Sermon Tone Analysis
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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
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Social Tendencies
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> .9
Barbie and the 26 chapter today and I want to encourage you to stay after for a fellowship time.
But also our Sunday school out.
We going to have the youth joining us as well.
And we're going to hear from the farmers and I believe we even get to hear from your kids on some of the stuff that's going on in a video type before Matt.
So looking forward to that encourage you to to stay for that time and and be blessed as, as you told their eye.
I read through this chapter numerous times as I Was preparing and it occurred to me.
As we come to the scriptures often.
And I find myself doing goofy conversations in studies and discussions and engagement with others.
I find that I I find the negative.
Sometimes I'm really good at coming to a passage and pointing out that that wasn't very Godly or old looking at an individual's life and going Sheen.
And in this, this negative approach finding the falls in those that were studying and looking at a tendency from time to time and I don't know if you've ever had that same dilemma.
I don't know about you but it makes me feel better.
I look at a passage that I haven't done that.
If you know, I'm pretty good.
You know, I am looking at those different things and scripture.
We compare ourselves with, look at this altar, we build ourselves up.
I mean think about is you gone through Genesis with me as we've been going through.
I mean, how many of you have gone and told people around you that your wife was your sister?
I hope none of you.
I mean, really, we're looking for a weirdo.
Well, and how many of you have you wanting children going sleep with another woman and have a baby.
I mean, we look at that we're going well.
I'm doing pretty good and so on and so forth.
We look at the Call Ann, and we build ourselves up to it.
And another we shouldn't see those things.
But when we tend to have that attitude Even in our day-to-day watch, don't we?
I mean, think about the things we we fine.
So thrilling.
I mean, why is Gossip so clearly because we were talking about, we're discussing the negative things.
About somebody else who makes us feel better about ourselves right or the media.
Have you noticed.
How much is the media?
Is all the time?
Why are they that way?
Why are they sharing all these War? Things because media wants you to look and we are enticed by it drawn to that.
It can even roll over sometimes and tricker over into our parenting.
As we as we raise our children, we can see the faults and we addressed their fault.
We discipline their fault, but we failed to see the things that they are doing.
Well, and In, Praise them, Does we come to this passage today?
I have Moana.
I want to just caution us to approach it.
Observing The Faults that we're going to see in Isaac.
Notice those things.
But I also want you and I praise the good that we stay.
To, to look at it and apply the things that they received a good.
Worthy demonstrated in Isaac's life in and apply those things to our life.
Cuz we begin chapter 26, keep that in mind and go easy on Isaac.
Is if your wife was summarized basically into chapters of the Bible and it had to record everything, what would be recorded of your life?
What would you want a final summation of who you are and the person that you were based off of that?
Elizabeth approach.
Today's passage in imbalance and I want us to look at two things and consider two things as we look at chapter 26.
First of all, what is it when you need to learn about?
This passage not from it, but about this passage the context of the things that are going on in Genesis, that help us get a better picture of what is it is that is real, as they are going into the promised land reading through.
Hearing these words that their understanding of why God is doing this.
Why does sharing mean you're going to get a bigger picture and look at what we can learn?
But then I want us to look at what we Can apply from this passage?
That way we can always come to scripture and and look at it scripture and apply something from it.
For my line, there, certain passages that are very difficult to have any application.
They're necessary.
It's in their God, gave it to us for a reason and all honesty.
There's some chapters.
I probably will never preach teach and study.
Yes, but not free.
But today is passage is preached worthy.
As we look at Genesis chapter 26.
I want us to remember.
Abraham is dead.
We, we are now we are now looking at Isaac's wife.
And in all the promises that that God gave to Abraham, we are now beginning to look at how they will be fulfilled and and brought out to Isaac's life.
So keep that in mind.
As Israel is observing.
This is looking at Abraham's no longer on the scene.
What about these promises?
And that's where we begin in 26:1.
Look at what it says.
She's a beautiful, beautiful pass it.
Now there was a famine in the land.
Besides the previous famine in the days of Abraham and Moses is letting the people know, this is a different salmon.
This is a different season of of a struggle, not the one in Abraham's day.
This is new ticer and it goes on.
Do Isaac, when Seguerra height, King of the Philistines, the Lord appeared to him and said not go down to Egypt bambalam, which I tell you, which I shall tell you.
So gern in this land and I will be with you and bless you for to you and to your descendants.
I will give all these lands and I will establish the oath which I swore to your father.
I will multiply your descendants stars of heaven and would give your descendants all these brands.
By your descendants, all nations of the Earth.
Shall be blessed because Abraham obeyed.
Me, and kept my charge, my commands, my statue, my lawn.
We come Merced says so Isaac.
Live in Guerra.
Racine immediate obedience.
Scripture is is confirming for us.
Isaac is the one that this blessing and This Promise is being passed on through.
We've misread where where God told Abraham, Isaac was the son of promise.
But here, now at any imagine being Isaac and your wife struggled to have children in and God bless with with twins, but now you're wondering, am I really the one that's that's going to be carrying on this promise you?
Oh, my God.
Talk to my dad.
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