11:00 am English Service (Christ the Head of the Church)
Good morning, everyone,. Can you hear me? Okay.
Text. Melinda. I need a hearing aid.
I want you to be home. I want you to be comfortable in Italian. love you show the
and she showed up right now media. We finally hit the end. We finally reached the end. Ephesians chapter 1. This message is entitled Christ. The head of the church.
Christ, the head of the church.
If you have your Bibles. Ephesians chapter 1 verses 22 to 23.
But they are very meaningful verses. Because God's word is very mean.
Division, 1 2223 says. Are we going to make money? Can you put all things under his feet? God, the Father put all things under his feet. Gave him. Timer.
Hawking. Church. Which is his body? The fullness of candy are Lori. Who fills all in, all Let's prank. Heavenly father, bless this message and give me your words. Help us to understand. What a church is and what a healthy Church looks like. How much to be the church? You want us to be? Get rid of all of these sinful legalism in our church and help us to serve you with all our hearts. Give us the desire to serve you in glorifying. Bless The Works of our hands and help us to love one. Another the church. We ask all these things. The name. The Lord. Our Savior Jesus Amendment.
Hey, man. How many Christians in America tend to view their Christianity as a personal relationship with Jesus and not much else? It's just me and my Jesus. I don't need anyone. And because of covid-19 more and more Christians, but you just called it as an excuse to miss church. But what many of us have failed to realize, is that our relationship with? Necessitating, several secondary personal quiz. The relationships that Christ establishes between. And his body, the church, as social creatures, created in the image and likeness of God. God designed us to be in a relationship with an actual flesh-and-blood step on your toes. Body of people. People who can be somewhat graceless and even legalistic. Emily. Listen, I don't really work for some forks for salvation, kind of thing. I mean, a Christian having this dispute of legalism a Christian who likes to discourage others who want to work for Christ. And they discourage them and even chased them out of the church buying posting turn subjective old-fashioned man-made stringent rules and regulation that profit.
That is the spirit of legalism.
If that is your mentality, you need to repent. You need to change your mind because you are hindering. The Works of God. If there's ever a reason why the church has failed to grow. That is definitely one of the reasons. Because legalistic Christians tend to think that the church is some sort of institution work. Everything must be according to their, to their case and standard. Indian, these legalistic Christian end up hurting the body of Christ by chasing them away.
Chasing away fellow believers who want to work for Cracked? They chase away church members. They chased away the word shift. And yes, after a woman that you've been chasing away their own pastor. Ask yourself, why are people leaving this church? Why is this church?
Is this church have the spirit of the eclipse? There is a reason why people are running for church has like new life. Moody Bible in Harvest, Bible Chapel. It's not the physical building.
Picture legalistic Christian for chasing them away. Many Christians have been burned by the sturgeon and want nothing to do with them. The cancer can go undetected for a while. But it doesn't take long until the body realizes that you have cancer. And I'll let you take the cancer out the physical buying.
Do not ever hinder a child of God from actually wanting to serve the Lord. The desire to want to serve. God does not come from the flesh. Turn on the stereo. Do not discourage them for wanting to work for Christ. You are being legalistic. Can you need to return?
Christ is the head of the first church, Mountain View. Let's not, let's not be legalistic, and think this building called a church is more important than God actual church is taking in Christ.
With that in mind, the church was born in the day of Pentecost, Apostle, Paul in his Prayer by mentioning the Church of God in this letter to the Ephesians. Paul has a lot to say about the church, but throughout the New Testament, the church is primarily designated by the Greek word, accuracy. I intern. Meaning those for compounds. The Spanish word for church resembles, the original Greek Iglesia. In the ancient world that were ecosia stood for a group of citizens who had been called out to administrative civic affairs or to defend the community in battle. But after time that word came to refer to any of them or congregation. So another words, the church is a people. Not even waiting for a broken, but more importantly using the figurative language is gone. Get somebody. United unto Jesus.
It's a spiritual family joined together by adoption through Christ. The Holy Spirit has joined all the Believers together. It is a universal as well as a spiritual Institution. Is God, the father is chosen people and the new cousin is made up of people for Christ, which God purchased with his, with his it, for his son, precious blood. Christ Christ bought the church with his own blood and therefore possesses the exclusive paid in full ownership.
Airport. If this building was to be destroyed and there was nothing left, the church will still be here. This is because the church is not a physical building at least 99 9. 30 special group of people called stink and calls to be in unity with every other believer. In other words. You are the church and you make up the body of Christ, The Universal Church belongs uniquely to it to Redeemer Jesus. But according to Paul Jesus is the head of the church and we for here today, if you're Christian make up the bond. Put some legalistic Christians like to give more attention to the physical church building rather than the actual Body of Christ.
You have to understand something, the word church and its direct meaning is a group of people and whether you like it or not get to a group of people. God has put together.
Give him a few of the church, should not be some physical building that you come to every Sunday morning as if you're doing God, a huge favor. In God's eyes. The church is all of you gathering in holding Unity. Don't have this mentality. That says what what can I possibly get from this church? Rather stay to yourself. How can I serve God along with my spiritual Brothers and Sisters in Christ on a In other words, you need to understand that you are not here to be served, but to serve got working in harmony as one body in Christ. Think of yourself as a part of a hand or a leg, or a foot, or even the heart. You play a vital role in the body of Christ, which is the church. And every part has a job to do. This is why God has given all of us a spiritual gift. He should get it. I'm not given to edify ones now, but you said, if I had to church, your fellows things in Christ. The relationship you build with each other is a vital importance because you are a spiritual family. What to know whether you like it or not? Jesus, Jesus shot, his listeners 20. Spoke of the importance of the spiritual church in Matthew 12:46 to 15. The Bible says, while he talking about, Jesus was still talking to the multitude, behold his mother and brothers should have stood outside. Seeking to speak with me. Then one said to him your mother and your brothers are standing outside seeking to speak with you. But the answer except for the one who told him. Who is my mother and who are my brothers? It's a question. And it stretched out his hand toward to the disciples and said it here on my mother.
For whoever does, the will of my Father in Heaven is my brother and sister and mother.
Pay close attention to what you saying? Jesus cares more about his spiritual brothers and sisters and he does his actual.
But there is a condition that goes along with his reasoning. He said it for whoever does the will of my father. Heaven is my brother and sister. So you mean to tell me if we as Christians don't do the will of the father. We are not considered a part of a spiritual family.
Nobody person becomes a Christian. He doesn't join a local church because it's a good habit for growing spiritually mature. He joined a local church because it's the expression of what Jesus has made him or her to be a member of the body of Christ. Being united to Christ means being united to every Christian. Is that Universal Union must be given a living breathing existence in a local church? Every Christian needs a purpose for living since every Christian has been given a spiritual gift from God. You find out what spiritual gifts you have by serving in your local church. When you serve in your local church, you're doing the will of the father. Another word for being a Christian means, caring about the life and health of the body of Christ. The church. It means caring about what the church is and what the church should be because you belong to me. Remembering that the church is a people should help us recognize what's important and what's not important. Let me repeat that again. Remembering what the church is? A people should help us recognize what's truly important to God. What's the name of the church? Meaning the spiritual Family Guy is extremely important to our lord Jesus. That being said, he got the timing. The church is the most important institution honor. The church has been commissioned by The Sovereign Lord to be his representative agencies in all its history. It has been given full authority to unlock the Treasures of the spiritual realm so that they can be brought to bear on the realities of encouragement, to be sure throughout church history. The Church is a strength or weakness in determining the success or failure of any human civilization. Another word for nature to strong. The culture is impacted positively. But when the church is week, its influence. And so does the culture from any Christian, the church has left a bad taste in their mouth. And in case you haven't noticed, our churches are on a decline. The Churches of God churches in Europe, were once the pioneers of the Christian faith. After all the great reformers of Christianity came out of here. However, now many of the churches in Europe are nothing more than a bunch of New Zealand. It is speculated that the churches in America will look like the churches in Europe within the next 15. Nothing, but puking. But until then good luck with your children today are designed to equip Believers by feeding them. Through the teaching of guys were leading them in corporate, praise and worship protecting them under the shepherding oversight of God in meters. And providing them with opportunities to serve one another. And according to the God's design active involvement in the local church is imperative for believers, and didn't eat to live in a way that honors Jesus. Our lord. It is only through the ministry of the local church that Christians can receive the regular teaching accountability and encouragement necessary for them to stand firm in the faith. God has ordained the local church to provide the kind of environment where an uncompromising life can thrive. and if people grow spiritually, To the teaching of the word.
Good morning. Frankly. We have to ask ourselves. What makes up a health insurance. I like what One Pastor said a healthy church is a congregation that increasingly reflect God's character. character that has been revealed in his word, another word for God, created the world and humankind to display the glory of
Adam and Eve who was supposed to image got character. Did it needed it? The people of Israel. So God sent his son to image his holy and loving character, and to remove the wrath of God again in the city. How's the work? In Christ, God came to display got character and in Christ got changed to give us. Get it to her. God, the Holy Spirit. How to church meaning all of us through the power of the holy spirit is called to display the character in glory of God, to all the world. Testifying in word and action to his great wisdom and work of salvation. If you think about it, the church is a group of hardened Rebel and God wants to use to display his work. But you might be asking, well, how do we display God's glory to the world? This is not a fish, is not hard to figure out. And you already know the answer. We must listen to God's word and we must choose to follow it. It's only two steps. Listen, and follow. By listening and following God's word. We image and display got a character and Glory much like a king's ambassador.
Like it or not. We are God's representatives and his children. Ever since Adam was cast, from The Garden of Eden for nettlebane and got a fever, all of humanity has been divided into two groups. Those who are in those.
What separates the people of God from those who are falsely, converted or unbelievers? Is that the people that's got to listen to Guys Burgers?
My sheep hear my voice.
Do you understand? People of God, will find life entirely and exclusively.
Two guys word in Albanian. Chapman. Call reminder to Spruce 1st Corinthians, 3:9.
For we are going to tell the workers. You are. You are done building. For you are God's fighting.
So as a Christian what kind of book would Church, might you be looking to join in sir and patiently work?
A healthy one. When did it recently reflect God's character as it has been revealed in his word? What is that really look like? All we have to do is look at the life and teachings of Jesus. After all, he is our perfect. Mom, our perfect example.
Not doing the will of the father.
And I chose these because I think they are some of the harder and yet, more important one. To apply for starters. Jesus tells us to be peacemakers. After all the father has made peace between himself and us to the perfect sacrifice of his son. Our Lord and Savior, Jesus. 2nd and just wanted to just one is one of the hardest ones to recite. Jesus tells us to love our enemies considering that our father in Heaven, loved us while we were still his enemies. Certainly. He just tells us to love one another. Since he gave his own life for us and made it one of his most important New Testament commanding. Jesus says in John 14, 3435.
Can you put Mandarin? Guilty Gear.
I have loved you. Did you also love one another? By this also know that you are my disciples if you have loved one.
Forcefully in John chapter 17, Jesus prayed that we would be one. Even if he and the Father in Heaven are one. God's character is reflected in the unity of the church is body all working together in Perfect Harmony. 50, Jesus tells us to be Fishers of Men and disciplemakers. The whole purpose of Jesus coming to her wish to win souls. It's God's children. We are to continue the work of our Lord and Savior, Jesus. Sharing the gospel with every soul. Reflect God's love for people. Where is that goes with that? Any man should perish. And lastly Jesus tells us to be perfect is our heavenly father.
Jesus says in Matthew 7:28, I mean 5:48. Therefore, you shall be perfect just as your father in Heaven.
We reflect God's glory and character Best Buy actually trying to become vessels of Honor. Christians who are used by the hand of God himself. Keeping ourselves from the steam suspended in doing. Heart. Is a church. This is how we glorify God.
And this is how you spell the room is character. You know, every passion will stand before God and give account for how they have lead. God's Church. Hebrews 13:17 says obey, those who rule over you and be submissive. Philippe. Watch
There's only one who must give an account. Let them do so with joy.
Is that would be unprofitable? Free music.
But at the same time, every single one of you who was part of the body of Christ.
Will give an account for whether or not you have gathered together regularly with the church to stir the church on to love and good luck. Hebrews 10 23 to 25, Saturn, let us hold fast, the confession of our whole without wavering for you promise. Let us consider one another in order to stir up. Love and good works, pay attention. Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together and there's the matter of son's butt, buttocks. Exploring one, another. And so much the more. Approaching the second coming of Christ is coming soon.
I believe that we are in those last days.
I want you to pay close attention to a guy, the same here. Baptism verses 24 and let us consider one another in order to stir up, love and good works. We've got coming. God is telling us to reflect on your way of thinking, he says it. Let us consider consider.
Consider other Christians. Consider your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.
For what reason? The building up of love and good works for Christ. Here's a better translation. Anyone can understand. Hebrews 10:24 says, let us think of ways to motivate one another to act of love in Greek.
No, that's for sure. In, what ways are you trying to encourage other believers? Tort law in Draper.
Another word for do you make it easier for other Christians to love and serve God?
Do you make it easier on your fellow brothers or sisters when they want to volunteer in the church?
Do you encourage them to Good Works around the Church of God?
Holy Christ.
Who are you looking for a tutoring? A stumbling block. A legalistic old-fashioned. Do it my way to skirt. You're a good word.
Are you putting a spirit of fear and description?
God is asking you. In, what ways are you trying to encourage other believers towards love? Can you do work?
There's always a reason why churches fail to grow.
There's always a reason why Church's members no longer want to do. Good works for cramps.
Because when you try to do something good, they are discouraged by the zika list.
You might experience. Having a legalistic spirit is a Surefire way to Chile.
No, the church in Ephesus eventually. K2 mountain. Just a few years after John. Jesus is the loveliest. I never had it one time. Pastor to church tonight. Jesus gave John 11 to defeating Church. Jesus says in Revelation. 445. But I have this complaint.
You don't love me or each other as you did it first. Look how far you've turn it back to you. And do the work.
If you don't repent. I will remove your last name.
When the spirit of legalism comes into the church and you care more about something building in following legalistic man-made rules. And less about the actual people in behind the building. You have lost your first love.
This little trip. Summit Insurance. Be home soon. Come to me.
We must never forget that. Jesus is the head. the one in charge of every Universal and local church and we are his Who make up the church? Every member of the body has a specific job to do. If one is discouraged from doing their job.
Body is not healthy. The body is not working. If the body is not functioning. The body.
And if the body doesn't grow. Vintage local church will not be home.
Perhaps. Goodness. Is a prophetic message?
therefore, let's move it. It doesn't discourage. One another.
Bug spray.
Tell me, father. Only, you know, the reason why there's a church at the Cradle syndrome.
only, you know, the reason why this church dying.
If there is any cancer in the body. Sherpani. In Pickaway County.
Purify this church and give it about the demon. They do nothing, but Ginger still working.
Bless this church, mama. What's 55 years in French? And how much to be a healthy sugar? Wonder increasingly reflects your character. Help us to be the church. That brings glory to your son. Help us to serve with all our time. We have snow Tuesday in Jesus name. Amen.