Overcoming Disappointment
We are. We've had a good week a busy week but a good week. So I'm glad I'm so happy to be here with you. This morning. We got a glazed to see Dad in the other room here. So the only Spirits move in there and we're just excited to be working together with this our sister church over there.
When I was when I was 11, I had a stroke and I'm most of you know that under the retail. My testimony here soon upcoming, but I had, I had a stroke and I'm already be familiar with the 700 Club. Club you seen it. It's it's on Christian TV, Pat Robertson and all that. Well when they at the end and I don't know if they still do it, but at the end of the 700 Club when I was a kid, at least they used to have a time of prayer where they would they would have words of knowledge basically and pray for healing for people. So there was a when I was when I was 11 or 12, I had I had I was watching with my parents one night and I was sitting there. They got to the end of the service and I remember sitting there.
Praying Jesus. Kill me. Heal Me. Heal me. Have someone. Get the message to heal me. And I watched it for 5 minutes, 5 minutes, 10 minutes or however long it was and I never got a word of knowledge. Or is it never was healed and I started to cry.
I started to cry. It 11 year old kid. You know, it's God's big enough. It's big enough. I was waiting on us way down to put my hopes on it, but it never came.
Disappointment. Is a dangerous thing to search? It is a dangerous thing.
Because I I have been tempted more than once since then. She just say, oh God, doesn't heal. Right. I know work comes from, so I know when the moment was that, I was wounded. Rightly or wrongly? I look back down. I was just out that I was I was just a kid, but I can look back. I could see where that doubt comes from the wound from which I got that doubt.
And if you and I don't learn to manage disappointment and learn to take it back to the Cross. You and I are going to be severely hurt in this Christian walk. A man, because disappointments come brothers and sisters, they come. Disappointment, Sunrise things come, they will come. But my friends, my brothers and sisters do not let them ruin you.
Disappointments will come do not let them ruin you this morning. Do not allow those things to derail your faith, which they say, Zoe's Ali will. Because we can say, we can come together and we could say. Do you say? Oh, I know God. I know God will hear me. I know. God will do it. I know God is who he is, but you think what this appointment is on Christianity, is we can say those things and not believe it. Amen. What when we say these things we say truths that are biblical, but if you and I do not allow these truths that are in this word to come into a heart. They won't change us. I need to see a disappointment, will be a wedge between the word and your heart. It'll be a wedge between you and the truth of Christ. I will, and maybe from a hundred years ago. Not a hundred years ago, 20 years ago, that inflicted you.
I want. Did you 20 10, 15? 20 years ago has the power. If we allow it to derail you today? Amen, so you and I have to be very careful when we look when we look at our Christian Life. And when we begin to walk Ford with him, we're going to continue this morning in our series, forged looking at the life of Joseph. Who was being forged? By God for a Divine Purpose.
So what God was doing if you knew, or if you ever heard this or you wash your line, what God was doing is he was taking a very arrogant young men's spoiled and arrogant and he was transforming you through the furnace and the iron Peppers of Egypt. He was transforming him into the have to possess the character of God. But that took Joseph. That required Joseph, an order for Joseph to rise in Egypt. He had to be destroyed in Israel. In order for Joseph to rise with the character and the strength of God. He had to be crushed. In the furnace. Do we all like the rising? We like the glory? We don't like the first. We don't like the pain and let's be honest knowing Ducks. You will give you like, I love pain. Then you need to go see a doctor something because that's crazy. Right? So I did there's nothing unnatural about wanting the fun rather than the paint nothing at all. It's very nice. But you see in the Kingdom in order to rise with Christ. We must first go to A man must first go to the cross. If you see something that often happens in our lives, as we begin Walking with God and disappointments, come they come and they try and derail you. And I from this Walk With Jesus, like me as a kid. I frequently had to deal with this a teenager. God will never he will never move in your life forever. You lie, you know, that's a lie, but I've been wounded. I've been disappointed. So it was easier for me to believe that lie, then it would be for you to tell me the sky is purple, right. She'll like when were wounded. It's easier for us to believe certain lies, which is why you. And I, when we are dealt disappointments, need to know how to handle them. I need to know what to do with them and where to go. So they do not continue to shape our future walk with Christ. Turn with me this morning in Genesis 40. We're going to read in verse 1, through 5. It reads sometime later that the cup, they're the big, the cupbearer, and the baker of the king of Egypt offended their master. Offended. Their Master, the king of Egypt and Sarah was angry with his two officials, the cheap cuff cupbearer and the chief Baker, and he put them in custody in the cab in the house of the captain of the guard in the same prison where Joseph was confined, the captain of the Guard assigned them to Joseph and he attended them after they've been in custody for some time each of the two men, the cupbearer and the baker of the king of Egypt who were being held in prison had a dream the same night and each dream had its own meaning.
If you remember. Last Joseph chose not to let his defeat become his demise. Amen. Joseph had chosen that even though his brothers betrayed him even though he was being thrown into prison, even though all this bad stuff, use being defeated on so many levels, Joseph continue to choose, I will not let these defeats the setbacks to find my future walk and because of that, God bless, Joseph, God continue to bless him. He continued to move through him. He continue to bless him so much. That Joseph is a prisoner. And that the the caretaker of the prison put Joseph in charge of the entire prison. Who does that? Like you got a prisoner and you trust him so much Joseph character and his walk with God was so distinct that he being a prisoner was put in charge of the entire prison. That's crazy. But that's God working in and through him to bring glory to his name because the whole time this is happening God's getting the glory. Amen. God is getting the glory of God is getting his glory. So God, at some point. I love that verse in verse 1. It says, I'm sometime later. So Joseph is not just in this prison. He's in this prison for sometime years. He's in this prison for a long time. And you get these two new. These two new inmates that are put under his charge a cupbearer to Federal and a baker to Farah. And he's been had offended Farah at some point and been thrown in prison together, and he's got these, they look like just normal inmates, but they're sitting there. At the shooting there and it's some point in their confinement. They start having dreams. They start having dreams and God begins to give them drinks. And he begins to move in this prison.
Joseph Joseph is sitting here. He's being a blessing to everyone around him. When he still a prisoner, he still Longs for Freedom. He's still Longs for his family and then his heart is still to be with his father whom he loves. So then these prisoners come in, they start having dreams, God begins to move.
And Joseph continues to choose to not let defeat and disappointment ruin him. He didn't used to serve and he continues to serve with excellence.
And Egyptian officials prom with prominent positions in the palace suddenly starts showing up and you can see that God is setting something up. God is setting something up. You know, what's dangerous? What is often used by the enemy in our life? Is that we begin to see God move? And then we begin to see God move in our hearts starts too long and then it starts along all this. Is it. This is it. This is what God is going to do it. Maybe it we don't know and then which is why we can never get up. We don't know. When the time is the time, only God knows. But Joseph begins to see these things it because you get to know these new prisoners. And he begins to think, hey.
If you guys get out of here, then go tell Pharaoh my story. If you guys get out of here, then go to the king and the King can set me free because Joseph was unjustly prison, everyone knows that he was unjustly thrown in this prison.
So his thought is, if these guys can go back to the king. They can tell him my story and surely, that's what God's going to do to set me free. Surely that is what he's going to do. The set me free.
In Joseph's, life disappointments and setbacks kept coming, but he refused to let them ruin him. And this morning, my friends, you and I cannot allow setbacks and disappointments and unmet expectations to ruin you. And I that is the message this morning. Do not let disappointment ruin. You do not let it ruin you. So, this morning, my friends? This morning my friends. We must guard Our Lives. Did not allow these unmet expectations to ruin what God is trying to accomplish in our lives. So often we become disappointed. We become disappointed. And then we become disillusioned. And then we begin, we begin to doubt God. That's what happened to my life. As a kid. This one moment and sticks in my heart when this TV show and I didn't get healed through it or through God through it. Stuck in my heart so bad that it became a thorn in my side. For many years, where I would begin to. Hope God. Is this it? Oh wait. No. God, doesn't do that in your life or something like that. You know what I mean? And free, two of us has different. The wording. The verbage is different for each of us, but you and I must guard ourselves because disappointment will lead to what will draw us into disillusionment, which will draw us into doubt and then will become vulnerable for its from attacks from the enemy. George Foreman once said, evil lurks were disappointment lodges
It's a lot of Truth in that. From a guy that invented the grill.
You but there's truth in that this morning when you and I are out disappointment and unmet expectations to rise up within us, Satan's right there to say. Hey, it's your fault, your fault. It's you or even worse. It's God failing.
These thoughts come to us. These are the lies and The Traps of the enemy you and I must learn to help then and see how much in today's world has tried to steer us away from the idea of hoping. Because if we hope that things might change, things might actually change.
But my friends, when you and I find ourselves disappointed and angry, I got even because something didn't happen the way, we thought it should happen. You must be careful to make sure that end in spite of past disappointments. My friends. We must learn to Hope For Tomorrow despite of all the unmet expectations that you and I the wounds we might carry you and I must learn to Hope in Christ and a hope for tomorrow.
He said that's hard. I've never seen it come through for me there in. I was joking, the girls ever seen that movie, The Polar Express the Tom Hanks won. I don't even remember the little kid's name. But the little whiny kid that they pick up on the train. Everyone know who I'm talking about. He's like, he's like the downer the depressing kid. He's the e or the bunch. He sits there and there's just lying in there where he and it's just it's his kid and I really had a hard life and he has his flying when when the little boy and a little girl excited to go to the North Pole and this little this little depressed kid says you don't just not, nothing works out for me. Nothing works out for me. I don't even want to get off the train.
But that's what disappointment does it get you? So defeated that we don't even want to try to walk with Christ. It get you so defeated that you and I can't even begin to Envision a better day.
What you see Church used to think you and I serve the god of better days. We serve the god of better days with Christ. Tomorrow is always Right with Christ. Yes, today may bring pain, but the king is still coming and you and I can hope in him today. You and I can hope in Christ today.
We seeing Joseph story that there are these two officials who are having these prophetic dreams. The cupbearer dreams the baker dreams. I'm going to read to you real quick. These dreams that we know what they're dreaming and verse 9 verses 9 through 13. It reads. The chief cupbearer told his dream to Joseph and he said in my dream, there was a Vine before me or on that vine or three branches. And as soon as it budded, it blossomed. As soon as it budded, it blossoms Blossom Shop for and the clusters of grapes ripen or the Clusters ripen in the grapes. Pharaoh's cup was in my hand and I took the grapes and press them in Ferris cup and put press them in the pharaoh's cup. And place the cup in Ferris head. Then Joseph said the interpretation. This is the interpretation. The three branches are three days, and three days, Pharaoh lift up your head and restore you to your office, and you shall Place Pharaoh's Cup in there in his hand as formerly. When you were, when you were as formerly, when you were as cupbearer, the baker than dreams and the baker, the baker cease Hayes. The cupbearer. Just got a good dream. Maybe I had a good dream too. So he runs already Joseph Joseph. Here's my dream. And he said, he said, the verse 16. I also had a dream. There were three cakes. There were three cake baskets on my head and the uppermost basket. And in the uppermost basket was all sorts of big food for Pharaoh, but the birds are eating it out of the basket on my head and Joseph answered him. And said, this is its interpretation. The three baskets or three days, and three days, Pharaoh will lift up your head from you, and hang you on a tree and the birds will eat your flesh from you. And on the third day, which is faron's birthday. He will. Feast you have a feast for all the servants and the head of the cupbearer and the head of the head of his chief and in three days and on the third day, which fairy made his birthday, he made a feast for all the servants and he lifted up the head of the cupbearer and the head of the chief Baker, among the servants. He restored the chief cupbearer to his position. How do you placed you place? Any place him among the servants? He restores the cheap.
How do you place the cup in Ferris hand? But you see after what you see my friends after after Joseph heard the cupbearers dream. He saw hope hope resounded in him and after he told the cup, they're his dream.
Joseph asked ask the cupbearer. Hey, when you get the pharaoh. Tell him about me. So, God tells Joseph, the cupbearer is going to be before Pharaoh in 3 days. Adjusters test. This is what God's doing. Hope he tells the cup Bearer, go and tell the foot pedal thorough. Of my story. And surely none. This is how God is going to move in my life. This is how God is going to restore, all the Injustice, done to me.
Joseph said in verse 14, only remember me when it is well with you, and please do me this, kindness to this kindness to me and mention me to Pharaoh so that I will you'll get me out of this house for indeed for. I was indeed stolen out of the land of the Hebrews and here also, I have done nothing that they should put me into the pit. So Joseph has hope that he'll soon, be lifted out of this prison. Shirley. This is why God was moving Shirley. This is why these men are here. Hope is restored. In this situation, right? And this is how we got. We see God, moving. We see God moving. I would say. That's it. That's it. That's it. But look at the next first, on the Third Day verse 20 on the third day, which was for his birthday. He made a feast for all the servants, lifted up the head of the chief cupbearer, at the head of the chief Baker, among the servants. He restored the chief cupbearer. On The Run page. Verse 23, yet. The chief did not remember Joseph.
So Joseph goes through all this, his one hope. Is that this cup Bereghost before pharaoh? And remembers him. It says yet the chief cupbearer did not remember Joseph, but forgot him. Talk about a disappointment. You ever been there church? Where you're hoping in Jesus? For something. Maybe you've gone out on the limb. Surely. God is doing something. and then, it doesn't come to
How to make you feel.
If we're honest. A guts us, a man. If we're honest it wounds because what is happening here is we are hoping And then those hopes lead to an unmet Expectations by disappointment, and there is a grieving process that has to take place. In a sense. There is a death to that. Hope a death, see, that dream that has just occurred and you and I are suddenly thrown from a moment of Hope into a moment of grieving, a moment of wound, a pain.
What are you and I do in those mom. When we hope we've got on the limb, we proclaimed and it isn't God's.
How do we get there?
How often my friends? Hope For Tomorrow leads to more waiting.
Dot-dot-dot done. So often hope for tomorrow because gods have not abandoned Joseph. But he wasn't done with him in the prison, and then God had not yet completed the work in Joseph. So, it wasn't time. What you see you and I can't see that on this side and Mom you and I cannot often see that? We don't often understand God's timing. If the worship team can come up. We don't have to see God's timing in this. We don't often see it. So all we see is God said no, right? What do we do when our hearts are broken? Because God seemingly dropped the ball when our hearts are broken because we prayed and we prayed and we brought me and it still. What do we do when our hearts are broken? When we pray and we pray and we pray and we pray and I loved one still gets cancer.
Does that mean? God is dead? Does that mean he's left us? Does that mean he's walked away? No, it does not my brothers and sisters this morning. I'm going to give you this when disappointment comes wait on the Lord.
Good posture ones that even mean. What is that even mean? How on Earth are we supposed to wait in the Lord when we're in agony?
Cuz my friends, when you and I wait on Jesus. The Holy Spirit comes. Oh my gosh.
I need moves and begin to heal, begins to buy and it begins to rework those wood. I'm not done. I'm not done yet. I'm not done. It's not your time. Still on the throne. Still here. I'm still here. Still here.
when you and I wait on him. Powerful things begin to happen. Great things, begin to happen. Mighty things begin to happen because what it does spiritually, what this does. Mickey says God, I hurt but I choose today to trust you. What that does is it creates space? For the Holy Spirit show up. It creates spiritual space in our hearts and in our minds for God to show up.
Glory to his name. He shows up.
He shows up.
He shows up, friends of Chief. Cop there. Are you forgotten Joseph? But God did not come on. You might say, my friend. Forgot me. This found that dropped, but Jesus never does.
Brothers and sisters disappointment will come but you must hear me tonight. Christ is still on the throne.
Just because his timing doesn't align with ours doesn't give us the right to doubt him. We must simply pray that this Thomas braids in the season season. Sustain Me O God, according to your promise and I will live. Do not let my hopes be. Just a nice. Oh God.
Christina. Not remove us sustain us. If you want me in the fire, I will stay in the fire. If you want me in the valley. I will stay in the valley. I only ask that you hold me.
Good God.
My friends today, he's here.
And he's ready to move.
I want you all to see today. You may be here. You may be here and be disappointed. Brother chuck. Could you go get Carolyn for me?
You don't lose, who are it walking and disappointment from 20 years ago or from yesterday? Disappointment, Will Reveal Your True Heart? I want you to hear me in this before we move forward and go to Christ. Are you and I serving God? Because he gives us what we want. Or are we serving him? Because we love him more than the air, we breathe. Look at the life of Jobe. Everything everything and in the blink of an eye on, it was all gone. Everything was stolen from him.
The enemy took everything from Joe.
Job, how to chance. He could wallow. In fact it went around and told him to curse God and die. Curse. God and die. The water jug do.
A joke versus chapter 1. Verse 20. Through 22. It says at this Joe got up. He tore his robe. Shaved his head. He fell to the ground and worship and he said naked. I came from my mother's womb naked. I will depart the lord gave the Lord is taking away. May the name of the Lord be praised. And all that is all this. Joe did not send by charging god with wrongdoing. Job, who loses everything in the blink of an eye has every right in human eyes to curse. God.
He says.
Thank you. I came naked blessed. Be the name of the Lord. And what did God do? God begin the move?
God began to move.
He began to move.
Romans 3 verse 5. Romans 5 verse 3, through 5 reads, and not only this, but we exalt in our tribulations knowing that tribulation brings part about perseverance, perseverance, proven character proven character. Hope and hope does not disappoint this morning. Because God because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us. I asked you right now before we begin to praise him, if hope doesn't disappoint. Why are we often so easily disappointed? Where is your hope this morning church. Where is my hope today? If hope doesn't disappoint? Where is Our Hope? Did you look back? I look back to me as a little boy watching that TV show saying. Oh God come. Come. Come. I look back and I can easily. I was hoping in my timing in my plants and my purpose. I was not, I not yet learned to trust in God.
When I was I have learned to praise him. In the disappointment to praise him in the valley, in the furnace. As I've learned, I can more, it's hard. Not going to lie. It's hard. But his strength, and you and I learn. blessed, be the name of the Blessed. Be the god of Heaven. Blessed. Be him no matter what. So, this morning?
What is the key to overcoming disappointments? What is the key? What is it? Take away this morning? Praise Jesus. Because He Lives because he's strong, because he is glorious, because he is only because he is faithful, praise His name forever and ever and ever, because he's alive church. He is alive you. And I can hope this morning because he is alive.
If you're here this morning.
How do you say Pastor? I am crippled with disappointment or I'm there eating me alive. We're going to begin to praise him. I'm going to open up the altars. I don't want to come to the author. I want you to come and physically. Say God, I am bringing my disappointment to your feet. I just come walk up here doesn't be long and say Lord. I give you this this point. And then you go back and Praise Jesus. If you want more for that, but praise Him, nonetheless. This morning church. We're going to worship Jesus.
But he is a lie.
Let's work this morning and praise.