What Does the Bible Say About Grief and Loss?
What Does the Bible Say About… Grief & Loss
Martha needed a _____________ to her crisis: how can she be
made ____________ again?
Jesus gave her the _______________: in Jesus there is hope for
all grief to be undone.
August 22, 2021
The Question Behind the Question:
Grief is universal—we cannot ____________ it, stop it, control it,
or ____ it.
Grief is ________________________—we don’t like to witness or
________________ it.
What Jesus Said to Mary (John 11:28-36)
How do we find __________________ from our grief—and how
can we __________________ others?
Mary was _______________________ by grief. It dominated her
entire _________________, every thought, feeling and actions.
Mary needed to __________________ her pain—to find a way to
_________ through it.
Jesus gave her his ______________—he shared her grief with his
__________________, empathy and vulnerability.
What Jesus Said to the Disciples (John 11:1-16)
The disciples were _____________ by grief. They knew Lazarus
well enough to be _______________________ by his death.
They needed to make ____________ of the situation: how could
Jesus ____________ a close friend to die?
• Grief is the ______________, appropriate and _______________
response to loss.
Jesus gave them the big picture: death is not ________________,
and God is still ____________________..
• Finding comfort requires attentiveness—matching the right
answer with the right moment.
What Jesus Said to Martha (John 11:17-27)
Martha was __________________ by grief. Lazarus’ death had
created a __________ in her life.
• Jesus promises that all who mourn will be __________________.
(Matthew 5:4)
Discussion Questions
What does Paul say about the Gospel—the good news that
the love of God will triumph over death?
Which of these passages most encourages you?
1. Getting Started:
What did you find most interesting about the sermon this
week? The most helpful, eye-opening, or troubling?
How comfortable are you in talking about grief? What
makes you uncomfortable about discussing grief?
Who could you empathize with the most between the
Disciples, Martha and Mary?
3. Going Deeper
In Romans 12:15 Paul tells us to “mourn with those who
mourn.” What might it look like to look for opportunities to
mourn with others?
2. Into the Bible (Read Romans 8:18-39)
In this passage Paul encourages the Romans in the same
ways Jesus did. What does Paul say about how God comforts
his people with his presence?
How can we tell what people need in their grief—whether
they need the big picture, the gospel, or tears?
What does Paul say about the “Big Picture”—the assurance
that God is still in control?
How can we overcome our own discomfort with grief and
comfort others when they mourn?