The Church's Story--Pooling Resources
God Takes Our Little & Makes It Much • Sermon • Submitted
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There was a young man who wanted to get married to his girlfriend
So he went to his girlfriend’s father to ask his permission for them to marry.
The father was skeptical...
“Son, I like you. I think you’re a great person, but I honestly don’t think you know what you’re asking for.
My daughter is fantastic, but she has some extravagant tastes! I doubt you’ll be able to support her tastes.
I’m a wealthy man and can barely manage it myself.”
The young man thought about it for a minute and answered, “Sir, I think I have a great idea! You and I should POOL our resources!”
sounds like the story of the church, but with a twist
disciples felt empty-handed
spiritually bankrupt
Inadequate, unprepared, afraid…hardly anything to bring to the table or negotiate with
But paradoxically, God says, “Let’s pool resources together!”
God sends his Spirit to give birth to the Church and the Church is a great example, larger scale, of how God takes our little and makes it so much more.
Maybe you remember the strange story in Genesis 11, where we’re told the world at that time had one language, and a group of people came up with a bad plan…
Read Genesis 11:3-4
the people thought they were doing something: they wanted to build something big by themselves/ for themselves
God looks down from heaven at our little ant hills and laughs!
That was NOT God’s plan for community, so God knocked it down, and confused their speech…and God began a better plan that would bring God’s people, and God, together, with shared resources that would eventually change the world, beginning with Abraham, and the nation of Israel, and ultimately, Jesus
After Jesus’ sacrificial death and resurrection, He sent the Holy Spirit to partner with the afraid and confused remnant of Jesus’ disciples…and the Great Reversal of Gen 11 happens, the Church is born—not a physical building, but a spiritual house
But now the disciples, united w/ God’s Spirit now begin boldly speaking for God in languages they don’t even know, and Luke tells us how the crowds around them respond— listen: this is important:
Read Acts 2:7-13
“What does this mean?”
The disciples’ little, pooled together with the Spirit’s much, brings together different nations, cultures, and races.
The Spirit of God, invited to work in the local church, unites people together, and is evidenced when we are quick to welcome people, make room for people, with open arms, and going all out to make the outsider feel welcome.
Fred Craddock was a great preacher of this past century. He tells the story of pastoring a small church that seated about 80 people. It was a beautifully taken care of little church that was situated out in the country
Close by, The Atomic Energy Commission moved into the area, and before long, the little village with the beautiful little church became a booming city. Very quickly there were tents and house trailers everywhere you looked.
Pastor Craddock called his church Board together and told them what and incredible evangelistic opportunity they had—to reach out the 1000’s that’d moved into their neighborhoods.
The Board was quick to respond… “no way, they’re not our kind, they’re laborers; they won’t fit in with us.”
A motion was immediately presented “Anyone seeking membership in this church must own property in this county.” and before the vote was called, the Pastor was reminded he DIDN’T have a vote, and the motion was passed unanimously.
Pastor Craddock was trying to bring people together, hoping the church could be a gathering place for folks from different walks of life believing they would ADD so much to the vitality of the local church & NOT takeaway…and the church, instead, refused to let God take their little and make it more.
Pastor Craddock obviously didn’t stay at that church very long, but goes on to say, years later he and his wife were in the area, and they had a hard time finding the beautiful little church because of the new interstate highway close by.
But they did find it.
When they pulled into the parking lot, it was packed…with trucks, motorcycles, and cars everywhere!
Fred said to his wife, “My goodness, they must be having a revival or something.”
Then he saw a big sign on the front of the church, “Bar-B-Que, All you can eat. $5.”
The church couldn’t figure it out…went under....but a restaurant got it right.
The church that gets it right…brings people together, makes room for everyone, extends the invitation and welcome to ALL.
When the Spirit’s resources combined with ours extends the Church’s reach beyond race, cultural, and theological lines, something else incredible happens: the church gets excited! The church gets energized for ministry.
Jesus kept telling his disciples they would be “ok” after his death and resurrection. That was not the end of God’s great plan. But after he’s ascended into heaven to wait....power was coming.
Like must of us, the disciple’s faith only extended about an arm’s length in front of them.
They were confused…strength was sapped…afraid…hearts were empty…sprits were down....what? how? where?
But something SUPERNATURAL happened to them when the Holy Spirit filled them.
Peter preached boldly, and 1000’s responded.
The apostle Paul, went from persecuting believers to traveling all around the Mediterranean sharing the Gospel—the Good News of Jesus, RELENTLESSLY.
Lydia opened her home and it became a house church with a huge impact in Ephesus.
Widows and elderly left behind in the food giveaway found a friend in the local church who advocated for them.
And the stories go on and on and on.
The local churches that sprang up caused a great stir in their communities—they cared for one another, reached out to the poor, ....and people were healed, people’s lives were changed, people got right with God
People found hope, and faith, and purpose even while living in difficult circumstances and situations.
The little churches, even in persecution, spread out ALL over the Roman Empire—it was IMPOSSIBLE TO STOP!
HOW? There was nothing uniquely special about Jesus’ disciples…BUT the Holy Spirit was now working with them, through them, and their little efforts became much God’s much
Jesus had told them this kind of stuff would happen…this was all part of God’s plan, our little-God’s much-change the world, but the disciples didn’t believe him.
Read John 14:12-14
How excited are you to do ministry, to partner with God’s Spirit in making a difference for the kingdom of heaven Jesus brought here to earth?
Are you trying to live each day like the group did in Genesis 11, by yourself, for yourself, or are you partnering with God/His plan?
Are are connected to HIS Power Source? Are you filled with God’s Spirit?
How do we connect?
Every Sunday, we bring our little in to worship…We leave POWERED UP! Filled up!
Every day we have access to GOD’S LIVING WORD—who’s words are truth, life-giving, and energizing!
Every moment we have access to the Throne of God through prayer—and you’re right, God is busy! But God ALWAYS has time to hear what’s on your mind/heart.
Any opportunity to serve others, we take! And people take notice—for God’s glory!
The local church is called by God, and equally importantly, equipped by God, to be the light on a hill —to light up the neighborhood with God’s love, God’s compassion, in acts of worship and service.
OH what a time it is for the church to let the world know, God is with us! God will see us through! ISN’T THAT EXCITING?!
How do we the wee little church do that? In uncertain times like these, where do we begin?
It’s simple, you invite others to some and see for themselves.
You know how Peter became a disciple? his brother Andrew went and got him, and brought him to Jesus.
you know how Nathanael became a disciple of Jesus? Philip told him “we’ve found the Messiah…come and see for yourself.”
God is able to multiply our little when we invite others to come and see.
My father in law was just telling me yesterday about the chapel speaker this past week up at Lakeside.
Dr. Rev John Mathison, retired UM pastor from Alabama…largest church in Alabama, 16,000 members.
They did research on how so many people found their way to Frazier UMC.
92% of 16,000, because someone from the church INVITED them.
STORY: He wan’t very well-educated and he was rather rough and crude.
But he became a Christian and he wanted to join God in helping save others.
He kept pestering his pastor to put him to work. Finally, the minister handed him a list of ten names with this explanation:
"These are all members of the church, but they seldom attend. Some of them are prominent people in the community. Contact them about being more faithful. Here is some church stationary to write letters. Get them back in church."
The man accepted the challenge with great determination and enthusiasm.
About three weeks later a letter from a prominent physician whose name had been on the list arrived at the church office.
Inside was a large check and a brief note: "Dear Pastor, Enclosed is my check for $1,000 to help make up for my missing church so much, but be assured that I will be present this Lord's Day and each Lord's Day following. I will not by choice miss services again. Sincerely... P.S. Would you please tell your secretary that there is only one `T' in dirty and no `C' in Skunk."
Maybe not the best method, but I’m sure YOU have a more winsome way of regularly inviting others to this miraculously great pooling of resources that happens in the local church, right?
This may sting a little, but hang in there…how many people did you ask this past week to come to church?
How about in the last month? this year?