The Purpose of Suffering
The Misconception
Reality of Suffering
Glorifying God
Response to Suffering
In a sermon on this theme, Jonathan Edwards pointed out that whenever a commodity is in short supply, it has a higher value. This is true of time. Edwards asks us to “consider how much time you have lost already.… You ought to mourn and lament over your lost time; … you must apply yourselves the more diligently to improve the remaining part,” since time is short and once it is past, it is gone forever.
The world is filled with needs, but none is greater than its need for salvation. God provided for this need by sending his own Son to die on the cross for our sins. And now he provides by sending his people as witnesses of that gospel, so that many may be saved by trusting in Jesus. Let none of us neglect this calling, through which God’s saving power is displayed in the turning of many hearts to the Lord.
Our world is passing away, and the judgment draws near. We live our lives on the threshold of eternity. Now is the time when our work most greatly counts. In all the millions of years of our eternal life, now is the time when eternal destinies are decided. These are the only years when we have the privilege of glorifying God with tears in our eyes and of ministering his grace to the suffering of others, especially as we preach and share the gospel of Jesus Christ. Jesus urges, “We must work the works of him who sent me while it is day; night is coming, when no one can work.”