7 Steps to Victory
7 Steps to Freedom
One day Adam was talking to God, and he said, “God, why You made Eve so beautiful?”
God said, “So you would love her.”
He said, “Why You gave her such long flowing hair?”
“Same thing so you would love her.”
“Why did You gave her such a great figure?”
“Say it again, so you would love her.”
He said, “Alright God, tell me this, You made her so beautiful, so attractive, why did You made her so dumb?”
God said, “That’s easy Adam, so she would love you.”
a. We are glad that you have decided to be here this evening, and we know God will bless you as open your heart to receive His words.
b. The main feature of Faith!wave’s objective for this year is “transformation.” Now everybody says “transformation!” Say like you mean it! Say like you’re in a hot spa now!
c. We are committed to YOU to inspire you to grow in every aspects of your life.
d. If you are seeking for something, you are at the right place.
e. If you are seeking for meaning and purpose, you are at the right place.
f. If you are asking, seeking and knocking, you are at the right place.
g. If you are sleepy, you are at the right place as well.
h. Turn your Bibles with me to the Good News of Mark chapter 5 verses 21 to 42.
Text: Mark 5:21-42
21 When Jesus went back across to the other side of the lake, a large crowd gathered around him on the shore. 22 A leader of the local synagogue, whose name was Jairus, came and fell down before him, 23 pleading with him to heal his little daughter. "She is about to die," he said in desperation. "Please come and place your hands on her; heal her so she can live."
24 Jesus went with him, and the crowd thronged behind. 25 And there was a woman in the crowd who had had a hemorrhage for twelve years. 26 She had suffered a great deal from many doctors through the years and had spent everything she had to pay them, but she had gotten no better. In fact, she was worse. 27 She had heard about Jesus, so she came up behind him through the crowd and touched the fringe of his robe. 28 For she thought to herself, "If I can just touch his clothing, I will be healed." 29 Immediately the bleeding stopped, and she could feel that she had been healed!
30 Jesus realized at once that healing power had gone out from him, so he turned around in the crowd and asked, "Who touched my clothes?"
31 His disciples said to him, "All this crowd is pressing around you. How can you ask, `Who touched me?' "
32 But he kept on looking around to see who had done it. 33 Then the frightened woman, trembling at the realization of what had happened to her, came and fell at his feet and told him what she had done. 34 And he said to her, "Daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace. You have been healed."
35 While he was still speaking to her, messengers arrived from Jairus's home with the message, "Your daughter is dead. There's no use troubling the Teacher now."
36 But Jesus ignored their comments and said to Jairus, "Don't be afraid. Just trust me." 37 Then Jesus stopped the crowd and wouldn't let anyone go with him except Peter and James and John. 38 When they came to the home of the synagogue leader, Jesus saw the commotion and the weeping and wailing. 39 He went inside and spoke to the people. "Why all this weeping and commotion?" he asked. "The child isn't dead; she is only asleep."
40 The crowd laughed at him, but he told them all to go outside. Then he took the girl's father and mother and his three disciples into the room where the girl was lying. 41 Holding her hand, he said to her, "Get up, little girl"! 42 And the girl, who was twelve years old, immediately stood up and walked around! Her parents were absolutely overwhelmed.
i. In Verse 28, she said to herself, “If I can just ……. I will!”
j. Here we find a woman talked to herself.
k. Last week, we talked about “internal dialog,” and how most of the time, it is negative.
l. Today we are going to learn to overcome our thinking pattern and align them for victory in our lives.
m. I want you to receive these 7 steps to victory, and you can start by saying, “transformation!”
1. “Its Possible!”
a. Start by saying “its possible!” each and every time you confront a task, no matter how big or small.
b. Its possible because the Bible says with God all things are possible. [Luke 1:37]
[example of accusing voices:
d. Stop receiving these accusing voices, but instead receives God’s mercy and acceptance.
2. “I am faithful!”
a. Realize everyone makes mistake, and everyone has weaknesses.
b. Know that God has began the good work within you, and will continue his work until it is finally finished [Philippians 1:6].
[example of condemnation:
– image: I am fat or too skinny or bald, I guess I will be lonely all my life
- eloquence: I don’t speak well, my English is lousy, I won’t make it through
- study: I can’t concentrate, I am so stupid, I will fail all my exams
c. Why don’t you give yourself the rights of NOT being perfect, of NOT to perform 100% all the time? We all made mistakes, we are not perfect.
d. You may NOT be where you should be right now, but at least, you are NOT where you used to be. God did NOT condemn us, why should we play God?
e. So quit condemning yourself.
f. Tell yourself: this is a new day and I look forward to it.
g. God began a good work in me and He is NOT finish yet with me.
3. “I am able!”
a. God is NOT looking at all the past mistakes you made.
b. Don’t keep asking God for forgiveness for something you did 3 years ago, over and over again.
[example of guilty feelings:
– career: I am unworthy, I don’t deserve any promotion
- church: I am unworthy, I am not good enough for church
- marriage: I am unworthy, I am not good enough to be a husband or dad
- marriage: I am unworthy, I am not good enough to be a wife or mom
- study: I am worthless, I can don’t deserve to achieve high grades in my study
c. The truth is God already forgive you the first time you repent and ask Him to. He does not remember it anymore, and you should shake the guilty feeling off [Jeremiah 31:34].
4. “I am bold!”
[example of negative speeches:
- computer: I am useless, I can’t learn to use the computer
- spouse: I am sick of your attitude
- dad: I am a lousy dad, I didn’t spent enough time with my children
- mom: I am a lousy mom, I didn’t clean the house last week
- single: I am unattractive or fat or skinny, I can never find anyone who would love me
- church: I am late for church, I am not spiritual enough for God to love me
- I am good for nothing, I am so clumsy, I am so stupid, I am sick of this or that
Story/positive: little boy discover echo in a cave, dad showed him positive speech
- speak victory over your spouse, your children, your finances and your life. If you don’t do that, somebody else will].
a. Whatever you speak out will always come back to you.
b. The Bible says words are like seeds, we will eat the fruits of our words. If we sow good seeds, we will eat good produce. Be careful with what you say about yourself, the people around you and your circumstances.
c. The Bible says that your faith in your dreams and future is only effective if you acknowledge the good in yourself [Philemon 6].
d. Do you know we can destroy our future with our words?
e. Don’t talk about the way you are, talk about the way you are going to be.
f. So let me ask you, where are you going?
g. Start changing your language from being defeated to victory. Use your word to declare victory, health, joy and prosperity.
[Story/positive: Maybe you need to change your phone numbers. I had lots of 8, in Cantonese, means prosperity, with no 5 in it, which carry a negative connotation. We oriental folks don’t like the combination of 5 and 8, because it means you won’t prosper. An Aussie Toyota salesman ask me this once, and he took out a notepad and wrote every single number from 0 to 9 with its individual meaning. So when people call me on the phone, they speak out the numbers as they press the buttons, and I am declared prosperous each time someone calls me – thank you guys for calling me on my mobile. Our brother Edwin is also the same!]
5. “I am strong!”
a. Images in your mind are very important.
b. See yourself in your best, not your worst.
[examples of seeing beyond:
Story/negative: Hayfever medicine advertised on TV. You are not sick but you start to make preparation to be sick, you go out and start buying the pills. O but the statistic says 1 out of 4 this summer will get hayfever, and the strange thing is we often see ourselves as that 1 that will get it. Now why can’t we be 1 of the other three who DOES NOT get sick?
Story/positive: Ephraim + new set of slippers last week. At first he complaint about it, now he loves it. Why? He has gotten use to it. When we see ourselves and make preparation for a better future, we will grow and gravitate towards it.]
c. Sin can make you see yourself less than human, make you look like a worm and can make you sick and lethargic of life, living and your future.
d. Sin is devastating, it often leave a scar eventhough it has long past.
e. But you can QUIT listening to negative and condemning voices, you CAN change your attitude today, and the key is God’s forgiveness.
6. “I am favored!”
a. You may make mistakes but you are not worm, you are God’s child.
b. This is the Good News of the Christian Bible.
c. God is not looking for something that you can do for Him, He is looking for something that He can do through you.
[Story/negative: Like the story of the wayward son that we read about, he said he was not deserving of his father’s mercy, and he is willing to become just like one of his hired workers. Also notice that he was dirty, poor and stinks. [Luke 15:17-19,21]
- I don’t feel like I deserve it]
d. You don’t have to prove anything. Just receive God’s mercy.
e. You don’t have to change first. Just receive God’s mercy.
f. Even when we sinned or make mistakes, there is a time to repent, receive God’s forgiveness and move on.
7. “I believe!”
a. God invites us to come home with boldness and confidence [Hebrew 4:16].
b. God is not looking at what’s wrong with you, God is looking at what’s right with you.
[Story/positive: One day I went to Daniel school to check on him. I was outside his classroom while class was in session, and suddenly the classroom door burst open and the boys, including Daniel started to run out, after that followed by the girls. The teacher came out and saw me in shock. She explained that the class was getting drowsy so she make them took a lap around the school building to pump them up. One by one the boys started to return to class, but Daniel was not in sight. Then the girls started to return to class and still Daniel was not in sight. By this time the teacher was feeling a little uncomfortable, and probably since this is not the first she have the class took a lap around school, she said to me not to worry, Daniel will be back. Sure enough he return, walking – huffing and puffing – and with two girls by his side talking to him. I turn to the teacher and said, “hey Daniel is a very sociable boy, isn’t he?” She seemed surprise at my response. Daniel may not be atheletic but he is extremely sweet, and good looking too, just like his dad I guess!]
c. We don’t focus on what our children do wrong, we boast about that one thing they did right.
d. God the Father is the same. He is always on the lookout for us [Luke 15:20].
e. This is the only picture of God running in the Bible [Luke 15:20], and who was He running to?
- He is NOT running to a prominent religious leader.
- He is NOT running to a successful entrepreneur.
- He is NOT running to a good person.
- He IS running to a young man who needed mercy.
- He IS running to o person who made mistakes, to someone who failed.
f. Today if you take the first step towards Him, just like this young man, who said to himself, I will go home to my Father, He will run to you.
g. Just a decision today will change your future, and will set you free from your past.
- You say I miss it. I missed God’s great plan for my life.
- You may have missed plan A, but God has plan B, plan C, plan D, and He will always make a new plan for you when you return.
h. God does not make pre-requisite for you to do this or that first, or to change this or that first, see how He just ran to this young man, put His arms around him and kiss him, cook the best steaks and celebrate with a party.
i. Do you not realize how dirty and smelly this young man would have been? God just put on the finest, most expensive and clean Prada over him. He place the most finest Rolex on him, and the best Timberland shoes on his feet.
Challenge [Altar Call for Salvation]:
a. Maybe now is the time to repent and receive God’s forgiveness.
b. This is a new day for you.
c. You need to know God is running towards you.
d. I am not talking about finding religion or joining a church, I am talking about living a life to the fullest, experiencing the joy and peace of living, being truly free from the guilt, mistake and failure of our past.
e. I am talking about discovering a new beginning, about discovering a new adventure and journey in life.
f. Would you say, “Victorson I want this new life, this new break.”
g. If you do, all you need to do is to say this simple prayer with me, meant it with all your heart, and receive God’s forgiveness. Say with me:
- Lord Jesus, I repent of all my sins.
- I receive Your forgiveness.
- I ask You to come into my heart.
- I make You my Lord and Savior.
- Amen.
h. Now if say that prayer and meant it, I believe you got born again. You are a Christian.
- In the coming days, you will experience something inside you that you have NOT experience before.
- You will experience life differently from today onwards.
- Your days will be filled with love, joy and peace.
- Continue to fellowship with us and grow in your new life.
- Now if you say that prayer, I want you to nod your head at me now as an indication so that I can give you additional materials to help you discover this new life.