It's Time

Mighty Hero Series  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Black history month

all races have done great things, but in America the contributions of black Americans were left out for a long time, so Black history month is an attempt to make things right, put things back in balance.
Athanasius, early leader of the church. (296-373).
When I say early, I mean early. Some things were still be formalized.
He was called the "Pillar of the Church" by many. His writings were well regarded by all following Church fathers in the West and the East, he is labeled as the "Father of Orthodoxy".
Christian denominations worldwide revere Athanasius as a saint, teacher, and father. They cite his defense of the Christology (who exactly is Christ). C. S. Lewis calls On the Incarnation of the Word of God a "masterpiece"
He was from Alexandria, Egypt, Africa . . . . "Black Dwarf" was the tag his enemies gave him. And the short, dark-skinned Egyptian bishop had plenty of enemies. He was exiled five times by four Roman emperors because of standing for the truth, spending 17 of the 45 years he served as bishop of Alexandria in exile.
He kept heresy out of the church. Some began to teach that Christ was not the same as God.
To Athanasius this was no splitting of theological hairs. Salvation was at issue: only one who was fully human could atone for human sin; only one who was fully divine could have the power to save us.
To solve the matter, bishops were invited to Nicea, about 300 came—and argued, fought, and eventually fleshed out an early version of the Nicene Creed (Summary of what Christians believe). Athanasius, whose writing,On the Incarnation laid the foundation for the orthodox party at Nicea, was hailed as "the noble champion of Christ.”
His biography of Anthony the Great entitled Life of Antony, became his most widely read work. Translated into several languages, it became something of a best seller in its day and played an important role in the spreading of monastery life.
During Athanasius's first year permanently back in Alexandria, he sent his annual letter to the churches in his area, called a festal letter. In this letter, Athanasius listed what he believed were the books that should constitute the New Testament. "In these [27 writings] alone the teaching of godliness is proclaimed," he wrote. "No one may add to them, and nothing may be taken away from them."
New books were popping up and church decided to lock it down officially.
Though other such lists had been and would still be proposed, it is Athanasius's list that the church eventually adopted, and it is the one we use to this day.
very interesting story if you look him up, most pics will be white because they are painting that were made hundreds of years after his death by European artists
Athanasius, A Christian hero, who was black

Sermon Review

Gideon has been transformed from a man that use to hide from the enemy, to a man that is now willing to fight the enemy even though the odds are against him 450 to 1
Why? Because he has received revelation
Revelation on who he is as a person - Mighty Hero, Mighty Warrior
Revelation on his purpose - return them to worshipping the true God, and deliver his people from oppression
Revelation on God’s power - He has received 4 miraculous signs of confirmation
today we look at part the plan of a mighty hero
Just to be clear, When I say Mighty Hero/Warrior, I am talking about you
Judges 7:16–18 NLT
16 He divided the 300 men into three groups and gave each man a ram’s horn and a clay jar with a torch in it. 17 Then he said to them, “Keep your eyes on me. When I come to the edge of the camp, do just as I do. 18 As soon as I and those with me blow the rams’ horns, blow your horns, too, all around the entire camp, and shout, ‘For the Lord and for Gideon!’ ”

Narrative v. 16-18

Step 1 - Gideon has only 300 men and divides them in to 3 groups of 100 each
Step 2 - gives each man a ram’s horn (trumpet), and a clay jar with a torch on the inside. The clay jar was there to hide the flame of the torch, until it was time
Step 3 - instructs them to watch him and do as he does
Step 4 - When me and my 100 blow our trumpets, you all blow your trumpets, and then we will all shout, “For the Lord and for Gideon”
Gideon has a very specific plan: divide up into three groups, horns, torches, clay jars, words to shout, location is planned (edge of camp), the timing of it all is discussed

Lesson 1 - A mighty hero has an action plan.

A lot of people are expecting a bright future, but don’t have an action plan in the present to bring about that bright future
it’s all about “what if”, or “if my luck changes”
I notice that a lot of people dream, but don’t have an action plan to fulfill that dream
I’ve heard that a dream without a plan is a wish
be careful that you don’t become a wisher
especially a Christian Wisher . . . they treat God like a genie
not trusting and walking with God to guide you through this life
not serving him with all your heart
not trusting in His Word
there’s none of that, “Lord, use me, send me”
no . . . just making wishes . . .”I wish for a . . . car, house, spouse, new job”
But a mighty hero has an action plan: God is going to do what He is supposed to do, and I am going to do what I am supposed to do.
Commercial: we are talking about action plans that come from the Lord (not, “Whatever you set your mind to”)
Gideon is just obeying the Lord’s instructions
only God would say use just 300, instead of the 32,000
only God would say, “win the battle with trumpets and lights and shouting”
a natural plan would be to call back the ones sent home and try to stall until more help arrives
but this is not a human conceived plan, this is the Lord’s action plan
Quick question to ponder: What is your God given plan of action for 2020?
if you don’t know, you need to pray and ask
but our main focus this morning, is why did this action plan work. And this plan had three main parts: horns, lights, and shouts.
Judges 7:19–20 NLT
19 It was just after midnight, after the changing of the guard, when Gideon and the 100 men with him reached the edge of the Midianite camp. Suddenly, they blew the rams’ horns and broke their clay jars. 20 Then all three groups blew their horns and broke their jars. They held the blazing torches in their left hands and the horns in their right hands, and they all shouted, “A sword for the Lord and for Gideon!”

Narrative v. 19-20

So Right after midnight, each group of 100 got into their places at the edge of the enemy camp, then Gideon and his 100 blew their horns and broke their jars
Then they rest blew their horns and broke their jars, and they all shouted “A sword for the Lord and for Gideon”

Why the horns?

in those times, horns were always a call to action: a call to prayer, a call to worship, a call to a begin a festival, a warning . . . in this case a call to battle, the battle starts now
in basketball - the tip off
in auto racing - the green flag
in hockey - the puck drops
for the super bowl: coverage today has already started, interviews, expert analysis, pre-game coverage, introductions, fire-works, national anthem, commercials but eventually there will be the kickoff and the real action starts
no more planning, strategy meetings, scouting, organizing, trial runs, practices . . . it’s time to fight, time to engage! . . . it’s time!
God is reminding us that all of the plans, dreams, visions from him will not matter if you don’t blow the horn!
you must start the battle
you must do the do
you gotta get to it! get going!
many Christians call it, “step out on faith” (like Peter walking on the water), you have to get out the boat, and step out onto the water, stop spectating and start participating
time out for waiting until next week, next month, this fall . . .
Christian, have faith and blow the horn!
what are you waiting on?
you’ve been given the plans, the confirmations
Were we not reminded by the tragic death of Kobe Bryant, his daughter, and 7 other precious lives that tomorrow is not promised?
Jesus said, I must work the works of him that sent my while it is day, for when night cometh, no man can work . . . in other words, “I must do what God has called me to do while there is still time!”
blow the horn! it’s time


it’s time to start or re-start that ministry, business, initiative, personal plan that God has called you to
blow the horn

Why the lights?

Sound is tricky . . . sound alerts you to the fact that something is up, but it still leaves room for, “Where is that sound coming from?”
but light is pretty straightforward . . . and light in darkness is real easy to identify
let’s be real practical as we look at this battle
the 300 sneak up in the dark, the enemy doesn’t know they are there, so they still have the ability to sneak back off into the night
after the horns are blown - the enemy knows that someone is there, they might can figure out your general position, but it’s still kind of tricky at night, and they have no idea of how many of you are there, so you still have a decent chance of sneaking off into the night if you so choose
but when the 300 broke the clay jars and revealed the lights, and thus themselves, the enemy would know exactly where we are, and how many . . . no sneaking away now . . . you are all in . . . there is no going back, there is no, “wait, blow out the fire, blow it out . . . did they see us?”. Too late, you in!
God said to tell you that the light represents that you really are committed to this thing . . . there is no turning back, there is no backup plan
Have you gone so far in following God’s plan for your life, that it’s too late to turn back?
gone so far, that you HAVE to run on and see what the end is going to be?
or did you blow your horn, but then decided to sneak back into the dark?
some of you are not succeeding because you are afraid of going all in with the Lord
cause it will mean living without a safety net that you can see
it’s time to go all in!


I can swim, but I have only really tested it about two times
the real test of swimming is not sitting on the edge of the pool with your feet in the water
it’s not wading to the middle of the 4ft.
it’s not swimming where the water is 6ft. (cause I am 6’2”, and I could jump to the side)
It was when I was in a pool that went to 10ft
would I push off from the edge and let go in the 10ft water . . . then my faith in my swimming is all in
and some of you are just wetting your fee, or wading in 4 ft. or swimming in 6ft, or holding on to the edge in the 10ft section of life . . . but when you go with God, you go with God . . . push off into the deep!


Don’t be afraid of smashing the jar and revealing the light
I know you are worried about having a steady income, but if God called you to it, smash the jar and reveal the light
worried about losing some relationships and friendships, but if God called you to it, smash the jar, and reveal the light
you are concerned what people are going to say, “you’re too old, too young, too inexperienced, you don’t have enough resources, you dream too big” . . . but if God has called you to it, I still say smash the jar and reveal the light
cause somebody to say, “He’s for real about this thing”
She is definitely all in
He’s got guts, he’s going for it
for some of you to be all in, it might be as simple as admitting to yourself and others, who you are
because it will be met with skepticism
let me make up one: oh . . . you a comedian . . . that’s interesting, that’s cool. . . so how does that work . . . you can make decent money doing that? What’s your real job?
with me and my calling to produce music
yeah, I do some music when I get the chance
mess around and produce something every now and then
instead of yes, I am a gospel artists
because I wanted an out, just in case
blow the horn, it’s time to start
smash the clay jar and reveal the light, it’s time to be all in

Why the shout?

with the horn, you have started the battle
with the lights, you are so committed that it is too late to withdraw from the battle
why the shout?
First, it was normal to shout, normal to have a battle cry
Battle cries are meant to inspire and give courage
you don’t want to enter a battle fearful and afraid with a weak battle cry, “I hope most of us don’t get killed” or “we have a 50/50 chance at winning” or “we are outnumbered, oh well”
no, you need something to inspire you and give you courage
How was, “a sword for the Lord and for Gideon”, supposed to inspire and give courage?
the first words are “a sword”, a sword is a weapon used by the master/owner . . . it does the bidding and will of its master
When they shout, “a sword for the Lord and for Gideon”, the soldiers are reminded that they are doing God’s will
so when you follow God’s plan and it seems too big . . .

Lesson - Remember that you are doing God’s will

from last week, we learned that Gideon and a servant sneaked close to the enemy camp and heard to soldiers talking about a dream, and this was what the enemy soldier said about that dream
Judges 7:14 NIV
14 His friend responded, “This can be nothing other than the sword of Gideon son of Joash, the Israelite. God has given the Midianites and the whole camp into his hands.”
so this battle cry reminds them that even though the odds are against them, that this is all in God’s plan!
which is why God told Gideon to take a servant with him to hear that dream, so that Gideon would have a witness when you shared this event with the 300
in reality, God gives us signs and confirmations a lot of the time. We just forget them after 10 minutes.
we want signs like Gideon, and God is going, “what do you think I have been doing?”
sermon matched what you were going through
that text message that mentioned what you were praying about
that phone call that came just when you needed it
10 people over the past month have all said . . . .
the song came on just after you finished praying
you only have peace when you participate in what God has called you to
When you are going into battle you need to remind yourself that you are doing God’s will, God has confirmed it! God has confirmed that it’s time!


Ladies, God is like a good man who
you always know where he is
he doesn’t disappear on holidays
he has introduced you to his parents
he invites you to meet his church faily
he spends money on you
he responds to messages right away
he doesn’t panic if you pick up his phone
he tells you that he loves you
he has a tattoo of your name on his arm
he compliments you all the time
he has asked you to marry him with a fancy proposal and huge ring
and you say, “Do you REALLY love me?” . . . look back at all the signs! He loves you! He adores you!
it’s time to tell him, Yes!”
That’s how we do God, “Is this really what you want me to do” . . . look back at all the signs. He’s called you, chosen you, prepared you, prepared the way
it’s time to tell God, “Yes!”
the battle cry encouraged them because it reminded them that they were doing the will of God
but there’s also something in a name . . . the Battle cry reminded them that God was able

Lesson - Remember that God is able.

they said, “sword for the Lord”
Midianites, you all are in trouble because the Lord fights for us
and they did not actually use the words, “The Lord” (explain capital letters)
so they said, “A sword for Yaweh and for Gideon” . . . they named their God
in other words, we are not coming in the name of Baal that we ignorantly worshipped, not Asherah that were dumb enough to bow down to . . . but we come in the name Yaweh, the OG, the original God,, true God
the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
the God that brought us out of Egypt
caused us to pass through the Red Sea
brought us through the wilderness with cloud during the day, and a fiery pillar at night
fed us manna from heaven
walk through the Jordan River
caused the walls of Jericho to fall down
allowed us to conquer this land
we have repented and He’s back on our side!
and there is no God like our Jehovah!
and we should have confidence in God’s action plan because God is an awesome God!
we serve a God that’s mighty, powerful
we serve a God that gives strength to the weak
that lifts up the humble, and brings the proud down low
that’s always on time
that’s able to turn it around, late in the midnight hour
it’s time!
remember that you are doing God’s will
remember that God is able!
and . . .

Lesson - Remember that you were made for this.

and they say, “and of Gideon”
why should the name Gideon strike fear?
By now Gideon has a reputation, the enemy soldiers knew his name, he was able to get 32,000 to come out and fight . . . how did he go from an unknown to known personality
Remember that Gideon’s first act choosing to follow God, was to destroy the altar of Baal and cut down the Asherah pole, and the people wanted to kill him, but his father stepped in and said let Baal be the one to get him
you know they waited to see if anything would happen to Gideon
Baal was supposed to be God of thunder . . . struck by lightning?
We underestimate what a bold move that was, that was the ultimate in disrespect
in their eyes, a mere mortal totally disrespected two gods, and was still standing
this was so big that he got a nickname, Jerubbaal
Judges 6:32 NASB95
32 Therefore on that day he named him Jerubbaal, that is to say, “Let Baal contend against him,” because he had torn down his altar.
The 300 are saying, “We fight for Yaweh, and we follow a leader who went toe to toe with two of your gods and and he is still standing”
you all are in trouble, we got leader right here, he’s already fought off two gods, what hope is there for you?
we are following a mighty Hero!!!!
He’s the man for the job!
and Don’t forget who you are! Remember that you were made for this calling!
some of you have gone toe to toe with the toughest of situations, circumstances, tragedies, dealt with problems that others could not handle, and you are still standing!
people were watching and waiting for you to fall, but you are still standing
you’ve got some people who believe in you more than you believe in you!
because you were made for this! They can see God all over you!
it’s not going to be easy, but you were born for such a time as this!
the odds might be against you, and the objective seems impossible
the mountain seems too high, and the valley seems too low
and the ocean seems too wide
but you were created to climb that mountain
created to come out of that valley
born to cross that ocean, and lead others to do the same
cause you have already done some things that others could not do
shout a battle cry! it’s time!
to remind yourself that you are doing God’s will
to remind yourself that God is able
to remind yourself that you were made for this
and when you fight for the Lord, you get to watch the Lord fight
Judges 7:21–22 NLT
21 Each man stood at his position around the camp and watched as all the Midianites rushed around in a panic, shouting as they ran to escape. 22 When the 300 Israelites blew their rams’ horns, the Lord caused the warriors in the camp to fight against each other with their swords. Those who were not killed fled to places as far away as Beth-shittah near Zererah and to the border of Abel-meholah near Tabbath.

Narrative v.21-22

So in the middle of the dark night, the Midianites and their allies are awoken by horns, lights, and shouting
The bible says in v. 21 that the enemy panicked, and that the Lord caused their warriors to fight against each other.
Most were killed then, and those who were not killed ran away.

Lesson 2 - God will bless the plan

I am sure that the horns, lights, and shouts were startling, but normally they wouldn’t cause you to kill the soldier next to you, and keep killing, and keep killing,
The even if half of the enemy army was killed, that would leave 67,5000 to fight the 300
verse 22 clearly informs us that the Lord caused them to fight each other. The Lord multiplied the confusion and fear caused by the horns, lights, and shouting
Just follow the plan and God will bless the plan
Jesus told the disciples to bring the 2 fish and 5 loaves to him, and cause the people to sit down
they followed the plan and Jesus fed 5,000
God takes the plan and blesses it, makes it work

Illustration 2

You can see it in how God blesses, even in nature:
in nature 1 tomato seed is planted and multiplies into many tomatoes with more seeds
but you have to follow the plan and plant the seeds, and God will give the increase
God can’t bless the plan, if you want do the plan
it’s time to put that faith to work, cause faith without works is dead

invitation - There is a God given plan on how to get to heaven

Romans 10:9–10 NASB95
9 that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; 10 for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation.
You have to put that plan in action - confess, believe . . .


As kid, I thought you just grew up and got a house and a car
I thought that came with the passage of time
at a certain age, you would have those things
so I would draw pictures of my future house/car
I didn’t know that you had to get cash together, credit together, work with loan officers . . .
I’ve learned that you have to have a plan, be proactive, make a move, follow procedures.
and people do death the same way . . . when I die, I will just go to heaven . . .
Earn an accredited degree from Redemption Seminary with Logos.