Jude 14-23
Jude • Sermon • Submitted
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I. Judgment Assured
I. Judgment Assured
Background of 1 Enoch
Background of 1 Enoch
The quote that Jude uses is from an extrabiblical book called 1 Enoch. One big question that is on our minds is why Jude is using the text and if this makes this book biblical then?
Most likely, Jude is using this extrabiblical source to proclaim a valid truth. The prophecy that is found in this book does not negate the Scripture that Jude and the church already had. It matches well. This is an actual prophesy, and how Jude came to know that is one of a mystery, but with our view of inspiration, we can hold to the truth that this was a prophetic word that was found to be true, that Jude gathered from the book of 1 Enoch.
This doesn’t mean that Jude endorses the whole book of Jude. The early Christians, Jews, and other sources discounted the book as a whole as Scripture. But the truth remains the same.
Sometimes when I preach, I will use the words of another author or preacher that I find useful to help in understanding the text, to bring out a truth that is found in God’s Word. Though a little different since these authors are not prophets themselves, the illustration I think holds well. They are truthful statements, but they are not Scripture. The difference here is that now we have a book that is considered God’s Word and has this quote. It shouldn’t cause us to fret about the reliability of the Bible.
The content of the prophecy
The content of the prophecy
So now that we have that background, we can then take the content of the prophecy and see why it is important to us, why Jude found it appropriate to relay the prophecy.
The Lord is coming with holy angels in judgment: This matches what we know of the coming of Jesus.
He will execute judgment against these false teachers because of their sin: We know that this is what Jesus will come to do at his second coming.
Ungodly lives will be judged: Sin will be judged in fullness.
These prophecies line up with OT prophecy concerning the day of the Lord, and as Jude relates later, the teachings of the apostles that were being passed orally and through letter at that time.
The identity of those judged (16)
The identity of those judged (16)
Ungodly again is the main word and description of these false teachers. Jude continues on in his teaching and doesn’t pull any punches. And this is something that we often don’t speak, but need to in reference to ungodly false teachers that try to harm the sheep. Grace is available to all, but to those that would malign God’s name and His grace for their own profit and to try to harm His church are described in this way:
II. Perseverance Commanded
II. Perseverance Commanded
In light of this, Jude now turns his attention to the church and what they are to do in response to these false teachers.
Remember the truth (17-18)
The truth of the apostolic prophecy, teachings, and writings were held in high regard then, and they are ultimately the litmus test of the authority of the Scriptures we hold in our hands.
They said to the churches that they are currently in the last times: The last times according to the Bible are described as anything after life, death, burial, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus. We are currently are in the last times ourselves, as were the ancient believers. This reminds us of the imminency of the coming of Jesus.
You’ll recognize them by their actions (19)
In line with his use of triads, the false teachers are described as those that (1) cause division, (2) they are worldly, and (3) they do not have the Spirit. A reminder that you can claim to be Spirit-filled, yet never have his power or presence ever. Their actions speak of this. Divisive and worldly.
1. Build yourself up
Though we are grounded in our understanding that it is only by the grace of God that we are justified and sanctified, there is another element that is involved in that. Our own actions! There is human effort in our sanctification. God won’t just impart biblical knowledge to you without you picking up the Bible. God won’t put you into a trance and make your pray. No, there are decisive things that we are called to do, empowered by the Spirit, for our good and for His glory. We are called to be disciplined, disciplined in grace!
2. Keep yourselves in the love of God
Let’s not blunt the command here. There is the warning and the command to the believer that you stay in the faith. It is an active work, fueled by God’s grace, that we are kept in the faith. Our mentality should never be, “OH I can do this, God will forgive me. Oh, I don’t need to grow in my faith because I am going to heaven anyway. Oh, I don’t need to watch my life and my beliefs, that stuff isn’t that important.” Rather, we should be seeking to grow in our faith, living holy, seeking right belief and doctrine.
And we wait for the coming mercy of Jesus Christ that will lead us to eternal life. We grow, keep ourselves in God’s love, looking to the blessed hope of the coming of Jesus again!
3. Have mercy on those who doubt and save others caught
When we see a brother and sister beginning to wonder if that false teaching may be correct, slowly beginning to God’s goodness and His Word, we must be merciful and help them to see the error of those ways.
When we see a brother and sister beginning to accept and live the way of the false teacher, we must be swift in running into the fire and snatching them out of that which will destroy them. This will take boldness, but necessary action to save them from the flames that will no doubt destroy them.
Showing mercy with fear, that we are careful not to stain ourselves.