Two Questions
Sermon Notes
April 23, 2017
Mark 8:27-33/Mt. 16:13f
Short Review
Briefly summarize the message, look for the following points:
1. The first question
2. The second question
3. How do we respond to these questions?
Some Questions for Discussion: Focus the discussion on: What we make of Jesus, and how our culture
(education, traditions, media, arts, authority figures) shapes the way we approach Jesus.
1. What kinds of things have you heard people say about who they think Jesus was? [What have you seen
or heard in the media, arts, school/college?]
2. Imagine the gentile/pagan cultures of the first century, and imagine that they heard Jesus and saw His
works: what kinds of answers had their culture prepared them to give to Jesus’ first question?
3. Compare Mark and Matthew. What kinds of answers did the Jewish culture prepare people to give to
Jesus’ first question?
4. Which claims of Christ (claims about Christ our faith makes) are the hardest to explain to your
unbelieving friends? Why is it so?
5. Comment on Peter’s confession: what did he get right, what was left out?
6. How do you personally deal with the ‘mysteries’ of Christ? For example, that He was full man and fully
God, that He was “God in the flesh,” the trinity etc. How have you grown in your understanding of these
things, what has helped you to grow?
7. Your story?
a. Would you share how coming to faith in Jesus and beginning to follow Him related to your
understanding at the time of who He is?
b. What was clear then and what was not clear? [When did you know enough to commit to being a
follower of Jesus?]
c. How did your background (culture/traditions/the ‘givens’ you accepted) help or hinder in your
seeing and trusting Jesus?