Time For Everything
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1 There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens:
2 a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot,
Uncle Errol pass through both
All of us we are still in the first stage
All of us know that one day we will reach that second stage
If we know that one day we will die it will influence how we live
i think we can learn a lot from the life of uncle errol
He was self less
He was self less
It can be illustrated in a simple story
One day Jesus said to his disciples: “I’d like you to carry a stone for Me.” He didn’t give any explanation. So the disciples looked around for a stone to carry, and Peter, being the practical sort, sought out the smallest stone he could possibly find. After all, Jesus didn’t give any regulations for weight and size! So he put it in his pocket. Jesus then said: “Follow Me.” He led them on a journey.
About noontime Jesus had everyone sit down. He waved his hands and all the stones turned to bread. He said, “Now it’s time for lunch.” In a few seconds, Peter’s lunch was over. When lunch was done Jesus told them to stand up. He said again, “I’d like you to carry a stone for Me.”
This time Peter said, “Aha! Now I get it!” So he looked around and saw a small boulder. He hoisted it on his back and it was painful, it made him stagger. But he said, “I can’t wait for supper.” Jesus then said: “Follow Me.” He led them on a journey, with Peter barely being able to keep up.
Around supper time Jesus led them to the side of a river. He said, “Now everyone throw your stones into the water.” They did. Then he said, “Follow Me,” and began to walk.
Peter and the others looks at him dumbfounded. Jesus sighed and said, “Don’t you remember what I asked you to do? Who were you carrying the stone for?”
Unce Errol was not like Peter
me collecting my money
carrying me to watch football - see beckham
carrying me to watch italy win
3 Don’t push your way to the front; don’t sweet-talk your way to the top. Put yourself aside, and help others get ahead.
This is what he did for everyone around him
Not just me - everyone can share stories of him
We can all learn to be self less like him
Uncle Errol knew he was blessed to be a blessing
All of us are blessed in our own unique ways and we should take our blessings to do like Uncle Errol
Bless others
Don’t hold on to what you have but give it away
No matter how small it may be
A little you do will go a long way.
People need encouragement more than ever these days
A kind word could male someone’s day
Most of us today are fortunate to still be working
Don’t hoard everything for yourself but bless other peopple
I am sure that is what Uncle Errol would do
Be selfless
We all have a terminal disease, it’s called mortality. And if the Lord tarries, we’re all going to face what Solomon says in verse 2, “There’s a time to die.” Just as there’s a time to be born. And George Bernard Shaw was fond of saying, “The statistics of death are quite impressive. Every one out of one person dies.” We’re bound by time, we face mortality. What’s more, we’re not really satisfied with any of this stuff, these activities don’t fulfill us. Here we are on earth, in time, facing mortality, involved in all of these activities but they don’t really satiate us, they don’t really quench our thirst
Skip Heitzig Sermon Archive The Ultimate Journey (Ecclesiastes 3:1–11)
Though we’re bound by mortality, we’re made for eternity, and therefore we long for certainty
I think we can say our Uncle Errol is in heaven with the Lord
26 and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?”
Uncle Errol is in a much better place
He doesnt have to worry about Covid
He doesnt have to get up buff up every Saturday from Rowley
stefan encounter
We have learnt there is a seaon for everything
Let us not lose hope - Let us cherish each other while we have each other
Covid is taking the lives of many people
We need to be there for each other
and just like Uncle Errol live a selfless life and trust God to take you home when that time comes