2 Thessalonians 2:9-The Antichrist’s Appearance Will Be In Accordance with the Activity Produced by Satan
Wenstrom Bible Ministries
Pastor-Teacher Bill Wenstrom
Tuesday September 7, 2021
Second Thessalonians: 2 Thessalonians 2:9-The Antichrist’s Appearance Will Be In Accordance with the Activity Produced by Satan
Lesson # 35
2 Thessalonians 2:6 So now each and every one of you possess an accurate comprehensive knowledge of that which is preventing this in order that he himself has been revealed during his own distinct period of time. 7 For the mystery which is characterized by a distinguishable lawlessness for its own benefit is already at work only until the one who now prevents it from being revealed causes Himself to depart from the midst of the world. 8 Consequently, then the one who is characterized by a distinguishable lawlessness will be revealed, whom the Lord will execute as a criminal with the breath from His mouth. Specifically, whom He will cause to come to an end by the unique manifestation produced by His arrival. 9 The one whose appearance will as a certainty be in accordance with activity produced by Satan with the manifestation of all types of supernatural power, specifically with all types of miracles, yes with all types of wonders, which are a lie. (My translation)
2 Thessalonians 2:9 continues a section which began in 2 Thessalonians 2:1 and ends in 2 Thessalonians 2:17.
In this section, Paul attempts to correct and reassure the Thessalonians that the eschatological day of the Lord does not precede the rapture or resurrection of the church.
He teaches that the Spirit, who indwells each member of the church and prevents the appearance of Antichrist and thus the seventieth week of Daniel from beginning, must be removed from earth before the Antichrist can manifest himself.
Thus, the Spirit and the church must be removed before the seventieth week can take place since Daniel 9:27 teaches that the seventieth week begins with Antichrist establishing a treaty with the nation of Israel.
Therefore, Paul is addressing in 2 Thessalonians 2:1-17 the relationship between the church as well as the rapture and the eschatological day of the Lord, i.e., the seventieth week of Daniel and the Second Advent of Jesus Christ.
2 Thessalonians 2:9 continues to describe the character of the Antichrist and his actions during the seventieth week of Daniel.
It contains a relative pronoun clause which asserts that the appearance of the Antichrist will as a certainty be in accordance with activity produced by Satan, which will manifest itself with all types of supernatural power.
Specifically, this supernatural power will manifest itself with all types of miracles as well as with all types of wonders, both of which are a lie.
The noun parousia (παρουσία), “appearance” appeared in 2 Thessalonians 2:1 but with regards to the arrival of the Lord Jesus Christ in the earth’s atmosphere at the rapture and in 2 Thessalonians 2:8 with regard to the arrival of the Lord on planet earth at His Second Advent.
However, here in 2 Thessalonians 2:9, the context makes clear that the word is used of the arrival or appearance of the Antichrist on the pages of world history as a public figure during the seventieth week of Daniel after the departure of the Holy Spirit with the church at the rapture.
The verb eimi, “will be” is expressing the idea of the Antichrist’s arrival or appearance on the pages of world history as a public figure “possesses the characteristic” of being in accordance with activity produced by Satan.
In other words, the word is expressing the idea of the Antichrist’s arrival or appearance on the pages of world history as a public figure as being “characterized by” activity produced by Satan.
The present tense of this verb eimi is a futuristic present which is used to describe a future event but the added connotation of immediacy and certainty.
Now, the present tense of eimi is completely futuristic in that it describes an event that is wholly subsequent to the time of speaking, although as if it were present.
This event is the arrival of the Antichrist on the pages of world history as a public figure and which possesses the characteristic of being in accordance with activity produced by Satan.
The futuristic present is describing this arrival of the Antichrist on the pages of world history as a public figure as being wholly subsequent to the time Paul wrote this statement.
The noun energeia speaks of the activity of Satan with emphasis upon his power.
Satan of course is the greatest enemy of God and the church who is an angel and also known as “the devil.”
The proper noun Satanas, “Satan” functions as a genitive of production which indicates that the Antichrist’s arrival or appearance on the pages of world history as a public figure will certainly possess the characteristic of being in accordance with activity “produced by” Satan.
Then, we have two prepositional phrases which modify the prepositional phrase katʼ energeian tou satana (κατʼ ἐνέργειαν τοῦ σατανᾶ), “in accordance with activity produced by Satan.”
The first en pasē dynamei (ἐν πάσῃ δυνάμει), “with the manifestation of all types of supernatural power” indicates the means by which the Antichrist’s arrival or appearance on the pages of world history as a public figure exists in the state of possessing the characteristic of being in accordance with activity produced by Satan.
Therefore, this prepositional phrase indicates that the Antichrist’s arrival or appearance on the pages of world history as a public figure will certainly or is going to possess the characteristic of conforming with activity produced by Satan “with the manifestation of all types of supernatural power.”
This power is supernatural because it is power which is beyond the visible observable universe and departs from what is usual or normal especially so as to appear to transcend the laws of nature.
The second prepositional phrase sēmeiois kai terasin (σημείοις καὶ τέρασιν), “specifically with all types of miracles, yes with all types of wonders” is epexegetical.
This means that it explains the previous prepositional phrase en pasē dynamei (ἐν πάσῃ δυνάμει), “with the manifestation of every type of supernatural power” which is ambiguous and begs to be defined.
This second prepositional phrase indicates that the Antichrist’s arrival or appearance on the pages of world history as a public figure will certainly possess the characteristic of conforming to activity produced by Satan “with the manifestation of all types of miracles, yes with all types of wonders.”
So therefore, this first prepositional phrase is identifying two manifestations of supernatural power by the Antichrist during the seventieth week of Daniel.
This power will be manifested by the Antichrist when he performs miracles and wonders.
The noun sēmeion, “miracles” refers to an extraordinary acts performed by the Antichrist during the seventieth week of Daniel which are a manifestation of supernatural power which is in accordance with activity produced by Satan.
The adjective pas is expressing the idea of the Antichrist’s arrival or appearance on the pages of world history as a public figure will certainly possess or is going to possess the characteristic of conforming to activity produced by Satan with the manifestation of “all types of” miracles.
The noun teras, “wonders” is also in the plural and refers to the extraordinary acts performed by the Antichrist during the seventieth week of Daniel which will produce astonishment among members of the human race and are a manifestation of supernatural power which is in accordance with activity produced by Satan.
This word is also modified by the adjective pas which again is expressing the idea of the Antichrist’s arrival or appearance on the pages of world history as a public figure will certainly possess the characteristic of conforming to activity produced by Satan with the manifestation of “all types of” wonders.
Two words contain the figure of hendiadys, which indicates that the noun teras, “wonders” is intensifying or advancing upon the idea expressed by the noun sēmeion, “miracles.”
So therefore, the meaning of the noun teras intensifies the meaning of the noun sēmeion and makes the noun sēmeion more emphatic in that the former describes these extraordinary manifestations of supernatural power by the Antichrist as causing astonishment among the members of the human race.
2 Thessalonians 2:9 ends with Paul modifying these two words with the noun pseudos, “which are a lie” which pertains to that which deviates from or perverts the truth.
Paul puts the adjective pseudos in the singular rather than the plural, which would conform to the plural form of these two nouns.
The reason for this is that these two nouns belong together and constitute a single entity, which is indicated by the fact that these two words contain the figure of hendiadys.
So therefore, this adjective pseudos is describing these miracles and wonders as deviating from or perverting the truth.
The Antichrist will be characterized by miracles and wonders which are not in accordance with the gospel, i.e., the Word of God, the Word of truth since they deceive members of the human race to worship himself and consequently Satan who empowers him rather than God.
The noun pseudos functions as a genitive of production would indicate that they are miracles and wonders “which produce a lie.”
They produce a lie because again, they are not in accordance with the gospel, i.e., the Word of God, the Word of truth since they deceive members of the human race to worship the Antichrist and thus Satan rather than God.