The Foolishness of Tomorrow

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James 4:14 NASB95
14 Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away.

9/11 and other recollections

Just few days ago
Watched a short 40min documentary on people recollecting 9/11
Was just another morning like every other morning
At my friends childs 1 year birthday
Childs grandma
Childs great-grandma
Reminds me of my grandfather’s death
Perfectly normal, just another day
Going out to get lunch
Has a stroke and passes away that night
Watched O’Niel recollect on Bryant
He was there one moment
Next moment he was gone
Recently watched a K-drama called Descendants of the Sun
Fictional country called Urk
Male protagonist is a soldier and female protagonist is a doctor
A big Korean corporation is building some kind of energy facility in Urk
Earthquake happens and the energy facility collapses with people inside
Many people are saved but many died

Life is just a vapor

Is tomorrow guaranteed?
We live as if we have tomorrow guaranteed
We cannot even foresee 1 minute ahead into the future
Yet we live as if we have years and years ahead
But every example agree with our passage
Think about all the people in 9/11
Think about Kobe Bryant
He probably made plans ahead of time to take a helicopter ride with his 13 year-old daughter on Jan 26th.
Don’t all these example’s prove James to be correct?
That life is but a vapor

Choices with eternal consequences

As much as life is but a vapor
Here today, gone tomorrow
Thriving today, withering tomorrow
Your choices that you make in the now have eternal consequences
Romans 14:12 NASB95
12 So then each one of us will give an account of himself to God.
Every word
Every thought
Every gesture
Every choice you make in the now
The way you reply to your brother or sister
The way you reply to your mom and dad
The thoughts you think when someone annoys you
The words you whisper under your breath when no one was listening
Everything, every thought, every word, every action, every attitude will be held accountable.

What kind of discussion do you want to have with God?

Now is what matters
Your choices in the now matters
Not choices tomorrow
When you stand before God, what kind of conversation do you want to have with Him?
Paul clearly said we will all give an account
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