Instant Results
A generation of Christians has been raised in an instant society…able to reach and and touch the world over the computer in a matter of seconds. Able to follow a war development half-way around the world as it happens form an “Imbeded” reporter.The same generation of Christians is impatient of slower and less direct methods of reaching their goals.We have been trying to apply computer-age methods to our relations with Jesus Christ. We read our Bible chapter, we have our devotions and off we go, hoping to make up for our lack of a spiritual relationship with Jesus by attending another church service, Bible Study or Prayer Meeting.
The tragic results of this attitude are obvious and all around us: Shallow lives, hollow religious and irr-religious philosophies, the over-emphasis of the element of entertainment in our church services, the glorification of men, trust in religiocity instead of in relationship, salesmanship methods and seeker friendly models, the mistaking of a charismatic personality for the power of The Holy Spirit. We are so impatient to get results that we are willing to take it out of Christ’s hands and run with our or someone else’s idea of how to “Grow The Church”.These and such as these are the symptoms of an evil disease, a deep and serious sickness of the soul... and the soul of the church in America.