Week 4 - Hardness of Heart
Happy Father’s Day, to all you dads, grandads, uncles, great uncles, and to those of you who are like a dad
to so many. Thank you for investing in the lives of those around you, and I pray that God equips you to be a
godly man in that role
My dad died in 2004. He was a good dad, and I feel so blessed that he knew his Lord personally
I’m very proud of our son, and our two sons-in-law, who are all fantastic dads. And I’m especially proud of
our son Cam, who is dealing with what it means to be a dad through a recent diagnosis for their 4 month
old Mila.
May God be honoured in our family and yours
I want to share with you today, one of my many and varied de ciencies
My brain does not do numbers at all well. There have been so many times over our married life when Chris
has tried to explain to me what actually happens with a nancial spreadsheet, liabilities and assets, what’s
the difference between a pro t and loss and a Balance sheet.
I listen, I try to understand, I ask questions, and then I have a go at explaining it back, and even when I do
that, about an hour later, I have simply forgotten everything. Not retained a thing
I’m ne with a budget, but a P&L or Balance Sheet?
Simply just don’t get the difference and why we need both.
This de ciency has proved unhelpful over the years.
Most months the subtleties of the nancial statements at parish council are a blur. And for 12 years I was
on the Council of a diocesan school - a bigger nancial deal than most local churches, and I would read the
nancial report but …….
Fortunately the system schools use also has a summary sheet, with a traf c light system on different
aspects of the report. A little red dot indicates a ag that a particular area needs focus and not everything is
as it should be, an orange dot is a warning, and a green dot told me that everything was looking good. If I
looked at a report and saw a line of green dots, I was so happy. If I saw a red dot, I knew I’d have to pour
over these papers a lot more to do my job properly. But I’d also be relying on other people, without my
de ciency, to help me
All these years, and I still don’t get it!
Today in this passage, we see more people like me. People who still don’t get it.
The disciples, yet again. And the Pharisees, yet again
This reading is related to last week’s, as it happens right after that great miracle of Jesus feeding the 4,000,
and interestingly, the subject matter is still bread
They’ve had a boat trip to the other side of the Lake, and the pharisees come with questions. And their
motivation was questionable - they came to test Jesus
Now even if the Pharisees hadn’t heard about the most recent miracle on the other side of the lake, with all
that Jesus had done which they had witnessed, why would they be asking for a sign?
Surely what they have seen would be sign enough.
What else do they want?
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September 5, 202
I can see clearly now - Hardness of Hear
Mark 8:11-2
Rev’d Lynda Johnso
But they don’t really want a sign, they want to trick him. And Jesus’ reaction - v.12 - He sighed deeply. For
the shortest of the four gospels, Mark is giving us some amazing detail here. Jesus sighed deeply
The Gk term re ects a weariness and impatience with the Pharisees
And then Jesus goes on with an interesting phrase - ‘Truly I tell you.
This is very strong language, and it basically amounts to a solemn oath. It shows both the heat of the
argument and the strength of the condemnation of the Pharisees’ request
They may have been asking Jesus for a sign, but in actual fact, they were giving him a sign. A sign that
they were determined to continue denying the evidence God was giving them. A sign that the religious were
ignoring the religion they were professing
Not only does Jesus decline to give them a sign, but his frustration comes out in his question
‘Why does this generation ask for a sign?’
His sigh is vocalised
Jesus is incredulous, and expresses his despair at their continued disbelief.
But his frustration isn’t just vocalised, it’s acted on.
He doesn’t stick around, in fact he gets away from them really quickly.
He’s just got out of the boat, but he turns round, gets back into the boat and they take off to the other side
And it doesn’t stop there, because Jesus uses this trip for another teaching session with the disciples.
Which, sadly, doesn’t go too well for them
He warns them about the yeast of the Pharisees and of Herod, who was the Jewish King, but appointed
through Rome, the occupiers.
Now because the Pharisees are presented as those who refuse to acknowledge Jesus, he talks about them
as being like yeast.
Yeast was used to make ordinary bread, just like we do today, but, do you remember, for the rst passover
meal, the Jews were instructed to make bread without yeast because of the speed with which they had to
leave Egypt. Because of the plan that God had.
So to obey God in that, meant that they heard his command and followed it
Interestingly, yeast was sometimes seen as a symbol of evil in the OT. Which is why Jesus is warning them
to beware
This is the new plan, and some are not heeding it. Beware
And this then moves the conversation back to the state of the disciples.
Bread was on their mind. That day they’d seen it multiplied in the miracle.
And now, they mistakenly thought that Jesus was talking about the amount of bread they had. Or more to
the point, the amount of bread they didn’t have. They only had one loaf, because the disciples had forgotten
to bring more.
Jesus res eight questions at them in quick succession. Not only is he frustrated with the Pharisees, he’s
also frustrated with the disciples
What does it take to get these people to understand
The pharisees are clearly against him, so that’s about stubbornness
But the disciples? They’ve chosen to be with him, not against him
And so the questions start
Why are you talking about bread?
Don’t you understand
Are your hearts hardened
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That’s a really tough thing to hear. In the OT people with hard hearts were always condemned
But that’s not all. Jesus also picks up phrases from the prophet Jeremiah.
Eyes that don’t see and ears that don’t hear
In Jeremiah, it clearly says that those who have eyes that don’t see and ears that don’t hear are the foolish
and senseless people
Jeremiah 5:21 - you foolish and senseless people, who have eyes but do not see, who have ears but do
not hear: Should you not fear me?” declares the Lord
Jesus’ further questions take the disciples to the two miraculous feedings, of the 5,000 and the 4,000
They answer the questions correctly, but Jesus responds, ‘Do you still not understand?
End of awkward conversation
It wasn’t because they only had one loaf of bread, nor was it about the bare answer to how many basketsful
there were left over
We know, that what it IS about, is who Jesus is
The disciples still aren’t seeing that clearly yet, and they stumble and blunder and put their foot in it time
and time again
The Pharisees are seeing who Jesus is, but they are either stubbornly refusing to believe it, or they are
beginning to believe it, and want to stamp it out, because Jesus is a threat to who they are. They are more
concerned about who they are, than about who Jesus is
The prophet Jeremiah speaks to their situation as well, in vv.23-24 which says: “These people have
stubborn and rebellious hearts; they have turned aside and gone away. They do not say to themselves, ‘Let
us fear the Lord our God.
When he was writing this Gospel, I would say that Mark was wanting his readers to go back to Jeremiah
and re-read it, to understand what he was trying to say about the signi cance of Jesus’ ministry and the
seriousness of rejecting it
His frustration with the Pharisees and rebuke of the disciples can only mean that what they should have
been seeing was not something small and insigni cant, or something general, but Mark’s language tells us
that they were in danger of missing something huge.
The really crucial point - The secret of who Jesus is
Now we’re left hanging here, with this awkward conversation nishing with Jesus saying to the disciples Do you still not understand
So what application does this have for us today
I would guess that most of us would more naturally resonate with the position of the disciples.
That we would say, there are times when our understanding is a bit dulled.
Times when we miss the point of what God is doing in our lives.
Times when we get it wrong and put our foot in it, and stumble
And I think we’d probably all be right
We need forgiveness for our slow belief
We need forgiveness for expecting far too little
But I would also challenge you to consider where in your life you are more like the pharisees
Where are we demanding things from God because of our stubbornness and lack of belief.
What are we demanding from God that he will never do
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Who is demanding too much?
and who is expecting too little
Maybe it’s wanting God to show himself more clearly in this world so that people can’t help but respond
When what God is wanting is us to show him more clearly in our lives so that people might respond
Where are we asking too much? And where are we expecting too little
The Pharisees made huge mistakes, the disciples made huge mistakes.
We make huge mistakes
The difference between the pharisees and the disciples is that the disciples came to that point of
recognition, repentance and renewal
Their hardness of heart was softened.
For most of the Pharisees, praise the Lord not all, but for most, their hardness of heart remained, and they
stubbornly and determinedly refused to accept Jesus for who he was and is
My friends, if you know today, that there is something in your life which is causing you to ask of God what
he has no intention of doing, and you are stubbornly resisting his work in your heart, I exhort you to repent
But equally, if you are travelling with Jesus but not seeing him for who he really is, and you know you are
expecting too little of him, then I exhort you to repent of that
Come, humbly to the Lord of all, recognise him for who he is, repent of your own position, and wait for the
renewal which he alone can bring
If you want to do that today, I invite you to stand now, as a sign of public commitment. You don’t have to say
anything, but stand as a witness, while I pray
You may like to make this prayer your own. I’ll pray slowly, to you can name each word in your own heart
Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for your love for me, and for all that you have done for me
Please forgive me, when I have stubbornly resisted you, when I have asked too much of you as a test.
When I have asked for things that I had no right to ask
And Lord, please forgive me, when I have missed all that you are, and all that you want to do, for the times
when I have expected too little
Thank you that I do know that you are Saviour and Lord, and today I af rm that again in my heart. I
acknowledge again, - you are MY Lord, you are MY Saviour
I recognise you for who you are, I repent of who I am, and I ask that you renew me and my life
I am yours forever. Amen.
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