Conflict: See through Love
You guys remember what it's on?
You're the river going to get off of conflict.
we've been talkin about conflict man even talking about the things that we don't really like getting into like you can get in, forgetting where you know that
But you're not really wanted you I can tell Zac. I know a better vehicle than the ones he really likes and then you can argue back with me though. You don't.
You know where you can get a conflict over anything. Really complex, right?
Do every one of them put their hand of what's wrong with you. Can you wash the Ninja Turtles grown up?
Don't you see we can easily enter into a cop like right off of food and stuff. But the last talking about is in relationship that I've been dealing with husbands and wives and talking about how to get through things like that. I shared a story of my own personal marriage when I was younger. And today we're going to break down some of those scriptures and Concepts before we do that. I want us to remember the five principles of conflict conflict has a broken relationship.
I like to check just there for a second. Remember all conflict is spiritual. So we don't like hearing that because it messes with our human reasoning done it think about that view year that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but then we make conflict flesh-and-blood how many people know that we're already on face? It is the mindset behind it. That's what it's about. Why is there conflict what is going on? And it's spiritual according to the word of God do they call flick is an opportunity opportunity?
Opportunity to do what to be a person who restores things person who fixes days around you and the last thing is based in fear.
The last few like I don't know about that.
I remember one of the first Chris birthday presents my wife got me.
a pink Bible
It wasn't pink, What was it, honey? It was standing. pink Coral
and you know the first thing about in my head, I'm not carry that 5 around anywhere. It was really good. It was like a quest Bible. So it's like Adventure Time in the word, but it's just I'm not rocking a pink Bible. You could copy burgundy black Brown Rick camouflage, man. What's the only one left with this pink one? salmon color
I like bluegill anyway. But it was this color it and there was coffee since you don't like it. I feel like what's it it I don't like the outside of it.
What you say? Should I get a Bible cover?
Cut it up. I will cover but I did. Call Moses fear. This battle does not look badly. Okay to admit that right? I think she wants to give me a little dog too. You don't want the small ones. I have not against it, but there's no way I'm walking around with a bag with a little dog in it. If you do that, I'm not against you, but for me, I'm just like now I can give me something I can hold back a little. There was this thing making me look super like hey guys can talk to you about Jesus. Let me grab my Bible out.
I know she's funny. But do you know that was based on my own fear and insecurity? Come on, it was based on my own insecurities.
A lot of times are like simple conferences based on our insecurities. I mean insecurities here.
truthfully about
play coming to like wearing sandals. How is your like wearing sandals in public? How do you feel before they wear sandals?
That is true mother dirt. Find flip flops. Guess what? I got put in that statement if you make sure their tails are like super. Yeah, I'm going to do that. Not really. Around people you didn't rip off your toes and look down your way.
Contact you realize you have toenails anymore.
This is Jose. Can I get a witness?
Who won the Cowboys that we have invested our own insecurities? Because we don't we don't want to take a stand anywhere.
We don't want to get hole. I want to share a scripture to be talkin about maturity and maturing in Christ and what it actually means to the walk-in have me and my wife. We were sharing that with immaturity. Is it a lot of times we read the scripture we think maturity is getting a couple of degrees in the wall. Is Chloe a bunch of scripture.
Or I've been in church for over 30 years in my life, but actually I'm 34 years old. Probably was in church 35 years of my life.
You know how you count that was in there bad. You said hello, and I was kicking my feet. What you know that doesn't make you mature and him. Recovery people. I don't know about you, but you meet some of the meanest people in their Christian.
Don't see the top people never wavers find out I love Jesus.
I couldn't tell.
Because maturity is based in love. It's not based in how much you know. If you don't love that shows how much you really don't know.
What's a good scripture here 1st Corinthians? What I talked when I was a child. I talk like a child. I thought like a child. I reasoned like a child now that I am done with childish ways and have put them aside for now. We are looking in a mirror. Hold on pause the brakes.
Why does he start off with I was a child and then immediately the next scripture going to look in a mirror dimly.
I'm pretty sure Paul and think we're dealing with it.
But why?
Because he said when you are thinking and reasoning like a child your perspective here is going to be very dim. Your perception of how you see your prospective you look out. He's going to be very dim. Now, let's pick that mindset and diving in Scripture.
I forgot we are looking in a mirror that gives only a dim plug reflection because when you look in the mirror who you looking at? So if you're not seeing you clear, guess what you're seeing. Jesus said man that light inside of you. Why didn't you man if you don't realize that it's only darkness and you call it light and guess what that does and makes you seem very dim.
Cuz you're not even looking at yourself to clearway. Let's go on in scripture, man. I got like five of these are you guys ready? Does buckle up man? Oklahoma fix this and we're going to run. Let me fix this.
Turn back in.
Dim reflection of the reality that is in that is in a riddle or a nygma. You guys are real enigma. Did you know that?
Come on, dude. You got caught in the stripes to high gods in you. It don't make sense. But he's in there. You're pretty good.
That was baby though. We talked about the pasta sauce. It's a mystery what's going on here? But then when Perfection comes and I told you Perfection is not your viable.
Top don't you know all scriptures and valuable. That's not what I'm talkin about here. Totally not what I'm talking about.
Say this with me Father Son and Holy.
Holy Ghost So now that we got the Trinity all the way. Let me give you Insight on the Trinity's book. So we don't exhaust book that the apostles didn't have over the spirit they did have
That felt really good. I'm say it again. So we don't exalt a book that the apostles did not have over the spirit that the Apostle's didn't have.
I believe the Bible is Holy I believe is true and I believe it is the word of God. Probably leave. We're going to look in the scriptures that we need to look through the right lens of the Holy Ghost because if not, we're going to have a bunch of manmade reasonings. Man-made systems are quite frankly Christian vs.
Yes it be us. It means belief system.
You okay with that?
And we're not going to have a relationship with the Living God that takes us into the kingdom and that will be baffled every time someone starts talking kingdom of God because we're not used to that we think kingdom of God is when we get to heaven. Do you know that song when we all know? What a day of rejoicing?
Come on, what's the last one?
So we're waiting for having to see him when he says look in the mirror and behold.
The reason why we don't have many shots of Victory here because we're not seeing him now.
Move it on the scripture.
We shall see in reality and face-to-face. Oh my gosh, is that really their next? Now I know in part in perfectly, but then I shall know and understand fully and clearly even in the same matter as I've been fully and clearly known and understood by God when you see Jesus everyday understanding to you, you know, so you can know God and know yourself.
the scripture Let It Go. And now so faith hope love of riding a bike was King James in me respect a man's relationship to God and divine things hope joyful and confident expectation of Eternal salvation love true affection for God and Men growing out of God's love for and then toss these three, but the greatest of these is love the mark of immaturity sees through fear
If you are seeing through fear, he said that you're seeing like a child.
phone number you but for me still as an adult man, my dad used to like work on the roof of the house and you would say come on up here and you know, I'm a little drunk climbing up half way up there and I'm just like
this ain't about to happen. Because I don't like heights.
I said it was his fear inside of me. That was like now. Children can be fearful of imaginary things. You know that. We don't meet people have been when they were younger set with the light on or a night-light I did. why because Jurassic Park was after me. vicious why you have to work?
Even if I sent my daughter.
So we imagine these things who were seeing through immaturity and now we're living by an imaginary fear. Let me share something with you.
There's a movie that came out. And it was back in the day called the Poltergeist. You guys know what I'm talking about? Right to be after the Rector and it won all the awards director director. How come people were so freaked out in this movie. Where was The Monster at was it at? Well, this is what we did. We told the people to imagine the most terrifying creature in their own head and then we shut the lights off. And those reactions that you were seeing. Was all made up in their own minds and got recorded and they called the movie The Poltergeist because they were afraid of things that were in their own head.
children Create things in their own head pause, but you're supposed to be a child of God who God says, I want you to use your imagination through my word to see.
And I will bring Insight by my spirit so you can see clearly. What children see through fear? The next future I want to dive into here is found in Colossians 3 and 4. This is it for love is a supreme and must flow through each of these virtues love becomes the mark of
Robinson Market to maturity not to close scripture That's not not how many classes you went through that your degrees.
I'm not going to go there. But what was the market for maturity? How do I even grow or see through love?
How to time the battle is really love ourselves.
We sit there and beat ourselves up over a mistake that you made that you wish you didn't do it for the next couple weeks. You become depressed because you wish you didn't there said through that and then all the way down.
Or maybe it's not something you did or didn't do. Maybe it's yourself talk. It's the things that you're talking to yourself about. You're not even operating in a place of love with yourself. Why because are you connecting to what the father is saying to you and connecting to his heart and how he speak into your heart about love and your acceptance? Dude, how many people know that is scripture that says this Jesus was he that he was he was he was with his cousin John and all the sudden. He's with John and John finally agrees baptized Heaven open voice comes out of heaven and says, this is my
Who knows it? Go ahead. Say it out loud. This is my who what? Whoa, Jesus, here's what the father says about him accept it as his own identity. I am the Son of God dude, and then I am pleasing and loved by my father.
I'm from that place. It says he went out into the Wilderness ride. The devil came and tempted him. He went out in the spirit came out came out of the Wilderness with power and guess what he started to do spread the love of God the people.
How could he do that? Because he received the word from the father did with face face represents your time energy and
effort Do you have notes write that down face equals time energy and effort? I'm giving you the formula here.
Without time energy and effort faith is dead. It's just a dream.
Would you start adding your time to it? You start putting form energy. You make an effort to try Gus's that's living faith.
So Jesus, does that he starts loving people and it's the mark of maturity in his life and he we see it throughout the gospels. But how how can we follow that example, it's nice to know Jesus did it, but how can I do it?
Who's going to be honest, some people just don't like people.
Don't you ever felt that way?
Play which way you leaving Holy Spirit. Okay.
Oh, yeah.
No, I love my love.
Come on, sweetie. I'm being real with you or is that person your boss you don't like you're sitting there. I don't suppose love this person, or maybe you're dealing with the same spouse with the same mindset last year's here like her I'm tired of it.
Or maybe if I dare say it's someone in the White House.
Oh, I'm stepping on toes, LOL. Sometimes it's that. Whichever party gets in right? And because of that we don't allow the love remarkable sure you come in not what I'm talkin about love and maturity. I'm not talking about some pansy fide love, but sometimes we make Jesus out to be a pansy.
But it was a flower the rose of Sharon, dude. He totally wasn't a pansy but we make love this little weak thing. Could you imagine Christ going into a temple walking out of it getting these branches George of the Jungle, right? Benny's braiding I'm pretty sure we've Brayden he's not sitting there going. I love this one.
That's what we like to make cheese out to be.
Do the Heat do you understand it did that when you break the chords All Night Long? When was brewing in Anger? Oh, no, you can't talk about Jesus that way. Oh, yes I can. It's in our Bibles.
I'm sure he didn't just get it and go. Okay guys time to get out of this Temple which are which side walk the strip? Can you do that Bible says he turned over tables and he chased them out because sometimes love and maturity looks like an action. And sometimes it's not a hug.
Sometimes it's challenging the mindset of the day. A lot of times we don't like that because we like to stay stuck in a victim mindset victims and the victim again. Thank you. What can we were victimized by sin? Right choices, but they were victimized by this. Rebellious Angel call Lucifer you agree with that? the Bible says
Adam and Eve said screw up that Lucifer gain power over the world and that's why he was called The Prince and power of the air so we can control or Worse cuz Megan Turtle Minions and God saw that we were victimized by operators. God liberated us and he doesn't want us to stay victims, but he wants us to partner with him and become liberators. Freedom Fighters
sons of the Living God
No, this is not a political message. I'm trying to make a point here that love will do something within you to cause an action and if you're not acting finished clear signs that you're not loving.
By this time you ought to be teachers. Tell me if you've been in church for five years.
10 years by this time you ought to be teachers.
Oh, no topless really challenging. But this time you ought to be teacher you need someone to go back and forth to again through Christ and give you back milk. It's reason why because we don't want to divide the word of God. We want milk. T milk means infancy milk means I can still be immature and function through fear because I am always going to get milk. But when you start jumping on steaks, right some people like the cow to live. I like the butcher to sing. Do you know the type of tenderloin you can get from a cow?
I like you. my favorite.
When you're actually taking the word assist those who are the word but they function and mix it with faith time energy and effort they're becoming mature cuz they're learning through trial and error how to operate in a state of love.
charger immature. How do you get rid of your immaturity? puberty, right
pimples go to get pimples. back acne It's been the worst day. I got hair growing out of my pets. Teresa goddess
But this is awkward stage of puberty when my voice change, right? Cuz you know, I'm talking about where you were talking you sound like you're communicating with whales.
When you are making that stuff from childlike into maturity and it's going to be a process which we call sanctification and I'm going to just make taking vacation real clear. It's me stinking like God acting like God functioning and your day-to-day like God sanctify the look. I want you to be holy. Holy just as your father in Heaven is
so how do you begin to get through this process? Tell me what they got pranked 20 times a day. Like I do all the right things and read my Bible. Let me share it with you. It says this you want to kick out immaturity. Here it is. There is no fear in love dread does not exist, but full grown complete perfect love turns to her out of the doors. Nextel's every trace of Terror.
Would you like to learn how to get rid of your insecurities? It's here. Prepare brings with it the thought of punishment and so he was afraid has not reached the full season it.
That's there.
That means dog gone is an Amish. It sounds like your skin in the dog, but it's dark skin D how much?
And it says it clearly says look up Risa brings with it the thought of punishment and so he was afraid has not reached. The full maturity of love is not yet. Grown into love complete Perfection was that first scripture we looked at was that which is perfect has come.
You think Paul kind of was led by the spirit and writing this in this to the church. I think he was. What complete Perfection looks when you begin to focus in on God's love all of a sudden you start maturing cuz you start thinking and reasoning do a state of love and not a state of fear.
Come on, bring it bring it.
Go back here.
It says we love him because he first loved us.
How can we increase the love? But you know, it's really cool when you start sharing Kingdom because Kingdom doesn't operate like Earth. It's upside down. So in the world we say you got to go in order to get right. You got to have it before you give it right? That's the way Earth Works Earth worst, but you got to have it before you give it. So you got to have Love Before You Give Love? Book the kingdom of God works You Give Love and you have love.
I don't know about that.
Why do we love him? Cuz you did what he first loved us. So we reciprocated something. We didn't start nothing. Come on. We didn't start anything even ask to be born your parents decide. Hey, I love you. You love me, too. Let's have a baby. Or it was unexpected.
We simply respond to God's ability. Hey what happens if we put that together? What are you get respond inability? What do you get there?
So we take the word response in God's ability. That means we respond to God's ability. We learned your ghostek God's ability is just Grace Grace isn't your ticket to send right? But I'm playing the slots. I'm sitting that's not Grace. Grace is the ability of God. The only way that happens is when I respond to him and how I respond is my reasoning in my heart that you love me without any Shadow of Doubt no matter what
we're going to get you tap on.
I don't go there yet.
Ringo here
The more you love the more you grow.
What about scriptural dude you're going to love scripture because you realized it's reflecting and teaching you about God and in return is your learning about God. Reveals Who You Are.
When you read the Bible talk to you over here when you read it like the secret is your learning about God and then the spirit of God speaks to you and reveals you to yourself.
You know I went over there because Jesus doesn't forget about no one.
Sometimes don't like thank God I have little ears cuz I could have fresh prince ears.
Yes, I have Will Smith.
But the more you love the more you grow it so so much like what I don't love very much. I don't even like being around people people stank.
You should come to the gym with me. We'll leave our success everywhere.
The more you love the more you grow. Uh, I don't know how to do that will stretch your says here. My let's look at this. So this woman right totally gets wrecked by God and you know, she comes she starts Porter love out of God's holy she even took her hair down. This won't grow my hair out one day Jesus and rub his feet with it.
Yet you ready. Right precious feet. Yeah. Jesus says this cuz they're complaining about this woman. She came in here. She just as comfortable.
When Love Changes you there comes an extravagant thing out of you call reciprocating. This is why she has shown me such extravagant love you only show Jesus extravagant love when you realize the weight of sand and tell her you were in the preaching. Do you always see that you realize I'm miserable in the state you were in. Come to liberate you do with the church. We don't think we really got screwed up.
We point out Friends of the world outside of us instead of being real with her. She'll say dude. I was screwed up. I have no way out of this Jesus man.
Well, when do you know I was raised in the church. I was raised in church. You see let's just went so bad a couple lies cookie. My mama told me not to have Run do anything bad? Are we start justifying ourselves in the sight of God based on our performance and not based on we had no way out man. We don't live in thy we can't love extravagantly. It's impossible impossible, man.
It is impossible for you to love until you see the state that you were in dude. And then we're going to swim then we're going to play a player. God you're not there. You're not this dude didn't have to come down and die for you. Sorry, buddy. I love you Luke.
So because of her mini says being forgiven. Chicken Express, great love and gratitude to God I'm interested with those who assume they have little to be forgiven. Love me very little I think maybe the issue with the churches will think that we had issues.
I'm going to pay the picture and ask the third chapter 4 chapter third going to the fourth, you know, what was the real shocker to the Israelites? It wasn't so much that these people were talking like they were drunk and praying in tongues. It was when Peter stood off and he starts telling him. This is a promise. That was fulfilled. And guess what you guys did this would you repeat? What did we do? You killed your Messiah?
The gravity of their sin touch them.
I've been the hopelessness of the state that they were in wreck them. I think I looked at Peter and the others with him what must we do? Believe and be baptized. Started the biggest movement on Earth to this day, dude.
Thomasville think that we need forgiving much not that bad of a person
I'm pretty good. pretty self-righteous
See if you would reflect on God's sacrifice for you his love for you and produces great love inside of you for him. And when that love comes from inside of you, it's amazing because this is what happens when you receive God's personal Mercy.
It creates and allows you to express personal love man. Emergency when I looked up the term Mercy cuz people, you know Percy the Christian term out and about you I grew up around Mercy. Actually, she was a mean person that I used to drive. You need Jesus.
Mercy is compassion. And great love shown to someone who doesn't deserve it. And when you reflect on that aspect of God you didn't will it will create in you naturally great personal love for him for yourself and others at the maturity can set in how do I know? That's true.
The Bible says those who are led by the spirit of God are sons of God. Biggest conundrum in churches. We really do not have connect to the spirit. Cuz the Bible also says Romans 5:5 it says there's the King James. Cuz that's the only about we should quote.
That's a joke. No, hope does not disappoint because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us love is in the spirit. You know, the Bible says that you should walk in the spirit. You can walk in the spirit you can walk out of the spirit is with that. I didn't love is in the spirit. That means you can shift into love and you can shift out a lot.
You can walk in and you can function in love or you cannot it's your choice to type of waiting for God to come down and do it for us right God if you touch my heart. And he's like dude I live in you. Oh God, you can just do he lives in you. It says it in structure of the spirit is poured out in us and he lives in our hearts still do what Express the love of God, but we're busy praying for God to do something. He already done. He just waiting for your permission. So we can flow.
For when we were still without strength is due time Christ died for us and imma show you how to function in it. Who wants to learn how to love everybody? Who was the girl I'm going to give you the key man to learn to love everybody?
You know what? I mean, but sometimes my wife don't feel I love me. I don't know why I'm lovable like a big old teddy bear.
But they said that she don't feel like cuz I'm I maybe being a jerk may not be functionally how God says function. Babe, cuz I didn't take out the trash. Whoever it may be. Love is a Feeling.
Love is a choice. I'm going to prove it to you in Scripture. There's always a choice. It's not based on your feelings. It's not even based on what the other person did to you. Or said to you. Love is a choice.
Let's look at it here next picture. We're scarcely for righteous man with one die yet Perhaps for a good man. Someone would even dare to die. I love it. Bring it Jesus but God demonstrates his own love toward us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us. If you have the King James if you have a different version, and I looked you up in the original Greek cuz I hurt you. It says but God commanded.
Hold on.
God commended his love. But I thought love was a feeling that makes me feel all giggly and Google me inside. love
this is a command my love towards you. No, I don't know but that won't prove it cuz John 3:16 Says for God so loved the world. He sent who? Did Jesus send himself?
Did you send them self? the father-son team according to scripture Play Dancing On My Own Accord. I I don't I don't come here on my own accord. I don't testify myself if I did my testimony is true, but there's another piece of me.
God commended his love and some of the problems that were having.
That we can't do that. Yes, we can. Yes, we can. Come on work for the other black guy what's wrong with me?
Yes, we can. Yes weekend. Yes weekend. Yes, we can start right we can.
He's not dreadlocks. That's what it was.
Free Commander love out dude Waiting for God to give us love when he says commanded out because you function like I do. Do it when he commanded love Jesus showed up. We command love guess who shows up.
We command love Jesus shows up. Do like dude I'm telling you man. It's because of this because God is teaching us. We speak it before we live in it.
You speak at the kingdom of God is activated by talk by voice activated.
kingdom of God playlist voice activated but you got a declarative face and when you do that you step into it is Shifting all of them before you ever show. Love to them.
Jess We're waiting on the feeling wait on the feeling waiting for the right moment to love. That's not Kingdom. Anyone could do that ever meet someone who usually is really ticked off and they have a good day and all and Happy and nice to you. I just talked to like the world world. Does it all the time?
Someone's in a good mood. I'm going to be good to people.
The wisdom of the world is verse 1st sensual and demonic demons. oops But that's not nice. Do you know what the Bible says you believe in? God? What what do do so did the Devils in hell?
That's not nice. It's in there.
How many people believe in God and I'm glad you have a grid but you know, what else I did I
and that person looked at me like
do you know the first thing I was thinking they probably think I'm Donkey from Shrek.
But no, you know what they looked at me said that she does a silly ass in the Bible to the demons believe and tremble. So you got to do better than a demon.
Host that I believe the church has to do better than the devil's.
Who got the move in a place? Love to the degree that we do we declare it out and face has me to clear it out and face.
Because he's already there. So it's already over. And I'm just going to declare it's happening and we're going to step into this thing cuz we're already moving in love and loves going to pour out in us because love without action isn't love so we're going to act on it and take our time and energy resources.
Maybe the issue with conflict is worried about our opinion and not a loving the person.
As long as I was thinking my wife is in my way trying to stop me from praying for all these poor lost souls. Couldn't even love her dude. I came out to Impossible and possibilities.
I was protected and then expected praise God. And I'm here on purpose for purpose. And as long as I was sell Focus I could love that woman. You know, she was talking to me say hottie. It hurts when you do I'm like you're just in the way.
What are shifted into loves the Lord help me love her the way she needs to be loved. Well, then I was going to lay down my do you want we we think lay down the life is just a grad martyr thing to do right? I'm going to be a modder for Jesus lay my life down for you being a martyr in your marriage.
We're about to the community around you Peter Martyr to them. Your job your mother's you can't do it here in the simple things have settled down. No, dude, I'm going full force in my life down for I found that God was close to me greater and the ability to love was there and then I started seeing God shift her and I love her so God can shift her. How about that because God? I love her. Cuz you get loving me and I don't want to love her. I wasn't doing that so she can change so I'm having a better day.
This what happens when the church Moves In Love and we are in Conflict. It's not about the conflicts about loving the person in the first have the Demonic mindset. Love the hell out of them.
But seriously don't have the Demonic mindset love the hell out of them and they're going to take me things to me. Get over it. I'm going to cross dude. They said mean things to him and even have to come there. He said father do one. Let me know what he's doing. Love man.
Please pray for me. Thank you. Pray for me. What happened? every word curse
Oh, yeah. I'm a Polish right here. We're going to catch up next week. By the way. I'm just here brushing the shift lost with the baby. Just like that. There was a shift that happened here.
And the Lord was like dude. I'm going to bring something great here, do something great. But we have to shift into love if we're going to run with them. Okay, some of praying to clear some things. Then we need prayer personal prayer for we close out and it's getting late. I'm working on it. Sorry, if I keep you too long. I just got so many things. I want to tell you guys.
so many things by
so it's a money prayer. If not, we'll just bless you guys. Call Papa thank you. Thank you for your love. Thank you for Jesus. Thank you for joining our hearts and our lives. Thank you. How your Shifty mindsets God. We thank you Papa. We ask that you would love all the hell out of us man. Love you a lot of us so we can be light shining in the Dark World to think you see, you know, you would want you to God. We declare that our hearts are full of yours. We declare that we follow you with everything. We are new mindset the deadline to send Jesus is our mindset, Show me thank you both because you live inside of us. Nothing shakes you God. So we thank you that we live from that place and we function that place without everyone here. And I thank you that is going for us to harvest and their friends and family and children to the third and 10th Generation. Is your name Jesus? Hey, man. Love you guys. I'll see you next Sunday.