Shackle or Liberator?
Sermon Notes
September 30, 2018
John 8:31-36
Short Review
Review the main points of the morning message.
Focus on: How can following the words/commands of another be the means to freedom?
Some Questions for Discussion:
1. What are some of the books (besides the Bible) which have influenced your life (for good or ill)? What was
it about them that gripped you?
2. How would you reply to a close friend who asked why you believe the bible instead of one of the other
holy books others honor? What if you haven’t read those other books – how would you reply?
3. What, in your mind, is the relationship between “rules and regulations” and “freedom?” Opposites? In
harmony? How did you view this when you were a teenager?
4. There’s a puzzle in the text: 31 speaks of “Jews who believed” but then later (44) they are called children
of the Devil.
a. How do you reconcile this? [See something similar in John 2:23-25 and 6:59-66]
b. What is Jesus’ definition of a ‘true disciple’ in this text?
5. What is the difference between confessing faith in the Bible (“I believe the bible is the Word of God”) and
“abiding” in Jesus’ words? [Abiding/continuing/remaining/living – various synonyms in various
translations. Might be fun to have folks imagine a word picture of what it would be like to ‘abide’ or ‘dwell’
in Jesus’ words.]
6. Comment on verse 32 and 36
a. What are misuses of the phrase “you will know the truth and the truth will make you free?”
b. How does knowing (Jesus’) truth make us free? How would we experience such freedom?
c. How does the Son make us free – and free from what?
d. How does this (should this) freedom affect Christian marriages, families and friendships?
7. What resonated with you from the Sunday message? Were there particular applications to your own life
which the Spirit was making?
8. How can we pray for one another in response to the word today?