Boaz Said

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This is the day the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it. I was glad when they said unto me. Let us go out of the Lord, anybody glad to be home, or away for the district.

Call Chris, Jeremiah.

My God, your brother Jeremiah.

Yes, sir. All right. I got it all day here in the pool. The Jeremiah.

Nnn, I remember one day when I go to work.

I prayed about it and I said, but you are so take me to read Jeremiah before you all lifted. His day. I was there. When I know I got it. Mercedes-Benz Hotel. Maya, if you accepted Jesus Christ as your lord and savior is ready.

Nicki Minaj sister.

Overnight egg holding stuff.

OK, Google, how do you say? I don't know. I don't know.

So you can run.

No, not decided upon sample record.

I don't know. I don't know.

I don't know why I praise the Lord this morning. Lord. I Thank you for all you done in my life.

Banana peel on my face.

I don't know about you, but I'm excited today. I'm excited today hun.

Alleluia The Lion and the lamb.

Who can stop?


Scary movie.

Clap your hands for the Lord. Today a man. A man. A man.

Let me find favor in your sight. My Lord. You have comforted me and spoken kindly to your maidservant. So I'm not like one of your laser. The boys said to her at mealtime, either the bread and empty a piece of bread in the vinegar. So she said beside the Reapers and he passed on to her and she ate and was satisfied and kept some back. When she rolls up again to glean or ask Amanda these young men say let her glean even among Thieves and do not reproach her. Also the grains on the bundles fall perfectly for her, leave it that she may glean and do not rebuke her. And God be pleased with the reading and it here, but it's better than doing it with a backward. You may be seated in this present.

What are? Welcome your date. And I can hear?

This is what we envision here. I will Montreal. Monica. I was saying I was so offensive lineman drills in a week.

We're also what time do Church of the kingdom of God?

Nothing with this song with me, say Jesus Christ.

How are you?

Jesus, I'll never forget you.

Jesus, I love you.

Jesus, I'll never forget how you say.



A gram.

Cheap used furniture.

She was talkin to me. Young Jeezy.


she said,

yeah, I know she bad.

No, I'm talking to Jim.

Please talk to me.

Say what in Spanish?


How to make it.

Reset outside.

Do you got a lot?

I said, it's not in there.

Well, that was just talking about.

He started talking with you.

Who started puppies?

Play soft music, please. Thank God. He's Park.

I hope he broke it.

Auto Credit.


There's no bad time.

You don't have to send.

Is this not over?

Yell at small.

Just talked to your father.

Just talkin to G.

Just start talking and she didn't. Just by talking heads.

Just start walking.

Start walking.

Jumpy, Taki.


Water brands.

What a friend we have in Jesus.

What a friend. We have a friend. We have in Jesus.

and we have,

Was he sweet?



You man?

I was lost, but he brought.


Play Shut Up and Dance With Me.


Power Ranger toys.

Blue waffle.

Yes, I am.

How old is real?

Good morning, Daddy.

Say yes.

I am sold.

Rockwell AME, Zion purple.

10. + 9.

Vampire movies.

Open play store for me.

Play Empire.

Man who play with me?

I am chosen. Not forsaken.

I am who you say. I am. So glad you love homie songs. Free free.


I think Suburban. Going back to ribbon. I can do it. I think the key is located. Pray with me and we getting ready to go out. Great God. Who this their money presentation. Oh, Lord, Our God. We thank you. Thank you, God. Say a word that's opposite of the word from the Lord. The word for the word aloud. God. Oh God. We just come before you saying, please please God hide me behind that. Your people see you. And not me. They don't need to see me at all, God, cuz I can't do nothing to help them. You know, I can't even help myself. I'm standing in line. Also, just a beggar. So God, I need FD today MetroPCS You, how marvelous? How magnanimous? How how much you love us. We love you. Love you. Love you so much. I'm about to come before you come with, massage me stating. I want to be baptized. I also pray that you bring them back to the house. I'll just sit back down and let everybody know that you're the one who has to take over again a week, know it and not because you are a great. My God. I'm a witness. That you can do. All things is not greater. My birth. McLaren. I guess they're even speak. God is only you can we thank you. I love you, but you have been so good. And so. Thank you, Google. Thank you. Love you. Now, the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable, in my rock and my redeemer.

I can't help but stay winning. Listen to me. You remember all the times that I was fussing and fighting back and text me that he goes with Austin, Texas. He is now working on that fool all, did you hear what I just said? Look at God. All it may be hard. It may be,, but everything you go to God is preparing you for the next exciting. Did you hear what? I just said, like, white on white and God is using him. Now, another trick of how often to do work. That is just so grateful.

One of your Offspring parents would agree that there is one of your children that have these parents. Would you agree that there is one of your children that passed a persistent. That when you deputize them, they become your mouth. When you definitely, they become the one that delivers the message. Would you agree with me? That there is one of the children that you can give me a baby. I need you to go and give this to the to everybody else. Go back and tell everybody just takes the message and then they were Play the up that was given to them to say what they're about to say, it'll sound something like this.

Peanut. I didn't see that baby that used to be.

Mama said God is Elaine Jones. Yeah. Yeah, maybe.

Hotel Du Bois.

Daddy finger, daddy finger from here.

Baby, daddy face coming here, you know why he went with? But he was not going. She was going in the power of the one who sent and what, let everybody know that somebody sent her. She was fake. The them all, best, the name of the Lord. Is there. Anybody out the day that God has given you our work? And our you tell depression, daddy said that there is joy in the Lord.

Anybody in the house today in the Texas bullet. Begin to change. Have you ever gotten some help? Have you ever gotten a word from God? And that word has broke.

He bring them to her. When you look at the text.

I ain't got no. Mama. Let me find in your sight. My Lord. What you have come for me, so I'm not like your mate.

Bowen. Bowen, like I said when he speaks he has been read.

The first thing you see their wastefulness, then she said let me find favor in your sight. He called her daughter and he said to her baby girl and you win from here. Guess what? Baby? I know you were thinking. I know you were working with. Oh, you ain't got to worry about it. I told them we got to worry about who in God's name. Would he even take care of the stuff for the fish?

Oh my God. Have you ever gotten a word from God? That made you? I remember she got that word and she fell down last weekend. And now she. Now she is so thankful for what you got and what? It's all my God, my God, my God. What the look? What the Bible says about being thankful.

I think this is your name.

The Bible speaks on 31st movie. And and Des pranks at the remembrance of his Holiness. How do you say that? When you start to thank you. Thank you. Thank you, and this day go together, like, you breathe in Capri. It goes together like that on the honey of mine. That's how it goes together. When you say, thank what you think of anybody here, who got something to be thankful about, is there anybody in the house? And just wave your hands and you are recent pictures. I'm going to say something that we think. Are you going to reply? Thank you Jesus. Thank you. Jesus.

What's the what I need? All right, you brought me a mighty long way. Thank you for food on my table.

Oh, you say that boy. Ain't doing nothing Street. Me a new job. They got me through that divorce.

Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you. Jesus. Anybody in the house and say thank you. Jesus, for blessing. Me. Jesus, don't base of industrial bank at the remembrance of his name. Have you ever just thinking about the name of Jesus? Thank you.

Have you ever been so grateful to God? And everybody's looking at you sideways, speaking about the name you thinking about the book is the greatness of God and the bishop of our, I'm going to take Mike. We going to pick up P. What do you have?

Yeah. Yeah, this is this is how I understand you do, you know you stressing life. Yeah, but what you? Look what you said and he is in the Hebrew, got the high school and I'm going to say something or do something desperate. Woohoo.

I just see if he gives you a word and it relieved, you are like a word from Boston. Had a word from anybody suspect. You've got a word from God. You got to word from God and release the struggle because what the struggle is real, do we do girl. He's working in the hot sun trying to hit on her and she is out there by herself and her husband old Beef restaurant.

Everybody lies. Of the word. Oh, yeah. This is the word that helps. You keep it on. Ya. You don't came in here and the boss has been on your back. Yeah, you got a networking and you got to take care of all of them and you coming to the house to bring. Hey, didn't you work? And it's vital. I like this and you tell people you'll give your situation. Understand. What you going, through. I understand what you mean? Because they tell people what you did. I just pray about it.

What I'm dealing with, you don't understand the severity of my stomach. You don't understand, you don't understand. You don't understand the nothingness of my Nemesis that I'm dealing with your talents. Are you talking about, you? Don't you, you know, these know I'm going through but God has the word you are and it can be by the last anybody in the house. No word from God. It really do and it be by the lines. You think I'm making this up.

Can I give you a Biblical information?

What are you remember when we done with that, doing Christmas and Elizabeth and Elizabeth was a prophet and you booked at the priests in the temple, Elizabeth, when she didn't have a baby, you make no mistake of what you do and don't contribute, but they will criticize everybody. I remember when your pregnant In her old age, people used to say, he was there.

You know what they used to say about, you know, what? They used to say it no more because she got a word from the Lord had a baby and now all that's why I work. If he'll open another.

Just got your text. I'm really enjoying this text and then she said, let me find out what time your maid service.

Do. I'm like like, like one of your major? Oh, I like this or like when you when you look at that work, their inner it means on the inside. Aoyama there, when he spoke to her with pasta with pasta open, right all the way.

Has done the work from the inside of Luke. You are tired of you. I was on the east side of you that you see the words of trouble. And he talked to all the way we won't. He do it at work and it goes all the way to the end. I'm so grateful to God. Nobody got you want to catch going to be on?

Her blood.

The koppen has to do with the blood. That's a problem, but you ain't got to take care of your thank you. Jesus, all the way to the east side of you. You're so your pistol. Beat me.

If he spoke directly come here and eat the bread. And if you're a piece of bread in the Philippines by the Reapers, and he passed apart. Pray for her. And she ate, that is fine and kept on back. Oh my God. My God. My God, give you. When you read that text.

Boeing said, well, you better hear me today. Remember, I told you before that boy has this big bone of the family. He is a type of Jesus Christ. He's a picture of what he is. A picture of a, without a break. But this is the walking Widow. This is a motorbike maybe and she's trying to get all the bread that you can.

Call Amanda my wife. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

What do you come home to get the computer out again doing all this work and get you something to eat? Just tell yourself that you sit down at the table and I want you to understand something. Remember this more by these represent us as jumped out. And guess what, y'all can you come and sit at the table at the payment? Somebody needs to understand something today. There is room for you. Did you hear what? I just said, it yourself down. What does the Bible say in Matthew? Labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. You know, what the f*** your damn near me. You still ain't got no rest and you still ain't got no rhythm and you don't work out but you still don't have no record. You do with the Facebook, but you ain't got no rest. If you marry and have it later, I'm not done. What does the body? The Bible Revelation 19:17 standing in the middle of the storm. All the person that find the the Bible say, what's up?

LeBron and let him. Come whether desire in, take the Water of Life freely,. It doesn't matter. What you doing. It doesn't matter. You can't clean yourself up.

We can Buddhist center come in the house and here at the house.

Does come. There's nothing you can do. There's nothing you can do to make yourself right before Jesus. You don't have enough. There's nothing you can do about your pets. Yes, you messed up and you're telling everybody about what you do. That's okay.

Come come, come, come, come, come, get my retainer. I got replica. What's the number rated did here?

Bikes in the middle of this test. If your mistress retainer is, that was a retainer. Irving everybody else is a type of Jesus Christ that you don't see any of the Texas and the retainer of this text as none. Other than boys. Do you see him yet? He's there in the text message. I sent to her.

You just finished a pizza.

You don't feel good, getting ready to run here and he ate and kept going back to yourself. Oh my God. My God. Thank you, sis. That's not other than Jesus Christ Ranger. He's the one who what do you do when you're the biggest and the baddest in the room. What do you do when you got to talk and the cat say, what do you do when I just sent that is none, other than the spice. Will you look at this text, this text, this episode in and roof. It is a recapitulation of the Gospel of John suomi CD serving the disciples. Is the picture of Christ, sermon his disciples. And what did he say about the one who said something and created everything in my Lord? And again, and wants to see, you are my girl.

If you need some drink, what you want.

And you know what? He served you and I when he died and you got 200 in a, in its name.

then you say, She satisfy, we song. The remarks. We saw the retainer but Granger.

Ice Cube song backwards.

I like to stay.

She is now and then you stay with me. Yeah, but he begins to do a work, he is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all we can ask or think he can take care of the inside and it can take care of your outside.

Picture of you from the dentist to get back to take care of you. You know what, I'm going to say something and you don't think that's just what I'm saying.

Miracle worker. Michael Douglas. My God. Is a Yokai. Is a joke. The Hague. Golden Misty.


Hey, Bob. He got burned up. There is no other no one like you.

Yeah,. You don't know Jesus Christ, as a part of your senses. If you've never given Your Heart Church, I'm not talking about.

Going to BTU in Spanish food and all that. I'm talking about getting your nails, it down. Got it, right? And mention be believe, believe that Jesus is God, that God raised him from the dead. Be confessing his Lord and get your life here at night bible. Don't give your membership anymore about Jesus Christ.

Maybe calling somebody to get baptized like Jeremiah. You got that salvation on the wrong side. Come. Come on you to come to the office. Come to the altar. There, you are,.

I am who you say that I am. I want they say that I am of what people used to say. I am a

Thank you so much. And we love you. You're making the move is on you. Can you are truly our. Love you so much Jesus name. Amen. Come.

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