Sermon Tone Analysis
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Acts 28:17-31
After the last 36 weeks, Paul has finally made it to Rome.
We are entering into the final section in the book of Acts.
These are the last 14 verses of this journey.
Some of you are excited that Acts is finishing up.
I have to be hones with you.
I have struggled.
I have enjoyed.
I have been encouraged through this journey.
I have never spent this much time studying and looking at Acts.
With all that being said.
This isn’t our last week in Acts.
We will have one last overview of the book next week.
I will try to tie it all together, and give us a grander vision of how we can as FBC Louise, put what we have learned into action.
Next week will look a little different, but we will burn that bridge when we get there.
Today we get to look at that final recordings of Paul’s ministry according to Luke.
I’m gonna be honest, originally I was not a big fan of how the book ends.
I’m not alone.
It just stops.
There’s no real conclusion.
Luke doesn’t record Paul standing before Caesar.
Testifying about Christ in the highest court before the highest king.
In fact, the book ends on somewhat of a cliffhanger.
I don’t know if this has happened to you before, but have you ever got invested in a TV show, movie, or books that just ends.
Seemingly no resolution.
No Second Season.
No Sequel.
Just Gone.
A massive recounting of the shipwreck and the salvation of Paul and the sailors, then a quiet narrative of Paul preaching the gospel.
I believe that Luke, under the inspiration of the HS, penned this the exact way that it need to be.
Setting up the future followers of Jesus to continue on the mission of the Kingdom of God.
So let’s look at it.
But before we do let’s pray.
Up To Speed
On Paul’s agenda when he first arrives in Rome is to meet with the Jewish Leaders there.
He waits three days, probably exhausted from the travel and shipwreck.
He wants a little time to relax, recoup, and refresh before beginning his ministry there.
Paul then recounts all that had happened to him that brought him to Rome.
He was falsely accused of going against the history and fathers of the faith.
He was arrested in Jersualem and delivered into the hands of the Romans.
He was found innocent by all the the Roman Officials.
Not one charge stood against him.
But the Jewish leaders were having none of it.
They wanted to have his head.
They wanted to see Paul dead.
They wanted to rid themselves of him for good.
So in order to protect himself, he appealed to Caesar.
But the reason he is in chains is b/c of the Hope of Israel.
He is in Chains b/c of his love and devotion to Jesus.
B/c he followed Jesus.
B/c salvation has come.
The promised resurrection has arrived.
We’ve talked about this before.
Following Jesus will not always be smooth sailing.
In fact, following Jesus is going to cost you something.
Whether it be comfort, finances, free time, or ultimately your life you will be asked to sacrifice something.
Paul sacrificed his freedom b/c he was following Jesus.
He stood up for the truth and b/c of that he was bound in chains.
People wanted to imprison him
People wanted to kill him.
They thought he was a pest.
A Plague.
A waste of space.
But more than hate Paul, they hated Jesus.
When you stand up for Jesus, stand up for the truth, stand up for the gospel.
People may hate you, but in their hatred for you they ultimately hate Jesus.
But in turn.
You are to love them.
You are to show them the grace, mercy, and love of Jesus even when they hate you.
Look at Paul, even though the Jewish leaders wanted to bring false charges against him, he refused to file a counter suit.
He didn’t want to exacerbate the situation.
He didn’t want to make things worse than they already were.
He didn’t want to give them more of a reason to hate him.
One thing I also want to point out, Paul didn’t play into the victim mentality.
He didn’t have a persecution complex.
He understood that as one who stands up for what is right he was going to face some trouble.
Too many Christians today have a persecution complex.
Which to me, sounds ridiculous.
In our Country, right now, we don’t face near the persecution as other believers in other countries.
Now I am not wishing for or desiring for us to face the reality that people hate Jesus so much that they will kill his followers, but the reality is that is happening this very minute to our brothers and sisters across the globe.
And guess what they aren’t backing down.
They aren’t stepping away.
They aren’t focused on the persecution.
They are focused on the message.
We get so focused on potential or future persecution that we miss sight of our freedoms.
We want to keep our comfort.
We want to keep our ability to gather publically.
We want to keep the status quo.
But we are unwilling to stand up when the going gets tough.
When people may mock us or isolate themselves from us.
When we might be embarrassed by how they think about me as a Follower of Jesus.
How they may label me.
How I may offend someone b/c I bring to them the truth.
I’ll tell you the biggest danger to the American Christian church isn’t those outside the doors.
It isn’t politicians.
It isn’t protests.
It isn’t our religious freedom being compromised.
The Biggest danger to the American Church is comfort and complacency.
Because with comfort and complacency come laziness and weakness.
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