Abraham - Faith shown by Obedience

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Character decides faith.

Should I trust this person and follow his direct?
This is based on what you know about the person.
Is he trustworthy?
Is he faithful in keeping his promises?
Is he able to fulfill his promises?
Does he have your best interest in mind?
What do we know of God from Genesis so far?
God created man after making a special place for him — the Garden of Eden. It was perfect and God had an intimate relationship with Adam and Eve.
— Even when man sinned, God kept his promise of judgment through death of man.
--- He also provided for them more durable clothes showing his love for them.
— God is able. If he can flood the whole earth (which he did), He can do anything.
— God blessed Shem specifically through Noah.
This is “the LORD” who spoke to Abram.
Would you trust him?

Faith requires obedience

While faith is abstract, it is shown by a response of obedience.
Many mix up the two. People say, “I give to the poor, care for the needy, ect.. This shows I am a good person and deserving heaven.”
God says, “Do these things in obedience to Me, expressing your faith and love for Me.”
The first way person seeks to provide his own way to heaven. He hopes to outweigh his bad deeds with good deeds.
God’s way is obedience because of faith. In fact, faith can not exist without obedience.
ex. Kenny was a nightwatchman at the mission. Many years ago he prayed a prayer and received a card stating he was a Christian. If you asked, I am sure he would proudly show the card to you.
When he would start his shift, he would spit his tobacco into an old coffee can. If any of the men in the dorm gave him grief, he would yell at them and cuss them out.
I can’t judge Kenny’s eternal destination. God is the one to decide that. However, I never saw Kenny’s actions following the 2 greatest commandments of God- Love God with all your heart and your neighbor as yourself.
Abram was given a command which would show his faith in God. Now the LORD said to Abram, “Go from your country and your kindred and your father’s house to the land that I will show you. Gen 12:1
Abram’s response

4 So Abram went, as the LORD had told him, and Lot went with him. Abram was seventy-five years old when he departed from Haran. 5 And Abram took Sarai his wife, and Lot his brother’s son, and all their possessions that they had gathered, and the people that they had acquired in Haran, and they set out to go to the land of Canaan.

Faith in the Dark

Abram had very little information for his step of obedience.
“God from your country … to the land I will show you.” Gen 12:1
Abram did not have access to Google Maps to check this place out or map out the way, the distance, the time it would take in days, or where the wells and rivers would be for water. He could not even ask others what they knew about “the land I (God) will show you.” It was a mystery, a total unknown.
God many times does not show us the total picture. He will tell us what to do, but He knows the results. This is where relying on God’s character is essential. Do I trust God? Is He good? Is He looking out for my best interests? Will what I am doing make a difference?
ex. For several years I drove from Bellefontaine to Lima. Many times the drive home was at night and the road was dark except for the light of my headlights. I knew my final destination, yet I did not know what traffic or conditions I would encounter especially during the winter. I would simply drive along following my headlights. As I drove I would notice landmarks that would mark my progress. There’s the Huntsville gas station. I just passed the Roundhead parking lot. That church marks my halfway point. I just passed the Pork rinds factory and am almost home.
This is much like the Christian life. It is trusting God one step at a time. Your destination is to become more and more like Christ in your attitude and actions. This is done by obedience in God even when it does not make sense.

The Benefit of Faith

The promises of God
To Abram God gave several great promises:

2 And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. 3 I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”

Then the LORD appeared to Abram and said, “To your offspring I will give this land.”

Do to Abram’s obedience of moving to an unknown land God promised.
To make him into a great nation — the nation of Israel (in fact, 3 nations from Abraham through 3 different wives -Ismaelites, Midianites, and Israelites)
God would bless him and make his name great. He was blessed financially , had over 300 men in his household plus livestock that could barely survive when competing with Lot’s livestock. He was blessed with safety and success during a rescue of Lot from 5 city kings who took hostiges and loot. He was blessed with children a total of 8 during his life time.
I will bless those who bless you and those against you will be cursed.
ex. of Nazis —cursed. America blessed
4. Give this land to your offspring. First, to nation of Israel after the Exodus aproximately 1300 bc, Then returned to the land after 70 yrs in exile in 518BC. Then the land was returned to Israel in 1948.
5. Belief results in righteousness (15:6)

Abram’s acts of Obedience

Gen 12:4 He left Haran and came to the unknown land
Gen 12:18 He traveled to Mamre
Gen 15:9-10 He brought animals and halved them for a covenant with God
Gen 16:15 Abraham named Hagar’s son, Ishmael (The Lord hears)
Gen 17:23 Abraham and all males in his household were circumcised.
Gen 18:1-8 Abraham provided a meal for 3 strangers
Gen 21:3 Abraham called his son Isaac (laughter)
Gen 21:12-14 Abraham sends Hagar and Ishmael away since his inheritance and promises belong to the line of Isaac.
Gen 22:1-14 Abraham offers his son, Isaac to God as an offering. (God promised Isaac would be a nation and based on that promise A. believed God would raise Isaac from the dead. Also, this was over 32 years after A. first followed God to Canaan)
Besides these things he built altars to God to worship him. He interceded for his nephew Lot and his family for safety.
On the negative side twice he pawned off his wife as his sister (she was his step sister), to protect himself from being killed since she was a beautiful woman.

Our response of Faith and Obedience

What is God’s command to you?
“Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved”
Why should you respond in obedience?
God is true to his word (soon I will have 49 yrs in relationship with God)
He keeps his promises.
He wants the very best for you. Sometimes it does not seem like it but on the other end of the problem you can see the character God has developed as a result of the problem you have went through. A deeper trust in God, more patience, love, compassion developed.
He wants a relationship with you.
He forgives your sin and provides you eternal life with him in heaven.
He gives you an eternal purpose in your life
What are the benefits of your Faith?
How will you respond in the dark times of your faith?
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