Meal Prep
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Thank you all so much for joining us today. Where ever you are joining us from, we are so glad that you are here; church wouldn’t be the same without.
Church Season Update: Generosity
Because of the church's generosity during our Back to School Drive, we were able to go above and beyond in our efforts this year.
We donated 96 backpacks which included 17 piece school supply kit to the Academic Center for Success in Parramore
We donated over $1000 worth of clothing, and hygiene products to students in need at Howard Middle School and Edgewater High School
We also donated about $500 worth of gift cards to teachers so they could buy the supplies they need
6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.
Today I want to talk just for a few minutes about our appetites. I have entitled todays message, Meal Prep.
Holy Spirit, speak to us. We ask that you inspire us, challenge us, encourage us, direct us. Give us open eyes, ears and hearts. In the name of Jesus. Amen.
Family, I am so excited about the season we are in. Magical Dining. If you are unfamiliar, let me break it down. Experience the wonders of Orlando’s amazing culinary scene with Visit Orlando’s Magical Dining, celebrating its 16th anniversary from Aug. 27 through Oct. 3, 2021 — 38 delicious days! It’s your chance to enjoy three-course at many of Orlando’s most popular restaurants for just $37 per person.
My family and I are foodies, so I need recommendations. We are open but also we are particular. My wife is on a whole notha level. When I go to restaurants she looks at reviews, photos, quizzes the servers. It’s that serious.
We are a little picky especially since I started cooking at home. I will say, it is difficult for me to get salmon when I am out. Why you may ask. Because I believe I make one of the best salmons on the planet. Bourbon Smoked Salmon. Whenever we go out and eat salmon, I am not satisfied. It may be ok, or even good, but I know I have access to something so much better.
You may be full, but you’re not filled.
Maybe you can relate. You go out, get something to eat, but it falls short? You hear all the hype, you take the trip, place the order, sit with anticipation, pray, take the first bite and its…underwhelming. You take the second, third, fourth and now you are adding salt, pepper, sauce to compensate for the reality that this is just ok.
Hunger Appetite Cravings
Hunger Appetite Cravings
We still crave something else. To crave means to have intense, urgent, or abnormal desire or longing. There is a difference between hunger, appetite, and cravings. Hunger speaks to needs. Appetite speaks to interest. Cravings are specific desires. We all have needs, interests, and desires. God gave them to us.
Beyond Food
Beyond Food
I am not just talking about food anymore. How many times have we placed our hopes, dreams, desires into to someone or something and it was good, maybe even great, but something is still missing. Could it be we are looking to people and things to provide what only God can do? We add artificial ingredients such as relationships, drugs, alcohol, etc. that may bring momentary relief but they don’t bring satisfaction. In our world of OnDemand and customization, we have become consumers instead of stewards. It seems, the more we accumulate, the more we want because at times, something is still missing.
You may be full, but you’re not filled.
We have all been there. The constant trips to the kitchen. The constant trips to the club/bar. No matter how frequently we go, we are not fulfilled. We scroll for hours through Netflix but can’t find anything to watch. We stand in front of fully stocked refrigerators but we can’t find what we want to eat.
You may be full, but you’re not filled.
Hunger Appetite Cravings
Hunger Appetite Cravings
Adam and Eve
Adam and Eve
We were created in the image of God. God said, be fruitful and multiply. In that moment, God deposited instincts, growth, increase…needs, interests, and desires. God provided a menu that would allow us to thrive. (Gen 2:16-17)
The enemy shows up and says, there is a secret menu that God has kept hidden from them.
6 The woman saw that the tree was good for food and delightful to look at, and that it was desirable for obtaining wisdom. So she took some of its fruit and ate it; she also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it.
It looked good, smelled good, but it wasn’t good for them. It may be good, but it’s not God! Sin and living life on our own terms will never bring true fulfillment. Just because it is on the menu, doesn’t mean you have to order it.
From this point forward we see this concept of food referenced in scripture. Have you ever noticed all the food references in the Bible as it relates to God?
5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.
1 As a deer longs for flowing streams, so I long for you, God.
2 I thirst for God, the living God. When can I come and appear before God?
8 Taste and see that the Lord is good. How happy is the person who takes refuge in him!
35 “I am the bread of life,” Jesus told them. “No one who comes to me will ever be hungry, and no one who believes in me will ever be thirsty again.
These are just a few of literal hundreds of passages that associate God with and sustenance. God was redeeming our hunger, appetite, and cravings.
When Jesus says “blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness, they shall be filled” he is connecting true sustenance to Him. He is connecting fulfillment to Him. (Woman at the well, fish and loaves)
Blessed, happy, fortunate is the person that hungers and thirst for righteousness.
It means to have an appetite for the Kingdom of God.
Filled means satisfied; content; abundance; not lacking. Translation, Jesus is the only one that can truly satisfy you.
Jesus is speaking to an audience that understood the cultural nuances of what it meant to hunger and thirst. The people of God have always hungered for the kingdom, but sadly still had cravings of Egypt. Let’s go down memory lane shall we? God set them free with a meal, Passover. As the Israelites were leaving Egypt on their journey to the promised land, their first and most consistent complaint was sustenance. God provided manna and water for them but they still had a craving for the food that represented bondage.
Cheat Day
Cheat Day
Isn’t it interesting that no matter what healthy options are in front of us, we still crave a cheat day? I can cook a meal but still want to stop at Chic Fila. I can just return from vacation and I am already looking for the next one. It’s almost like we have a psychological tape worm that consumes every milestone and keeps us from fulfilled.
Paul says when I want to do good, evil is with me. That means, no matter how much I want to eat the right thing, there is a temptation for it to be a cheat day. It’s in our nature. However, we can curb our appetite when we embrace Only Jesus Can Truly Satisfy You.
Only Jesus Can Truly Satisfy You. Not your spouse, family, bank account, the list goes on. They are appetizers. I love appetizers. However, the appetizer is not the main entre. The appetizer will not sustain you. The main entre is what really fills you. You bring it home. There is overflow. Stop looking at appetizers to be full course meals.
So how do we change our appetite? How do we change our cravings? How do we thrive in a world of options and customization?
Choice and Preparation. It starts with choice then we have to steward those decisions. Preparation is crucial! When I cook, it is not a quick meal. It can take hours. I have to let it marinate then cook it low and slow. The flavor is deep. It hits you are your core. We can’t have crockpot expectations with microwave preparation. When there is no preparation there is desperation. Preparation provides boundaries. Don’t put yourself in the area of your weakness and expect God’s strength.
Check the Ingredients. Quality ingredients, produce quality meals. Organics, grass fed, etc. We need to change the ingredients in our lives. News, politicians, social media.
What we look at, we look like.
Our input determines our outlook. Are we feeding on negativity?
Be informed on what’s around you but don’t let what’s around you, in form you!
Healthy ingredients create healthy people.
So my family and I are at an amusement park. It is hot. It has been a long day. We were tired. We were hungry. We were thirsty. Everything looked good. As we walked around, we would randomly pick up the items on the menu. Pretzels. Funnel Cake. Soda. The more we snacked and ate, the more famished we were. We were missing something. Then Caleb said, “hey dad, look, there’s water. Can we get some”? As soon as we began to drink the water, it was like our body came alive.
Turns out we were craving water the whole time. The other things with added sugars and artificial sweeteners actually drained us. They could not satisfy, they actually just intensified the hunger.
Look, there’s water!
Ethiopian Eunuch
Ethiopian Eunuch
There was a man who was returning from Jerusalem. He had some struggles. He didn’t fit in. He was craving acceptance and understanding but was going home without either. However, God sent Philip his way. Philip explained that what he was looking for was only found in Jesus. Philip explained that only Jesus could truly satisfy.
36 As they continued down the road, they came to a stream of water. The eunuch said, “Here’s water. Why can’t I be baptized?”
38 He ordered the chariot to stop. They both went down to the water, and Philip baptized him on the spot.
This man said, I refuse to go home the same way I came. The man said, I need a fresh start. I need to change my menu. It starts with meal prep. It starts with increasing his water intake.
We all have a next step.
Baptism. Baptism is the place where we publically change our diet. People get baptized to...
Publicly show loyalty to Jesus
Leave the past behind and raise to newness of life
To mark a new season
To celebrate milestones
Make a choice, change your ingredients, be refreshed by the Living Water.