The Dungeon flamed with Light
Sermon Notes:
May 5, 2019
Psalm 51:1-13
Short Review
Review the main points of the morning message.
Focus on: How does the light of God dispel our darkness and give us new confidence for His work?
Some Questions for Discussion:
1. Do some people think (teach, preach, write) that emotional, physical, circumstantial problems Christian
face are always due to sin?
a. What affect does this have on the one who is suffering in some kind of darkness?
b. Read John 9:1-3 and comment on Jesus’ words.
2. Is suffering and sickness ever due to sin in our lives?
3. Comment on Psalm 32:4,5 and I Cor. 11:27-32.
4. How can we tell whether our suffering is to “glorify God” (Jn. 9) or due to sins we should confess?
5. Describe the emotional state of the Psalmist in Psalm 51:2-4.
a. What’s he feeling and why?
b. Why do we feel pain when our sins are revealed to us?
c. Does this make us avoid this light of revelation?
6. What are ways in which God has revealed your sin to you? This is a tough question to answer – very
private. Perhaps could ask how God speaks to His people about their sins.
a. Have there been Scripture passages which you didn’t like and passed over quickly? Examples?
b. Did you ever hear a sermon that irritated you, but which you eventually realized was telling you
what you needed to hear? Can you share an example?
7. Does 51:13 make sense to you?
a. How/why does David have this confidence?
b. How does this confidence affect the way we share the gospel? Why is it necessary?
8. How can we pray for one another in response to the word today?