9.5.21 Let's Go: Divorce and Remarriage- part 2
Let’s Go: “Divorce and Remarriage – Part 2”
Mark 10:1-12
Sept 5, 2021
“Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.” Genesis 2:24
I. Are there biblical reasons for divorce? (Mark 10:10-12; Matthew 19:8-9)
1. What is biblical divorce?
a. Sexual immorality
b. Abandonment
2. What is adultery?
Jeremiah 3:8
II. Is there a cleansing forgiveness for divorce? (Mark 10:10-12; I John 1:6-9)
Matthew 5:27-28
I Corinthians 6:9
I John 1:6-9
Faith Sheet:
1. How has the fall of Adam and Eve influenced God’s ideal for marriage? How does it affect the way a Christian might counsel couples?
2. Why are there so many different Christian opinions on divorce and remarriage? What do we know for sure?
3. What interest does the church have in defining and regulating secular marriage?
4. What can the church do to help prevent divorce before it happens? What can we as individuals do? Pray for people you know and for our relationships.