Joy: To Live is Christ
Paul was going to be delivered either way so to live is Christ and if he died he would be with Christ.
1 obsolete: DISSOLVE, MELT
2 a: BREAK UP, SEPARATE 〈the prism resolved the light into a play of color〉 also: to change by disintegration
b: to reduce by analysis 〈resolve the problem into simple elements〉
c: to distinguish between or make independently visible adjacent parts of
d: to separate (a racemic compound or mixture) into the two components
3: to cause resolution of (a pathological state)
4 a: to deal with successfully: clear up 〈resolve doubts〉 〈resolve a dispute〉
b: to find an answer to
c: to make clear or understandable
d: to find a mathematical solution of
e: to split up (as a vector) into two or more components especially in assigned directions
5: to reach a firm decision about 〈resolve to get more sleep〉 〈resolve disputed points in a text〉
6 a: to declare or decide by a formal resolution and vote
b: to change by resolution or formal vote 〈the house resolved itself into a committee〉