Rapture (SERMON)
so, last week, Just last week, a big deal. You guys are in the back row. Back real bad?
Welcome new members.
Our church membership classes be next week, for start those on Saturday, Gary Numan cars at in the Elder, girl. But last week, the last week, we talked about the generations.
Carl. 1948 Ford Edge big year. So it today I'm going to talk about the very next event was only one. So we went through for Jade was in the church or the time of the Gentiles has lasted two thousand years and got shifted his Focus from Israel. That was his that's been his whole Focus almost from the dawn of time. But as you know, Israel rejected the Messiah and the focus of that then went to the Gentiles and we're in a time is called the age or the time of the Gentiles and that time will will continue until God's word, says that time is fulfilled. And then when that time has fulfilled, God's focus is going straight back to Israel. In fact, all the final scriptures are all about Israel about Jerusalem, and we know that when Jesus left, he left from the Mount of all of the disciples washing to send into the heavenlies. And then he says enlightened are the way that you saw him leave.
How many timer is this? Last?
Set timer. I want it didn't work. Sorry. I assumed you were. Okay. So anyway, but we know from the scriptures that the way Jesus left on the Mount of Olives that when he comes back, he's coming back to the Mount of olive. His foot will set foot on the step already. So this week, we're going to talk about the next week and why we need to be looking for excitement for the Christian belief of why I always was
Those are the rules. This will be and unfortunately, this is the way this is going to be exposed to go out in ain't so y'all can look me. I don't like this place at the scriptures up there. So today is the mystery. We're going to talk about what a mystery is and what a secret is in the Bible. So and also the blessing is talking about the mystery of the church. Real talk about the difference between a mystery and a secret.
I'm going to be using two devices gas if I get behind and this ain't catching up y'all. Let me know. What a mystery is something that is not hidden. But it is transform from Shadow to substance. It is something that we have seen, but we do not comprehend or understand it until God reveals that in light of new revelation. See that the Prophecies of God will deliver a prophecy people. I don't see it. But then as it starts to unfold and it's like, it's almost like you knew it, you understood, but you didn't totally understand and God revealed that mystery in time. So it's a little bit different than a secret. A secret of something that is totally hidden from Mankind and then we cannot see, nor do we even feel. And then when, when God Reveals His secret, that's something we've never heard of. So, it's a difference between the mystery. I'm going to tell you why that's a big deal, because
Mysteries in the Old Testament, is found a 33 times. The word mixture to the entire Bible in the Old Testament, is in the Book of Daniel in that book. And in that book and these are going to be full. We find that in Daniel that it was a visually saw by God. If you've read the Prophecies of Daniel was given a vision a dream and he calls all of his religious people and his prognosticators and none of them could solve it and then they were like, I remember this guy Daniel that was in prison and you solve a riddle and it was a Riddle That Nebuchadnezzar had given some dreams that he had fun. And again, Nebuchadnezzar was given a vision given a vision of a statue and he remembers Daniel. And all of his holy got the could not figure out the vision. Will Daniel comes in and of course God reveals the true meaning of the dream to Daniel. Daniel passes it on to Nebuchadnezzar. And the Mystery was about things, that existed. Remember that that mystery was about a statue, in the Statue, had multiple kingdoms the Nebuchadnezzar to see, but he didn't know what they were and Daniel interpreted that. So even though some of it had to come to pass. It wasn't a secret, was a mystery that God revealed to Daniel, Daniel passed that on to Nebuchadnezzar.
So in the New Testament, we see mystery mentioned several times. So I'm Romans chapter 11. There's a mystery about Israel and their role in the future.
In Colossians 2 chapter 2. It says to reach all the riches of full strength of understanding and the knowledge of God's mystery, which is in Jesus Christ. And one of these Mysteries that we're going to see is the minute the mystery that literally started in Genesis when God put Adam and Eve in the garden and he says that those two would become one flesh. The mystery was number 1, how to humans to become one flesh later. He uses the same idea of a husband and a wife to talk about the relationship of God to Israel. And then later, he uses that same mystery to describe Christ, and his church. And that's where we are today. Is the mystery of the relationship that Christ has with us. That's why he's called the bridegroom, and the body of Christ is called the bride.
We're going to show a few more places that the idea of a mystery as mentioned in the Bible, in the Book of Romans 1st Corinthians Ephesians. Kalajian 2nd Thessalonians, 1st Timothy in Revelation. Only 33 times in the entire Bible is a mystery mentioned, in the word, in Ephesians 5:31 to 32. This is therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife and the two shall become one flesh. This mystery is profound and I am saying that it refers to Christ and the church. So, the mystery that started back in Genesis. Was given to the Old Testament for God, the father and the Old Testament Saints is now given to Christ and the church.
It is a mystery hasn't left. Make sure that would stay married. This long. It is hard. Right? And God. Does that got to do that? It would be Jeremiah.
He says, I remember the devotion of your youth, your love is a bride. How you followed me in the wilderness in a landing Zone. Israel was holy to the Lord. The first fruits of the Harvest. Eighth of it. Incurred. Gill disaster Came Upon them. They close the Lord.
I did it first Corinthians 15:51. He says, behold I tell you a mystery. We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed. And this is the mystery that I'm talking about day. This is the idea of the rapture. So you member in Ephesians 3 6 in the closet 126. We see another mystery of how the G. The Gentiles would be The Heirs of a kingdom prior to that. The focus was on Israel. It was all about Israel's people. They were the elect. They were the chosen. They were the ones that were pulled out of Egypt that became the promise of Abraham of Isaac of Jacob. They were his people But then when we get to Ephesians 3 6 and Colossians 1:26, we see that that mystery is that God brought in the Gentiles. Jesus brought in the Gentile. It's a mystery at the time that no one could understand before, but but in light of the New Testament. A mystery that even Israel itself couldn't see. You see it now. That mystery that was that was Tottenham in Ezekiel that was taught in Isaiah. As Jesus came up on the world scene and began sending that message to the Samaritans begin sending the idea of the rejection of his people and the inclusion of a new people. Even the disciples began to understand that. Hey, this is not for us only. It's for the juice first. Absolutely, but the, his disciples begin to see that this message. This Kingdom, that Jesus was bringing, was not going to be just for the dejou. Not just for the people of Israel, not just for their spiritual standpoint, but that was going to go to the Gentiles.
And to be honest with you, if you go back to Genesis you realize that at that time, there are no Jews. There's no such thing as a Jew. Overtime. God chose a people to show his love, the idea of his Mercy. The idea of the relationship that he wanted with his people but eventually God brought it back to what he intended that those that followed Jesus, those to fall in. Love God. They would be Heirs of a kingdom. Granted always, people would reject the idea of the idea of Jesus. Some will never come and understand his Mercy has Grey's his love. Cut the Rope that beginning in Genesis. He always wanted a people. The relationship that he started with an app with Adam and Eve. The first is that is the love that he now has its shares with a shirt.
2nd Thessalonians 2 verse 7. It says for the mystery. And we're still tracking the idea of mysteries in the Bible. Thankfully got them not going through all 33, just going through to you. So you'll see what a mystery is. The mystery only, he who now restrained, it will do so until he is out of the way.
This particular verse is, a is an understanding of the, of the spirit of antichrist. The restrainer is the church. And the Holy Spirit that is Wells. The Believers, the body of Christ. That is what restrains? It is. The one thing that keeps the whole world from becoming truly wicked and evil. Is this restrainer, but when is restrainer is taken out of the way? No, it'll, it'll rain Supreme. There will be nothing to hold him back. Not just the idea of the spirit but also of Satan that involved that Spirit it will come out. Does anybody think things in the world are better today than they were a decade ago?
Something for a little bit younger, but especially that you guys are they better than 20 years ago? Hello, people always like to talk about the good old days,, right? Are these The Good Old Days Inn?
I love all people. Are you guys live longer than we have? You seen a few more things? And but the thing is, that's true from the dawn of from the Dom from Genesis, for when the time is sin entered into to the Garden, Inn in a man in a woman's decision. It's not gotten better. It's only it's only going to get worse.
So, what I want to study today is the mystery that we read in 1st Corinthians, 15:51, 252.
Behold, he says, this is Paul speaking to the Church of Corinth behold. I tell you a mystery. We shall not all sleep. And sleep in. The Bible means die. We shall not all. But we shall all be changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye. Don't know how fast that is, but it's fast in a twinkling of an eye at the last trumpet for the trumpet will sound and the dead. Those that have fallen asleep. And I'm talking about the church age, but those Christian Saint from Jesus, Ford from his crucifixion. Resurrection till today, the dead of the church. It says we'll be raising perishable. And we shall be changed.
So, we see that this mystery.
And this hope that God's giving to us is not just for those that are a lot. It's not just a hole for the living Believers. It's a hold that was given to even the Saints. The past says the dead in Christ will rise. First.
Here, it says, that the Bible that Believers just fall asleep.
Saint death. Is we fall asleep and we wake up and guess what? We're somewhere else. It's almost no different than Ethan and Jordi when you when McRae finally crashes and burns. Maybe it's in the floor. Maybe it's on the couch. You got scooped him up taking, put him in his bed. So when he goes to sleep, he's the one place. But when he wakes up, please and another and that's exactly what happens with this. The Bible says that to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. Play fall asleep in one room and next thing, you know their family wake up their Jesus.
1st Thessalonians, 4:16 says, and the dead in Christ will rise first. The Old Testament and the New Testament Church sayings to die. They are the first to go with those of us that are alive. Don't foresee them day. Go first.
He speaks of a sudden event, on the other hand. He speaks of a process of the second coming of Christ is very different from the Rapture, the Rapture sudden it's fat. I wanted to give you guys this two words that mentioned. The idea of rapture is not a word that came from anywhere else, came from our scripture. So I'm going to let you guys repeat that for me cuz I want you guys to leave with two words. One of the Greek. Harpazo. Do you say opossum?
Atlanta rap Toro. 911. And, you know, Greek wrap Toro is the word, obviously, that makes the word rapture where it comes from going to say, I'm going to say that because if y'all missed anything, I want you to know to two words, one in Greek and Latin. And I want you to understand the difference between the Rapture and the second coming is very different. I was going to play this little movie clip and Gary my associate pastor said, no movie clips when I do the movie clip.
Let me get past that real quick.
I do want to say this even up cuz I actually tied it into. I got it into the idea that video clip. So when the rapture we vanish, it says in a twinkling of an eye. It's not an event like the second coming were all eyes will see him come back as a twinkling of an eye. It says that we will be caught up to meet him in the air. It's so quick and so fast. That the world won't hardly even know for a second that we're even gone. It just know we're gone. We stopped that begins the beginning of the tribulation and we'll talk about a war, is being waged in the heavenlies that simultaneous events happened with us being taken out in Christ, sending a war to Earth. So we'll be gone instantly the last trumpet. So if the last trumpet, is what causes to heaven. The process of that is already taking place. There had to be a first trumpet. A second trumpet. I don't have any trumpet for sure. May 14th of 1948 allowed sounding of the trumpet because of country. They hadn't existed in 2000 years, was back on the scene, none of Revelation or pieces of Ezekiel, or parts of Jeremiah. None of those could have ever been fulfilled without a nation of Israel.
Just like there's parts of Revelation that can't be fulfilled until a third temple built. Anna, I told Gary an interesting story. I've got a friend who has a kosher home in in Amarillo, and there's a rabbi that comes from Israel. And his whole job is to travel across the country and he raises funds to rebuild at their Temple. And he stays at the house because it's kosher, like done leaving bread, but he's house is set up for him. And now that was over a decade and a half ago that I'm met this rabba, but my understanding today is they have it all. It's just a matter of setting that thing up all the way down to the red, perfect, heifer, that they need their geneticist and Israel, have made sure that they have that unblemished, heifer unblemish land. So they worked on it. It's just a matter of getting that thing setup. So, I believe that a trumpet, a trumpet was founded in 1948. I believe it was sounded again in 1967 in the Six-Day War of Israel where they retook Jerusalem.
There's a final trumpet. That will be sounded so times and season. At the last, we're going to be changed. We may not know the hour of the day. Remember that last week. I said, if anybody sets a date, if they tell you, I got 88 reasons why Jesus is coming back in 1988. Don't believe it, but nobody know. Jesus himself at before his Ascension told his. I don't even know. Only the father knows. But what he did say was is we're not children of the night so that this day would overtake us but we are. So God is slowly, but surely, he's rebuilding things to us. One through the Holy Spirit, one through the scriptures. But he's telling us, I'm coming back guy. I'm coming back to this place. I promise, two thousand years ago. I'm coming back to this place. And through the Holy Spirit, I believe it is our duty. To dig into his word to understand the times and the seasons one because I believe it motivates the church. It motivates us to share that with people that we care about that. We love Part of the motivation for starting. This was because Uptown Auto after doing Church feet two weekends out of the year and will call ask him. Like I can't sit around and do nothing forever. I want to be busy when he comes back. I want to be doing something. I want to be working for him.
So we know that no one knows the hours a day. So this church will not be riding 2021 reasons. Why Jesus is coming back in 2021 if we don't know. What we do know is that the generation that saw Israel fig tree shoot for this branches. We do know that that's significant. That is a toy.
Call is wearing that clock 1940s. Big deal. Not just an elder. Collier the timekeeper.
And it just like I told you last week, we don't know how long it generation is, but I promise you when we look at the world. Nobody thinks it's better. It's groaning for the return of Christ.
1st Thessalonians 4:17. It says then we were not talking about the dead anymore. We're talking about those that are still alive. Then we who are the dead in Christ. Have already beat us up. There. They got they got
Says, we will be caught up together. With them in the clouds to meet the Lord wear. In the air. You seen the second coming of Christ comes down. He comes all the way down. He sets his foot on the Mount of olive. This event is different from that second coming. It says he's taking us up in the twinkling of an eye. It says, caught up and caught up in caught up in the Greek.
Whatever our puzzle. Ed in Latin. Raptor. Oh, okay. I told you before we leave, we're getting her. I want to talk to you about Pappadeaux. This whole church is full and I'll tell you if you promise, you got the for this service is over. You're going to have those work cuz I'm going to talk about. That was ever mentioned in the in the Latin are not just used to talk about the church going to meet Jesus in the cloud. It's also found in Acts 8:39.
Says, now, when I came up out of the water, now, this story is Philip, is in a chariot. He's with an Ethiopian eunuch, and he start sharing the gospel. Me, tell you these things about about Jesus and he starts giving him, the, the gospel. And then finally, that eunuch is, is there any reason why I can't be baptized?
Some Philip gets out. He takes him to the water. He baptizes him in the name of Jesus and then it says here, as they came up out of the water, the spirit of the lord caught, guess. What word? That is Trudy.
Why do when the Latin he was caught up in the Rapture of the church? Because we go from Earth to Heaven. Philippine go from one location over here and food. It said he was snatched up from one place to another and the reason being is The gospel. God was given the gospel Wings. He was moving. That's funny about this story is the eunuch.
That's your word, bro, and I am going to use. He gone a lot.
The unit song No More and he went on his way rejoicing. You be giving the gospel is baptized, and he does think nothing of it.
So, he was puzzled.
So after they came out of the water, it said that Philip Philip was snatched away with the road. I can you imagine? That was not a Rapture from Earth to Heaven. That's simply refer to one place to another place to Philip had things that God, and I don't exactly know how that work. Unless you said, Philip you want to deprive fasten your seatbelts on and fixing a lot speed. You somewhere else, but it just happened. He was one place and then he was another
So 2nd Corinthians chapter 12, second letter. He said years ago was
It says up to the third heaven. So now we're talking about someone that snatched from Earth taken to heaven. Heaven, says, weather in the body or out of body heat, and I know that this man was a third row. He was caught up into Paradise weather in the body are out of the body so that I don't know. God know. And he heard things that cannot be told which man may not utter. What is a mystery? Why is that mystery revealed to us? And what is a rapture? It's not just an event mention with the church going up to meet Jesus in the air. The mission with Philip. Now, Paul is talking about a guy who 14 years ago was caught up to the third heaven and came back with things that he couldn't even. You could even talk about, you wouldn't even allowed to utter.
1st Thessalonians 4:16 for the Lord himself. We'll just stand up on what it sent from heaven, with a cry of command, with a voice of an archangel, and with the sound of the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first and we were laughing. Our love will be caught up. FirstRow.
Where does it say that Jesus is?
From. So, where is Jesus right now?
So, where is he?
What is he saying, is? Where is he from? Jesus descended from heaven. When he ascended, it said that they could see Jesus sitting on the right hand of the father. In heaven, do when he comes back from us for us. He's leaving Heaven. He's descending from heaven, and he's coming down to pick us up. Those of us that are alive.
Be more clear in your question.
If you can answer Rosa, the first. If you're going to sit in the front row, you got to ask you a question. Why are you going to move back around?
The important part of this verse and where I really want to talk to her together, all of us, all the church. The dead crossbow. Already beat us. There. The door caught up. And we meet Jesus in the air. And so, we will what? Always be with the Lord. Don't say sometimes we're going to be with him. It says, from now on from that point forward. He doesn't go anywhere that we don't go always with it. In the first, in the first appearance to us, where were snatched up twinkling of the world.
We're going to find out that he's taking us from something that he's promised us something. Only comes back, says every I will see every, I will see him coming.
I don't know. I didn't hear the first so I don't I didn't hear the first one or the second one. Is it possible? I hear the last one? Good question. You're definitely going to have to move back to work.
So anyway, when we're caught up. You see on Earth people are going about their day-to-day business.
They're not sitting around the longing for the return of Christ. And I looking for the return of Christ has come back in 1988.
Hey,. That's what the world will say. The world will say that. The world will be like, he's not coming back. Why is he tarried so long?
They don't care because they're not looking for his return. They love the life that they have here. They don't want it to go away. The sad thing is that's really kind of true is some of the churches that I've been to visited. The the one blessed hope that God gave us to Jesus gave us is that hey, I'm leaving but I'm coming back. I'm going to prepare a place for you that where I am, you will be also and then I'm coming back to get you. I'm coming back to get the bride.
John 14:16, through 7:17, it says, and I will pray the father. And he will give you another helper. That he may have died with you forever. The spirit of Truth in the world cannot receive because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him or he dwells with you and will be in you. Play Jesus was leaving. He says, it's better. If I leave, it's better. If I go. He says if I go, he says I'm going to send you a helper. That helper is the holy spirit. In fact orders to the church was don't do anything until you receive this helper to time of Pentecost is what they called it, but God sent what was described as fiery tongues upon the apostle. And it gave them power, it gave them understanding, it began to reveal the things of scripture that were still foggy to them. But he says wait for him. He said that the Holy Spirit would comfort them would be with them with god with them and be with them forever and Jesus told him that he would not leave them as orphans. But ultimately told him, I am coming back, he said where I am so you will be also. So the Rapture of the church is the moment when we will be with the Lord forever.
From that moment on, we will never leave his side.
At the end of that verse, that says, and stole.
And so, we will always be with the Lord. We will never be away from him. Spiritually. We will never be away from me. Physically. We will never be away from me. Mentally. We will always be with Christ. We will be there with us. When the enemy is trying to tell the whole world about this Rapture, this idea of Jesus, coming back this idea of our blessed. Hope that thing we long for the thing that when Lex and I are drinking our coffee in the morning, we're looking up at the clouds. Rock. Is this today is today? The day, is he coming back for us?
The world is saying it's not going to happen. Either already been fulfilled or it's not a real real thing.
You see if there is one hole. If there's one longing, if there's one expectation, that every believer should have, if they've read and understand the Bible is that there is a day coming at in this evil world, and this world is anti-christian world. In the Santa is real world and his Pagan World in this either place that we live in.
That is not going to be our home anymore.
This is not our kingdom. He's making our kingdom. Jesus says, he's planting the foundation of that. We talked to the South was how to pray. He says you pray that his kingdom come and his will be done on Earth as it is in heaven. So we realize that we are not citizens of this world. We live in it. There's no way not to. But he tells us that our citizenship in our Allegiance, is to a kingdom that he's preparing right now. He's been working on for 2000 years. It's sits in the heavenlies, but he's about to bring that Kingdom to Desert. That's why we pray your kingdom. Come. According to the Bible, he will reign on this Earth for 1,000 years. On Earth that kingdom is coming.
And when we leave here in our possible job training. We're going to our real home. We're going to wear citizenship it, we're going to the place that are true. Religion should be, you know, we talked about and I'm down pledge of allegiance to the United States of America.
Is in heaven, that's where my kingdom is because eventually, this is going to turn into a place. You're not going to want to pledge, too much leaves to its true. The whole world. It is not going to get better. Is only going to get worse.
So I got one more place that are possible happen. Actually, two more places. First one is in Enoch and Genesis and in Genesis, and he was not for God took him. The first one that was her, positive. Took him out. It was gone. It was Brooklyn, three hundred years old and said that, that God loved him that he was righteous to God and God took him out. He didn't die. In fact, his son Methuselah was the oldest living person in, all the Bible 969 years.
So when we're excited, that is not there.
I like the price of the Dead in Christ will rise first. So if you die before the Rapture, you get to go first. That's the blessing. Hope for you. But yeah, if you're alive at the time that your body, as you're going up, is going to be changed. We still receive our resurrected body. The Bible says that are corrupted bodies are sinful bodies can never sit in the presence of God all night. They have to be changed. Now. The first person to have such a resurrected body was Jesus. And you kind of see some of the things that are resurrected body can do still had the nail Mark hands. According to Thomas, still had the hole in his side or to Thomas cuz Jesus let him touch him. Let him and he said it's almost find like my God. My savior. Mrs. Thomas you believe because you see nieces blessed? Are those who have never seen have never touched but yet have faith anymore. I've never seen him never touched his nail scarred hand, but I know that his resurrected body can still have them. And I know he could do some kind of weird things you can walk through walls, which is kind of weird. What time do y'all have resurrected bodies at B&B spooky? But there's things that change when the corruptible body puts on The Incorruptible body. I mean, as I look out, if I were to take a look at a picture and I had fun fact, you go over this world right here. Look at those pictures of us. Ten years ago, 20 years ago, 30 years ago.
If you look at it now, it works as good as we did 25 years ago. We were young. Now. We're all wrinkly and got gray hair. I mean, obviously, we're not getting better. We're dying, but when God resurrects the living he gives us a new body. He has to we can't go to heaven with this thing on this body is corrupted. It was corrupted from day one from from the time that Adam and Eve sinned in the garden every child born. It says that we workin. David said I was conceived in sin.
Even in the womb, I even the dead man, walking him swimming around. But his body that was, that was growing at the time. Was already under the curse of sin, that body was already corrupted. And it stayed that way until Jesus Texas home. Got off just a little bit. You know, I'm chasing that right now unless you supposed to keep me from tasting to me rabbit.
So, Enoch and Genesis will go to second chapter of Kings Second Kings 211 says, did it happen as they continued on a talk that suddenly a chariot of fire here? With horses of fire and separated, the two of them in the other, two of them in this instance is Elijah and Elisha. And Elijah went up by World went into heaven, didn't I?
So far, I mean, you've seen and it got to go to heaven. Did Elijah went to heaven, didn't die. And what he's talking about is an entire group of Believers, the church that are alive when he comes back in a twinkling of an eye and the entire group. They just like any just like Elijah. Snatched up from the Earth to meet Jesus in the clouds. It says that we will meet him in the air. Back to ask 190. Now, when he had spoken these things while they watched he talking about, Jesus was taken up and a cloud received him out of their sight. So, Jesus, while he's sitting on the Mount of Olives. And remember, last week. I showed you a picture of the Mount of Olives just east of Jerusalem is just over the Kidron Valley. If you're standing on the Mount of Olives, you can actually see Old Jerusalem, the east side of Jerusalem. And according to the prophet Zechariah, the Mount of Olives is where Jesus is going to come back, where he's going to restore all things and he will establish his Millennial Kingdom. His 1000 will start when his foot touches. The man of all the place that he ascended into heaven is the exact same place. He'll real decent onto in his second coming. So why Rapture? Why do we have it? What's the purpose of it? And the reason that we have it is because Jesus said I would John 14:3, says if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again. And I will receive you. Receive you to myself that? Where I am there. You may be also the key word is receive. It's a personal expression. Call me back to receive us because he loves us.
Because he left to go build a place for us. When he left, he said the church movie, he sent the Holy Spirit to stay with us. He didn't orphan us, but he went pair place, rocks back to says it in my father's house. There are many mansions told you that if it weren't true. He says, but if I go prepare a place for you, I'm coming back to receive you unto myself. So, remember when I said that, we would be with Jesus, how long when he comes back. Forever. Your clothes. Are you getting better? Man forever. Now we are he's going to rain on this Earth for a thousand years. The one we go and snatched up to him where with him forever. It says, we will never leave us.
The only time that we will ever see all believers from the beginning of Christ. Until he comes back. It's when the Rapture takes place, the entire body of Believers that have ever believed in price that are part of the bride of Christ, all merge, come together at one time in history. And when he comes back in that second coming, when he's riding the White Horse, when he's got the sword and his Saints are riding behind them, which is Us. By the way. That's the church. The church gets raptured up since we come back with Final in and we're wearing fine linen. We're riding white horses. We don't do much. We just watch him take care of business and you can't come back without the church until you grab the shirt.
Hold on. Hold on. Don't let McRae in the communion wine.
When he comes back, he establishes that Millennial Kingdom. When I talk about that next week. The second coming because I want you to understand, definitely the differences and the reasons that you were after Noah's. Number one, which will finish that today. We will separate it from the idea of his return is Second Coming. Is that a second coming? He does he starts a millennial reign of Christ that last for 1,000 years. And we are coming with him. If he reigns, we rang if he rules, We Rule, if he goes, we go wherever he's at the church. His bride is whipping. He never leaves us anywhere. We are always with him. So when he comes to make all things new, new Heaven and new earth, everything we're whipping.
Where is Jesus Now list? Good job, call. Jesus in heaven is sitting at the right hand of the father. That's where Jesus says, that when he comes back. He's coming back from heaven.
Jesus is in heaven.
And I'm talking about logistics. Gary Small. They know all about logistics, got plans, things that got half stuff. But if Jesus is in heaven and his whole church is stuck here on Earth. Will, how do you get them back? How you getting to heaven? It's a logistical problem that can only be solved by him coming and taking everyone of us the dead, and the living to be with him. If we're going to be in heaven with him. If we're going to rain in heaven, with him ever going to come back down in the second coming to the Mount of Olives. Well, the natural logistical problems got right now. We're stuck here.
We're getting old here. And the only way to get a stairs so we can come back with him then cuz he's got to come get it. The only thing that makes sense is Jesus. God rabbits. He's got a snatches. He's got to Apostle Raptor and put us there. And I'm going to tell you the Blessed, hope he's the reason not just not that he's just taken from this place that we live. Nothing, he's just prepared a perfect place for us to go to.
He's coming back to get us because he loves us. But the but the ultimate reason is is this ain't our home. We're stuck here and he's got to come get it. He's there if we're here to get it from here to there is he's got to suck us up. We got to go.
Are you got to understand? There is a war that is being fought in the heavenlies as we speak. God and His angels are fighting against Satan and his demons. And that battle is being waged in the heavenlies. Now, right now been going on for a while, but God allows that battle and I and I mean allows. Gary had a good deal not too long ago. We're talkin about the opposite of things and everybody felled the opposite test cuz he's not even close. Satan is a created being created by God, the Father, God the son and God the Holy Spirit, are not equal by any me. But God, in his wisdom has allowed that battle to continue. And it will continue for another thousand years. After cross comes back and Begins the Rainey law stating back out for a minute. And then he puts it into it cuz I thought to it will never see him ever again, Hades will be gone. All week, a sound like a fire. Satan will be gone castle like a fire and across gone false prophet that Kingdom will never end. In Ephesians 6:12. It says, we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities against Powers against the rulers, of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness, in the Heavenly places.
Got four. Now allows them in the Heavenly places. And it's a battlefield that we can't see with our eyes, we can fill it. I mean, we see the ramifications of it here on Earth parts of it spill out on Earth. But we don't see it being raised in the heavenlies, but eventually that war has been waged in the heavenlies is coming down to earth.
The final book of the Bible is that were being ways right here, amongst mankind on Earth. And heaven. We know that is dominated by God. And God's choice. And that's what Christ is. But down here, this world is dominated by the prince of this world. And that Prince is Satan and is dominated by Man's Free. Will his choice. Eventually, it will be dominated by the man incarnated. By Satan himself the Antichrist.
Not only will not only does the bible say that the spirit of that Antichrist is already alive and well and that's a mystery the mystery which is what we've been talking about. Of lawlessness, which is already at work, but he will show up and he will eventually have the ultimate rule the world at all. For the battle that is in heaven, will move to this world and the famous battle that it's in Revelation, chapter 12, which is being ways in the Heavenly, but will soon move to Earth. Eventually Satan and his demons will be cast down.
In Revelation chapter 12 verse a losing battle in Earth.
Losing the war in heaven in chapter 12 World, north of chapter, 19 of Revelation. And where on Earth is being waged on the people who are still on Earth after? After harpazo, after the Rapture after Raptor. Oh,
And I want to get to the place where we understand. Why is the rapture of the church? Why is it blessed for us? No. The Bible talks about the woman that gave birth to the Sun and speaks about her. Descendants. Her descendants are the nation of Israel. They gave birth to the Lord Jesus Christ and all of his descendants, which we are. But before any War. The ambassadors are always taken from the battlefield,, right except for apparently in Kabul. But everywhere else before the battle begins, Before the War start.
They take the ambassador's out of the embassy and then bring them home or starts. Well, guess what? We are the ambassadors of Christ.
We see that in 2nd Corinthians 5:20. It says now then we are ambassadors for Christ as though. God were pleading through us. We implore you on Christ's behalf be reconciled to God. So, when I say that were the ambassadors of Christ, according to Paul, to the Courant we have the title. We have the status. We have a letter of appointment to be ambassadors across from this world on this planet at this time. And we become ambassadors. The moment. We accepting as Lord and Savior. At that moment. We get the title. We get the status, we get the Privileges of being an ambassador for Jesus Christ on this planet. I just like every other Ambassador before he comes back to wage war on this planet. Nice calling us home. He's not going to leave us to stay in the in the war that he's about to pour out on the world. He's going to take us out the ambassador's, go home.
Coach. When will that happen? Well, we already know this. We spoke about it several times.
2nd Thessalonians 2 1. It says now brother and concerning the coming of our Lord. Jesus Christ, and our gathering together to him. We asked you not to be soon, shaken in mind or trouble either by spear or a letter as if it came from us and do the date of cross.
The promise is the rapture not Wrath. That is Promised the Revelation 3:10 in Revelation says, because you have kept my command to persevere.
I will keep you from the hour of trial. We shall come upon the whole world to test those who dwell upon the Earth. 2, there's an hour of trial, but the church, it's not coming off. He's going to keep us from. He's not going to take it through. He's not going to protect us in the shower. Probably taking his from it. We're going away from it.
1st Thessalonians, 1:10. It says even Jesus who delivers us from the Wrath to come, there's rap coming and it's coming to the it's a judgment. That's been a long time waiting for the Ford us for us and bassadors. He's taking us from here. It says he delivers us from the Wrath to come. He's not going to make it through 7 years while he pours out still judgments and Bowl judgment and judgment. Because there ain't going to be much alive when they when that's done. He's not going to take us through that time. He's taking his out of that time. He's snatching us from that rat. That is to come.
He said so therefore in 1st Thessalonians, 5:9 for God did not appoint us to rap. But to obtain salvation through our Lord, Jesus Christ.
That's why we comfort each other with the idea of this blessed. Hope of this idea of being raptured from this place. How can we encourage one another seven years? So it's going to be Doom and Gloom.
But that's not the whole that he gave us the whole plus is, he's taking us out of it. He's saving us. He didn't appoint a strat. He took a wrap. And we find this out by studying. God's words. I promise you guys. Over all the years that I studied these topics churches that believe in all kinds of stuff, mid-trib, Rapture, post-trib Rapture. They believe that the kingdom of Jesus Christ is already on the Earth.
But if you really focus on the words that he's saying, I'm taking you from rap. I didn't appoint you to rap, I'm taking you from the hour of trial. Well, then these other ideas that they preach every Sunday and all these other churches, you'll see. They don't hold water at all. They can't.
He will keep us from this hour of trial because we will be caught up will be her positive out of this place snatched out of it. I just like I said, last week when I talked about. Call birthday. The clock started, ticking May 14th, 1948. And the reason it did is because his Focus has been entirely on the church, but with the rebirth of a nation in fulfillment of Ezekiel 36, Ezekiel 38, Isaiah 66, the parable that Jesus gave in Matthew 24, we see that his focus is beginning to go away from the church back to Israel, because he's not finished with Israel. The promises that he made the Abraham and Isaac to Jacob. The promises that he shared with Moses and Joshua. Those are the promises that he gave to King David that his kingdom would be up forever. Eternal Kingdom. He's not done with the Israelites.
That Focus will return to him. And just as he remove Noah from his first judgment upon the whole world, just as you remove lot from Sodom before they destroyed it. He will remove the righteous before he judges the unrighteous of Earth. Number one. Jesus Christ himself descended from heaven. We see that John 14 1 through 3. We see it first, Thessalonians, 4:16, very read. Those number to he's coming to receive. He's not coming on a white horse and he's not coming with all of his Saints behind him on white horses with the store. Coming to Concord. He's coming to receive us to himself. Number three, he comes in the twinkling of an eye with a shot of the trumpet call of God. 1st Corinthians, 15:52 1st, Thessalonians, 4:16 clean of an hour. We read that. It's going to be rapping. It's going to be quick. It's going to be swept. It's going to be amazing. We will be gone at one time. Maybe, I don't know. I can't answer that one. But I know that when we meet him in the air. The world will barely know we're gone because it's not a process like the return of Christ is poof.
We're no longer here.
number for,
Does the old I tell you what we were talking about Mysteries all day, we're back to the same mystery. We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye at the sounding of the last trumpet. Number for, he will resurrect those believers who have fallen asleep in death birth.
Just for the trumpet will sound. And the dead will be raised imperishable.
So the data caught up before the living the resurrected bodies, get the beat us to the cloud there there. And the number five, then those of us who are alive will be caught up. In the air.
Is the rapture, the second coming, the same?
When he saving us from something, he's taking the ambassador's out of the war zone. And then Ward us come to the Earth. The second coming, he comes back and we the church that have been raised in the rapture. Rodney white horses with e. We come with him. Like I said, we will forever be with him. He won't do nothing without it. When he gets on his White Horse and he's got his sword. He comes back. We're all getting on our
The second coming, he's not coming back for the church. He's coming back to put it in. To the unrighteous.
Turn on 1st. 1st Corinthians, 15:51. Through 53.
Let me catch up.
Search for the grace of God. That brings salvation has appeared to all men teaching us that the nine gods in this world. We should live soberly look for the Blessed hope. And glorious appearing of our great God and Savior. Jesus Christ, noticed there's an and between that we're looking for one, the Blessed. Hope in the Blessed, hope. Is the rapture of the church? It sucks being snatched up from here. And the second is a glorious experience. A glorious appearance happened. Seven years later when he comes back to put an end to this world.
In the second, it says that every I will see him every knee will bow and they will acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord.
Revelation 1:7 says, behold. He is coming with the clouds and every eye will see him. Different in the Rapture. Nobody sees. And we're gone. We're going to meet him up in the heavens. But a revelation 1:7 is talking about the second coming of the Christ as he comes down. It says that every, I will see him even those who pierced, who do you think the day are in that story? It's the Jews. You got to remember, Jews have been blinded for 2,000 years. Fewer than 1% believe they're still looking for the first coming. They missed it. And so they're going to be surprised when the second coming happens and it says they look on him, who they pierced.
And the rest of the world doesn't seem in the second,. It says, every i c z
So when Titus, the Blessed hope is the rapture of the church. The Glorious appearing who talks about in the the previous verse is the second coming. And remember, this is Rapture will bring us to him. We never leave him wherever he is. We will be. And when he comes back, we come back with him. When Jesus raised on Earth, we reign with him when he makes everything new, we're with him. When the New Jerusalem comes down. We belong there. That's our home. That's our place will reign with Christ in the New Jerusalem.
Why do guys hold on? We're almost there?
Zechariah 12-10 says, I will pour on the House of David, and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of Grace and supplication, then they will look on me, whom they've pierced. Most OP just for a sec. Zachariah Rogers in 5:38, BC. He speaking specifically to Israel.
He says that they will look on me. This is this is 538 backed out another 32 years so that 570 years before, Jesus makes his triumphal entry into Jerusalem before he was crucified. The 507 years before that Zachariah is telling his people as they will look on me, whom they have pierced. Yes. They will mourn for him as One Mourns for his only son.
Go to the 570 years, you got at almost another 2000 year, 2500 years later. There's a time when he Israel will look upon the one that they pierced, and it says that they will warn is one for his only son and they will grieve for him as one Grieves for a first born.
This verse is Zachariah is not referring to the Rapture in front of the second coming. When he comes back, Israel will see the one in whom they pierced. And they will grieve.
The resurrection of the Old Testament Saints will take place following the second coming in preparation for the Messianic Kingdom because of the Christ of the church has already happened. That happened in the Raptors are already there. There's not a single believer in Christ that still in the dark, he's there.
But the Old Testament Saints, they're not there. That's so if you guys have any family that lived prior to before 38D, they're not coming at the rapture.
But at the second coming of Jesus brings up the Old Testament Saints. They called him something different than, than us. We are the bride of Christ. The church age is the bride of Christ. The Old Testament saints were said to be the friends of the bridegroom.
But there is a friend because they're not part of the church Aid. Just like I told you there was a mystery in the relationship that God the father had with Israel. That's not done. But it is different than the mystery of what Jesus has with his bride. We're taking up in the Rapture, the Old Testament Saints, not forgotten. They just got to hang out another seven years, but after those seven years, he brings those up and they're considered friends to the bridegroom with the marriage Feast. But the marriage Feast will only take will take place on Earth as an inauguration of the, Messianic, Kingdom in the beginning of his place in heaven with our friend. When we finally get to see Abraham. Isaac, Jacob, they come. They're friends of the bridegroom. They've been invited. But they are not the bride, the bride or those that have sat from the time that Jesus ascended that became Believers until he Raptors us up.
So the wedding Feast takes place on Earth, kicks off the Messianic, Kingdom. 1000-year Millennium Kingdom on Earth with Jesus raining on Earth. All of us ambassador's. Where was he? Because why we never leave you. We will always be with him. First, the dead in Christ and those that are still alive, we're winning the Old Testament. Saints will be resurrected. Once we come back to set up that Messianic Kingdom.
So in closing the Rapture is the promise of Christ to us. It's a blessed. Hope it's a hope that hey we're not going to leave the church, my ambassador to go through the wrath of God in any points to wrap it. He's not going to see us through and comfort US during our trial. The church is not present. In the Great Tribulation, the Raptors are rescued from an evil world and from his evil one, and the Rapture is the Gathering of the Saints. The first conference were all saints that have ever lived. The church the the bride of Christ from all over, the world will be together together. For the first time.
Let's pray. Father God, we thank you. The number one that you did not appoint us to wrap that we're not going to be here for this hour of trial. We do look at the clouds weed for your return. We long for you to set right this world and the path that it's on. It grows every day. But we've longed for and look forward to a time where I can be with my friend and my family in a place that you have now made, right?
When you assure in a kingdom of righteousness. When you take care. Of the wickedness. The father God we say come Lord Jesus come. May your kingdom. That's in heaven, come to Earth and your will be done. Father. Thank you for your words of comfort. Thank you for the Blessed whole. Thank you for this time of Fellowship.
Follow, just, thank you for your words that you gave to us and the past, you spoke to us. Do the profits. But today, we have 66 books of the Bible where you talk to us. You've given us your holy spirit, that reveals these Mysteries to us, that speaks to us, that works on it. And your word says that you're going to affect us some day, that the work that you've begun, unless you're faithful to make it right to protect us and complete us in your time. Father. We thank you for that time. We thank you for Jesus with thank you, for the blood that was shed on the cross that have made us ambassadors for him. And father, God. I just asked, I don't know what you're doing with this group of Believers, father, but I pray that as a group. We fought the good fight, we run the race and then we lay up for yourselves, a crown of righteousness. And that we all hear well done, my good and faithful servant. We asked those things in the name of Jesus. Amen.