Ordination of Deacon  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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This is a very special sermon for me to preach on a very special day. Today I ordain my oldest son Christopher into the fellowship of deacon ministry.



Numbers 13-14 gives the account of God giving instructions for Moses to send representatives from each of twelve tribes to spy out the land. One representative from each tribe was chosen. The men were chosen and for forty days these spies checked out the land. After forty days they returned. The good news was that it was indeed a land “flowing with milk and honey” which described the richness and fruitfulness of the land as was evidenced by the samples brought back to Moses and the people. However, ten of the spies focused not on the benefits but on the obstacles. The cities were too large and powerful and those living in them were too big. They were specifically concerned about the descendants of Anak. The name Anak was synonymous with monstrous, mighty and marauding giants. However, the most powerful giant was their own fear. Ten of the spies sent out came back with an inaccurate and distorted picture of the land. Their fear infected the entire Israelite nation. In the midst of paralyzing fear one stood up with courage and faith in God and said, “Yes there are some obstacles, but our God is an obstacle moving God. Caleb was a hero in a sea of zeros. Despite the courage of Caleb, the people sided with the fear mongers. Fear not only distorts the truth, it also deters faith. Thus the people rebelled because they allowed their fear to clobber their faith. The people rebelled against God because of fear. In response, that sinful generation that had faith in their doubts and doubted their faith would be allowed to enter the land of promise. Everyone twenty-one years of age and older would not be allowed to enter. They would die in the wilderness. Further, those whom God called to spy out the land and stirred up the people to rebel, they died right there be a divine-given plague.
This took place when Joshua was a young military general. Joshua now stands before the leaders of the nation of Israel as an elderly man of 110 years of age. He would give them one last stirring and heartfelt message. In the message today we three callings Joshua gives to the people.

Calling #1: Remember What God Has Already Done in the Past (24:13).

The children of Israel have been led out of the bondage of Egypt. Because of their faithless and rebellion against God, they wandered in the wilderness for forty years. They have crossed the Jordan River as Joshua leads them to conquer the Promised Land. Joshua stands before the people and rehearses for them the acts of God in the past. He has seen the good times and he has experienced the rough times as well.
On February 4, 1987 God blessed your mother and I with the precious gift you are. We have celebrated with you the good times of life and we have cried when we shared with you the hard times of life. I remember the day you surrendered your life to Christ. I remember the absolute joy as baptizing you my son as a fellow believer in Jesus Christ. We have seen you graduate high school and college and many other experiences. Now today I have the privilege of ordaining you into the deacon ministry. Christopher, remember and rehearse the acts of God He has accomplished them in and through your life previous to this day.

Calling #2: Serve the Lord with Integrity Today (24:14).

There are two actions that we are called upon to fulfill in relation to God. This is especially true concerning the function of deacons. First, you are called upon to fear Yahweh. You are to fear the Lord. What does it mean to fear the Lord? The Hebrew word used here is “yare” which means “to reverence” or “to stand in awe of.” Our God is an awesome God and we are to serve Him as we are in awe of Him. Then we are specifically called upon to serve Him. It is because God is awesome that we serve Him because He is holy. The word serve in the Hebrew is “avad.” It is the basic Hebrew word for rendering service. In the context it refers to giving service exclusively to Yahweh. This was no blind leap of faith. The Israelites had seen the mighty works of God. Thus it was only reasonable that that serve Yahweh. Yet it is not merely the fact that we say we will serve God. There is also the manner in which God expects us to serve Him. First, we are told that we are to serve Him in sincerity. This is the Hebrew word “tamim.” This Hebrew term carries the idea of “wholeness” or “blamelessness.” It means to be undivided. God is calling us to serve Him with integrity. As we discussed the other day, a deacon must DWYSYD- DO WHAT YOU SAY YOU’LL DO. Do not be a quitter. You must show up so God will show out in your ministry. There is also a second component in serving God and that is serving Him in truth. The Hebrew word here is “emeth.” The word means just that. You are to be a deacon who is steadfast and faithful and truthful service to God. Serve the Lord with integrity.
Christopher, do not buy into the lie that is popular in our day that God does not call us to action. That is hypocrisy that takes one down the road of heresy. Very clearly Joshua is telling the people what they are to do. God is clearly telling what your next action step is to be. You are to serve the Lord with integrity by continuing to be proactive in serving and meeting the needs of the people.
Alan Redpath has stated the issue of integrity in serving God clearly when he states:
“The best test of sincerity is not always the open hostility of foes, for this often braces up the energies of combat, while at the same time it makes the path of duty clear. Still less is it at the hour of triumph over our foes, then there is no temptation to rebel. The real test of our faithfulness to God is in most cases is our power to continue steadfastly in one course of conduct when the excitement of conflict is removed, and the enemies with which we have to contend are the insidious allurements of ease or custom amid the common place duties of life.”
Because of the grace of Christ in salvation and the providence of God wherewith He has sustained you until this very moment, cement the decision right now that you will worship, serve, love, obey Christ in this calling and seal it with the integrity of your heart.

Calling #3: Settle the Issue of Loyalty and Serve the Lord into the Future (24:15).

As has been stated from this pulpit many times, the Word of God forces individuals into a corner to make a decision. The decision will either be obedience or it will be disobedience. That is what Joshua is saying here. God demands your obedience. The question is are you going to give it? Joshua was not giving an invitation here. He was issuing a demand for obedience to God. To refuse to obey was to head back to the attitude of heart that led to the forty years of wandering in the wilderness.
In 1 Kings 18 we are given the account of the showdown on Mount Carmel. That day there were those who made the right choice and those who made the wrong choice. It was obedience to God or disobedience to God. To disobey God was to choose to go along with the crowd of the 450 prophets of Baal against God’s one lone prophet that day in Elijah. Elijah had made his decision. Now Elijah demands from the people, “How long will you falter between two opinions? If the LORD is God, follow Him; but if Baal, follow him.” [1 Kings 18:21]
It is interesting that the people were left speechless.
What is interesting to note is that years later the very people who would agree with Joshua that they would serve the one true God (24:16-18), would again reject Him and turn to serving idols. Joshua stands alone among this people who would persevere in his determination to serve Yahweh: “But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.”
Christopher, every morning when you get up the choice to be God’s man in every God is calling to be in the function of a deacon. Tomorrow you make that decision and you will make it again every single day until the Lord Jesus calls you home.


As we conclude this morning, I want to offer three points of application that I direct toward Christopher but that is the responsibility of every man who has allowed himself to be a deacon. Christopher a mandate for ministry. You are to be proactive in meeting needs. Therefore, it is important you possess a ministry mindset. To do this, there are three things you must do:
Protect your heart.
Only you can do this. Spend time with God in an aggressive way. Ask yourself this question: Do I have a strong and relevant devotional life?
2. Pick up the towel.
In Mark 10:45 we are given the principle of Basin Theology. “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served , but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.” Just as Jesus washed the disciples feet, so you must have the attitude of Jesus and pick up the towel of service. I have a learned a clear reality over the years. Most deacons are not deacons. This is a great misfortune. Many liked to be referred to as a servant. However, most do not like being treated like one. The reason we do not serve as we ought is because we are not secure in who we are. Never forget who you are in Jesus Christ. Serve Him by serving others. Pick up the towel of service.
3. I want to give you the formula for success as as a deacon: HUMILITY + LONGEVITY + FAITHFULNESS = LEADERSHIP AND INFLUENCE.
People will continue to be drawn to you because they trust you more and more. God gives His grace and favor to the humble, to those who stick with and to those who remain faithful to serve Him. This will come many times in increased opportunities for leadership and the influence it brings. Always influence people toward Christ.
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