There Is An Afterwards!

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It May Be Small, But In It Is An Afterwards!

Afterward = After this; one after the other; in sequence; an orderly, successive step.
God has given me so many opportunities to come out, but because have leaned to my own understanding, I find myself in a continuous cycle.
Is that God fault? No; God gives gifts of no repentance; it is because I chose not to allow God to fully handle it all! I felt as if I my plan was better than His Plan, so I followed my plan!
When I can see it, and it seems as if it is not enough to fully overtake what I am attempting to overcome, I will hold it and not release it, then it dwindles down and I am right back where I started!
It is amazing how we can make a mountain out of a mole hill with things of the earth, but when it comes to trusting God, we minimize it and do not allow His Already Mountainous Word be what He has ordain it to be!
Pastor, how do I minimize it? We do so by maximizing the problem! We speak more about it than we do the Power Of God!
Deuteronomy 32:8 “When the Most High divided their inheritance to the nations, When He separated the sons of Adam, He set the boundaries of the peoples According to the number of the children of Israel.”
God has set boundaries according to His will for you! And because you are sanctified, set apart for Him, there is nothing in this earth that He will allow to overtake you!
God found His People, He instructed His People, He encircled His People and kept them, as the Apple Of His Eye!
Elijah must have realize this for he fully trusted God’s Instructions; he spoke The Word of God and even though there was a drought he spoke into existence, even though he had to be in the midst of the drought, he obeyed The Word of God!
Obedience Is Much Greater Than The Sacrifice
In order to realize that there will be an “Afterwards” you must be obedient to The Word of God before the “Afterwards” happen!
You may not can see an afterwards, but because I know; “Deuteronomy 32:6 (NKJV) 6  Do you thus deal with the LORD, O foolish and unwise people? Is He not your Father, who bought you? Has He not made you and established you?”
He is my Daddy, Who brought me out before and have established me, therefore I realize that He will never allow me to be overtaken by anything in the earth!
Therefore; I lay aside the weight and allow His Power to demonstrate, that His Word is forever True!
His Love Never Fails - Yes, I may have been leaning to my own understanding, I may have made mistakes, but I have decided to come out!
No longer will I consider my way, but His Way! The widow woman was about to make a cake for herself and her son, but The Man of God proclaimed a Word and she adhered to His Word!
Elijah said; “1 Kings 17:13 And Elijah said to her, “Do not fear; go and do as you have said, but make me a small cake from it first, and bring it to me; and afterward make some for yourself and your son.
She went from considering her way, to obeying The Word of God and was about to experience an afterwards from what she thought was too small!
It may seem small, but there is an afterwards - It may seem; tedious, unfair, longsuffering, difficult, never in my favor, I am always coming up short, it always have to happen to me, when will it ever be my time, every time I seem to be getting ahead. . .
Remember this; you have made the choice to follow The Way, The Truth and The Life, you have chosen Life, therefore, I must deny me and allow Him in me to be me!
I must stop thinking that this next challenge I am facing right now, is a personal attack, no; the threat is only that, a momentary affliction, that is light and will not last!
God is working a far more greater victory thru you and for you! He is guiding you and me into the Kingdom Living on earth as it is in Heaven!
God says; “Stop staying in when you have been given the all clear to come out. . .”
Get out of your comfort zone - too many of us have become comfortable with the current circumstances and have accepted it as the norm!
The devil is a liar!
There is an afterward; open up your heart an mind to receive the Supernatural Word of God! Yes, It may seem small, but with The Power behind it, the small will be able to sustain you, the small will be able to knock down giants, the small will be able to heal!
Mustard Size faith becomes great when you allow it to be watered and grow! You must activate your small faith and allow God to manifest the greatness in it!
The widow woman was blessed because she obeyed the Word of God! But yet she came into another situation, where it seem as if her son died, but his breath was gone out of him!
Then she went into a mindset of thinking that God came to kill her son, or how can our Father give and take away!
Elijah said to her, give me your son and she did!
You have to let go and let God!
You cannot allow your knowledge of God to be demeaned because of what seems to be like death!
You already know His Word is true! You have already seen Him take the small and sustain you with the few!
Therefore you can decree and declare in the midst of it; God has already delivered, revived, increased, and healed!
This is where my peace comes from that surpasses all understanding!
Because I know of a Man, from Galilee; Whom they thought they could kill but He came to set us all free!
They hung Him High, pierced Him in the side; they thought there was not going to be an afterwards, but He said; “It Is Finished. . .”
But early one Sunday Morning. . .
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