Not Another Lecture!
Sermon Notes
October 13, 2019
Proverbs 25:16-20
Short Review
Review the main points of the morning message.
Focus on: How does the example of the Heavenly Father guide us in parenting?
Some Questions for Discussion:
1. Break the ice in some way (game? Song?). Perhaps with this: Can you remember anything (anything??)
that your parents taught you? What are the most memorable things they said or did?
2. What are some of the ways that a classroom teacher today communicates information? What technology
or methods are used? Why the variety?
3. Read Proverbs 25:11-28. Pick one verse you find interesting, intriguing, or puzzling and comment on it for
the group.
4. What are some of the ways in which the Bible speaks to us (genres) – what are the kinds of ‘speech’ we
find there?
a. Which speaks to you the most clearly?
b. Which is easiest to remember for you?
c. Here’s some strange ways: Hosea 1:1-5 (summarize rest of story); Isaiah 20:1-6; Ezekiel 4:1-8. Why did
God use these means to communicate His word?
5. Why do instructions have to be repeated?
a. Do you have examples of this from work life?
b. Discuss Phil. 3:1 and II Peter 1:12
6. What is the role of asking children questions?
a. Can you give examples of how it helps them (and us as God’s children) to explore and be hungry for
b. Are there questions about life that you puzzle over? Share some examples? How has pursuing these
questions helped you to grow in knowledge, understanding and wisdom?
7. Read Proverbs 25:11-13.
a. How does this instruct parents, teachers, counselors, SS teachers, married people and friends trying to
share truth with friends?
b. Read Ephesians 4:29 and apply to the situations described above.
8. How can we pray for one another in response to the word today?