State of the Church

Mighty Hero Series  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Transparency: Now that it seems that everything has settled down, as far our membership is concerned, it is a good time to finally share some more of my thoughts.
I am naturally saddened and/or disappointed that many of those who were in the WMBC camp before the pandemic began, are now no longer with us.
And I am not about to blast anybody . . . to my knowledge, I am on speaking terms with everyone who has left WMBC, that includes my youngest son (who now lives with me), all the way to the member who used to show up every now and then.
I understand that membership at a particular church is not forever, but this particular exodus has really stung, and left a bitter taste in my mouth . . .
But as always, God has a Word for me, for us . . . This is a direct Word for WMBC, (I don’t think I will be sharing it online). and though this is specifically targeted for this church, with just a little effort you can also apply it to your daily life . . . for the principles hold true
Our word comes from a familiar passage, a passage that I have preached before, but God’s word takes on a different urgency, when it is unfolding before your very eyes, and you are living it


We are in Judges, chapter 7
The short version: A man named Gideon has been chosen to lead the people to rise up against their oppressors, the Midianites
So he calls his countrymen, the Israelites to his side to fight, and they come
Yet the problems is that as the two opposing camps are preparing ready for battle, Gideon only has 32,000 soldiers, but the Midianite army has 135,000 soldiers . . . and to make things worse, God makes a surprising announcement
Judges 7:2 NLT
2 The Lord said to Gideon, “You have too many warriors with you. If I let all of you fight the Midianites, the Israelites will boast to me that they saved themselves by their own strength.

Narrative 1

with the full 32,000, Gideon is already at a disadvantage
And God says that Gideon’s smaller army is too big
He says that when they win, cause they are going to win, because God is with them . . .
When they win they will think they won because of their own strength, power, skill
God knows the arrogance of human nature, so God says, “Gideon, I don’t want your army at 100%”

Pandemic Lesson 1 - WMBC, God has decided to use us at less than 100%

I was surprised, because we were already a small church, just like Gideon’s small army . . . yet I should not have been surprised because this is God’s way/pattern/style
God doesn’t come in when everything is lined up perfectly, and going in your favor
God doesn’t come in when the timing seems right, money seems right, health seems right, circumstances seems right, schedule is clear
No, God likes to work when his people at less than 100%
That’s why we see God calling Moses, when he is no longer a prince of Egypt, but a forgotten shepherd in the wilderness
That’s why we see Ruth meeting her future husband when she was just a beggar woman
That’s why we see David fighting Goliath before David had grown to maturity
one scripture spells it out plainly
1 Corinthians 1:27 NASB95
27 but God has chosen the foolish things of the world to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to shame the things which are strong,
Therefore, that feeling of not being ready, the feeling of not being prepared, the feeling of insufficiency is a normal feeling for God’s people
WMBC, God is about to use us, even though we are at less than 100%
So that when God shows himself strong, we will know that all the glory/credit belongs to God!
we will have an easy time saying, “if it had not been for the Lord on our side”
we will have an easy time testifying, “that it was not by might nor by power, but by the Spirit of the Lord
So WMBC, bro pastor, we are not at 100%, but it’s ok . . . because that’s when God does his best work
Judges 7:3 NLT
3 Therefore, tell the people, ‘Whoever is timid or afraid may leave this mountain and go home.’ ” So 22,000 of them went home, leaving only 10,000 who were willing to fight.

Narrative 2

God said announce that those who are afraid and trembling, may go home
and 22,000 out of 32,000 threw up the peace sign and left
and most of the people who walked into camp a few days ago, are now walking out of camp, leaving only 10,000
I believe that some who left were tag-a-longs, my friend is going so I will go
I believe some felt pressured to come, It will look bad if I don’t go and support the movement
I believe some were excited about coming at first, this is going to be an adventure
and these reasons were able to sustain them . . . until they saw the size of the enemy, then reality set in . . . this is no joke
and so when they were given an out . . . and they took the out
they rallied to the cause, but not for the cause
because like verse 3 says, “they were not willing to fight”
Lesson 1 - God has decided to use us at less than 100%

Pandemic Lesson 2 - So God has removed those who were not willing to fight

some of the people who left, were simply not willing to fight
in other words, God has moved some people who really did not want to be here
I believe some were tag-a-longs - stayed as long as they did because of the relationships they shared with me or you
I believe some felt pressured to come and stay - because the church had been so good to them
I believe some were excited about being at WMBC at first - but the excitement wore off
because those type of reasons are unable to sustain you when the reality of service to God through a small church hits you square in the face
and when the pandemic provided an out - they took the out, and they left our camp
they rallied to the church, but not for the church
they simply were not willing to fight
Here’s the thing: We see physically, but God sees spiritually
Gideon saw 32,000 ready to fight, but God knew that only 10,000 were ready to fight
So God allowed Gideon to see physically what was already happening spiritually
now Gideon knows the true number of those who are down for the cause
before the pandemic, we had an IDEA of the size of our church . . . now we really KNOW the size of our church
so in reality, the true size of our church has not changed, it’s just that now, we can see what God already saw
Sure I wish more people would have stayed, but if I have to choose between empty numbers and a faithful few, then give me the two or three gathered in Jesus name
It is a good thing to fight with people who are all in!
Lesson 1 - God has decided to use us at less than 100%
Lesson 2 - WMBC, God has removed those who were not willing to fight
Judges 7:4–8 NLT
4 But the Lord told Gideon, “There are still too many! Bring them down to the spring, and I will test them to determine who will go with you and who will not.” 5 When Gideon took his warriors down to the water, the Lord told him, “Divide the men into two groups. In one group put all those who cup water in their hands and lap it up with their tongues like dogs. In the other group put all those who kneel down and drink with their mouths in the stream.” 6 Only 300 of the men drank from their hands. All the others got down on their knees and drank with their mouths in the stream. 7 The Lord told Gideon, “With these 300 men I will rescue you and give you victory over the Midianites. Send all the others home.” 8 So Gideon collected the provisions and rams’ horns of the other warriors and sent them home. But he kept the 300 men with him. The Midianite camp was in the valley just below Gideon.

Narrative 3

after the first group left, it was 10,000 vs. 135,000
and God says, still too many people!
of the 10,000, the ones who are willing to fight, I’m going to pick out the ones who I want to fight
Gideon, you will know which ones I pick by how they drink water from the stream
why this method? We can only guess
there are some good guesses out there and they might be right
What IS most significant is that only 300 were picked, and the other 9,700 need to go home
I know you are willing to fight, but this is not your fight
God says “I am gong to deliver Israel with just 300 . . . the few of the few

Pandemic Lesson 3 - WMBC, God has also removed some people, even though they were willing to fight.

In other words, God has taken some people who would be here, wanted to fight with us, but for his own reasons God said, “not so” . . .
my father, the founding pastor would have been willing to fight . . .so much so that he was willing to come on MIT Bus, an hour earlier than everyone else
my mother, the founding 1st lady would have been willing to fight . . . so much so that she was willing to come in on a stroller, even during the pandemic, she found a way to connect others to Bible study
The West just dropped off Brandalyn at college, and she was really hitting her stride in helping the ministry of the church
but God said, I know you are willing to fight, but this is not your fight
I am going to do a work through WMBC, with just a few of the few
and that’s the main focus
you can put the people who left in whatever category you want
“not willing to fight” group
or the “they were willing to fight but God said no” group
the end result is that those of us who remain are the few of the few
and God wants to do a great work with us, through us, and for us!
He has put us in a place where we must fully trust in Him
with a few of the few, we have to put all our hope in him
there is no choice but to put all our faith in him
and when we win, because we will win, cause God is with us . . . . there will be no doubt that it was the Lord who gave us the victory
Lesson 1 - God has decided not to use us at 100%
Lesson 2 - WMBC, God has removed those were were not willing to fight
Lesson 3 - God has removed some people, even though they WERE willing to fight
Judges 7:9 NLT
9 That night the Lord said, “Get up! Go down into the Midianite camp, for I have given you victory over them!

Narrative 4

First, 22,000 soldiers left
then another 9,700 men had been sent home, and that SAME night God says, “Attack!”
God says, “only 300 men vs 135,000 . . . perfect! . . . . it’s time!”
God says, “Gideon, get up, it’s time!”
you are at your weakest, but it’s time to get up, for I have given you the victory!”

Pandemic Lesson 4 - WMBC, it is the perfect time to get the victory!

That’s God’s attitude - you are down to a small percentage, but let’s do this!
You are down to the few of the few, yet I have given you the victory!”
What seems the worst time, can be the perfect time when God is in the mix
Money is low, let’s Go, I have given you the victory!
members have left, let’s go, I have given you the victory!
resources are not what they used to be . . .
all of us are older, still, let’s go
with God we can press forward, when it seems that we should be retreating
we can be bold, when it seems that we should be hiding
we can add to this church’s legacy, when it seems that we should just be barely holding on
Because God will supply
God will make things work together for good
God will open doors
God will renew our strength
God will fight our battles
God will make a way out of no way
God will direct our path
God will finish the work he has started in us
So get up and fight, it is the perfect time!
Lesson 1 - God has decided not to use us at 100%
Lesson 2 - WMBC, God has removed those were were not willing to fight
Lesson 3 - God has removed some people, even though they WERE willing to fight
Lesson 4 - it is the perfect time to fight

How do we get the victory?

With Gideon and his men, it was a quite simple plan. Gideon divided the 300 men into three groups and gave each man a ram’s horn (trumpet), and a clay jar with a torch in it. In the middle of the night they came up to the enemy’s camp, suddenly blew the horns, smashed the jars, shouted “A sword for the Lord and for Gideon” . . . . and the Lord threw the enemy into confusion and they began attacking one another, and then began to flee . . . and Gideon and his men gave chase
To achieve total victory, it was quite an adventure, and it took a while, but they did get the victory
the key to this victory?
God gave Gideon a simple plan, that on paper didn’t look like much of a plan . . . but Gideon and his men followed the plan, and God gave them the victory.
Judges 7:17 NASB95
17 He said to them, “Look at me and do likewise. And behold, when I come to the outskirts of the camp, do as I do.
Church, I say, as your pastor, follow me as I follow God: look at me and do likewise . . . do as I do
I don’t say that lightly, and I know that comes with heavy responsibility
but this is not a time for being fearful and timid . . . so do as I do
What am I doing? it’s a real simple plan. Three parts
Part 1 - Take up the slack (some responsibilities have to be taken up)
for example, I jumped back on the organ (so now I practice music through the week)
I am handling various other responsibilities that others used to do, in order to limit social contact because of the pandemic
in other words, just stepping up, and taking up the slack
i’m charging you to help me take up the slack
Part 2 - I’m continuing my regular giving, and sacrificing even more to give to the Building fund
I am being generous with the church
We will be talking about giving soon
Part 3 - Look for unchurched people, and get them to church
My wife and I have agreed to bring our grandchildren
effort of picking them up, feeding them, watching them . . .
so find someone who is not going to anyone’s church, and get them to church (saved or unsaved)

Three part plan: taking up the slack, giving, and bringing the un-churched to church

this . . . is our trumpet, clay jar, and shout
Simple plan, that on paper doesn’t look like much of a plan, but I expect God to give us the victory
and finally, let’s look to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, as our example


Jesus, at one point had many followers
but then it got down to 12
and then down to 11 because of Judas
and then down to three in the Garden, but they fell asleep
and in the end he was all alone . . . and the plan he was following didn’t look so great either
being tortured and killed doesn’t sound like much of a plan
My savior was mocked, beat, whipped, and crucified on a tree, and he died
but if God be for you . . . even death can’t be against you
on the 3rd day, He rose with all power in heaven and in earth, and total victory
and that same power that raised him, is at work in us! And God will give us the victory!
So I challenge you to join me, and be the few of the few
What is some of the old people come back? That will be great, and we will welcome them with open arms . . . but now it’s time for us to get up and get this victory through the power of the Lord!
Earn an accredited degree from Redemption Seminary with Logos.