Rules Are For Kids
Is it right or wrong for a women to wear a pantsuit? Wear short shorts on Sunday morning church service. Ok on Sunday evening? Ok for a man to wear a pony tail? If he is not a pony. Is it right or wrong to go to movies? Ok to go to any movie? X-rated? Ok to wear ear rings, men I mean? Left mine at home this morning. Is it right or wrong to smoke cigarettes, to watch ball games on Sundays, Is it right or wrong to drink coffee? Is it right or wrong to have a beer ever now and then, not drunk even the drunk knows that is wrong. And some of you say yes, no, yes, no, Well, who is going to say what’s right and what’s wrong. Now, we have the ten commandments, we don’t have to guess about the ten commandments. I thank God for the ten commandments.. Now, the ten commandments, they are here to stay, we have a lot of women and man who come and go but the ten commandments are here to stay. They’re not up for vote. Not the ten suggestions. People try to break the commandments. They don’t break the commandments really, they brake themselves on the commandments. Commandments are here and they stand, but there are a lot of areas that are not covered specifically by the ten commandments. Now, the bible is not a rule book primarily, it is a guidebook, the bible is not a book of minute laws, the bible is a book of great principles and I’m glad. If the bible were a book of minute laws, in the first place you’d have to have a freight train to carry it around on. If the bible had to make a rule for every specific situation why it wouldn’t be big enough. Secondly, I’m glad that the bible is not a book of minute laws because what would apply to one situation mighty not apply to another situation. For example, what does the bible have to say about paramutual wagering? Nothing in the scripture that tells you not to bet on a horse race or make a paramutual wager. There’s nothing in the bible that says specifically not to drive through a school zone at a hundred and ten miles an hour. There’s nothing in the bible that says not to snort cocaine, there’s nothing in the bible that says don’t go to an X-rated movie. Can you imagine the people in Paul’s time picking that up and reading it, now, what is an X-rated movie, what does that mean? If it related to one generation it wouldn’t relate to another generation. Well, I’ll tell you another reason that I’m glad that the bible is not a book of minute laws. People can find loopholes in laws. If you give me a law I’ll show you a lawyer who’d be able to somehow manipulate that law some way, somehow to find a loophole in a law, but you can’t find loopholes in a principle. There’s a difference. The bible is a book of eternal principles. I was reading the newspaper a while back and I clipped this out of the newspaper and it is, it is an article by a man named Dick Hyman about some of the laws that have been made in the history of the universe of laws and he mentions that there are about two thousand laws on the books of the United States that could be called archaic or ludacrist or outmoded. Some of them just plain strange, some of them silly, many of them were made in day yesterday back in the horse and buggy days to protect horses and cattle and other livestock from the automobile that was coming. Others were made for other reasons. I want you to listen to some of these rules, some of these laws. For example in Dunn, North Carolina there is law I suppose still on the books that they passed an ordinance forbidding anyone to snore at night so loud that it disturbed the neighbors. That’s on the lawbooks. Now, here’s one, it is illegal for any postmaster in the United States to shoot ducks. In Hot Springs, Arkansas, it is a violation of a Federal Law to make a false statement in order to obtain a free bath. Now, this law is not still on the books but it was on the books at one time, it was illegal to drive a car while asleep. We need to put that back on the books. These are not all silly. A New York traffic law stated this, two vehicles that are passing each other in opposite directions shall have the right of way. In Kansas a law said in part when two trains approach each other at a crossing both should come at a full stop and neither shall start up again until the other has gone. Folks, it’s the law. Now, those are examples that tell you how silly we get. I’ve seen things like that happen in churches where people drawing up bylaws and so forth for churches, trying to keep something from happening end up really being ludacrist and simple. The, the Jews took the ten commandments and made six hundred and thirteen different kinds of laws of the ten commandments and they became traditions and they judged each other by these things. Well, suffice it to say that the ten commandments are here to stay but there are many, many applications that become principles that grow out of the ten commandments. Now, the apostle Paul dealt with that in the book of First Corinthians and I want to show you six principles that Paul gave in the book of First Corinthians that will help you tonight and tomorrow to decide for yourself what is right and what is wrong and I’ll guarantee you, if you will buy these principles heaven will smile on you. all right, now the very first principle we’re going to find if we look in First Corinthians chapter six and verse twelve. Now, Paul says all things are lawful unto me, but all things are not expedient, all things are lawful for me but I will not be brought under the power of any. Now, the very first principle is the principle of expediency, expediency. You say, well pastor, you haven’t helped me very much because I don’t know what expediency is. What does expedient mean? Well, let me give you another word that’s like the word expedient is the word expedition. What is an expedition? An expedition is a journey, a trip. When a man is on an expedition he’s going somewhere. Now, when Paul says that all things are not expedient, what he means is this, that all things do not bring me on my journey, all things do not bring me to my desired goal. You see, every Christian has a goal, you ought to have a goal, if you don’t have a goal in your life there’s something wrong with you. There ought to be a burning ambition, there ought to be a desire, your life ought to be pointed in a particular way. Now, you ough to have some goals, they ought to be god given goals and you ought to work towards them. The reason that so,,many people are drifting through life like a ship without a mast or rudder or sails, a compass on a dark and stormy night, just blowing around is, they don’t have any goals in their life. Now, God will give you some goals if you’ll pray over them and you find out what it is that God wants you to do and you begin to move toward those goals and life becomes meaningful. I heard a story when I was a little boy about a man that came to a particular town and he saw on every bond on every tree a bulls eye type target and right in the center in the very center of that thing, in the bulls eye there was a bullet hole and he said there’s a tremendous marksmen in this town, I want to meet him. Finally, he found out he was the town idiot. He asked this man, how he managed to do so wonderfully well? He said well, everybody else paints the target and then shoots at it. He said I shoot first and then I paint the target and then he explained his wonderful plan. He said I aim at nothing and I hit it every time. Now, you’ll do exactly the same thing if you aim at nothing but if you have a goal then you need to say dear God, I am going to measure this thing, whatever it is that I’m trying to decide is it right or is it wrong for me, it might be right for somebody else but it will be wrong for me if it does not help me to my goal. There are some things that are not wrong in themselves but they are wrong for you because they are a waste of your time, they are anchors in your life that keep you from God’s appointed goal. There are some specific things in my life that I don’t do that my flesh would like to do that I don’t think there’s a person in this world who could say they’re morally wrong but I don’t do them for one reason. They keep me from my goal. A lot of people are wasting their time and they’re out of the will of God doing things that are perfectly lawful but not expedient. OK, so that’s the first principle. Does it help you? This things that you’re wondering is it right or is it wrong for me to do, whatever it is, does it bring you to the goal that God has given you? Second principle, and that’s also found in verse twelve, look at it. All things are lawful for me but all things are not expedient, all things are lawful for me but I will not be brought under the power of any. That means I’ll not be enslaved by anything. There’s a second question that you need to ask and it’s not only the question of expediency, it is the question of enslavement. Does this activity have a tendency to enslave you? You see, the Lord Jesus came to set us free. Only Christians are truly free in my estimation. An unsaved man says no, you Christians are slaves, I am the free one, I do what I WANT. The unsaved man is always free to do what he wants but he’s not free to do what he ought. Only a Christian is free to do what he ought because only the Christian has the power of t he Lord Jesus Christ that enables him to be what he ought and yet there are many Christians who are enslaved. I’m talking to some tonight who are enslaved. Some are enslaved by lust, some are enslaved by nicotine, some are enslaved by caffeine, some are enslaved by rock music, some are enslaved by their business, some are enslaved by television, some are enslaved by their appetite, far more people die from overeating than die from poison. You know, that’s kind of a bad descend to overeat, did you know that? I mean, everybody says nothing wrong with that. We laugh and joke about it and but people are enslaved. Lots of folks are slaves to nicotine. A kid will start smoking at fourteen to prove he’s a man, try to quit when he’s forty to prove the same thing. A slave by nicotine. A great big six foot’two inch man, little ole white cigarette, I just can’t quit, that cigarette has it, he’s a slave to it. was reading of a women down at Clinic. She had Burgers disease which sometimes causes the amputation of a leg and the doctor said, it wasn’t a women, it was a man, the doctor said to this man, if you don’t quit smoking, you, I’m going to have to amputate this leg. Do you know what he said? He said above the knee or below the knee, a slave. Now, one thing you have to ask yourself about anything, am I a slave to this thing? Am I a slave to it? Friend, you’re not to be a slave to anything or anybody but Jesus Christ, that’s all and if it has enslaved you, I don’t care what it is, it’s wrong, it’s wrong, that’s a principle. Paul said I am not going to let anything master me. I belong to Jesus Christ. Third principle, there’s a principle and let’s turn to First Corinthians eight now. We’re just going to progress through First Corinthians. First Corinthians verse eight and I begin in verse eight. The third principle is the principle of example. Now, the apostle Paul is talking here about eating meat that had been offered to idols and he said in verse eight but meat commends us not to god, for neither if we eat are we the better, neither if we eat not we’re the worst. Eating a steak won’t make you more spiritual or less spiritual but then notice what Paul says. But take heed, lest by any means this liberty of yours become a stumbling block to them that are weak, for if any man see you which has knowledge sit meat in the idol’s temple, shall not the conscience of him which is weak be emboldened to eat those things which are offered to idols and through your knowledge shall the weak brother perish for whom Christ died? But when you so sin against the brethren and wound their weak conscience, you sin against Christ. Wherefore, if meat make my brother to offend, I will eat no flesh while the world stands lest I make my brother to offend. Now, let me tell you what was happening. Back in this day they had said well, if I eat meat I’m no better, if I don’t eat meat I’m no worse, but he says there’s one thing I won’t do. I won’t do any thing that will cause somebody else to stumble. If it would hurt my testimony, it may be perfectly alright, it may be perfectly logical, but dear friend, logic is one thing but love is something else. Look if you will in chapter eight and verse one. Now, is touching things offered unto idols, we all know that we have knowledge, nothing wrong with the need, that’s the logic, but now watch this, knowledge puffs up, but love edifies it builds up. Now, friend, you can be puffed up by logic or built up by love. There are a lot of people who argue, there’s not a thing in the world with drinking alcoholic beverages, they say look, I don’t get drunk, I believe that it’s alright to drink and they have an argument and they believe that Jesus drank wine and they believe this and that . I think I can show from the bible that was not true, that was not intoxicating wine, but people and good people argue about it. They say look, it doesn’t hurt me, I can take it or leave it, I come home at night, I want a little cocktail, I want a beer, I do it in the privacy of my home, I’ve been doing it along time, I’m not an alcoholic, I’m not in danger of becoming an alcoholic so why should I not do it? Well, let’s turn to Romans fourteen. Just keep your, your bible there in First Corinthians, but just to Romans fourteen here for a moment and let me just show you something. And I’m going to read here in Romans is the first book to your left, just turn left there and look with me Romans fourteen and verse thirteen, it’s the same thing. Let us not therefore judge one another anymore. You know, the worse thing for us to do is about these doubtful things is to try to judge somebody else and to blood sacrifices and animal sacrifices and they would take the grade a prime animals, the very best of the flock, the very best of the sheep, the very best of the cattle and they would offer it to their pagan deities, blood sacrifices to demon Gods and after they had offered that sacrifice they would sell the meat to be put on the meat market and Christians would go down there and buy the meat. Now these were good Christians and they would taught the principles of financial freedom obviously and they said well, we need to save money so we can give to the buildings out at Canaan so we’ve got to get as good a bargain as we can in our groceries. The best place to buy good meat is down there at the pagan meat market so they would go in there and buy meat. Now, there were other Christians of that day said don’t tell me that you are sitting down and eating meat that has been sacrificed through an idol, I can’t believe it, that you to save a few dollars would eat something hat has been offered to a sacrifice to a demon God. I wouldn’t touch that meat with a ten foot pole. Don’t you love Jesus? I wouldn’t be seen going in that idol’s temple to get that meat. What a disgrace? What do you mean what a disgrace? If meat is meat, not one blessed thing wrong with it, it’s exactly like the meat you eat, only you pay more money for it, I’m saving God’s money, that idols are stick or stone, the meat is meat, it’s good meat aid I like it and I’ve got more money to use for God’s service how many of you think the guy that eats the meat is right? Let me see your hands. How many of you think that that guy who doesn’t eat the meat is right, let me see your hands. How many you take the fifth admmandment, let me se your hands. Alright now, it’s a good argument, what, I mean, you could get on either side of that argument and you could argue it pretty well, couldn’t you? Now, we don’t have that kind of a problem specifically today but folks, we’ve got things just like that and so Paul had to face that. He said well, if I eat meat I’m no better, if I don’t eat meat I’m no worse, but he says there’s one thing I won’t do. I won’t do any thing that will cause somebody else to stumble. If it would hurt my testimony, it may be perfectly alright, it may be perfectly logical, but dear friend, logic is one thing but love is something else. Look if you will in chapter eight and verse one. Now, is touching things offered unto idols, we all know that we have knowledge, nothing wrong with the need, that’s the logic, but now watch this, knowledge puffs up, but love edifies it builds up. Now, friend, you can be puffed up by logic or built up by love. There are a lot of people who argue, there’s not a thing in the world with drinking alcoholic beverages, they say look, I don’t get drunk, I believe that it’s alright to drink and they have an argument and they believe that Jesus drank wine and they believe this and that . I think I can show from the bible that was not true, that that was not intoxicating wine, but people and good people argue about it. They say look, it doesn’t hurt me, I can take it or leave it, I come home at night, I want a little cocktail, I want a beer, I do it in the privacy of my home, I’ve been doing it along time, I’m not an alcoholic, I’m not in danger of becoming an alcoholic so why should I not do it? Well, let’s turn to Romans fourteen. Just keep your, your bible there in First Corinthians, but just to Romans fourteen here for a moment and let me just show you something. And I’m going to read here in Romans is the first book to your left, just turn left there and look with me Romans fourteen and verse thirteen, it’s the same thing. Let us not therefore judge one another anymore. You know, the worse thing for us to do is about these doubtful things is to try to judge somebody else and to set a standard for somebody else. Let us not therefore judge one another anymore, but judge this rather that no man put a stumbling block or an occasion to fall in his brother’s way, Don’t judge your brother, just don’t cause him to stumble. Don’t do anything that would cause him to stumble. Now, let’s get even more specific and tighten the focus, bring it down to verse twenty one, Romans fourteen, verse twenty one, it is good neither to eat flesh nor to drink wine nor anything whereby your brother stumbles, or is offended or is made weak. Now, as far as I’m concerned that is not an argument against social drinking for an unsaved man. That would, that, that would have no effect on an unsaved man, I don’t think but I think it’s a mighty strong argument for a saved man not to do it, for a saved man. I will neither drink wine nor eat meat nor anything whereby my brother is offended or stumbles or is made weak. Now, suppose I as a pastor of Westside Baptist Church said it’s alright for me to drink a cocktail, I go out to dinner and I have a cocktail and some ministers do, some preachers do, suppose I said that’s alright for me to do it’s alright for me to have a beer if I go to a ball game or whatever, it’s alright for me to do, suppose I convince myself of that and I drink and your boys and girls at that football game see the pastor up there hoisting a wet one, huh? Do you want your children to see me drink? No, you don’t .Why? Because you don’t want your children to drink. Because you know that out of every fifteen people that begin to drink, five become problem drinkers, two will become alcoholics, five will be problem drinkers and nobody knows who will be and who will not be. You don’t want your children to drink but suppose you said son, don’t do it, your son said but mommy, brother Earl does and he’s a good man, he loves Jesus. That’d be kind of hard for you then wouldn’t it? It’d be very hard for you and what would I then be? I would be a stumbling block and I would grieve people and other people if they saw me do it, they’d say that hypocrite, they wouldn’t believe me when I preach the gospel because they think it’s wrong and it would hinder my influence, it would cause people to stumble. You see, folks, listen, I hear people say concerning things like this, well, it doesn’t hurt me or not. Does it cause you to hurt somebody else. If you just simply ask yourself does it hurt me, that’s about as selfish as you can get. The apostle Paul said I’ll not eat meat, I’ll not drink wine, I’ll not do anything that causes my brother to stumble or be offended or made weak. I have to ask myself, not will it hurt me but will it cause somebody else to stumble. So, there’s the principle of, of example. You know, there are a lot of folks. that tell us about this liquor thing, they say well, you know moderation is the answer, do you ever hear that? Moderation, if you just drink moderately. I don’t think moderation is the answer to the liquor problem. I think it’s the cause of it, I really do. I think it is the moderate drinker that encourages other people to drink. If everybody who drank got skunk drunk, if everybody who drank became an alcoholic then maybe we, we could do something about it, but it’s the moderate drinker who really encourages the others to drink who become the problem drinker. I’ve read these advertisements, by the beer bear ens and the liquor dealers and all of that and do you know what they say? They say well, oh, around Christmas time they’ll put the big ads in there about moderation and I say oh boy, what a big heart they’ve got, you know, they, they talk about moderation and they say you know, everything is to be done in moderation. You’re not to overeat and you’re not to over drink. Well, I agree that you’re not to overeat but I always get a little rankled when they compare over drinking and overeating. I’ve heard of people being arrested for driving drunk, I’ve never heard of anyone arrested for driving fat. There’s a difference. Oh, Shakespeare said what, what fools men are to put that in their mouths, that steals the brains away. I have to ask myself a question, is it expedient? Does it bring me to my goal? I have to ask the question does it enslave me? Have I been brought under the power of this thing? I have to ask myself a question does it make me a bad example to somebody else? Not only would it hurt me but could it cause me to hurt somebody else. Now, here’s another one, let’s turn to First Corinthians chapter ten and verse twenty three. This is the principle of edification, look in verse twenty three, Paul again says all things are lawful for me but all things are not expedient, we’ve already dealt with that one but then he says all things are lawful for me but all things edify not. Now, the word edify means to build up. Now this building is an edifist. Now, what Paul is says is everything doesn’t build me. You see, every activity that you enter into will either build you up or tear you down. If it builds you up it’s alright, if it tears you down it is wrong so there is a screen through which you make every activity pass and it’s called edification. Every film that you watch, every program that you watch, every friendship that you have, every conversation that you enter into should pass the test of edification. Now, that doesn’t mean that you constantly have to go to bible studies, prayer meetings. I believe it’s a sin to be studying the bible if you ought to be sleeping. I believe, it’s a sin to be praying if you ought to have recreation. Now, I’m not saying that recreation is more important than prayer. I’m saying dear friend, that you need a balanced life that includes prayer, bible study, soul winning, rest, recreation, you need it all, recreation is not bad, recreation is good, that’s why we call it re creation, but there are certain things that people do, they call it recreation but it ought to start, it ought to be wreck, W R E C K, wreck creation because rather than recreating, it just simply wrecks them it destroys them. You can tell when you’ve been, when you’ve had genuine recreation, it will refresh you, it will relax you, it will renew you, it will restore you, it just sharpens the edge, it makes you better, well, I’m going to confession is good for the soul, there have been times when I’ve been up at night and I’ve perhaps been busy and tired and I come in and I’ll watch the news and then rather than go to bed when I ought I’ll sit up there and something will come on television and I’ll be dictating some letters or reading and there will be some film that will come on, some, I hadn’t done this in a long time, thank God, but some sort of a B-grade movie, the eggplant that ate Chicago or something like that, some, some invasion from outer space or some deal like that, and you get to watching it, have you ever done that Paul? Ha, and you know you ought to turn it off but you wonder what’s going to happen and you already know what’s going to happen if you’ve got any sense, you can figure the thing out, I mean, there’s no plot to it, the plot doesn’t thicken, it sickens, and it just, and you watch it and you watch it and finally about one o’clock that thing is over and you say why did I do that? I’ve to get up in the morning early, I’ve got a meeting, I’ve got this or that and you, you want to kick yourself all the way to the bedroom. Now, look, I’m the only guy that’s done that, none of you ever have, isn’t that right? No, we’ve all done something like that and there wasn’t a thing in there that restored us, refreshed us, relaxed us, renewed us, just drained us, huh? Now, what you have to ask yourself is, indeed do I have, what, what I, this, this friendship or this vacation or this film or this music or whatever it is, does it build me up? Am a stronger person? You know, I have friends, quote friends, or people I know, they don’t build me up. I mean, I know people that could brighten up a room by leaving it. I have other people, when I’m around them, boy, I’m just a better person, just a better person. As iron sharpeneth iron so a man’s countenance sharpeneth the countenance of his friend. And so, so here is a principle of any, of any activity, and for you to try to get me to tell you what is right or wrong about little minute things and make Mickey mouse rules. Rules are for kids, principles are for spiritual, mature adults and one of these is the principle of edification. Now, I want to give you another one of these principles from the word of God and this is what I’m going to call the principle of exaltation. Now, we’re gaining ground and moving up higher. Look in chapter ten and verse thirty one. The apostle Paul then goes on to say whether therefore you eat or drink or whatsoever you do, do all to the glory of God. Oh, my friend, you talk about a principle, you talk about a principle, it is the principle of exaltation. I ask myself concerning anything I do, does this exalt Jesus? Can I do what I do for the glory of God? Now, he’s not just talking bout your church life here. Look again in verse thirty one. Whether therefore you eat or drink or whatsoever you do, do all to t he glory of God. Well, you say that’s kind of hard to get my hands on pastor. Well, let me ask you this. Would you feel comfortable doing that particular thing if Jesus Christ were with you in a physical body? I mean, you’re going out on a date young person and the boy or the girl suggest a particular film, now, let’s suppose that Jesus Christ were also in the car, would you go into that movie house if Jesus Christ were invited to go in with you? The bible says that whatever you do, do to the glory of God. Let’s go back to this matter of smoking cigarettes again. Can you smoke a cigarette to the glory of God? Lord Jesus, this is for you, for your glory, holy smoke, it’s for you, you think about it. Oh, you say you’re being ridiculous. No, I’m not. Do you know how a girl ought to dress when she goes out on a date? As though Jesus Christ were her escort. There are girls who go out on things they ought not to even come downstairs in. You ladies ought to dress for church like your going to meet Jesus. Look folks, whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. If you can give thanks for it, if you can say Lord, this will bring you glory, then do it. If you can’t do that if it doesn’t bring him glory, then don’t doit. That’s the principle of exaltation. Now, let me mention the last one. These are not little minute laws, these are great principles folks. The last one is the principle of evangelism. Look if you will now in chapter ten, we read verse thirty one, let’s continue to read. Give no offense, neither to the Jews, nor to the Gentiles, nor to the church of God. That is, you live a life where you won’t offend people. Why? Now, notice verse thirty three, here’s why Even as I please all men in all things not seeking mine own profit but the profit of many, now watch, that they may be saved, the principle of evangelism. Don’t do anything that keeps you from witnessing from Jesus Christ. If you live in such a way that it keeps you from bringing a person to Jesus Christ, don’t do it. Now, you’re in the office and you’ve got a real funny story, it’s a dirty story or maybe one of these kind, you know, but it’s funny, and you want to tell you and you tell it to an unsaved man and then you try to witness to him, see what happens. You begin to tell him about your pure Jesus after you’ve told your dirty joke, you sit around in the in the ladies group in your neighborhood, the flower society or whatever it is and you listen to that gossip and you cut somebody else down and then you try to talk about Jesus and see how they listen to you. Oh friend. I tell you the measurement by which you let things pass as this, am I going to do anything, say anything, be anything that keeps me from bringing souls to Jesus Christ. It may be perfectly legitimate according to the standards of this world but for you as a Christian you just can’t do it. A man that who is kind of picky about how his shirts are done. You know, there are people that, that is very important to them, how the collar and cuffs are done. He had a particular cleaners, he took his white shirts to that laundry and he said something like this, I want them done with no starch in the body, hard starch in the cuffs and light starch in the collars or something like that, very particular how he wanted his shirts done. When he went to get his shirts done they’d done it wrong so he brought the shirts back, he said now look, I probably didn’t make it plain, here’s what I want, thus and so and thus and such. When he came back the second time it was still wrong, they’d done it opposite, backwards. He came back the third or fourth time, finally, in exasperation he said look, can’t you get anything right, it’s not that complicate, look, I’m going to write you a note, here’s what I want, now please, get it right. Yes sir, that same denominational worker went to his church for visitation, they were going out soul winning, he was given a card. He looked at the card and he said the name on the card was the proprietor of the cleaners, it’d be like Brown’s Dry Cleaners and it’d be Mr. Brown. He said to the people, I want to ask you a question, any of you know this mister Brown, they said yes, we know him. Does he have a laundry? Dry cleaning establishment? Yes he does. On thus and such a place. Yes he does. Oh, you want me to go see him? Yes, well, I want to ask you another question, do you know Mr. Brown? Yes, I do. Well, does Mr. Brown know who I am? Yes, he does. Well, I want to ask you this question. What does Mr. Brown think of me? And this literally happened, the church worker said Mr. Brown thinks the most important thing on this earth to you is how your shirts are done. I want people to think of me the most important thing on this earth to me is Jesus Christ. Now, I want my shirts done nice too, but I want dear friend, not to do anything or say anything or be anything to anybody that would keep me from later on sharing the love of Jesus with that person, so Paul said don’t give offense to the Jew, the Gentile, the church of God, keep your life in such a way that you can share the gospel of Jesus Christ. We’re not going to tell you a lot of Mickey mouse rules but friend, if you will just take these principles and earnestly I believe heaven will smile on your life.