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The Message of Salvation is still relevant The Great Commission still Matters
Scripture: Mark 16:15 Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
When we think of the great messages, we have delivered over time and all of the accolades we have received, and if for a moment, we could think about the platforms, we have partake in and all the significant events we have been privy to attend, When we think of the significant huhHA moments, of our journey as Leaders, we can’t help but to give God praise, for his blessings.
Sometimes, I’m certain, we have to sit down and take a moment to digest where God has carried us from and where He has established us on today. Remembering all of the prophetic words, that has manifested in our lives, lets us know that God has always been there and we are truly blessed. I mean, We can feel special, and appreciated and even accomplished in the Kingdom of God. Hallelujah!
But I’m present on tonight to remind us that in all the accolades and elevations and speaking engagements and in all the theology we may have embraced and learned in our study as Christian Leaders.
I want to remind us that it is still important to preach and teach the life saving message of salvation. It’s critical, that it remains at the forefront and #1 on the agenda. We are to preach Salvation on purpose, being intentional to persuade not just the saved because they are already in the building, and they can keep attending church, and be consistent with their giving, but we are to persuade those who are unsaved, those who are not quick to give, those not interested in our cash apps, those who are weary of the church, those who are spiritually deaf, and spiritually dead, those who are rough and rugged around the edges, those who don’t have knowledge and understanding of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
I truly believe God is calling us to step our game up. Just doing the altar call at the end of a sermon is not enough. Just participating in a conference is not enough. We have to go deeper. We have to expand wider. We have to strategize to draw them in. People are hurting, they are broken, busted and disgusted, they don’t know where to go or who to turn to. They’re mingling with the devil, playing Russian roulette with their lives, because no one has introduce them to a better way. So what better time for us to step our game up than during this season of pandemic trials and tribulations. (Glory to God)
We have to be like the servant in Luke Chapter 14, concerning the Great Feast, when the Lord said
Luke 14:23 (KJV) states, “And the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.”
Just because there are some that will not say Yes to Christ, doesn’t mean there isn’t some that isn’t willing. We have to seek those who are willing.
Mark 16:15 (NLT) Go into all the world, and preach the Good News to everyone, everywhere.
I’m here to remind us that, Everyone isn’t in our churches, everyone isn’t on this zoom call, everyone is not on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. There are some people we must reach that are in places we haven’t gone before. There’s some people and places God has assigned to us individually. But in order to know where to go and know what to do, we have to take time to ask the father.
Matthew 7:7 (KJV) Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:
The question here is, Is there still a desire for the door to be opened unto you?
I don’t believe, the father has a problem with revealing to us what highways and hedges, If we are truly operating according to Matthew 6:33, if we are seeking first (striving after) the kingdom of God and all His righteousness. Then I am confident God will reveal to us what it is to be done and where it is we must go. Hallelujah!
From time to time we should ask ourselves: “When was the last time we prepared and preached on purpose, the message of salvation?”
“When was the last time we prayed and asked God for Divine Appointments so we could personally share the Gospel of Jesus Christ?”
Saints we already know, there are benefits when we share the gospel, the more we share the message of Christ, relationships are built, the more we share, we are strengthened, the more we share, our faith increase, the more we share, our confidence exudes, the more we share the Bolder we become as Leaders in our walk with Christ.
The message of Salvation is still Relevant. It’s still in style. It doesn’t matter the worth of our personal treasures. It doesn’t matter how much stock we own or what kind of vehicle we drive. It doesn’t matter how high we spiritually go. It doesn’t matter what position we hold inside or outside the church. Our status doesn’t give us a pass, it doesn’t release us of our obligation to share the Good News of Jesus Christ.
The Bible tells us about “The Great Commission”
Matthew 28:19 “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost”
This is The Great Commission.
At every stage and season of our development in Christ. As we elevate, we must remain cognizant, we must stay in tuned with our core purpose in Christ, which is to draw the lost in, so they can be afforded the opportunity, to receive the free gift of eternal life and then live the benefits of salvation.
We have to let the people know, “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” (Romans 6:23)
We have to let them know that when they receive Christ in their lives, they have someone they can cast all their cares upon (1 Peter 5:7).
We have to let them know when they seek the Lord he will deliver them from all of their fears (Psalm 34:4).
We have to let the people know what’s available to them when they accept Jesus Christ as Lord over their lives.
So you might be saying to yourself, Elder, why are you dealing with this basic principle of Christianity? I’m here to remind us, in case we have forgotten our main purpose as preachers and teachers. We are to preach the message of Christ. The Gospel changed my life. It set me free Its just a reminder so we don’t forget that, “The message of Salvation is still relevant”. It still deserves a powerpoint. It still deserves a platform. Salvation is still the key to success in life. Salvation still works. It still saves. Hallelujah!
Our mandate from God requires us, to influence people in a manner that they are drawn nearer to the ways of God. At the end of the day if we are to be good fishermen of men, then we have to share our bait as often as we can. We mustn’t forget the golden ticket that opened up access for us to enter into the Kingdom of God.
So my question this evening is this: Do we still care if the lost are saved? Do we still care if people are baptized and filled with the Holy Ghost? Do we still care if our household gets saved? Or is it that our personal salvation is the only salvation that matters anymore because we already have it?
As a reminder, I’m going to say, before we had any degrees or certifications behind our names, before we participated in a conference, or stood on a platform, before we understood revelation, tongues and the Holy Ghost, before we really understood the prophetic or spiritual warfare, before we became profound with tons of books in our biblical library, before we purchased logos, before we grasped the knowledge of intercession to practice and be a part of intercession, We must be reminded us that we were yet sinners because at one point we did not know Christ and someone took time to introduce us to the free gift of Eternal Life. They walked us through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
The message of Salvation is still relevant. The Great Commission still matters. Let us not lose focus of our obligation. Hallelujah! Thank you Jesus.