The Difference One Man Can Make (Part 2)
Good morning Church!
This week, we get what we call a flashback. Last week, we got to see Phillip showing up in Samaria, performing amazing miracles, preaching Christ, and winning souls to eternal glory. This week, we actually take a step backwards and get to see a little more of what was going on before Phillip came to town.
V. 9 tells us that for some time a man named Simon has been performing sorcery in Samaria.
V. 11 actually tells us that this “some time” is actually a “long time”.
The text never explains exactly what all sorcerous acts that Simon performed, but we do know that they were pretty amazing acts, because v. 9 & 11 tell us that the people were amazed by him.
V. 9 tells us that Simon also boasted in himself. That is, he built himself up.
V. 10 tells us that the people listened to him and then gave him their attention.
I want to bring your attention to something right quick so that we don’t miss it: vv. 9-10 both say all the people. V. 10 tells us “All the people” consists of those who were high and low, and then v. 12 tells us that “all the people” consists of both “men and women”. Luke makes it very clear that every person in Samaria was amazed by Simon. It even goes as far as to say in v. 11, that they “followed him”, because of their amazement.
These people were so moved by what Simon had done, that they even gave him a title. V. 10 says that they called him “the great power of God”.
There are forces of evil working amongst us, and the works that they are doing are captivating the people.
We do not recognize them as evil today, as they did then, but they are still the same nonetheless.
Anything that pulls our attention away from God, dampens our spirituality, lessens our belief in God, or causes us to sin is evil.
There is so much evil, and so much sin. The devil masks it so well:
Simon was performing evil acts of sorcery, and they glorified him as God because of it.
People truly do not understand the power of Satan and evil. We assume that because something is unnatural, that it must be of God, but that is simply not the case. Evil power can do unnatural things as well as good power can.
The message of the Gospel is more beneficial to us than sorcery, and it will captivate those who hear it when delivered correctly.
We should put every effort possible into learning how to communicate the Gospel effectively.
It wasn’t just the message that captivated them, it was a combination of the message with acts of love towards them.
Sorcery, acts of evil, can only meet immediate needs, but believing in Jesus Christ has eternal benefit.
“They gave their attention”(v. 10) to Simon, but when Phillip came, they gave attention to Phillip (v. 6).
We must determine which thing to give attention to:
Do we give our attention to immediate things, or
Do we give our attention to eternal things?
“Gave heed” in v. 10 means to “give attention to.....with caution”.
“Heeded” in v. 11 means that they gave Simon their attention, but they did so cautiously. Because of the nature of his magic, they were captivated by it, but also afraid of it. They followed him cautiously.
V. 12 says they “believed” Phillip. This word believe means to have faith in something or someone. It means to entrust one’s well-being to someone or something else. It means to fully commit to the thing in which you are believing.
The people heeded Simon, but they believed Phillip. We see in v. 13 that Simon continued with Phillip. He didn’t just heed him, he continued with him, or followed him.
With sorcery, evil, you can only entrust so much of yourself to it. You know in the back of your mind what its nature is, and if it is unnatural and ungodly, it cant be good, even though it may be benefiting you at the moment.
With the Gospel. With Jesus Christ, you can completely entrust your life to Him. There is no caution. Believing in Christ will take away all of your problems, but it will give you peace in the midst of them knowing the you are a child of God. Furthermore, knowing that you are eternally secure means you can go through this world unapologetically, without fear. The worst they can do to me is kill me, and if they do that, I am going to be with Jesus!!!
Everyone is a follower of something. What are you a follower of. What has your attention. Have you been captivated by the message of Jesus Christ and then completely surrendered yourself to Him, or are you following some other thought, idea, or motive? What are you continuing after?
If you want to believe and be baptized as these people were, all you have to do is acknowledge Jesus Christ as the Lord and Savior of your life, and then publicly proclaim that as these people did. It really is that simple. But as we alluded to earlier, it is more than just a proclamation, it is fully surrendering, fully trusting, and steadfastly following Him.