Where is YOUR There?

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And the word of the Lord is blessed day, man. Let's pray, father in Jesus name. God. We thank you on today. God we glorify your irreverence you Lord Jesus. We thank you for another preaching teaching moment that we don't take this moment lightly. We know that you can put anyone in the seat so you can have anyone on this microphone God. I know what you know about me and God I know that I would have in my past never called me to this position and God sometimes even in my present. I wonder if I'm I'm worthy. But God, I'm so grateful that you do me. Like you did the prophet Isaiah. You allow hot coals to touch my lips to purify them, to be able to preach your word. Got you remove my mind and set the mind of Christ there that I would not give my opinions or my alarm. My emotions to spew out on the people. Got you, touch my heart. That's it might be filled with what it is that you desire for my, my heart to have now. Five. I pray that God your word will go forth to your people got that in my meet them, right, where they are. So grateful to God that your word doesn't expect us to come up and meet it. But God you send your word out to meet us and God, we are eternally grateful for that. So God, we pray that he that I have an ear. Let him hear what the spirit is saying to the church. We love you. We praise you. We give you honor. It is in Jesus name that we pray. Amen. Amen from the just read scripture of Genesis the 12th chapter and if you don't mind, there is a particular word that was continuously mentioned. And this particular passage and The word is there every time that Abram or 8. Yes. Abram actually got to a place. The Bible says, and when she got there, so from the adjust read, scripture of Genesis 12. I just want to speak to you from a simple topic. Where is your there? Where is your there? Because everybody has a ver that they need to try and get to a man. Everybody has a there that they are destined to to to get to it. It we normally calls it, our destiny. We normally call it our purpose but we all have a day are that we have to get to the challenges with many of us that we still don't know where there is. We we think we get there until we get there and we realized that there is not there that we intended to get to, is anybody walking with me about going too fast. We often times have a bear that we are in pursuit to get there. And then when we get there, we realize that there is not all it's cracked up to be.

Many times you all. We think we've arrived. They are already and we haven't moved out of our spot because we're comfortable with the Dare that we are in. We like the people at the daycare. We like what the day or does for us? But quite frankly you all that's not the there that's been destined for us. Why, why am I stuck on that word there? Because the word there fits everybody situation. See, I talked about some folks that are on here from Chicago. Thank God for you, Marissa. I see you on here. She's not from Chicago, but I just want to say. God bless you. God bless you. Christine Shannon. From a-z. Thank God for Francine Johnson, Ave and Washington. Thank God for you. And that I see you. Amen. And Gumbel gamble Dunmore. Thank God for you. Mother as McDougall. Thank God for you. My my doctoral coach. Amen. Doctor Kimberly, King in Chicago. Thank God for you on today. There's a reason why I called out some of those folks because they're in different destinations. I called out Washington. I called out of Chicago, Illinois. I called out Arizona. If I were to give an address. That was here in Largo or better yet. You know, we put out flyers up of different events that were doing it many times. You all will put the address and we won't put the city of State. And, you know, sometimes somebody can look. Especially in these. These pandemic times, we look to see where this event is taking place. Because now many events take place virtually. And sometimes you can get there if it's on a platform that you can get to sometimes, it's closed. And it is only for the folks that have access to it. All. I hear you talkin on today, but if we're talking about physical meetups. If I were to give an address, let's say to 253 119th Street in Largo.

The person in Chicago unless they're coming to Largo. Florida is not going to be able to get to it. The person in AZ Arizona, won't be able to get to it unless they're actually here Washington State when be able to get their readily accessible. They have to leave through a few more hoops. Even in your life, there can be different for different people. There may be as as I'm pursuing a doctoral degree. There may be starting your own business. There may be having a family and raising your children. There might be a new home for you. There might be relocation for you.

Everybody there may be different for when you use the word there. And what is where is your there? You know that there is a bear for you. Come on. Somebody's catching where I'm going. I know it sounds like I'm staying there a lot, but I need you to understand something. That everyone has their everyone has a destination. Everyone has a place. That is destined for you to reach.

Some there's take a little longer to get there than others ever have a place that you needed to get to and you map it out ahead of time to see how long it's going to take you to get there. I have to drive to Riverview 14 event yesterday, Marissa. That was Genesis 12. The first 9 verses

I have to go to Riverview yesterday for the event, and so the night before, and I had to be there early in the morning. So the night before I mapped it out to see how long it would take.

And the time said, roughly 38 to 40 minutes. But I have to take it to consideration you all, then when I mapped it out. It was outside of Rush, Hour wasn't morning, people weren't trying to get to their job, things of that nature. So I have to factor in some more time. God, I hear you talk and see some of us know, the barriers supposed to get to. Would you get discouraged because you figured you would be able to get to your there in this amount of time. I'll be able to get there in this month of time. That's what the the app told me. I'd be able to get there in this amount of time. That's how much time it took someone told to do it, to be able to get there in this amount of time simply because Simply because and then you don't get that. You get discouraged then what do you do? You don't try and get there you stay here.

But you all everyone has a dare. Everyone has a destination by which you are to get to end. The only way to get there is to leave Where You Are.

What are those steel where they are because we get complacent.

Why am I like two people? People know me here, you know, it's like the theme song from friends, not friends. I'm cheers. Sometimes you want to go, where everybody knows your name and they're always glad you came. You can't always be where everybody knows your name. Matter fact, some folks know your name and because they know your name they come slick out their mouth on your name. They speak against your name.

It quite frankly that might not be the place that God has called you to be.

So, complacency will cause you to not get to your their laziness. What? Cause you not to get to you're there? Laziness will cause you not to get to you there because you think that's too much work.

When people find out that I'm in school right now. They they go with. What are you doing? And I'll tell them about my process. They go who

That's, that's that's too much. I can't be doing all that.

Put something that's not worth fighting for is not worth having, can I say that again? And that's not my quote, that says something or somebody else there, but I'm going to use it right at this moment. Something that's not worth fighting for is not worth having.

If you can just get it easy. If you can just slide into it. What's the joy in that Worcester? And I'm not saying that everything doesn't come. You don't answer, you know, blessings will come and drop in your lap. What are some things that you got to work for some things you can fight for?

And you can't be lazy about it. Last thing and it's not even a point. He's not even points. But Imma get to the point of the sermon. Some folks won't move from where they are to get to there because they're afraid.

They're afraid. I don't know anything about there. I I don't know if it's getting. There is going to hurt me. I don't know if getting there is going to benefit me better than they care that I'm in right now.

But the only way to know that is for you to move from where you are to get to your there, from today's scripture from Genesis 12. The Bible says that God calls out every mouth in order to get a little backdrop to the store. You have to drop back to the end of chapter 11, and hear about Abraham's father Terror. Because Abraham was not the first one that was on his way to Canaan. The Bible says that heroin was supposed to be God. Tara, Tara was supposed to be going. But it says that he stopped. He stopped, and he was supposed to go to Canaan, but he stopped at Farrar.

What is says, if you look in chapter 11, verse 31? Towards the end of that verse, it says that Carol was set to go to Canaan. But when they came to her and they settled their, this isn't even the point. That can I help somebody on today? Some of you all were on your way to your there and you settled where you are right now, my God help me. You were on your way to your destiny. What you stopped? Where you are story? I see you. You stop right, where you were. Because you're tailing your there. Call Zulu language called you little bit of sweat. On your brow, may have caused you some tears. But you know, that, that wasn't you're there. You just stop and settle my God, you settled, where you came up on. But that was not the final destination of where you were to go. The Bible says that Terah Abraham's father, passed away. And that brings us to chapter 12 in Genesis, where the Bible says that the Lord spoke directly to Abram. It said go from your country, your people and your father's household to a land that I will show you. He didn't say go to Canaan. He just said you just keep walking and I'll show you where you're there is.

Now, you know, that wouldn't bode. Well for some of us matter fact is not voting for some of you. All right now because you will sit, you know, that there's more for you. You know that you're supposed to go somewhere. You know, that God is sending you out lunch and you out what? Because he won't give you the full plan. You won't go. Hi. We just talked about this on Friday night. You won't go because you can't see the entire plan, call you this. And you might not love me, LOL, but you have to love me at some point because it's a commandment you, a control freak.

Yeah, you are fuel control. Freak. You need to know where you're going. How you going to get there? Who going with you? How long is going to take you? And what's going to happen when you get there?

What was sit there all the time and singing. Anyway, you bless me. I'll be satisfied.

If you need anyone, send me. He, I am no.

You have limited availability to God. God is speaking to somebody on today, you give God limited availability. How do I parallel that goes? I'm not attacking you Marissa. It goes like this. Somebody tells you that they're having an event at their house. You start going through the Litany of questions. Alright, who going to be there? Or somebody call you Saturday. Having some at the house and come on. Come on. Through all over there. You got to know who all over there. Okay. Y'all got food or what? Y'all got. You got it. Look at y'all know how we are? We who made the potatoe salad. Come on.

We have to know all this stuff before we make a decision as to whether we going to run through or not. Can I charge you with something? God already knows what's best for you. And he's not going to send you into a situation. That is going to bring you to your end. Even while the children of Israel were in Exile and Jeremiah 29. He said, why you in Exile? I need you to build houses and I need you two to two married at and to prosper. I need you to to, to I need you to plant. It's a harvest and I need you to pray for those that got you an exile. Why am I telling you all of this? Because all of that came before, Jeremiah 29 and 11. That's the one you are like to shut off of. The plans I have for you to cleanse the Lord plans to prosper. You not to harm. You plan to give you a hope and an expected in or some person sex addict or future and future. We want to jump to that and Shout on that verse but he said all this stuff ahead of that.

You all God. Already knows the plans that he has for us and they are to prosper, not to harm. Now, in our eyesight and our perspective, it looks like it's harming us. But if you could keep your focus on the Lord, you will remember. That he said that he's not out to harm us. He's only out to prosperous. So so so we get to our there. How do we get there? What the first thing you got to recognize. We can learn this from April that he never saw anyone make it there before. He never saw anyone make it there before. Remember I just told you that's why I was pivotal that I gave you a little backdrop that his father was supposed to go. But his father settled. You, you watching other people to see how they made out going there. But they may have settled by you may be wanting to start a business and you know, somebody else that started that type of business in another region and they may sound, discouraging. I don't know bro. I don't know sis because when I did it X, Y and Z and they start telling you of all the problems that they ran into it, all the issues at all and you know, all the money they had to put out and all of that and then may have stopped and settled. But God is telling you to go and and don't settle go and do this. Go and do that go and put these things in place because don't settle. I've got something better for you. She quit looking for somebody else, who has already gotten there before you. If God sends you to it, there you go. To your, they're not looking to see who did what when they went there. What was going on when they got there? Why they didn't stay there. Come on, you need to get to your there. No one has gotten to their there, like you will get to your there.

No one because what God has for you. Yeah, I'm a grab from the song. What? God has for you. It's for you and you alone it is custom made for you.

Nobody will pursue their there. Like you pursue your there. No one will attain what that is there. Like you will attain. What is there? Never saw anyone get to that there before? But yet and still God called him to go to that there. And so what do the bible say that he did? The Bible says that he took his people, he took his wife. And and, and I'm reading the scripture. He took his wife and he took his a nephew and look. The Bible says that they took all of the possessions that they had accumulated at all. The people they had Acquired and her and they set out. For the land of Canaan. Now, that's not what God Said.

They set out for Canaan. But the verse said that, God told him to go to a land, which I will show you. Can I just say something to my points for. Can I just say this right quick? Don't. Mistake. What you think you're there is for what God knows, you're there is God help me out today. Don't mistake what you think you're there is for what God knows. You're there is Because we could have a Destiny or goal in mind.

And it's really not that is supposed to be something else. I always use the, well, I won't use that example. I'll use this one. When I first went for my Master's, I went for a master's in Divinity because that's that's what I want to do but started pastoring. Started pastoring and I started getting a lot of folks. The wonder that needed to come for counseling. And I want to make sure that I got it them correctly. So I didn't stop going for my masters of divinity. But I acquired. A masters in pastoral counseling on my way.

To my masters of the Bendy and then I got that message. I was like, okay, that's it.

Oh my God, I'm good. That's not you there. I could even go back further when I got license as a minister. That was it. That's all I need that too. I felt like that was my bear. I got I got a license. I'll be able to preach the gospel. I'm good. My big sister in the gospel. Pastor Cynthia Bridges. You got to get the goods. I'm sorry, what? You got to get the goods. What the what does that mean? You got to get ordained? Why? Why do I have to get ordained? Hypothetically, she said from where God is taking you. You cannot settle here. Who am I talking to yours? Might not be Ministry. Yours. Maybe a promotion on your job, but you seen other folks struggle with that position and you like they can do me like that. Now I'm at but that bear is not. You're there.

God is telling you you supposed to apply for a role and you like I'm not qualified. I've seen other people do it in faith, but you're there is not there there. God has told you to try to know. He's told you to go and start house hunting. And you tell a guy, what your credit is. Can I get up top that right quick? Can we please quit telling God with our limitations are? And we move based on his unlimited power, Hallelujah. If God tells you to do it then. Then God is not expecting you to tell you except for you to tell him all the reasons why you can't based on your limitations.

Tell me if you are still. Still have a tugging you to go to school. What you said that looking at all the season these and maybe a couple of apps that you had when you went High School saying, nope. Bugatti saying it's dick, but this is your time. I need you to go to school.

Put some of you all it is to start a non-profit. You see all the troubles in the issues that are out there, but you like I don't know. The first thing about starting a nonprofit know that I can. I'm not going to do that. I can't do that. You must be talking to somebody else. I'm supposed to help somebody else do it, but God gave you the plan blueprint.

Quit looking for someone else who has been in your there. Let me keep going, unless I keep you too long. Not only not only had he not ever seen anyone make it there before, but you all everyone trusted him, able to know how to get there. Everyone. Trusted April. I just told you was his wife. It was his nephew. It was all the people that he required and her. Are they all expected April? To know how to get there. Why is that important? Because God never told him where the lamb was?

But nobody said exactly, where are we going? Are we supposed to get there and how long? Cuz y'all know? That's all we would be. How long is that going to take?

And you say we drive it? Come on. Y'all know y'all know what I'm talkin about.

We'll sit there and we'll, I don't know. That's

How many people riding? How many people trailer wheel driving in that car? Y'all know how we do?

Because we're looking at. You know, who's the lead call? Do they know where they going? You know why they go and then when they go and ride it going this way.

Come on. Do you always got one that's going to break that train and going and speed pass everybody and go another route. Tell the truth. Y'all know y'all know somebody when I'm looking at you that look like it might be you. My God. But the people trusted Abram to know how to get there. And guess what you are. You know, how you got there. He got there, simply by trusting God. You have to trust God. God didn't tell you where you're going. He said go to a land that I will show you.

You've got to trust God on this dirty every step. That you were getting every step of the way of your journey. Some of us will be on our way to there. And because we think we know how to get there. We'll get ahead of God. We'll take another route that we think we'll get it there, quicker.

We get out of stuff. I will just flat-out, stop. Come on. I see you on that. I'll see you little rat. I'll see you Christine.

What's get out of stuff you are. We'll we'll act like or what I've gotten this far. I know. Okay, I'll do it like this cuz everybody does this. You have a map a place, you know, you map to get to a place cuz you never been there before and it might be a distance from your home. You get to that place, you do what you need to do. And then if you're anything like me, you might not be like me. If you don't find a distance and it's unknown to me and I don't sell it. Remember how I got up in there because I was relying on the GPS. I will turn on the GPS and put my destination to be home. And I will follow the GPS until I get to a familiar spot and then I turn the GPS off. So I got it from here. Anybody ever do that? But here's the deal. The GPS, the global positioning system is connected to satellites satellites that get information from other satellites other systems. So what ended up happening and I don't know what that happens on your GPS, but it happens on mind. If I keep the GPS on the GPS, will tell me if I'm coming up into an accident.

And tell me if there any detours, I can take. What if I turn the GPS off? I don't get the latest and greatest information. God speak to somebody in here. Sometimes we get to a familiar place and we don't listen to God anymore to hear about the obstacles to hear about the accident. Then hear about the delays in the traffic to hear about all the stuff that I'm getting to our destination and hear about addicts. Thank you hear about holy ghost or that we can take to get us to where we need to go, my God.

Yeah, because we think we know where we going. What you doing now. I'll see what I got. You I got it from here. Thank you. Now, what's going on?

I was feeling alone here, wait, and we do like everybody else. We trying to look over with Will laying out the window. See if we can see what's going on while we trying to draw. Come on. Y'all know what I'm talkin about to see if we can figure out what stopped us from getting to our there. But if you keep the GPS in this instance, it's the god positioning system. If you keep your GPS engaged, My God, it will give you the updates. Of your journey. The people. That are with you. The people that were with Abram, I expecting you to know how to get to your there. A room didn't know how to get to his dare. He had to keep his ear open to God's voice.

because truth be told, if some of us knew that there that God was taking us to

if they knew that their that God was taking us to Then they we we we oftentimes we can go there.

Am I telling the truth if you knew the whole outcome? A word is the guy was taking you. We wouldn't go. We wouldn't go. Hallelujah, but I'm so grateful that God gives us just enough light for the step that we are on. Hallelujah, to listen. Let me get to my other points for I keep you too long. Not only had a rule, never saw anyone. Go, go there. Make it there before. Not only was everyone trusting able to know how to get there, but you all only God knew. Where there was? Remember, he said you go to a land that I will show you only God knew where there was and can I encourage you right here? Only God knows where you're there.

Yeah, only God knows where you're there is.

So what do you need to do? You need to always stay in tune with what God is telling you, you need to make God a part of your decision-making, in terms of your journey. Every step of the way. Don't act like, you know, where you going. You don't? And you may end up being like Tara and settling as opposed to get into your there.

You got to get to you're there. But you got to stay connected to God in order to get to your there. A man because it is key. It is Padma. For us to get where God will have us to go. But how can we get where God where I was to go if we don't keep God. Right here in the pool front. Keep God in our ear, keep God or our heart.

In order to get to our there. We're brothers and my sisters, and some of us are on our way to there. We're on our way to there.

But was still kind of kludgy as to where that is. Does one last when I want to give you and then we're going to get out of here. So, not only again, the April never see, anyone make it there before, not only with the people that were with him, relying on him to know how to get there. Not only that God was not the only one to know how to get there. But you all you have to understand that a broom worshipped God. Every place you went, he didn't wait until he got there before he worshipped. God, some of us. Will do, you know, wolf. I tell you the praise. I'm going to put on this when I get to the end of that. No.

Walter Hawkins wrote a song that said don't wait till the battle is over. Shop now. Shout now. the Bible says, That everything. Every place that ever went. He worshipped God. It says, in verse 7 in verse 7, the bible says that the Lord appeared to Abram and said to your Offspring to your children. I will give this lady is. So what did able to do in response to that? He said, so we so he built an altar that to the Lord. I have been in verse 8. He said he went on from there towards the Hills East of Bethel and Pitch the tent. His tent with Bethel on the west and they are on the East and he did what he built an altar to the Lord and called on the name of the Lord. Every place that Abraham went. If you keep treating, you'll keep seeing it every place. He went he built an altar. And worship God.

You also the reason why I was some of us have to move where we were, is because you haven't even thank God for the place. You are right now, or I'm not making friends. You haven't worship God. You are right now. But you know how to not been for the Lord on your side. You would have made it there. So, how is it that you don't worship God for the place that you are? I perhaps if you was about to the place that you are, even though, you know, that's at the place that you go to end up that you will get enough. You will get more instructions on where you need to go next for worship God. In your right now, right? Where you are right now. Don't wait till you get to your ultimate there. You are? I don't know where you're there is. But I do know that there was a day or for you. But you cannot get to your they're staying at your here. You got to move out of your here to get to you're there. You don't have to know where you're there is, but you do need to know the god of your there. Let me say that again. You don't have to know where you're there is, but you do need to know the god of your there. Because you can sit and make plans all day and night, by this time. Next year. I will be married by this time next year. I might have a house by this time next year. I'm a start a business by this time. Next year. I don't have a promotion on my job. By this time, next year. I'm going to be in school by this time next year. And you have not consulted God on any of your plans.

You've got to know. You got to be a relationship with the god of your there.

If not, you're there might not be his there for you.

Where is your there? Do you know? If you don't. I know someone who does and he's waiting for you to ask for directions. Let's pray. Father, we glorify you God, we bless you. God. We thank you. We thank you God, because we realize and we acknowledge God that you were the one that orchestrates, our there. You are. The one God, that that tells us exactly where it is. You are the one God that will let us know. Let us know. Where is? We need to go when it is, we need to go who it is. We need to take with us. You, you are the one. Thank you. We bless you. We thank you for you knowing our there, even if we don't. Now. I pray. Those that are under the sound of my voice. Got it. They know that they have not arrived to their there. God, let your spirit quick and them through these Airways. God, that they would sense your presence in. There are a place right now so strong. God that you will give them Direction, you will give them. Peace. First of all, God piece of where they currently are. God, that you would let them know that you still have plans for them to reach their there. And God, I pray that they will connect with you in such a way. That they would never again decide to try and walk off and in reach a destiny, reach their there without you being there positioning system, without you being there GPS. And God, I also pray for the one that is listing. That doesn't have a relationship with you. The one that's that says, I know I've been doing this thing on my own. I know I'm trying to get you. But I recognize why I keep going in circles. I keep going in circles because I have not consulted, God, I keep going in circles because I have not asked him where my there is. I got our prayer open Heaven, over this online, sanctuary in over the social media Outlets over this worship experience. Got those that don't have a relationship with, you will come to get to know you in the part of this sentence. And God that they would ask you for the directions to they're there, and that they would trust you to get them there safely. It's all God bless you for and I give you a name phrase.

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