. However, in disregarding what is really a principle because we say it is a custom, we disobey God. When faced with unclarity, treat the biblical teaching as if it is a principle.”
I want to end with reading the text from a different translation…the NLT…a more paraphrased…more gender-neutral interpretation…so we might expect it to change or soften the language here…but their goal was to remain Biblically accurate by not making texts gender-neutral if it was evident to them what God intended…
So remember, if, at all possible, the NLT removed gender specificity and made texts gender-neutral...
So How does the NLT translate this text?
Instructions for Public Worship
I am so glad that you always keep me in your thoughts, and that you are following the teachings I passed on to you. But there is one thing I want you to know: The head of every man is Christ, the head of woman is man, and the head of Christ is God.[a] A man dishonors his head[b] if he covers his head while praying or prophesying. But a woman dishonors her head[c] if she prays or prophesies without a covering on her head, for this is the same as shaving her head. Yes, if she refuses to wear a head covering, she should cut off all her hair! But since it is shameful for a woman to have her hair cut or her head shaved, she should wear a covering.[d]
A man should not wear anything on his head when worshiping, for man is made in God’s image and reflects God’s glory. And woman reflects man’s glory. For the first man didn’t come from woman, but the first woman came from man. And man was not made for woman, but woman was made for man. 10 For this reason, and because the angels are watching, a woman should wear a covering on her head to show she is under authority.[e]
11 But among the Lord’s people, women are not independent of men, and men are not independent of women. 12 For although the first woman came from man, every other man was born from a woman, and everything comes from God.
13 Judge for yourselves. Is it right for a woman to pray to God in public without covering her head? 14 Isn’t it obvious that it’s disgraceful for a man to have long hair? 15 And isn’t long hair a woman’s pride and joy? For it has been given to her as a covering. 16 But if anyone wants to argue about this, I simply say that we have no other custom than this, and neither do God’s other churches.
How much glory are we missing out on if we do not practice this tradition as the church of God?
At the very least…the glory of the truth that God made us male and female…in His image…but wonderfully distinct…head and helper...
For dominion…for our joy...for His glory…and to show even the angels...
That God is wise and to be trusted…His order and headship are good...
And Jesus is the Messiah…our head…who fully submitted to His head…the Father...
By going to the cross and dying for our sin…and rising again in power…to put sin and death to death…so that we can be sure of our salvation…and righteous in our living…as we await His return! As the angels watch us and rejoice...
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