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Temple Of Praise
Church Of God In Christ
2130 Stalham Road
Chesapeake, Virginia 23324
(757) 632-7219
"In all this, Job did not sin by
charging God with wrongdoing." Job 1:22
Weekly Newsletter 07-05-2021
From the desk of Pastor Tyrone Scafe
“Tested and Found Faithful!”
Perhaps the most puzzling question for
believers in God Almighty is the problem of evil in
the world. We have all heard questions like, “If God
is so good, why is
there so much
suffering in the
world?” It does not
take long to look
around and see
natural disasters,
relatives and friends
plagued by diseases,
and the plight of the
poor and starving,
and come to the same
questions ourselves.
Indeed, since the
Apostle Paul have wrestled with this question. But
Christians did not begin the dialogue. In fact,
believe it or not, what may be the oldest book in the
Bible takes on the issue directly.
The problem of how to reconcile a good and
loving God with the presence of evil in the world is
often called theodicy. In addition, a thousand of
theodicies have been written in the attempt to solve
the problem. “For the most part, these attempted
solutions endeavor to reduce tension by modifying
one of the three elements which a combination have
caused this dilemma: God’s goodness and the
presence of evil. That is, the presence of evil is
typically accounted for by either denying God’s
power to do anything about it, by denying God’s
goodness to care anything about it, or by attributing
it to humanity sinful choices alone. In the Christian
worldview, none of these can be fully accepted.
Instead, we are left to grapple with the reality that
although God is all-powerful and knowing, He could
easily erase human suffering in an instant. He
chooses another path centered in the story of the
gospel. It has never been an easy truth to live with,
as the Book of Job profoundly testifies.
Th book of Job stands as the Bible great
address to the problem of theodicy. It does not offer
easy answers or quick fix solutions, but presents the
sufferings, questions and story of one man in the
throes of unfairness who, nonetheless, retained his
faith in the God of Israel. It also offers us and
unprecedented glimpse behind the scenes of Job
calamity, assuring us that God in both all-powerful
and always good.
When we remain faithful such as Job, we will
quickly discover that our faith in God, will help us
maintain our integrity when we are tested. You must
believe, test and trials are going to come.
Remember, how many times Jesus was tested. If we
are the sons and daughters of the Almighty King,
you must understand that this life is not going to be
an easy path.
But I am so
glad that God
has given us
the power to
defeat Satan.
He gave is
the Holy
Ghost and
lips to decree and declare for Satan to get thee
behind us. Remember, he does not have the power
to take over. He can only get it if you give it to him.
But Job, showed us the living example to live by. He
was the example that each and every one of us
should emulate. The book of Job is the powerful
story of one man’s unbreakable faith in the midst of
loss, pain, desperation and uncertainty. Without a
shadow of doubt, you can hold on to your faith and
keep your integrity in this unstable world. Keep the
Your servant Leader, I AM,
Pastor Tyrone D. Scafe
Senior Pastor & Founder
Temple Of Praise Church Of God In Christ
In my closing of this week’s letter, I want to pen
this little hymn for you entitled, I Will Make the
Darkness Light! “I will make the darkness light
before thee, what is wrong I’ll make it right before
thee, All the battles I will fight before thee, And the
high places I will bring down. When thou walkest by
the way I’ll lead thee, On the fatness of the land I’ll
feed thee, And a mansion in the sky I’ll deed thee,
And the high place I’ll bring down!” What I am
trying to tell you is that God has you in the palm of
His hand and all we have to do is stand and trust
upon His Word.
This Week Announcement:
➢ Also join me The Cross Network (Facebook
Channel) on Tuesday 7/13 at 5:00 pm
“Reaching the Community, Changes Lives!”
Remain pressing forward and have a another
beautiful and wonderful week. If you have not done
do already, I am requesting that you join our
Facebook page and stay connected Temple Of Praise
Church Of God In Christ because we are better
together as we contend to the faith!
➢ Bible study this Tuesday 7/13 at 7:00 pm.
Dial (712) 775-7031 access code: 644524
Pathway Press p.99, Colkmire, L.
Yes Lord Hymnal, p.402, Church Of God In Christ