Unparalleled Tribulation & Unbelievable Testimonies, Part 2 - Aug. 29th, 2021
Hey, man, good morning, everyone. I'm trying to break the Traditions here at First Baptist Church Westminster we get we do everything the same every week. So this gives me an opportunity to jump in here before Pastor Jason, I guess involved he has to do something for a moment, but I really did want to share what went on. I talked to the adults in the adult Sunday school class this morning about the trail Life Ministry that we have here. And that's what it is. I found out it's it's the Christian or christ-centered equivalent to the Boy Scouts and it is truly christ-centered and they are not just using our facilities. They are an extension of our ministry like any other Ministry. We owned them Co 2017 like the girls Co 3110 That's ours. They have to go by our rules our teachings and if they won't we could. Cut him off excommunicate him so to speak. And and so that really changed my thinking cuz after and a day do a great great work, I've learned about the organization but the most important thing they said well, we're christ-centered and I'm thinking yeah, what does what does that mean and after listening and all the things that went on they exalted the name of Christ throughout the whole day and a half of classes. They said this is the number one thing Christ all the things we do are to exalt him in to be centered around him use him as our example for our young men to become leaders in their homes and their families in their churches in our country. And so I was pretty impressed with the organization and I've learned a lot more about it. And and so I but I wanted us to know that we then have a responsibility. They're not just some organization is using our gymnasium a couple times a month. There are there has even though they're not many of them are not members of this church that the organization is ours and when we need to pray for them as such and we need to get involved with them as such there will be a time. They'll be doing some fundraising coming up. I encourage you I we're not going to make anybody do anything but they'll be selling some things. They try to raise their own money so that the boys can go off to different activities throughout the year and the girls will be doing the same thing and then we won't sell things directly through the gym will let them come around they may ask you if you'd like to buy a flashlight or the girls as some sort of pasta or something so that help them in their activities, which might Save some of our parents some happen to come up with some cash money directly to do some of those activities and so I learned a lot about the organization. I've got even though I think most of the names of the you know, the foxes and the guy said don't tell me the foxes and the Hawks and the mountain lions the equivalent of the Cub Scouts the small group and then The Navigators and the adventurers the junior high and High school-aged boys and so and their organizations and they know they can always use help with men that are willing to help out even if it's just to be there but it requires a background check in a few things like that. And so I'll be praying about those things cuz it is our ministry and if you'd like to be a part of it and I'm not the youngest guy there I can probably kind of one of the old guys probably the oldest that I've seen but there's still things for me. Do and others as well. And so pray about that. Maybe there's something I can do to help even if you don't have a boy or a daughter going to the girls side of it. Maybe you can help in that Ministry, but it is our ministry and I was pretty impressed with it and I can highly recommend that to anyone and so we'll just start or song service then I'll bring it turn it over to Amen, thank you Pastor and with all that in mind. Let's give God the glory sing page 449 and I'll ask you to stand as we join us and all three verses for 49.
To God be the glory strange things. He had his son has life and praise the Lord praise the Lord praise the Lord the Lord give him the glory great things.
The blood from Jesus praise the Lord. Praise the Lord praise the Lord to the father of Jesus. Give him glory great things. He has taught us Frank things.
But you're trying to spot when Jesus was praising the Lord. Thank you, please remain standing.
Let's pray most gracious Heavenly Father God again. We Are so thankful. For what you doing in our lives there some here today the can't be here due to health reasons or they're on vacation and traveling by the repair. You would meet their need the father for those of us here. Today. We're here to worship you to lift up your Holy Name to bring glory to you and we pray you'll be pleased by all that we say and all we do is we lift up her voices in praise and worship. We pray for the preaching of your word. You would give Pastor Jason those words to be heard that we need because we are in needy people speak to us and not only that we hear these things but we would then apply them in our lives. Thank you for all that have come out the other that you were you were just doing a wonderful work here at First Baptist and we pray that you would continue to do that work but it's not about us. It's about you help us. Keep us focus on what's most important. And father, I pray now that you would just be with the remainder this service and it will be glorified in all that we say and do I pray in Jesus name. Amen. Please be seated.
You see me looking around cuz I don't have my sheet here. Army know my someone give me a bullet real quick.
Ask me am I embarrassed? Yes.
I usually make this copy but I was out of town and this is my excuse and say if you look at your coming events, we we already have all of September's things in here. So I'm not going to go through all of them. You can see what's going on. But tonight will be our summer in the sunshine will be anything goes refreshment. So I guess whatever your appetite is for tonight, bring it on in and and we'll take advantage of it then the September 5th will be our last or final summer in the sunshine and it'll be ice cream. I mention that because it's food and that always bring Baptist into their churches. But you see we have our Sunday school kickoff coming up and then get ready for September 12th to the 15th already be praying for this evangelist. Gary Gilmore will be with us for those few days invite folks get ready to be challenged. We have a round up Sunday, which is that same day the 12th round them up means bringing your friends and family members neighbors. Whoever weekend yanking off the street get your put your cowboy boots on and hats and get your lasso Out start hauling people in bring them in and we will have our barbecue brisket that we usually do once a year and you guys bring the fixings in but it's a chance to wear more casual clothing cowboy hats and boots and blue jeans if you have those things you want to do that, but that's our round up Sunday. So we're very busy there. We got the Sunday School kickoff the Evangelist Gary Gilmore and I'll round up Sunday. We have some Sunday school leader training. Coming up. Then we have a missionary on Wednesday night the 22nd Teresa vanderford missionary to Bangladesh. Then we have the trail Life USA area mountain man Campari coming up the Masters men's prayer list and several of us were gone. And I heard at a really good to prayer time on Saturday morning man challenge you to come on Saturday morning. If you can at 9 in and pray for our church for our community for a country for things that are going on in our lives is also a chance for fellowship and it wants a quarter will leave and have a breakfast or something. And so please do that. And so there's plenty of things coming up. There is a sign-up sheet on the back wall for a prayer vigil and this is in preparation for the Evangelist. And what's going on is that you can pick a half hour or an hour or two hour. 3 hours that you will be at home in your car here wherever you want to be and pray focus on whatever the Lord puts on your heart. But especially for the upcoming Avenger allistic. Conference that we are having for these few days praying for one another praying for our country, but pray and they probably a good habit to get into we should be spending more time in prayer anyways, but please sign up on the back wall a year then making a commitment and maybe that'll help prayer life is something we all can probably do a little better at myself included. My name's up there. I'm going to be praying. I thought it was going to be here. And I was thinking. I'll come in way early cuz I'm usually here pretty early and he said no you can pray wherever you want. That's right. Pray wherever you want just sign up so we know you're praying and so a lot going on. And so please keep your bulletin so you can make sure you're at all the activities and I think that's all I have will continue with the service. Thank you. Pastor will ask you to sing page 460 you may remain seated while we sing leaning on the Everlasting Arms first second and third versus 460.
Send a line leading safe and secure from realize are these people in the front row? There's not anything wrong with him. They're just going right along with the song. So if you want to lean with them as we're in a lie, cuz if we weren't in a scripture boat, you may do so on the second verse swing to walk in Mansfield.
Today be safe and secure from Ronnie and I always wonder what that looks like on the video. So people that are watching on the video just at your in your home wherever you're at. Just join us on the third verse to my Lord Sonny.
Leaning on it. Page number for 67. Thank you for your participation. We're Baptists to we'd like to have a fun time here in the services or 67 since I've been redeemed we'll sing all four verses 1 2 3 and 4 since I have been redeemed sing it out as if you've been redeemed the song of I have been read since I have been reading.
I will glory in his glory and might I have a Chrysler have been read by have been.
A man reads been raining. I will glory in his name. I will glory in my face and yours and I haven't and Claire have been read and I have been reading.
Been reading I will glory in his name. I have a home I have been reading so I have been raining. I will glory in his name since I've been read.
My babe, you're such a men. Thank you for your singing this morning scripture reading will be led by Brother Jeff Stewart.
All right, we will start Romans chapter 8 verses 28 to 39 and ask the congregation to read verses 31 and 35 if you are willing and able please Dan Marino's worth.
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God is everywhere. Who are the called according to his purpose for him? He did for know. He also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his son that he might be the firstborn among many Brethren were over movie did predestinate family also called and who he called them. He also Justified and who be justified damn. He also glorified.
Peter Spira not his own son, but living him up for us all how shall he not with him? Also, freely give us all things who shall lay anything to the charge of God's elect. It is God that justifies. Who is he that commanded it is Christ that died yet rather that is risen again who is even at the right hand of God who also make its intercession for us.
As it is written for thy sake we are killed all the day long. We are accounted as sheep for the slaughter met and all thing and all these things. We are more than conquerors through him that loved us bring a sweater that needed ethra life nor angels nor principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come or Heights nor death nor any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our lord. Thank you and may the Lord At His blessings to the meaning of his word. You may be seated.
When the storm raged about that the disciples were afraid for the waves were high and the ship was tossed. They could not find their way. I know it.
And just beyond the rainbow. Can we see all the eclipse?
Like the man on the seated I have cold on God and prayer when it seemed to me all hope was gone and in my deep despair, I remember to and I know once more how he sees this over me.
Clear sky the rainbow when we see you make brown.
Jesus Storm from the other side knows the lessons word. He speaks to the raging Storm when peace cannot be found when we see you make you already sees the rainbow. Can we see the eclipse?
How many of you can testify to the truth of that song?
I'm thankful. What we learn about God from the Bible that he is a God who knows the end from the beginning and he's concerned about everything that we go through. I wish sometimes as Believers we can learn how to handle the mental little better. I suppose I see times in the Bible where there isn't always a human answer available. And yet God's people continue on by faith. I see the the songs where they turn from lament to praise but I see the songs that term from praise to lament and I've also had to preach through psalms where there is no element of Praise whatsoever. And so before we make a beeline to tell everybody. Whatever diagnosis you've been given is going to go away or whatever problem you're dealing with is going to disappear. I think we need to go to the Bible and figure out who God is And that even through those difficult times he does know the in from the beginning and we may have to wait before our tears are fully and finally wiped away that time will come I do not know that but do we offer false? Hope down here sometimes I wonder I just wonder now that's I didn't plan to speak on those things this morning, but it seems appropriate for the moment. We're going to dismiss our children for our children service. And so we have some little ones here today. If you'd like to join for Children Service, you can see my daughter in the back. My wife will leave you upstairs and the team that's up. There will lead your service and you'll be able to praise the Lord and learn about Jesus up there and your children service for those that are joining us here, you're listening and watching and following along the services of the First Baptist Church of Westminster. This is co-pastor a Pastor Walker bringing the Sunday morning message. It will be a continuation of our last time together and hopefully you kept your notes from last time and you'll be able to fill in the rest. Hopefully today if I make it that far if you did not receive an outline last time and you would like to just drop some notes down. I'll fill those in for you. Could you just slip your hand in the air if you'd like one of those and we'll have a brother I can bring some extras around if you didn't get one last time and you'd like to fill in so brother and he's coming he'll give you those and again, this is not meant to be a lecture this morning, but I just want you to see the framework for the arguments and I'm going to make as I present this to you this morning. I'm going to challenge your thinking hopefully. I want you to do something with the word of God today and I want you to remember what I tell you about the word of God today and also want you to see which angle I'm coming from and make your own decisions about what the Bible says. It is God's word and he has revealed himself to us. We've been studying through Matthew chapter 24, and if you'd like to follow along you can do so in your Bible and Matthew 24 will look at verse 23 to 28 Lord willing this morning, but I would like to just begin at verse 15 because that's where we started last time. in Matthew chapter 24 You're thinking about the words of our Saviour on the Olivet discourse. Some have entitled it the second Sermon on the Mount I think rightfully. So the context here is Jesus has been asked a question by four of his disciples and he proceeded to answer that question really three questions. They posed to him that I see here about the destruction of the temple and the sign of the coming of the son of man. They asked him regarding those things and Jesus begins to help them understand what the coming days will hold for the followers of Jesus Matthew 24. We pick up his discourse in verse 15. The Bible says when they're when ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation we mentioned that was the signal alarm Jesus gave his disciples flight instructions in preparation for the time of Jacob's trouble. He gave them the signal alarm that is the abomination of desolation we continue Being and he says in verse 15 spoken of by Daniel the Prophet stand in the Holy place whoso readeth let him understand this is the signal alarm. He references Daniel the Prophet. Yes, it's that same Daniel that everyone knows the Bible speaks of Daniel. It's talking about that Daniel and there's a person of discernment that he lined Sports here understand is that what that reduced much like the Ethiopian eunuch. We need someone to guide us many times in the scriptures. And so Jesus is helping them the person of the abomination of desolation where told another prophecy is the Antichrist. The place of the Abomination will be the temple and that will be rebuilt. Of course by the time Jesus said these words they're looking at the bricks of the Temple. But Jesus is saying in another place that not one stone will be left on another another versus but yet we see the abomination of desolation there has to be another temple built then we put those pieces together prophetically. So then and verse 16 to 18 He reveals to us the evacuation plan for those that see the signal in that day those that are watching what happens in the temple the Abomination desolation. That is the alarm get out for those that are still here. Those in Judea he tells him a 16 basically Run for the hills. Those that are at home. You don't have time to pack get out while you can for those that are there at that are at work verse 16 to 18. And then we began to look at some further considerations that he gave in verses 19 to 22, but pray you let me back up to verse 19 woe to them that are with child and then that gives stuck in those days but pray that your flight be not in Winter neither on the Sabbath day for then Shelby know the words Great Tribulation such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time. No nor ever shall be can. I also reference that. He is quoting Old Testament scripture there as well. The Old Testament permeates when Jesus says here some of these further considerations that he gives his to maintain compassion amidst all the chaos of the Great Tribulation. Pregnant nursing mothers we need to think about them and pray for them those that are trying to do life on their own by themselves. We have a special place in her heart for them. Do we not we have compassion on single mothers and now single dads that are trying to do Life by themselves. Jesus has the same kind of compassion and you need to see his compassion because it moved him to prayer and he urges that we pray prayer that moves God we make intercession for those who are going to be most impacted by the trouble pray that it be not in Winter pray that it not be not on the Sabbath. These are seasonal or things that they would experience with the Wadi is overflowing to where it's impossible and then you think about the winter time. It's hard to find lodging you think about the Sabbath day requirements on the Jewish people in particular the religious rights that they observe the sabbath. Your Jesus is speaking to them in Jewish terms because they're Jewish people and he's prophesying about a Jewish event that's going to occur. So it makes sense to me why he would reference the Sabbath here, but he talks about sea. No difficulties to pray that God would intervene that the flight be not during that time of year. Did you know our prayers can change the course of things? I forget what writer it was devotional. You think it might have been either are a Tory or aw Tozer talks about prayer as being that which moves the omnipotent hand that governs the universe after I don't know exactly where that phrase should be attributed. I forget who wrote it, but I one of those two men more than likely but isn't that true? Pray that God moves mountains. Yeah, we have a mountain moving God my High School Mentor used to say Jason If You're Going To Pray For Rain you better bring an umbrella. And I stuck with that and if I ask God to do something, I believe he's going to do it that he can and Jesus tells them you can you can't stop the Great Tribulation from coming but you can plead with God that it happens at a certain time so that the difficulties are lessened see his compassion here prayer that moves God those are to be most impacted by the trouble and then he teaches them to despise not they need to understand the severity of the time of Jacob's trouble. This has been prophesied in the Old Testament and they are in for a judgment like the world has never seen before in this time of Jacob's trouble. It's the 70th week of Daniel and they're not to despise that like he's so I'll just buy used his Birthright when you despise something biblically, you put it on the scales in one outweighs the other they're not to treat this lightly. Because this is going to be a time like they've never experienced first 21 he tells them for then she'll be Great Tribulation such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time. No nor ever shall be verse 22 except those days. We should be shortened. There should know flesh be safe. But for the elect sake those days shall be shortened. Go back to the comments on verse 13 as a reference is salvation. Don't read the wrong salvation into the text or you'll make a great fear theological Mistake, by the way, there's some motivation for divine intervention on behalf of God's chosen people those that he chooses to use his witness through in these days are going to need the prayers of people like never before. Hey, I hope that you're praying for those that are experiencing trouble from the Taliban today. We have Christians that their doors are being knocked on and if you have a Bible in the house, if you name the name of Christ, you could be in violation of the Sharia law that they impose there. And if you're found to be in violation what that means is you could be cold out and apostasy and persecuted and prosecuted in Sharia law up to the extent of death. Are you praying for a Christians? I was challenged yesterday in our meeting Pastor Ward was with us and I thought the chaplain brought a valid point. He said are you praying for the Taliban?
Jesus taught us love your enemies. Pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you. Speak all manner of evil against you falsely for my sake. pray for them It's easy for me to think about the Christians in the pastures and those that are struggling over there and pray for them. We need to pray for God's people like that. How can I pray for my enemies too? As Christians we need to do that. They need Jesus. Because if they find Jesus they won't be bearing the sword. They'll be bearing the arm of friendship. and camaraderie seeking a different goal. They need the truth that Jesus Christ washes away sin that no works of the law can do that. No Heritage of whatever religious beliefs if you have can wash away your sin. It's only through the blood of Jesus Christ. That someone could be saved you see his motivation for divine intervention. We need God intervene and in previous messages. I've laid the fact that I believe we are on the cusp of seeing gospel intervention. Like we've never seen it in our generation we've gone through things that we've seen things recently that our generation by generation, whatever you want to call that don't even know what generation of along to anymore whatever generation that is. We haven't seen these things and I'm telling you we're going to see the gospel explode like we've never seen it before either because the ground is ripe for the Peace of Jesus Christ to come in and restore us and reconcile us to God the father that we've been alienated from Jesus warned his disciples that there would be an unparalleled time of trouble that would come prior to his second coming but he then went on to warn them about how they also might be deceived into believing that he had come when he clearly had not and it's most important to pay attention. To his clear warnings and so I'm going to pick up our texts and read in verse 23. Then if any man shall say unto you love here is Christ or they're released words of Jesus out loud with me cuz leave it not what did he say? Believe it not Jesus said to not believe something. Unbelievable. These are going to be unbelievable testimonies. Testimonies that we need to validate truth that needs to be examined in light of the truth truth mixed was there with ever no longer truth. Jesus said believe it not for there shall arise false christs and false prophets and shall show great signs and wonders in so much that if it were possible they shall deceive the very elect.
Verse 25 I believe is a hinge thought behold I have told you before.
Wherefore if they shall say unto you behold, he's in the desert go not forth behold. He is in secret Chambers, believe it not What do you say? Believe it or not. If you didn't hear me the first time brother Darryl, I'm sure you've heard this before he time God repeat something in the Bible. We don't pay attention to it. For as the lightning cometh out of the East and shine has even unto the West. So shall also the coming of the son of man be what was one of the questions they ask they asked him back in the early portion of the Olivet discourse. What shall be the sign of the coming. He tells them this is what to look for as lightning from the East to the West. So shall also the coming of the son of man be for wheresoever. The carcass is there. Will the Eagles be gathered together Lord. I pray that you bless our time in your word this morning. Give us eyes to see and ears to hear what the spirit would say to the church and Lord may we be humble enough to receive your word in the truth that is found here in and build our life on your sayings that we would be counted as that wise man that builds his house upon the rock and when the storms of life, and they blow Lord we know our house will stand because it was founded on your word and phase-in what you said would come faith in what you said would be Lord. I pray that you'll strengthen us today to be looking for that blessed. Hope And the appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ help us Lord in this time to be more like Christ today than we were yesterday and I'll thank you for the growth for the Salvation that you bring in Jesus name. I pray amen. It is important to pay attention to his warnings. Drill turn Port you. Remember when Jesus faced Calvary there was not one that stood with him every disciple fled. He prayed from the cross those seven magnificent things that I'll never exhaust all the truth. That's found in our savior hanging Between Heaven and Earth. And asking God forgive them for they know not what they do. Invoking the scriptures of Psalm 22 that ends in Victory and then concluding Psalm 22 with those words. It is finished. He paid it all Jesus did that and yet leading up to that there was there was great persecution. Jesus was arrested everything that the disciples had dreamed about happening with Jesus was undone in their minds in a moment. And they all fled and left him to the mockery of a trial and yet they didn't take his life those that arrested him. He laid down his life and he said if I lay it down I can take it again. And though he was all alone there without a single disciple around saving those that would come back close enough when he was hanging suspended Between Heaven and Earth Behold. Thy mother Behold. Thy son. There were those that were close enough to observe. What was going on. I thirst he said that's where the scriptures would be fulfilled by the way. Jesus Christ gave a sign here that the disciples would need to take note of what is the sign? What what's the real signal that it's time to run the abomination of desolation. That's the sign to run. Boys, they could have only connected that. I don't know how different Calvary would look. Set time to run yet. But this isn't the sign that Jesus said that was Jesus being arrested in the garden the abomination of desolation. So that wasn't the signal. But they all ran. They got off to a fault start.
how many of us have been guilty over these past few decades, especially an independent fundamental Baptist Churches of getting off to a Call start. You can take that home with you and think about it. That's a hold of the message for a whole. Nother time. Let's not get off to a fault start. Let's look at what the scriptures teach here in and know that Jesus is working everything according to plan. Nothing catch. Nothing will catch him by surprise. In fact, we see that in his arrest do we not Peter was we're going to take care of this he withdrew his sword and cut off the service of the high priests are malkis this year. And what was the miracle Jesus performed? Peter put your sword away. That was a real Miracle. I'm just kidding. It was the putting out of the ear. You put it back in place. Why because he knew I didn't catch him off guard. He knew when he arose from prayer that he was going to go be greeted by Kiss of betrayal and that would begin his hour of glorification. He was in full control of every event that happened on Calvary. And yes, I'm going to argue that he was even in full of control of everything that was happening. Even when he had his cross carried by another. No, we've been taught many times. I sat in the service as you've heard him to that Jesus fell under the load and he was too weary and weak the omnipotent Son of God was too weak to finish the task. I have the electrical problems with that. No, Jesus could have carried that all the way up the hill but you know what that Roman soldier said every King needs a slave you. You're from Niger. Will make you his slave carry his cross.
Politics, don't you love it?
A shameful and yet that man who did what he was compelled to do by a Roman soldier in mockery of our savior because every King needs a slave had two boys watch. Rufus and Alexander and I wonder what impact that had on them. Our Savior knew what he was doing when he went to the cross and he knew what was coming and he told them here this is what you need to look for we can get off to a fault star we can we can jump the gun if you will when were driven by emotion rather than our knowledge of scripture when we get emotionally tied up in things
we jumped the gun when we ought to know better. So let's consider some of these unbelievable testimonies. We we've looked at the unparalleled tribulation. The unparalleled times that are upon God's people in this hour that Jesus says he is yet future there's unparalleled tribulation. Now look at these unbelievable testimonies unbelievable. And I mean that not trietley, I mean it exactly as the word is defined. They are unbelievable. don't believe them Jesus said call speculation about Christ coming in the time of Jacob's trouble. He's going to warn them about fictions of false Messiahs versus the facts of his sudden paresthesia. His sudden coming notice. Jesus warned them beforehand. He said that verse 25 of told you before it's happened so that you can know I've warned you beforehand. What was his warning? Believe them not say it with me believe them not. Notice these mistaken speculations about the parasia of mosiah verse 23 to 26 shows us what we'll encounter. We will encounter false Miracles. We've been fairly warned and we'll see the folks messages and how they center around his warning. he says in verse 23 regarding these false Miracles then when then When the abomination of desolation when everybody everyone is fleeing for their lives and these troubles are coming and it's Great Tribulation. Like you've never seen it then. If any man shall say unto you low here is Christ here is Messiah here is the anointed one or is there a Jesus said believe it not now you need to understand what happens in The Book of Revelation and what John prophesize is going to occur in those days when the Beast Rises out of the Sea and the false prophet with him and the frogs and the and all of the imagery that John gives us in the apocalypse has the unveiling of the Lord Jesus Christ. And God is very clear that in that day deception will be rampant. The world will be given to this deception. Jesus said there's plenty that's going to rise and say I'm the one or there's the one don't go after them. I've always wondered how in the world could the Jewish Nation actually follow someone who is not a Jewish person to leave them. In this first part of the seven years of that tribulation. How can they be so deceived? Well, there's a couple of ways to understand the prefix anti anti you can understand it as it's defined as instead of or against and I think both have some sense semblance of connotation when we think of the spirit of antichrist that does already work anti. against it was me that entire something that opposed is something that is against this is against everything. That's Christ. I agree. but also coming out here stood as in place of or instead of And what that tells me is the spirit of antichrist does already work. The Jewish people are going to be so enamored with what this political world leader can do to promise them political stability that they've been yearning for four years and decades thousands of years even that they're going to say we know the truth. But we're going to take this instead of because we can get what we want. Politics there you go. Again preacher getting politics into I didn't put them there. These are biblical politics. Okay, these are prophetic biblical politics and they're going to be so deceived. Jesus tells them don't believe that mess don't believe that garbage. That's a little bit of a warning, isn't it? Because Antichrist we're told prophetically he's going to rise up and and Ezekiel 38 and 39. We have we have these armies of ruse led by ruse that that will come against Israel and try to annihilate them from the earth from the face of the globe and who's going to stand up and defend them. You guessed it. The one that they'll take instead of. And he will fight for them and he will annihilate their enemies. But then right after that he's going to betray them like no one has ever betrayed the Jewish people in human history. And they've been betrayed pretty bad. Down through the course of human history all the way back from the history of Genesis and exodus. To the Holocaust of our days and the anti-Semitism that's on the rise that permeates so much around us today.
They're going to take him instead of but Jesus said don't believe him. Believe it not here is Christ. There is Christ believe it not he's only going to stab you in the back and the signal of the abomination of desolation is he's going to set himself up to be Worship in the temple as God. He's going to desecrate that Temple like it's never been desecrated in human history. He warned them beforehand though. There's going to be mistaking speculation false miracles for there shall arise false christs and false prophets noticed the use of the word profit rather than teacher that speaks to the Jewish nature of the text as well. These are false prophets. Peter talks about false teachers creeping into the church. Jude talks about false teachers coming into the church. This is Prophet false prophets that will deceive Israel and shall show great signs and wonders Miracles. They're going to do Miracles and you read about those in Revelation. I don't have time to go there this morning and so much that if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. Let me tell you a little bit of History here from the Bolsheviks. Maybe you remember reading about that in school or some of you history Buffs out there the Bolsheviks murdered the last Czar of Russia and his family in 1918. But rumors persisted that one more of the children may have been may have survived there could have been one that made it through one of the best-known rumors involves Anna Anderson who claimed in 1920 to be Anastasia, one of the czar's daughters and interesting the the name is Greek for Resurrection. That's what anastacio means. Thank you Pastor Ward that's going back to Wednesday night's message anastasis. It means Resurrection anastacio. So even after DNA testing proved that Anna was not related to the royal family many people clung to the hope that she really was, Anastasia. One of the reasons for that hope think about it the believe that the survival of one of the royal children might lead to an eventual restoration of the Glory Days of the Russian monarchy. It does Anna serves as a kind of Messiah figure for royalists the problem in the logic though. Is that a first envisioning a desired end result and then finding the evidence to prove it you get the cart before the horse in that scenario. However, flimsy that evidence is you're going to try to cling to that and then that'll hopefully, you know in your heart mind you can come to see because I'm going to hold out hope for this because it could bring what I've been looking for. anti instead of it's not the true biblical. Hope that Jesus Promised and yet they're going to cling to it because of what they yearn for so bad and the end result of the restoration of the glory of the davidic monarchy. And they're going to be blinded and I'll take whatever little flimsy evidence has given them and be deceived Jesus gave them fair warning behold. I have told you before verse 25 through read Isaiah 48 52 you comparing scripture. What does Isaiah say I have even from the beginning declared it to the wait a minute. When does Isaiah riding before or after Jesus lets his narrow at least that one down long time before Jesus. In fact, it would be hundreds of years that Isaiah would prophesied by name of a man named Cyrus who would arise to allow the Jews to return that prophet Isaiah, Isaiah 40:8 5. He says of the Lord I have even from the beginning declared it to the before it came to pass. I showed it the less than you should have say mine Idol has done them.
And my Graven image and my molten image has commanded them understand the amount of deception that will be in the in the time of Jacob's trouble and other things that will be given to the false prophet the mouthpiece of the Beast the things that he'll be able to do and wield. It's comfortable and surpasses even all the Miracles that Pharaoh's magicians tried to do and while there were a few that they couldn't weren't there.
Jesus said I told you before. Jesus essentially said see I told you ahead of time and in another passage, it's even more striking how our Lord affirmed it turn over to John chapter 13.
And locked us in if you don't hear anything else. I've set up to this point at least hear John 13 19. Jesus said I told you before I've warned you beforehand. I've tried to prepare you and your heart mind as best as possible, but John tells us in this way. Now. I tell you before it come what's the purpose when it is come to pass. You may believe that I am.
But he is in Italian. you may believe it Go Amy, you may believe I am that I am has sent me into you even before Abraham was I am Jesus said I told you before so that you can believe I am I told you before of things that will happen then so that you can believe I
now now is the time to trust Christ today is the day of salvation present tense. I am today believe on the Lord trust him. The passage teaches us at least a couple of things about predictive kind of Prophecy. historical fulfillment will serve as an interpreter of Prophecy for we see things come to pass. We know of a certainty that that prophecy was true. Isn't that the test given to the prophets in Deuteronomy, if they prophesy and it come to pass you shall surely know that they were sent of the Lord if they prophesy and it well, you know, let's just fudge that one a little bit should we it's still in the Bible and yet many have fudged a little on that area and said well, you know, they've gotten eight out of ten right or they've gotten six out of I don't even think those numbers are anywhere close, but
we're not talking about Nostradamus here. We're talking about someone who gives something ahead of time that has no you don't have to believe me, but it's true that has a success rate of 100% without ever. Never missing a single mark.
So the greatest marksman can't even do that in all of their history of shooting. They had to start somewhere and I guarantee you they can always tell you about the one that got away.
But the Lord when he prophesied he always hits his mark. 100% of the time why because he's not like us we're centers and Eye Centers we fall short we missed the mark, but Jesus have told you beforehand so that you can know that I am he What has God done throughout human history to present himself to mankind. So it serves as an interpreter, but we need humility if we're going to handle that area. The second thing John 13:19 shows me his is that all prophecy fulfillment it anytime you see a fulfilled prophecy anywhere. It is a Vindication of the one who is The Great. I Am every time it auto show us Jesus is who got who who the Bible says. He has Jesus Is God and so, you know what they'd never approved by the way that my charts were more accurate than somebody else's.
It never serves to prove that I've got things figured out prophetically better than somebody else does. It only serves to prove that there's only one person who knows the future truly and it's God and his name is Jesus. He's the only one that truly knows the future and he spoke about it before it happened so that when he did we could believe him. We can take his words as truth notice the faults Miracles the fair warning and then we turn our attention back to the folks messages in verse 26. Jesus went on to say wherefore if they shall say unto you behold. He is in the desert go not forth. Don't go after that behold. He is in secret Chambers believe it. Not many, Terry's deal with these things and talk about the Judean Wilderness or they talk about the inner courts of the temple and different thinks the Sadducees the essenes and some of the Zealot revolts that happened in ad70. I think that's only a glimpse really of what Jesus is referring to here. Please fault messages false prophets do not believe the lies of these false prophets. Jesus warns them that are in that day Christ has one right there put it is going to unmask all the charlatans, but he's also stated our responsibility to do so.
I'm not one to call names from the pulpit usually. And I don't plan to do that here in this message, but I'm telling you as a Christian as a follower of Jesus Christ. You have a responsibility to expose to Mark those that teach doctrines contrary to what was taught by Christ and the apostles to Mark those and avoid them. What are you doing letting them on your TV and radio and internet? What are you doing giving audience to these that have been marked? Do you know how to mark them? Maybe that's an exercise in discernment that we could all use some growth in? Don't know I thank God for those Believers that have that kind of discernment, you know, it's kind of like as a husband and wife. I'm thankful for my wife. She is the Godless woman that I have ever met and known and she's such a gift to me. She is in every since my better half and she is as I always boast about the brains of this operation. She's got it all figured out. I'm still trying to catch up eventually I might But even just as a woman I recognize God has given her something called intuition. Many times I don't have it all figured out, but I can just ask a question about something. I'm wondering about should we think about this or do that and she doesn't have to give me any reason other than
That's all I need is hope you that are married. You understand what I'm saying. It's like now wait a minute now. Hold on here. It took you a little bit longer to To answer that one than usual. How do you feel deep down about this? You know that intuition. I just think about Christians in my life that you know, I've heard it. I've heard the conversations. I've had the conversations, you know, we went and visited that church or I listen to this message. I listen to this I was I was in this and I just couldn't quite put my finger on it, but
maybe I need to pay attention to some of those warning flags a little better. There is no human being that is infallible myself included. I understand that but there is a book that is and this is what games Us in all truth measured by this will expose ever in the end and if we use this as they can and as the measuring stick that which we measure things by will have a much less chance of becoming skase by false prophecy in false teaching if you can't quite put your finger on it, maybe just watch it for a while because as Pastor Ward said another message referred inspectors. Spider verse by their fruits you shall know them in and enough time. I granted that could be a long time or it could be a short time. I don't know how long that time is, but they will bear fruit. And you know them Jesus Promised we'd know them by their fruits. So let's test these things. You think about the record of the church in this area? Can I just tell you it's not good to even back in the days of of John the Apostle it it's not good most cult leaders overtime have not been noted and opposed until it was virtually too late and they had already established the power base in the history of Christianity particularly and then we dare not follow the bad example of pergamum pergamus. We dare not go the way of thyatira in the Book of Revelation 2:12 229. We see their tolerance that allowed Heretics to subvert so many of their members. Let's be on guard. Jesus said I told you beforehand that you can believe let's not wait until it's too late. God is going to hold us accountable friend for the lack of vigilance in this area Hebrews chapter 13, 17 says that as as as overseers, we will give an account to God and would to God Pastor Ward when we stand before the Lord we could do. So is that verse says with joy? Yes, we've had our fair share of battles but regarding such and such a believer that was under our spiritual leadership for such-and-such time. We can Report with joy. They didn't give in to the false prophecies. They didn't give into the false teachers. Lord we can we can account that to your grace and we can account with joy. I don't know if we'll be able to stand in that capacity as often as we like to think we would Revelation 16:15 might say something about that as well. But whenever Jesus Christ returns you going to have these kind of teachers there going to be made visible. They're going to be judged for their evil Deeds. How much better would it be if we just go ahead and bind this stuff now or loose these things here? Isn't that what Jesus taught his disciples to do whatsoever you bind on Earth shall be bound in heaven. We exercised great sobriety and great caution anything we bind here. But there are things that need to be bound and tied there are things that are tied that need to be loosed among Jesus's disciples how much better would it be to stand before the Judgment seat of Christ and the Lord not have to get in the middle of all that mess as a dad. I know how this would feel I don't know about much more but I know it's a dad how this would feel the kids. Are you no, arguing over something silly because well, they're two and they're three and they're going to argue over what two and three-year-olds argue over and many times I could just you know intervene and save do I need to get involved?
Are any parents here? We'll figure it out.
I think the Lord and much of the same way says you going to wait for me to get involved in that. Did you really want to wait for me to get involved in that? Why can't someone spiritual them on you? Corinthian Believers in chapter 6 that will judge Angels one day why can't someone spiritual them on you help you guys figure this out before the bema really going to wait for me to get involved. That's a side note. But notice he gives them the unmistakable signs of the parasia the coming of the son of man the coming of Christ and unmistakable picture. So let's deal with things quickly as our church covenant agrees that we will we've all come into the church members to do that. We're going to deal with think speedily we're going to take care of it. And then let's not wait for Jesus to have to get involved in those things when we stand before his judgment-seat. Let's listen to his warnings ahead of time and and know that there are things that are coming that he's the only one that knows the true future and if we trust his words we can believe that he is and that he's going to help us let's do our part to bind and loose and exposed to things that are out there that are clearly contrary to scripture. We can do that. We can mark them in a void them.
And not have it, you know consume the rest of our life in serving the lord but notice the unmistakable paresthesia verse 27 and 28. I say it's unmistakable because nobody's going to miss this picture.
Nobody in that day when this happens, we'll be able to say I miss that one.
the unmistakable picture of the coming of the son of man is spelled out word by word in verse 27 for as The lightning cometh out of the East and shineth even under the West so shall also the son of the coming of the son of man be when I was studying for this. I just got curious and you know, we can we got knowledge at our fingertips and anything we want to know Google already has it figured out what we want to know and will point us to what we want to see so I was just curious to think about that later. Maybe you'll laugh at lunch. I was curious. I looked up thunderstorms and lightning storms in Jerusalem. And a boy that the videos that were there I probably should have done it with headphones on you know, this is like with those really like noise just blast you out of your seat kind of it was powerful even just that video image and I didn't want to do that to you in church this morning, so I didn't put that up but just think about these kind of thunderstorms that roll through the Middle East that roll through Jerusalem, and as Jesus is teaching from the sermon from the Olivet discourse and he is on the Mount Olivet himself with Jerusalem in the backdrop.
He says as the lightning cometh out of the East I'm also told in the Old Testament that the sun will rise with healing in its wings. And where does the sun rise in the east as the lightning comes from the East and shines under the west and just rolls from Sky to Sky? And the power that attends the Thunder that booms I guarantee there's nobody in that day in Jerusalem. That wouldn't know a thunderstorm when it happened. Everybody knows here. We can cuddle in our basements and we can you know, turn all that off and make things loud and we can drown a lot of that out. Sometimes they didn't do so well at some of that over in Tennessee recently though. the power of weather even the insurance companies are smart enough to call those an act of God yet. How many people really acknowledge Him? as the lightning as the lightning cometh out of the East and Cheyenne even under the West the power that attends that notices from the East to the West. WTF is going to come and he's going to come through Basra and then he's going to come up to Jerusalem and his feet will stand on the Mount of Olives right where he's preaching this very sermon right now to his disciples. He's going to stand right there and Zachariah prophesize that that mountain just like the lightning from the East to the West that mountain is going to split between his very feet when he stands on that mountain right outside Jerusalem. Why because he's the true Messiah and Israel. No longer has to look for someone instead of to fight the Russians in the rusyn and those in the north that are prophesied to come down in Ezekiel 38-39. They don't need the Antichrist to stand up for him anymore. In fact, he is the enemy and he's leading all the nations against God's people in that day and the true Messiah reveals himself and unmistakable fashion and deals with the enemies of Israel Revelation chapter 19, go read it. He's coming on a white horse. With a name on his vesture and on his thigh. His vesture dipped in blood. What's the weapon that uses? truth
you shall know the truth. And the truth shall set you free. Jesus is the truth. He is the way the truth and the life and he says it'll be unmistakable as the lightning cometh out of the East and shine. It's even under the West show. So shall also the coming of the son of man be sick ride. 914 says it this way and the Lord Jehovah that's all caps shall be seen over them and his Arrow shall go forth as the lightning and the lord god Jehovah Elohim shall blow the trumpet and she'll go with the world Winds of the South. So he's coming from the East to the to the Mount of Olives. Jesus asks people in his messages multiple times whether or not people will continue to believe whether there will be face when the son of man comes Luke 88 the disciples need to stay vigilant under the in and pray that they'll be able to stand in the last day Luke 21:36 those that followed Jesus in this our some of the disciples. They're not going to die before seeing the son of man coming as king of this generation shall not pass. That's one that have tripped up a lot of people maybe I should just help you out here on how I see that this generation. I take that to speak of the sinful generation that rejected Jesus Christ. The scribes and Pharisees the religious leaders that generation has not changed their me different ways. You could discuss Generations in the Bible and I think the generation of those that reject Jesus Christ is still largely upon us. We are still in that generation. And so when these things come to pass that generation will be fulfilled. Why because they'll see the son of man coming in power and glory and they will no longer reject Messiah, they will accept it and it's that evil untoward generation that reject Jesus Christ the spirit of antichrist that works even now that Jesus says these things will will will not happen until that be fulfilled that generation shall not pass Matthew 19:28 talks about those ruling the 12 disciples sitting on Thrones. Or there's just a lot coming isn't there a lot to be prepared for a lot to think about the son of man when he comes it'll be as clear as the lightning and I'm focusing on the sayings of the son of man the coming of the son of man because that prophetically goes back to Daniel. Can I tell you that Jesus Christ has been Vindicated by God in heaven God on high as the son of man. One of the greatest proofs I can give you is at his resurrection and go read the gospel accounts because there's one in particular Mark points out.
That Jesus Christ is seated at the right hand of the father on high. What that says is that he is Vindicated. He is Vindicated in everything that he said to those religious leaders about who he was parked out of the Christ. Tell us plainly remember his mockery of a trial and what was his answer that has said pilot is all this true. You would have any Authority except to be given to you from my Father in heaven. Where is true Authority given from? You see they didn't believe Jesus then they don't believe him now, but there will come a day when it will be unmistakable. And all the enemies of the Lord will be dealt with in the enemies of God's people will be dealt with fully and finally and they'll turn to him in the face. So when you put this son of man sayings together, it becomes clear that according to the gospel writers. You cannot mistake this there is no one else but Jesus Christ the Jesus of Nazareth that can be full filmont of the title. Son of man. If you want to find somebody else to put there you're not going to do it with Matthew Mark Luke and John, which means you've got to throw out your Bible. I'm not ready to do that one writer said it this way God strike us with lightning. I don't know if I'll be ready to pray that exactly but Lightning and thunder to be pretty scary at times. I remember some of the most fearful times as a little guy growing up in Georgia where there is tornadoes and thunderstorms and and I remember the comfort that I got for my granddad and my my grandma just being with them. You know, I knew everything was going to be okay didn't matter if we were flying across Kansas it was going to be okay cuz I was with them and they just had a way to comfort. I think we can see a lot of comfort in Jesus's words as long as we're with him. Did he not tell Jerusalem as he wept over it if you would have just accepted me. I would have taken you like a hen. under the wings help us to be in that place the sacred place when a storm comes in a lightning and thunder is flashing and crashing around us. We hope it'll soon pass but would you believe lightning has a purpose this writer went on to say plants would die. If it weren't for the lightning in order for plants to grow they need food from the air and the ground the air is filled with the food. We can't see a gas called nitrogen the lightning flashes in the sky and electricity makes the change what turns nitrogen into nitrate lightning. If there were no lightning there would be not enough nitrates and all the plants will die. Isn't it? Amazing? What God? What God does is what scares us what we might be afraid of it times. God uses to do something good. Romans 8:28 we read for a scripture reading. Do you love God? Do you love him?
He told you beforehand. Don't get caught away with a false start. Just listen to the words of Jesus and trust it and know that he is the son of man. He is the Messiah prophesied to come. It's time God struck us was lightning so will begin to do what he expects of us as Christians. where to buy sea salt to the Earth where to bring life and vibrancy through the filling in the power of the Holy Spirit permitting are permeating our lives to overflowing How are you doing and pointing people to the truth today? How are you doing in helping them discern truth from ever scripturally that we can chase everything till the till the sun comes up and it never exhaust all the things that are out there. I understand that but why not just spend your time and dip United decision as a young college man. Am I going to start chasing all these things dealing with apologetics here and dealing with a pot of apologetics are and what about this issue and and many have done that we have Viber Ministries from we have lots of pair of Church Ministries that they're just consumed with this one element. I think of like creation Ministries and how important is that. I'm not negating it. We need people that deal with creation science. Do we not but as a Young Man studying to be a preacher of the word of God, I thought boy I could, you know be caught up in that it would be fun to be exciting. But I have a greater charge. I have 66 books. I have a lot more here. And I want to get my mind to this first and then if I have time when I'm done with this. Many of you know that that's never going to happen. If I spend my time here I can tell you from personal experience. I've never done wrong. There are many different things that I could look up and study and Google and searching and go to this seminar and go to that seminar, but I do the best when I spend my time here because when I understand this it helps me discern better the all the others and I can see it in life encourage you to do the same thing, and I'm finished. We see the unmistakable proverb of the pair of SIA Matthew 24:28. This is a verse that's filled with imagery. It's poetic. He says for wheresoever the carcass is there will the Eagles be gathered together. I cannot read that might maybe maybe I just read the Bible to much. I cannot read that without thinking of John's prophecy in Revelation 19. + 20 I just cannot read that proverb and not imagine Jesus having in mind those vultures that will be God's clean up crew in the aftermath of the great Revolt in the end. Some commentators seem to do everything they can to avoid that but I just can't I just I see that when I read this verse granted though. It is a proverb in a stranger's the state may seem it gives a specific indication on how Christ returned in power and great glory is different from other things. We talked about like the Rapture it is different. The coming of the son of man is clearly distinct. Because where the carcass is there, will the Eagles be gathered together? That to me is no description of a moment the twinkling of an eye the rapturous for the Latin term the catching away of the bride of Christ that their distinct terms. Okay at the conclusion of Armageddon when Christ appears, there's going to be a great Slaughter Armageddon is the valley of megiddo where all the forces of the Gentile Nations will rise up led by the Antichrist. They will all be gathered in that Valley of Josh of that the valley of decision the valley of achor that was given to Israel as a Door of Hope in all those Nations will be gathered there. That's not where the battles going to happen. I don't believe that's where the forces are going to camp. And then they're going to all meet in Clash at Jerusalem. And John tells us the most gruesome details. The blood will be up to the horse's bridle.
Well, we got tanks now. Okay. Thank you for being specific. I didn't call the horse attack. You just did by the way. I'm just kidding. I'm having fun. I better not do that. No fun for me. Calls the fouls two feet on the carry on. And that will be his clean up crew. And that's in the end Revelation 1614 Revelation 14 verses 14 to 20 Revelation 19 verses 17 to 21. Luke chapter 17 verse 37 Jesus is giving them some things to look for in and probably I don't know if it would apply, you know fifty or a hundred years from now, but proverbially it's appropriate for where we're at right now where there's smoke there's fire.
We drove up yesterday for my training and I took a little power nap on the other side of Denver. I I like to sleep to Denver every chance I get and I open my eyes to see boys. There must be a fire somewhere because there's smoke where You see this? You know, Jesus has come.
The son of man has come. because the carcass in the Eagles are all gathered.
It's all behind us now.
so dumb It's all behind us.
No more. no more war What no more famine don't know more black horse White Horse red horse Pale Horse that no more seals trumpets vials no more. No more.
I can't even express to you in words what my heart feels like right now to think about that day. With all the trouble we see going on around us no more Taliban no more.
No more. Jesus said the indication will be the body's in the Eagles. the bodies of God's enemies destroyed once for all It's not some pie-in-the-sky hope. That is a clear prophetic revelation of the truth of God. I'm not looking for some. Marxist Utopia, I'm looking for the coming of the son of man. Because that's when it'll all be done. Will have all eternity to spend with our savior in a state of blessed existence with no sin. What's whoever present anywhere and salvation will have run its full past present future course. how wonderful Well, what's he waiting for? What's he waiting for a good question. Maybe we should rephrase it. Who's he waiting for? Who? James chapter 5 verse 7 & 8 I'll read this as we close in prayer.
James said be patient therefore brethren. Be patient unto the coming of the Lord.
Behold the husbandman waited for the precious fruit of the Earth. And have long patience for it until he received the early and the latter rain.
Be also patient stablish your hearts for the coming of the Lord draw with knives.
See how the farmer Waits.
How are you doing?
Are you waiting and looking for the coming of the Lord? Are you in always ready to cycle? According To Jesus In this passage a ready disciple in always ready to seiple knows both the signal and the evacuation plan. He is a student of scripture sensitive to the signs of the times and he is one who puts others first, praise like there is no tomorrow and lives it out in light of the true parousia the true coming of the son of man. How are you doing in waiting? impatient are you putting others first today? Are you praying like there's no tomorrow? Are you living in light that one day Jesus? Will have fulfilled. This most wonderful sign that it's all done. Do you need the Lord today? You can have him as your savior you can trust him. This moment you don't have to wait any longer. You can come and have knowledge him as the truth. If you'll believe that your sin has separated you from God and if you believe that he is the son of man as the Bible prophesize that he has come to seek and save that which is lost if you believe on him and if you'll call upon the name of the Lord by face. Then he promised he would save you. Do you need that salvation today? Maybe you've already nailed that down Christian. How are you doing? Are you off to a false start? When you come back to Calvary like John did and Let Jesus give you a mission. Maybe somebody to care for like he did his mother in the arms of the Apostle John. Who is it that you need to take under wing and disciple while we're waiting? We're all waiting John was waiting. Mary was waiting Christian. Who is it that you need to take under wing and open the word of God together and say let's get to the capital truth. Let's know him and let's study him together. Maybe the Lord would lay somebody on your heart even in this invitation time that you could reach out to and just say hey, can we do a Bible study together? Pray about that Christian. I'm serious. You need to have somebody that's walking along with you in the Bible through the week. Would you keep that today? When would you be up to that challenge and just disciple others along your course of life. I would love to hear that. I would love to see that multiplication. So what's your need this morning? You need to be saved. Have you followed the Lord of Believers baptism? Under those Waters of identification with Christ and the church are united with a Bible preaching Bible teaching good truth Center truth oriented Church body of Believers that can pray together. Are you discipling like a Christian should mini needs here today? What's yours? Whatever it is. I'm going to ask The Pianist to come we're going to have a burst of invitation and I'll ask them to play and I'll ask you if you're a Christian, please bow your head and close your eyes and just take this as a time of prayer.
But I do want to invite you if you're here today. I want to say thank you first for coming and listening to the word of God and listening to me and and putting up with all my idiosyncrasies sometimes. Thank you for paying attention mostly to the word of God because that's what I live and breathe for to teach the word of God and to preach the truth of what's here. And I thank you for coming and giving your time to that. Are you save today the pianos playing at this invitation? If you don't know the Lord you can come right now and Trust Jesus come right now. You come right now trust Jesus Christ believe on him and you'll be saved. Just give him your life. Give him your all and believe he is who the Bible says she is come right now and you be safe if that's you
Christian who's your disciple? Are you multiplying your face and others? You have that commission from the Lord Jesus Christ. Who is Walking With You week by week through the word of God. Is there anybody maybe it's someone close to you? Who is it? That is maybe coming up behind you that you need to take under wing and open the Bible with them that person right now once you pray for them lift him up before the Holy Spirit and say God give me courage God give me strength and God give me wisdom to open your word with them and help them understand your truth. It might be a grandson or granddaughter. It might be a son or daughter might be a friend or neighbor might be somebody at work. Who's that person? God wants you to take them under wing and open the word of God together. Would you do that?
Do you need to be baptized have you followed him and Believers baptism? If not, then if you're saved you come we'll talk about that will get you under the waters just as quickly as we can will help you give your life to the Lord. Do you need to join the church? You can come today right now. The doors are open. You can Unite with a Church of like faith in practice. Amen. Amen. Where does God want you to serve him praise the Lord?