When you're at less than 1%

Mighty Hero Series  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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in Bible study on Wednesdays, we are working on God’s vision for us in 2020
on Sundays We are learning the story of Gideon, what it is like to be a mighty hero for God, what it is like to actually walk that vision out
so let’s Review:
the people of Israel stopped worshipping the true God, and and began to worship false gods
So God allowed them to be taken over and oppressed by the Midianites, this causes them to pray to God for deliverance
Then the angel of the Lord came to a man named Gideon, and let Gideon know that God had chosen to deliver the Israelites through him
Gideon has asked for a sign that it is truly God speaking to him, God gives him a sign
Gideon tears down the altars of the false gods, and restores the worship of the true God
Gideon sends out a call for the Israelites to rise up against the Midianites, and people begin to show up
Then Gideon asked for two signs that God will in fact use him, God gives him both signs
Now, the two opposing camps are getting ready for battle
Judges 7:2 NLT
2 The Lord said to Gideon, “You have too many warriors with you. If I let all of you fight the Midianites, the Israelites will boast to me that they saved themselves by their own strength.

Narrative 1

Two opposing armies: Gideon with his 32,000 versus the bigger Midianites army of 135,000
Gideon’s 100% is already at a disadvantage
And God says that Gideon’s smaller army has too many soldiers
He says that when they win, they will think they saved themselves by their own strength, power, skill, strategy
God knows human nature, “We overcame because no men are braver or stronger than Israelite men”
God would give them the power to win, but at their present number, they would think that they themselves were the reason for the victory

Lesson 1 - Mighty Hero, God doesn’t use you when you are at 100%

God doesn’t use you when everything is lined up, set just right
timing seems right, money seems right, health seems right, circumstances seems right, schedule is clear
No, he uses you when you are less than 100%
If you don’t feel ready, feel fully prepared, feel holy enough to do what God has called you to do . . . welcome to the club, welcome to how God does things
Cause God wants you to know,that you rely on Him, because the fact of the matter is that we DO rely on God, but the trick is REMEMBERING that we rely on God,
the trick is REMEMBERING that all the glory belongs to God
REMEMBERING that all the credit belongs to God
Mighty Heroes need to Remember that. . .
that we won because of his mercy
that we made it because of his grace
That we overcame because of his goodness
that it was his hand rescued us, his power delivered us
He strength lifted us, He love sustained us
Mighty Heroes need to know that they win not by might nor by power, but by the Spirit of the Lord
Forgetting God is what got them into trouble in the first place
So Mighty Hero, don’t be thrown off when God doesn’t use you at 100%
Judges 7:3 NLT
3 Therefore, tell the people, ‘Whoever is timid or afraid may leave this mountain and go home.’ ” So 22,000 of them went home, leaving only 10,000 who were willing to fight.

Narrative 2

the two sides were close enough to gauge each other’s numerical strength
And God said for those who are afraid and trembling, for those who want no part of this fight, for those who don’t believe that the Lord will give them the victory . . . tell them go on home
and 22,000 out of 32,000 threw up the peace sign and left, leaving only 10,000
probably various reasons for them being afraid
I am sure that some never wanted to be there in the first place, they were pressured into coming
I am sure that for some, that initial faith gave way to fear, when they saw that the enemy was stronger than they realized
I didn’t know the enemy had 135K, and I didn’t anticipate that we would only have 32K show up
Where is so and so, I thought they were coming too?
I mean, I thought it was going to be a pretty even match up!
and the people who walked into camp a few days ago, are now walking out of camp
and Gideon now has only at 31% of his original army

Lesson 2 - Mighty Hero, God will get rid of your fake help.

On this journey, this Mighty Hero journey, some people are going to leave who were never really with you
That’s mighty hero life: some people will rally to you, but not rally for you
you thought they had the same faith, same dedication, same convictions . . . but when you look around and see that they have left the camp
don’t be dismayed, don’t be shocked, don’t waste time being angry, when they leave . . . God is just getting rid of the fake help
understand that everyone who is with you, is not with you until the end
some because they never wanted to be there, but were pressured into being there
some underestimate how tough it would be
but whatever the reason, you must learn to let fake help depart
Here’s the thing: We see physically, but God sees spiritually
Gideon saw 32,000 ready to fight, but God knew that only 10,000 were ready to fight
So God has done Gideon a favor and let him see physically what was already happening spiritually
now Gideon knows who is really down for the cause
Don’t be discouraged mighty Hero when God removes fake help

Illustration 2

having fake help around is like carrying around a fake gun
looks impressive, feels like you have some protection
but when you really need it . . . you have nothing

Application 2

in your circle: friends, family, church, ministry, and relationships . . . Learn to let people go
give people outs, don’t be clingy, don’t pressure people to stay with you
you will have fewer relationships, but the ones you have will be truer, real
That’s why I don’t put too much pressure on people to join this church
just go talk to these people after church, I’m giving them an out in case they don’t really believe
I’ve seen too many walk down the aisle, and walk out the door never to be seen again
Sure I would like more people, but if I have to choose between empty numbers and a faithful few, then give me the two or three gathered in Jesus name
I want to fight with people who are all in!
Mighty Hero
God doesn’t use you when you are at 100%
don’t be discouraged when God gets rid of the fake help
Judges 7:4–8 NLT
4 But the Lord told Gideon, “There are still too many! Bring them down to the spring, and I will test them to determine who will go with you and who will not.” 5 When Gideon took his warriors down to the water, the Lord told him, “Divide the men into two groups. In one group put all those who cup water in their hands and lap it up with their tongues like dogs. In the other group put all those who kneel down and drink with their mouths in the stream.” 6 Only 300 of the men drank from their hands. All the others got down on their knees and drank with their mouths in the stream. 7 The Lord told Gideon, “With these 300 men I will rescue you and give you victory over the Midianites. Send all the others home.” 8 So Gideon collected the provisions and rams’ horns of the other warriors and sent them home. But he kept the 300 men with him. The Midianite camp was in the valley just below Gideon.

Narrative 3

So ready to go to battle with overwhelming odds against you? 10,000 vs. 135,000? you only have 31% of your original number?
No, still too many people
of the ones who are willing to fight, I’m going to pick out the ones who I want to fight
Gideon, you will know which ones I pick by how they drink water
cupped from their hand
or those who kneel and bend their heads to the water to drink
why this method? We can only guess
What IS significant is that only 300 were picked, God says “I am gong to deliver Israel with less than 1% of the original army . . . outnumbered 450 to 1

Lesson 3 - Mighty Hero, God will also get rid of real help.

Gideon had seen three signs that God was with him, so he probably felt decent despite losing 22,000 men
and He had 10,000 men who were not afraid, 10K who believed, 10K who were ready to fight, 10K down for the cause
10,000 he knew he could count on . . . and God took away 9,700 worth of real help . . . and Gideon is left with less than 1%
and now without a shadow of a doubt, Gideon you will have to count on me
all of your trust in me
all of your hope in me
all of your faith in me
and all of Israel will know that it was the Lord who gives the victory
God’s plan often involves taking away real help that you were counting on, so that we will have to trust him fully
Moses - God took his support from the people away (make bricks without straw)
so when Pharaoh gives in, everyone will know that it wasn’t pressure from the people, it was the Lord
Moses will have to count on God
Joseph - God took away his support from his father (sold into slavery)
so all will know that Joseph made it because his dad was playing favorites, it was the Lord
Joseph will be in a pit, in slavery, in prison, and have no one but the Lord to look to
Let me warn you Mighty Hero, God will take away some real help, some help you were counting on

Application 3

So as you go through 2020, and you are preparing to fight for the vision God has given you, don’t be discouraged when God takes away something you were counting on to help you win, don’t give up when God takes away some of your real help
maybe people who were truly there for you, but now can’t help you
they moved away
those people who would given the money, but don’t have it now
those who would give the time, but don’t have it now
it could be money that you were expecting, money that you were counting on, and now it’s not coming
lost job, didn’t get that raise
that insurance money did not come in
tax return not as high as you thought
it could your health . . . .you have to be healthy to fight, right?
but health issues have cropped up, slowed you down
And when this happens, you must remember to rely on God
you’ve lost something you were counting on, but you really have not lost your help
cause the psalmist said, “All of my help comes from the Lord”
with God, there is always more help!
Mighty Hero
God doesn’t use you when you are at 100%
God gets rid of the fake help
God will also take away some of your real help
Judges 7:9 NLT
9 That night the Lord said, “Get up! Go down into the Midianite camp, for I have given you victory over them!

Narrative 4

22,000 soldiers have left
another 9,700 men had been sent home earlier in the day, and that SAME night God says, “Attack!”
God says, “only 300 men vs 135,000 . . . perfect!
God says, “I’ve given you the victory! Gideon, get up, it’s time!”

Lesson 4 - Mighty Hero, when you are down, it doesn’t mean that you are out!

That’s God’s attitude - you are down to less than 1%, let’s do this! You are down to less than 1%, I have given you the victory!” “let’s Go!!!!!!”
Money is low, let’s Go, I have given you the victory!
Friends have left you, let’s go, I have given you the victory!
health not what it used to be . . .
you’re too young, let’s go
you’re too old, let’s go!
but what’s your attitude/state of mind when you are down to your last 1%
are you retreating when you should be attacking?
are you still sitting in camp, when you should be pressing forward?
are you crying for yourself, when should be shouting battle cries?
Mighty Hero
God doesn’t use you when you are at 100%
God gets rid of the fake help
God will also take away some of your real help
but just because you are down, does not mean that you are out
but we often respond like Gideon
Judges 7:10–11 NLT
10 But if you are afraid to attack, go down to the camp with your servant Purah. 11 Listen to what the Midianites are saying, and you will be greatly encouraged. Then you will be eager to attack.” So Gideon took Purah and went down to the edge of the enemy camp.

transition Narrative

God tells Gideon that if he is afraid to attack, then sneak down close to the enemies camp, and you will hear something that will encourage you.
So Gideon and a servant snuck down to the outpost of the Midianite camp
he certainly was afraid, he is not feeling this 1% situation
Judges 7:12–15 NLT
12 The armies of Midian, Amalek, and the people of the east had settled in the valley like a swarm of locusts. Their camels were like grains of sand on the seashore—too many to count! 13 Gideon crept up just as a man was telling his companion about a dream. The man said, “I had this dream, and in my dream a loaf of barley bread came tumbling down into the Midianite camp. It hit a tent, turned it over, and knocked it flat!” 14 His companion answered, “Your dream can mean only one thing—God has given Gideon son of Joash, the Israelite, victory over Midian and all its allies!” 15 When Gideon heard the dream and its interpretation, he bowed in worship before the Lord. Then he returned to the Israelite camp and shouted, “Get up! For the Lord has given you victory over the Midianite hordes!”

Narrative 5

When Gideon and Purah sneak up, they hear a soldier telling a dream to another soldier, and in that dream . . .
a loaf of barely bread came tumbling down into our camp and completely knocked down our tent
His friend replied, “That means God will use a man named Gideon to defeat us!”
Only the very poor ate barley bread. Life wasn’t going to well if you had to resort to eating no good, cheap, barley bread.
The vision meant that the Midianites would be knocked over by the something weak
Gideon and his army of 300 are that something weak
The dream itself was awesome by itself, but when Gideon hears its straightforward interpretation from the mouth of an enemy soldier that, “God is going to use Gideon to destroy our army” . . . Gideon first responds with worship

Lesson 5 - Mighty Hero, worship based on what you know.

Why/How did Gideon move from fear to worship?
Because now Gideon knows that he has the victory
True Worship of God comes from what you know about God
the Bible says that we worship God in spirit and in truth
your worship reflects the truth that you know about God
if you know the truth that God is good, you will find yourself worshipping
if you know that God is merciful, you will find yourself worshipping
if you know that God will bring you out, you will find yourself worshipping
So Mighty Hero, what do you know? You don’t have to tell me, I can tell by your worship!
if you are singing when all your money is gone, you must know that God will supply all your needs
if you are waving your hands, but your loved ones turned their back on you, you must know that Jesus will never leave you nor forsake you
if you are thanking God, though trouble is all around you, you must know that all things work together for good to them that love God
that’s why the song says, “What do you know about Jesus” and the worshippers answers “He’s alright!”
and this means that I don’t have to get disappointed in the praise and worship of others, when I say, “O Magnify the Lord with me, let us exalt his name together” . . . and they don’t even respond with a raised eyebrow . . . because they simply don’t know . . . and they can’t worship if they don’t know
they don’t know that God woke them up this morning
they don’t know that God started them on their way
God put food on the table, shelter over their head
they don’t know that God rescued them, they think that they were lucky
they don’t know that God loves them so much that he gave his only begotten son
but to the mighty heroes, I am saying that you ought to know who Jesus is!
you ought to know that if he is for you, he is more than the world against you!
you ought to know that there is nothing too hard for our God
that he may not come when you want him, but he’ll be there right on time
that they that wait upon the Lord shall renew
and we should be like Gideon, the battle hasn’t even started, I still can’t see how 300 can defeat 1350,000, but now that I KNOW that God has given me the victory . . . . I think I’ll praise him right now
if you don’t know how you are going to make it, but you DO know that God will give you the victory, you should praise him right now
if you don’t know which way to go, but you do know that God will direct your path, you should
if you don’t know how you are going to get out, but you do know that God is a way out of no way
if you don’t know how you are going to win, but you do know that God will fight your battles
praise him for what you do know
and what I know is that God will take care of me
what I now is that if he said it, he will bring it to pass
what I know is that if God began a good work in me, he is going to complete it

Lesson 6 - Just do it

And now that Gideon knows, and now that Gideon has worshipped
there’s only one more thing for this mighty hero . . . be like Nike and just do it
Gideon tells his 1%, “get up for the Lord has given the camp of Midian into your hands”
and though you might be at 1%, tell your 1%, “get up for the Lord has given us the victory”
little resources that I have, get up
little education that I have, get up
little experience that I have, get up
little time that I have, get up
because it’s not about us, but all about him


cell phones are incredible
and we are like cell phones, God created us to do some amazing things
when a cell phone’s power is at 100% we feel good about it
and when we are at 100% we feel good about it
but when our cell phone is down to 1% . . . if we want to keep using it . . . we must connect a power source
and when our lives our down to 1% . . . we must connect to the power source
and when a cell phone is connected to the power, it doesn’t matter that the battery is at 1%, because it is not receiving power from the battery, it’s receiving power from the power source
and when you are down to 1% in your life, it doesn’t matter as long as you stay connected
so stay connected:
trust him even more
pray even more
praise him even more
talk to him even more
and do everything God has called you to do (with your 1%)
Mighty Hero
God doesn’t use you when you are at 100%
God gets rid of the fake help
God will also take away some of your real help
but just because you are down, does not mean that you are out
Worship based on what you know
just do it


Jesus, the real Mighty Hero was beaten down to less than 1%, mocked, beat, and whipped
fake friends left him, and even turned on him
his real help, the disciples, ran away
crucified and died, he was at 0%
but though he was down, he was not out
on the 3rd day, he took his 0% and got up


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