The Patient Church
Attributes of Jesus
The Jews, whose hostility is prominent in 3:9 of this message, denied that Jesus was the Messiah and claimed that they alone, not Jesus’ followers, had access to the kingdom of David. The opening words of this message emphasize that the opposite is true. He is the genuine Messiah, and in the coming reign of glory His power to open the door to His own and close it to the self-styled “children of the kingdom” is established (Beckwith).
Knowledge of Jesus
No one, not even those of “the synagogue of Satan,” can shut them out. Jewish opponents would seek to deny Gentiles, such as Christians in this city, entrance into the messianic kingdom (Beckwith). This meaning is clear from the immediate context of the message.
Promises of Jesus
“The synagogue of Satan” was apparently composed of professing Jews, worshiping in the synagogue and claiming to be the true Israel
This is the language of eschatological judgment rather than an anticipation of blessing. It simply says that the Jews will acknowledge their mistake in denying Christians a place in the kingdom.
Command of Jesus
Promise to the Overcomer
The Jerusalem that comes down from heaven is all temple, and Christ’s victorious ones are its living stones and pillars. The Philadelphian Christians will be permanent, like a pillar in the Temple, and will stand when all else has fallen. They are assured of continuance in God’s presence throughout all eternity (Walvoord).
Christ’s “new name” symbolizes the full revelation of His character promised to the overcomer at Christ’s second advent. Currently, man is incapable of grasping the full theological significance of the incarnation, but that will change. When He comes, the victors will not only appreciate fully who Christ is, but they will bear His new name with Him (Charles; Mounce). Herein is further assurance.