Foundation Course - Class 2 New Format
Well, Shalom everybody. This is John Ross. Dr. John Ross at Beth Messiah, and this is foundation. Course, class to the recording for the regular class on spot. Did not work. So I'm using this. Thursday afternoon to record this for you all and anybody who might want to watch it again or see this for the first time if you miss class, so I'm going to go through the course to slides this afternoon. And this is a course to or module two, if you got the materials from the last class or if you haven't received materials, I will also send out a pdf version of this as we go through the slides. You'll be able to follow along with the PDF, pretty closely. It's pretty close to 2. So, let me start out with the word of prayer as we began, or God of Israel. I'm so thankful for this foundations class. I'm thankful for. All those who have joined us for this recording and and thank you Lord, for their lives and massage you up. Or we pray that we would grow continually in. Your kingdom is Disciples of the most high god of the god of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob Lord, send your roof. Talk to teach us even now and you sure was named. Amen. Okay, so this is going to be divided up into two big sections. One is God's calling for Messianic Jews. And the second one is God's calling from a Santa Gentiles and then I'll send spend a little time at the end talking about our unity in the New Covenant. All right. So we're going to start out with Jeremiah 31 at that time to Claire's, the Lord. I will be the God of all the clans of Israel and they shall be my people. Thus says the Lord, the people who survived the sword found Grace in the wilderness when Israel sought for rest. The Lord appeared to him from far away. I have loved you with an everlasting love. Therefore. I have continued my faithfulness to you. So I want to start out by first of all talking about three things that God does for our Messianic Jewish Community. First of all God's love to for them is a personal love. It says Jeremiah 31. The Lord appeared to him from far away. I have loved you with an everlasting love. Therefore. I have continued my faithfulness. Oh God has continued his faithfulness to the Jewish people and he loves them. He continues to love them. Just like we would love our children, our children who are just always obedient all the time, right? Yes, always know. That's not true there. They were disobedient and they do things that they shouldn't do. And it time since we have to reprimand them. We have to scold them. We have to chastise them. We have to teach them and the process. Do we ever say? Yep, don't love you anymore. No ways parents. We continue to love our children and so is it's no different with the god of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The god of Israel continues to love his. Jewish people, I even in the times where they were falling into sin and idolatry in Pagan ways. He continued to love them and continues to love it to this day. Number two, or actually, let me let me say this, how how he loves them, God chose Israel by a sovereign love. And by this love, he keeps them and you. Shua in in the gospels. We see if she will weeping over Jerusalem because of the law spiritual state of so many of his people. Number to God's love is Perpetual. Not only is it personal, but it's perpetual and that same verse in Jeremiah 31:3. It says I have loved you with an everlasting. Love that love continues how. Well first of all, we know it does because of the remnant. There are Jewish Believers that have present tense, Jewish testimonies today because the god of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob reached out to them and they embraced the Seed of Abraham and you show the Messiah and through the witness of Gentile Believers is another way Gentiles, the fullness of the Gentiles, which we'll talk about later. I'm covers this whole aspect of this love being perpetual. And finally, the love is of God is powerful for the Jewish people. It says there at the end. I have continued my faithfulness to you. Only God's power can do that. A God's keeping power of Israel. How does he do it by his loving? Kindness is Hesed is a word that you'll see in Hebrew has to do with loving kindness. Modify the terms Casa dm4 based on that word through the abrahamic Covenant, and we'll talk about that in just a moment. And the Reason God called the Jewish people into existence is because he first loved them. So this is a big verse here. I first Romans 1 16 and 17. But Romans 1:16. This verse is a life first for me, one of my life versus along, with Galatians, 2:20, Micah 6:8. Those are all life verses for me. But this one was alive. First, brought Becky and I to Beth Messiah back in 1994. Now those, you know, us, Becky grew up at the Messiah in her living room. It started in 1982. We got married. I met her in 87. We got married in 89, and we went and served at three different carnations before we came to Beth Messiah, 1994, August and 94. So, we've now been at Messiah, for 27 years and so in 94, we came And this verse was burned into my heart, and my wife's heart as Ron, Erin Sandra, buy run errands and preach from it in August of 1994 and the Lord called us. Because of this verse that says, for I'm not ashamed of The Gospel, Four is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes to the Jew first. And also to the Greek for Anna at the righteousness of God is revealed from safe for Faith as is written the righteous shall live by faith. And so, you noticed in there. It says, to the Jew first and we'll talk about what that means. So this phrase, I'm not ashamed of the good news. Sometimes you'll see the word gospel there, that comes from the word end. Well, first of all, the word in Hebrew is beserara, so, you might say, I say you might hear say besserat. Mashea core bessaroth hamashiach. The good news of Messiah. So that's the word for vessel Ryan Hebrew. You'll find that in Isaiah 49, 40, verse 9, for example, and the Greek word is you and Gillian and you and gallium is where we get the word evangelism from. You can probably see they're very closely that you and Kelly and looks much like our English word evangelism. And that's where we get it from. Is the idea of good news that's been translated in a lot of Bibles as gospel. A better translation, really is the word good. The phrase, good news because in anytime you see you like the EU sound that represents the word, good, and Greek. And unfortunately words like euthanasia, which means good death. I don't think there's anything good about that but it is death what it means. So here you have you in the first part of this world and the second part and yell is the word for Angel. An angel also is translating this message. So you have the word, you and gallium. Good message within that word there. So what does it mean? What does to the Jew? First actually mean when there's two different interpretations that we can, look at first, there's the historical interpretation and then there's the theological interpretation. So, the historical interpretation says, the gospel went to the Jews first, and then to the Gentiles, kind of like the serial, you know, one by one thing in order, the version could definitely lead, replacement, Theology. And it goes something like this. Well, the, the Jewish people had the gospel, the good news come to them first, and they had their chance, and they decided in Mass for the most part to not receive you as their Messiah. They rejected him as their National Messiah. And so as a result, God is finished with them and he is now turn to the nation's to the Gentiles. And This version has been very popular in church history. And it's the reason why many Embrace replacement Theology and replacement. Theology. Remember is where the church has replaced Israel and God's covenant plan, and he is no longer sees them as a covenant people. So we believe hear about Messiah as many other churches do as well. That that is false. That is not out the truth from the word of God. That's a lie. And the theological interpretation is really the better example of how we can look at this verse and the idea to the Jew. First, the gospel is available for all especially to the Jew and equally to the Gentile. See David Stern's complete Jewish Bible translation. That's very kind of brings it out. But the reason why it's important is because most translations say first to the Jew and then to the Greek or to the Gentile, but it's not really understandable in the end. And so, To be fair, David Stern brings us out of the translation his translation in the Greek. It doesn't necessarily bring it out that way. But if you look at the entire context of Paul and look at the entire context, especially in Romans 9, 10 and 11. There's no mistaking what he's trying to say here. In fact, that would say that Romans 1, 16 and 17 is basically that one of the big themes of the entire book of Romans, but if you say Romans 1:16, and then you all the sudden just leaving the vacuum, it might be confusing. But if you look at it skews me, if you look at it in the context of Romans 9 10 11, there's no doubt what Paul's trying to say here and that is that God is always chosen. The Jewish people. He continues to choose the Jews Jewish people, even though right now there's a Remnant. It's so especially to the Jewish person salvations offer because every Covenant in the Bible is given to the Jewish people. There's no Covenant that was given first to gentiles. including the new covenants important for us to realize that,
All right. So then the next thing that we look at here is the abrahamic Covenant. So the abrahamic Covenant is a promise blessing for the nation Nations and a plural, the Gentiles in my words and it's the same Covenant promised Abraham, a people in a land. So, So in the passage, you know, in several places where we see this sin in Genesis 15:20, to and other places, you realize that God is making a promise to Abraham to bless him. His people. He never liked the stars of the sand of the sea shore and he also blessed them with the land and He blesses the nation's. So if God were to fulfill one part of the promise, but nullify another part, he would break the Covenant and this would be unrighteous to Abraham and his descendants. And the seed of Promise through this is Yeshua Messiah. And where does Paul bring that out? He brings that out in the book of Galatians. Now, the promises were spoken to Abraham and to his seed, it doesn't say answer seeds as a mini, but as of 1 and to your seed, who is the messiah? What I am saying is this tour which came 430 years later does not cancel the Covenant previously, confirmed by God. So, as to make the promise and effective, for, if the inheritance is based on the law, it is no longer based on promise. But God has graciously given it to Abraham by means of a promise. And so that's very important to realize that tour, which team for 30 years later does not cancel this abrahamic. Covenant. It is a continual Perpetual Covenant and as we talked about earlier about God, how God loves his people perpetually it? This is one of the examples. All right. So the abrahamic Covenant, very important. Now we come to this Parts in our weekly Foundation module about the importance of Messianic congregations. And why do we bring this up? Well,
In the yard and the world before there was really popularity amongst the Messianic Jewish people to create congregations. Jewish people who embraced you? Shua Jesus. Would have had to pretty much assimilate. I guess that's the best word I can use. They would have simulate to the culture of whatever Church they were a part of. If they were in Switzerland, they would probably start acting like Swiss church people. If they were in England, that was her acting like English church people. If they were in the Americas, they would do the same etcetera, etcetera. And so, the idea Messianic congregations is basically that Jewish people can embrace you. Shua And can continue to be Jewish and do Jewish things in a Jewish context. So, it's very important that we realize that, that's the one of the big things that draws Jewish people to Messianic congregations. It's because we don't look like a church. Now, look, you'll get some that say all your guys are just to church disguised in Jewish clothing or whatever. Well, I don't get offended at that because the truth is, we are part of the church. We are part of the body, the greater body of Messiah, but don't think. For one moment. We're just trying to play Church. We're trying to do the things that Covenant abrahamic Covenant people. Physical seeds of Abraham would be comfortable within the context of their synagogue, but we add to that. Of course, the best, Surratt mushy X, the gospel of Messiah. So, in Messianic congregations, they they show the faithful testimony of God. If all Jewish people that mentioned earlier, were assimilated into good churches, the Jewish people, the nation would virtually end according to Sam Nadler and he mentions that in our Messianic foundations book on page thirty-four traditional Christian dumb is steeped in assumptions, which suppress our Jewish continuity. Also, their ineffective testimony of God, they show the faithfulness of God and the testimony of Jewish people who come into the kingdom and still love Moses. I still love the one who wrote the Torah, and they realize that it's fulfilled in, you sure. Also, there for filling the testimony of God in the process. And so it's essential to the Great Commission and disciple making healthy disciples, don't mean large numbers. They mean healthy disciples, meaning the understand this, and so, and then as the result of that you're younger, you understand that? When we try to do discipleship. We just don't grab some church material. We we are now using Sam nadler's Messianic discipleship. For example, to make it a specific to Jewish Believers as we can't All right. So this next section here, kind of carries onto the continuity of not just the importance of Senate of the Messianic synagogue, by the importance of realizing. This is a faith continued from the father's from the Patriarchs. So, just like with Abraham stage one, is that salvation to commences by faith and you can see. Romans for that, you know, Abraham believed and it was accounted to him as righteousness, number to Salvation continues by faith. So, the continuing thing, they are God's power and your life is manifested only in the context of our relationship with him and a relationship with God. Like, other healthy relationships is based on trust. And so salvation. Begin to continues by faith, Covenant, merely formalizing clarifies that Faith relationship. And then salvation is perfected by faith. Our growth is not a matter of forcing more works out. But of developing faith. In Reliance upon God, faith is reckoned his righteousness from the start. But its goal is faithfulness and good works that reflect a righteous God. So faith in your shoe, a loan saves and salvation is obtained by faith. Salvation is not by works of the law about the witness of the law. Even though God's righteousness in your shoe is not dependent on any works of the tour of Moses. The Mosaic Taurus still serves as an eternal purpose and witnessing to this very righteousness and Sam have her says this. I love this quote. You sure will fulfill Torah like Niagara Falls fills a glass with water. And if you ever been to Niagara Falls or seen it, you can probably imagine how my picture that is. The New Covenant is not a contradiction to the tour of Moses. Hear me on that. It is not a contradiction. It is the Fulfillment of all the Torah of Moses anticipated. That is why Paul state that the righteousness of God by faith in Messiah, is witness to buy the law, and the prophets, and that's found in Messianic foundations, 70. All right, so normally would pass your questions. But since there's nobody here, but me and I don't have any questions at this point. We're going to move on to the next section and that is God's calling for Messianic Gentiles. Yes, I use The Frayed phrase Messianic Gentiles and not Christians. We try to be very careful with that word in his been abused and misused and misunderstood are. There are some in the movement that have no problem with it. Mitch Glazer's, one of them who's over, chosen people Ministries. He has no problem with somebody calling him a Christian but he goes by Messianic, Jewish believer. That's what he is. And so we kind of do the same thing here. I refer to myself when I'm in the church community and people call me a Christian. Of course. I have no problem with that label, but I am a Messianic Gentile, John Ross from Sicily. It's worth family came from but born and raised in West, Texas. Is a Messianic Gentile, meaning that I am from the nation's and I embrace and a Jewish way. The truth of who God is through your shoe at the god of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. So within this calling, there is a gentile Great Commission in the earliest Believers in. You sure yet. Understand. They assumed that Gentile Believers were all to convert and becomes use. And if you don't really understand that or believe me on that, you can go relax and start picking up around Acts chapter 8 9 and as you go through all the way to chapter 15, you'll see the full story develop as various folks said well in order for Gentiles to be say they must be circumcised. And so the issue of Gentile Believers is one in the family faith. That was a very dicey one. Based on Romans 11, never writes this our confidence in God's word and it sure for Phillip Packer Evangelistic activities as well as our Eternal perspective. Therefore, Paul teaches that the Fulfillment of Israel's National Revival is certain because God's calling is irrevocable. Nevertheless. It will be fulfilled. When Gentiles when Gentiles minister to Jewish people the same Mercy that they have received. Okay, so that's important to realize that we as Jewish as gentile people Gentile Believers. We received the mercy of God that we didn't deserve and unfortunately, we got very arrogant about that and turned our hearts away from God's chosen people and as a result of doing that we became so arrogant that we thought we were God's only chosen people and the truth is we are grafted into the same olive tree that the Jewish people have and it's their tree. We'll get into that later. So regarding things like The Parting of the ways, there was a parting of the ways between Jewish Believers and Gentile Believers. Why was that? So some Gentiles Believers were arrogant against Israel. I just used that phrase are against against Israel. These Believers therefore neglected their responsibility to reach out to the Jewish people in love and you see it through people like chrysostome and the early writings. People like Constantine and others in the church, and I know Constantine gets a lot of credit for great things. I'll his mama certainly did a lot of good things to get him on board cuz he was truth. Is he was a pagan for most of his life pretty much and there is a strong chance that he actually didn't even really convert to believe in Yeshua tell he was on his deathbed but he was very sensitive and that's not the right word. He was he was very comfortable with the coexistence of all the folks that were a part of the Messianic church. So he wanted to make sure that that was was all fulfilled and He did that.
Excuse me, for a moment. I'm getting a phone call here. And I just needed to respond to somebody and let him know that I'm I'm doing a recording right now. Basically, he was comfortable with with a fact that so many Believers were persecuted for so long. He just basically wanted to widen the Gate of saying, yeah, I will let these people in the level of these people in it. So, there's lots of things about Constantine, that sounds great, but then the truth of the matter is he turned his back on the Jewish people towards the end of his riding and riding, she'll see it. So the big problem is, what has been really this big issue. What's the big problem with Jewish evangelism within the church? Why are you trying to culturally culturally different than the Jewish Community? Your Liberty. And you, shua was meant to help you identify with Israel not be alienated from them according to the foundation's chapter page 84. So we mentioned earlier about the Olive Tree, their own Olive Tree. In the New Covenant. We C3 plants representing Israel and God's promise to them first. The vine second, the Fig Tree and third the Olive Tree and if you just look at it scripture and general and you see just the idea of trees. Usually, they're very, very important. You even see it all the way to the back to the beginning. When The Angelic, visitors, the Lord of hosts, and others in, and be very most likely you show up here to Abraham. And you see that he's among these trees and just very interesting symbolism. So the fines for the first one in it, so it symbolizes Israel, spiritual life. And this is Israel productivity a promise. So we seeing in the minor Prophet Hosea, the first part of the chapter 10, the first first, rather than first part of that verse Israel is a luxuriant vine that yields its fruit. The more has fruit increase, the more Alters, he built. And so we know from the Besserat mushy Act of the gospels that you. Shua said. I am the vine and you are the branches. If you abide me, you bear much fruit for apart from me. You can do nothing until we see this idea of Vine life and that we are branches off of the bind, the bind as you show up. The second one is the Fig Tree and this is symbolized. This symbolizes Israel's National life. This is Israel's profession of promise and Jose and 9 verse 10 says, like grapes in the wilderness. I found Israel. Like the first fruit on the Fig Tree and its first season. I saw your father's And so I want to just make sure that we understand that the Olive Tree ever. The Fig Tree here is not went when you shua goes. And he looked at the Fig Tree, any purses that many folks in the early church, theological ideas around that were basically that what you she was doing there. As he is saying that Israel's done that we're finished with Israel and that there's a curse upon them now. And all the curses that in the Torah, they still are going to happen to Israel. But all the blessings that are in the Torah are going to know what happened to the nation's and boy is that is too big. Big, big fat lie, if supersessionism or replacement theology, instead, what what he was doing is that your your professional promised here is what is being delayed? And that professional promise is going to be fulfilled in the last days. Finally, the Olive Tree and it symbolizes is real picture of future service and when by faith, Messiah and Messiah, the natural branches are grafted back. So we see here. This is a beautiful picture that we see in Romans 11, 16 through 24. So we can read a little bit from Romans 11 here. But if some of the branches were broken off and you being a wild Oliver grafted in among them and became a partaker of the root of the olive tree with its riches. And so we continue to kind of go through that. You see that they're grafted among them, grafted in among them being a wild Olive Tree. So so being a part of Wild Olive Branch. We are grafted in among them. A lot of people would like to say, no, we are grafted in replacing them know, that's not what it says. It says were crafted in among them. Among who the remnant, those who already Belong To You, shua, who are Jewish. We are grafted in among them, and we become a partaker of the root of the Olive Tree and its riches. So those riches was very rich is for the Gentiles is where we want to go next and Romans 11:12. Now if their transgression is riches and whose transgression is he talking about here? He's talking about the Jewish people if their transgression is Rich's for the world and their failure is Rich's for the Gentiles, how much more were there, full film a date. And this is one of those arguments from the Lesser to the greater. And Romans 11:25 lest you be wise in your own site Gentile. That's who's talking it to your now. I do not want you to be unaware of this mystery Brothers. A partial hardening is come upon Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in. So we go back to that last verse and we seen in verse 12:4 filmont, the word fulfillment and then it verse 25, the word fullness. Those are both the same word or the same root word in Greek, and it's either play ralo or play Roma, depending on whether it's a noun or verb form. And basically, it has to do with fulfillment or feeling full and it's the same word that you sure. Use when he said, do not think that I've come to abolish the law and the prophets, I did not come to abolish but to play Roja to fulfill. And so there's this idea of completeness completing it, and that's very important. So, what is the fullness of the Gentiles? Mother's been different. Different definitions about this over the years and In this passage Paul is explaining and mystery. He's not he's not creating one. He's not creating some mystery. He's explaining one that's already, I've been around. So the fullness of the Gentiles, basically means, first of all, I could mean a number of Gentiles to be saved. In other words, the the fullness. So in fact some translations say, when the full number of Gentiles, there is no word there in Greek for number, that doesn't exist. That's, that's, that's an English translation. If I could be just completely blunt. Some of the translations that put phone number in, there is no word there. They've, they've just taken some Liberty to say all that must be what Paul meant. Well, if Paul would have meant that he would have used the word of a ref move or a rift in the world, that will we get a respite from the Greek word that has to do with numbering things. You didn't use that work, there he use. Number of Gentiles be safe. So it's not that the glory of the church. This is just a ridiculous argument that somehow the fullness of Gentiles means that the church is now replaced Israel. Once again, there's that whole idea of replacement theology popping up and the third one, the faithfulness of Gentile Believers to the Messianic Mission. Yes, correct. Daily, Jeopardy. Daily, Double on that one. The faithfulness of Gentile Believers to the Messianic mission is what the fullness of Gentiles mean. Let me just tell you and I don't believe it's a coincidence. I believe it's the spirit of God doing this. In the last days that we have seen a larger number of people from the church asking questions about Jewish people and jewishness and Jewish things. And why I believe it's because God is bringing the fullness of the Gentiles, not numbers. But their understanding of their faithful calling, as the nation's to Israel. Do you not believe that go read Isaiah 60? Go read. I just in the book of Isaiah in general, but just see that the Fulfillment that God has for Gentiles. All right. So this last section today is going to be kind of a brief one. I'll because I did not go through all this when we had class on Shabbat, we didn't have time. So I'm going to kind of just kind of highlight a little bit of it here and not really spend much time on it. First of all, the history in this relationship in the ekklesia a neck. Lacia is a Greek word for those called out. It can mean congregation is translated. Pretty poorly, is the word church from the Greek word Kirk, but it really has to do with tehaleh or congregation or even like a hotter, a small group of people is tended towards pressuring juice to give up their Jewish identity. And all you have to do is read a couple of chapters in Michael Brown's book. Our hands are stained with blood and that specifically mostly for those who are of the gentle persuasion. To see what has been done in the name of quote-unquote, the name of Christ by the church to Jewish people, the pressure and it sometimes persecution in your read that in the chapters. Definitely when it comes to Spanish Inquisition to remove Jewish expression. Without the body of Messiahs tragic for a number of biblical reasons. God is glorified in our Unity. If we accept each other as Messiah did therefore, accept one another just as Messiah. Also accepted you to the glory of God Friday, Claire, that Messiah has become a servant to the circumcised. I want you to see that for a moment. It doesn't say Messiah, has become a servant to the nation's. He's become a servant to the lost sheep of the House of Israel. The circumcised for the sake of God's truth. In order to confirm. The promise is given to the Patriarchs. What promises are we talking about here abrahamic, Covenant, Redemptive covenants were made by God only with the Jewish people, Gentile Believers minister to the Jewish people as Messiah did confirming and not canceling. The promises to the father's house by becoming a servant to the circumsized and we continue on here and for the Gentiles to glorify God for his Mercy, is it is written. For this reason. I will give you praise among the Nations among the growing in the Gentiles, and I will sing to your name.
So we could say the Jewish good news for the Gentiles is this. Welcome to the Commonwealth? Welcome to the Commonwealth. What is a commonwealth? Many definitions can be used for Commonwealth. If you've ever traveled to a place like the Cayman Islands or some other places that are under the Commonwealth of England. They are physically, not the UK, but they are under that Commonwealth and they fly that flag and they also drive on the left side of the road, which is weird, but that's what they do. Alright, Gentiles, who believe in you. Shua. Do not become Jewish. It is not refer to the nation of Israel. Talked about Commonwealth here. Commonwealth does not refer to the nation of Israel in the idea of Commonwealth, is that of citizenship in the community, which transcends national borders, and that's why, you know, the the Grand Caymans is a great example of that, as Believers in Messiah. She was Jewish and gentile, people do not share the same nationality. You do not become physically Jewish when you receive your show, and that is a great argument to give back because the rabbis have said, for years, if you're Jewish and you receive your shoe as Messiah, if you believe he's really the guy and he's the Messiah, then you are no longer Jewish. No, no. No, that is absolutely false. You do not have a DNA, physical DNA change. When you receive your, shua. It's a spiritual New Creation. You are still here. You are physically, but you were spiritually one and Messiah. They share the same rights. They being Gentiles share the same rights values and relationship with the Living. God, spiritually, spiritually, not physically. This is the Gentiles true spiritual Unity within the body and Messiah and identification with Israel not being Jewish yet part of and specifically saying that as being invested in and interested in the welfare of Jewish life. They are intertwined with Jews as part of the biblical community of God. I saw this is help Paul put it in the Fusions for, he is our Shalom. The one who made the two into one and broke down. The middle Wall of Separation with his flashy made powerless the hostility, the lock code of mit's, vote of Commandments contained and regulations. He did this in order to create within himself. One new man, from the two groups making Shalom. What this does not say is that your shoe and nailed the Torah to the cross and was done in a polished, all of the word of God. Nope, not what he did. What he did is he basically removed. He tore down the middle wall of separation. And in the process, the the lock code was destroyed that had to do with regulations things. Like I can't associate with a gentile because I'm Jewish those kind of things. Things like the the sign that says under penalty of death of Gentile can't come into this area where Jewish people are in a spiritual sense. That's what he did. Okay. So you shua represents a peace offering in this case, in a much like the Native American Indians would sit down with the white man, and they would have a peace pipe and they would share that peace, pipe and that would be a peace offering amongst them. So this is like a peace offering that would be sacrificed. Are you sure is our peace offering it indicated that these there was a complete peace with God. The offering was actually eaten by those offering the sacrifice. When there's a peace offering. So the two groups would eat together such with God's peace offering in the death of Messiah and he put an end to the hostility, the hostility between Jews and Gentiles. All right, so, I actually did cover that. I got a little confused. I did cover that class. It was this last section, hear God's calling for New Covenant, Messianic faith that we didn't get to spend a lot of time on. And so there's this idea of New Covenant orientation and the New Covenant as we said before is a New Covenant and not a renewed Covenant. I want to continue to stress that there's been some movement amongst the Messianic circles and Zen even for a while and our own congregation. We had this language of renewed, Covenant. There is no place except for one one place in the entire to knock or you could possibly translate that is renewed when you're talking about like kind of shot. That the word that use their heads when you use that word, it is always almost always 99% the time translated this new. So it's important to realize that in traditional Judaism. The application of Torah is authoritatively found in the talmud midrash and other rabbinical literature of the oral law is meant to fulfill a need in the community providing authoritative. Application of the written law as followers Messiah. Our Holocaust. Our way of walking is found in the teaching a messiah and his shlichim is Apostles New. Covenant Holocaust helps us understand how you shua came not to destroy but to fulfill the law and prophets in Messiah. The righteous go. All the Mosaic Torah is fulfilled. Do the purpose of the Mosaic, Covenant, our profound indeed, the major purposes was to show his Holiness and therefore, our need for repentance and his forgiveness. Very important to realize that the law shows our need for the atonement, forgiveness and new life. And you, shua is detailed in the New Covenant. And so we talked about how the New Covenant is different. So when the remainder of the materials that you have now, they kind of talks about this. I didn't go into a lot of detail in the slides, but all I said, here was unlike the Mosaic the New Covenant is unbreakable because it's unconditional. It's important to realize that the Mosaic Covenant, even though that it is faded away, it is, it is unbreakable because it's God's word. Okay, it's it's really important to understand that God side of a covenant is unbreakable our side. If it's a conditional, Covenant is breakable. So the Mosaic having it was broken by a sweet, we broke it. And if I we I mean the original people who received it, broke it We break God's covenant, anytime we sent right? We do we fall short of God's glory. And so, the condition is that all all, the fallen short of God's glory, when we send it, because of that, the wages of sin are death, but the verse that continues on their, the Eternal, a gift of God is Messiah. She was eternal life that we received from him. So, with the free gift of God, is eternal life in Messiah, Sheila. And that's very important to realize it Messiah. We are under a New Covenant and its newness is singing and its key differences. This is true enough. This is true through all covenants, do all. I'm sorry. This is true, though. All covenants are all eternally established for this is the cabinet that I will make with a house of Israel. After those days, to clear the Lord. I will put my law within them and I will write it on their hearts. I will be their God and they shall be my people. Oh, yeah. Well, this is the end of our a second session at the third class will be offered on August 28th. In that class. We will cover this one of my favorites. It, we will cover the Jewish life cycle events. The moedim are structure about, this is how we do things and it's just a real fun class. So I hope you can enjoy it and join us this week in person. For those of you who are currently suffering with the virus with covid-19 for you and we are praying for God, Shalom and his grace to come upon you and heal, you in the mighty name, you show up. Thank you all so much for joining this class this week. God bless you and show him.