Jesus Christ the Strumbling Stone
Sermon: Jesus Christ, the Stumbling Stone
Text: John 6:58-61
Thesis: Jesus, who is identified in scripture as the Rock plays a duel role within this designation. He is a rock by way of being the foundation upon which every Christian stands, or that same rock is a stumbling block to the disobedient who stumble at his word. Many in the world today stumble at the word of the gospel because it does not fit their belief system, in which they reject Christ and remain in an unsaved state.
Contextual Considerations:
· The setting of our text is Capernaum, a Galilean city on the western shore of the sea of Galilee
· Jesus dwelt in this city after being rejected at Nazareth. A great deal of his Galilean ministry will be done
from this place
· It was considered a prosperous city
· Noted events took place at this city such as the healing of the Apostle Peter’s Mother in Law, the healing of
the Centurion’s suffering servant, and the healing of the man sick of the palsy borne on four.
· Jesus eventually places condemnation on this city because of their rejection of the Messianic evidence that
Jesus wrought through his mighty hand (Matt. 11:23)
· It is at this place that Jesus enters into conflict with the Jews and some of his own disciples concerning his
identity, of which Jesus caused some stumbling.
Three Pillars upon which this sermonic discourse will stand
I. The Revelation of the Lord
II. The Rejection of the disciples
III. The Realization of Peter
Sermonic Outline
I. The Revelation of the Lord
A. Jesus identifies himself as the bread which came down from Heaven (John 6:33)
B. Just as the Bread in the old testament was eaten for physical life, so must this true bread be eaten for
spiritual life (John 6:53-55)
C. The Jews were angered by such a claim and murmured at the very notion by pointing out his seeming
earthly parents, which in their minds would reject the notion that he came down from heaven.
D. This revelation was radical, and would challenge the very belief system of the Jews and the disciples that
were following him. We can accept that you are a prophet and a great teacher, but to swallow that you
came down from heaven would hint at the idea that you are God.
E. This truth would trouble those who heard it, because truth sometimes causes trouble.
1. Paul said Have I become your enemy because I tell you the truth (Gal. 5:7)
2. It will cause trouble with your friends
3. Trouble in your home
4. Trouble in religion
F. The nature of truth is the reason it causes so much trouble
1. Authoritative
2. Unbending
3. Fixed
4. Inflexible
5. Narrow
6. Uncompromising
E. That being the case concerning the Revelation that Jesus articulated, this brings us to……
II. The Rejection of the Disciples
A. The Stumbling of the Disciples
1. They perceived the Lord’s teaching as “hard”
2. The word “hard” comes from a Greek term “Skeleros”.
3. It refers to that which is hard to accept.
4. Many in the world are not confused by the message of the Gospel. They are just finding hard to
accept because it radically challenges their belief system, their traditions, and philosophies.
B. The Severing from Christ
1. Many of the disciples walked with him no more
2. They abandoned Christ because his word caused them to stumble (1 Pet. 2:5-8, 1 Cor. 1:23)
3. Example: Mark 16:15-16, Acts 2:38,47
III. The Realization of the Apostle Peter
A. Peter declared to whom shall we go
B. He recognize that Christ had the words necessary to obtain Eternal Life
C. To reactions to the Lord’s teachings
1. Many went away stumbling over his word
2. Peter and the 11 decided to submit to his word
IV. Conclusion
A. What will you do with his Word?
1. Will you stumble?
2. Will you Submit
B. I’d rather accept his word
1. Because Christ has the words of eternal life
2. Because his word created the Heavens and the earth in six days
3. His Word caused it to rain for forty days and forty nights.
4. His word was able to stretch back the red sea and the Children of Israel went forward on dry land
5. His word was able to cause water to flow from a rock
6. His word was able to rain down manna from Heaven to fed Israel in the wilderness
7. His word was able to cause the walls of Jericho to come tumbling down
8. His word caused the sun to shine by day, and the moon to light by night
9. His word was able to hard the heart of pharaoh with ten plagues
10. His word was able to make crooked bodies straight, blinded eyes to see, and deaf hears to hear.
11. His word is going to judge us in the last day
12. His word will cause the dead to rise from the grave
13. His word was able to calm the boisterous winds and still the still the raging sea
What will you do with His word? Will you submit or stumble?