What does it mean to follow Jesus?
A disciple follows Jesus
A Disciple finds greatness in serving
The wrong Way
The Way
The cup here represents the sufferings Jesus will undergo. In the OT the cup of wine is a frequent image for the wrath and judgment of God upon sinful people, e.g., Ps. 75:8; Isa. 51:17–22; Jer. 25:15–28; 49:12; 51:7; Lam. 4:21; Ezek. 23:31–34. The image of a cup (in the Hebrew) is also used to symbolize one’s lot in life (Pss. 11:6; 16:5) or God’s salvation (Ps. 116:13), but it is probably Jesus’ way of referring to his coming sufferings (cf. 14:36), perhaps implying that he sees them as coming from God, though on behalf of others.
Baptism” expresses Jesus’ solidarity with sinners and his willingness to bear their judgment before God. The cardinal point of v. 38 is that Jesus’ question (“ ‘Can you drink the cup …?’ ”) requires a negative answer: despite their claim, the disciples cannot drink the cup and undergo the fate that only Jesus must undergo
Granting Requests
Q. 6. How many persons are there in the Godhead?
A. There are three persons in the Godhead; the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost; and these three are one God, the same in substance, equal in power and glory.
The power play is not the way
Way is to find your power through service.
Heart to the gospel
A disciple displays faith
The word for “healed” (Gk. sō̧zō) also means “saved,” combining both physical and spiritual dimensions. In Bartimaeus’s case the word is doubly appropriate, for “he received his sight” and “followed Jesus along the road.” The latter description designates the model disciple for Mark. Jesus has transformed Bartimaeus from a beggar beside the road (v. 46) to a disciple on the road (v. 52). Faith that does not lead to discipleship is not saving faith. Whoever asks of Jesus must be willing to follow Jesus … even on the uphill road to the cross.