King of Peace

Gospel of John   •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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John 12: 9-19
King of Peace
Turn on the news today and what you will find is a people divided over whose Kingdom shall control the pollical atmosphere. The Republicans calling for an all-red country, the democrats calling for all blue country, the socialists flying the mighty communist hammer, LGBTQ flying the rainbow flag, and the Christians flying the flag of their many strands.
All these groups and those not mentioned are seeking a Kingdom, some in the name of God or a god. The reality is a failure to see the true the Kingdom and who the King is, failing at looking at the true king, the Kings of Kings.
The Passage.
This is one passage that is better read with all four gospel accounts, as each of the four gospels point to this narrative, what they all say is Jesus is King, but not the King the Jews were seeking.
Jesus upon his last week of life, would call of the disciples to gather a donkey. Jesus would ride this donkey into Jerusalem; to which historians note it is around feast (we know it to be Passover) and around 2.2 million people would be present in this tiny city.
Jesus would come riding this donkey to fulfill what the prophet Zechairah would speak of the coming messiah. (Zechariah 9:9-10) As Jesus entered Jerusalem a couple things transpired a celebration of the Jews with anointing of a King, the anger of the Sadducees, Pharisees, and Rome.
The people would gather see this Jesus who word has gotten out that Lazarus rose from the dead; there is great anticipation of who this Jesus is and what he did.
For the Jews they are now seeking a King who would overtake Rome, thus their praise of Hosanna the King of Israel. There desire of a King has come, and the Jews believing the Kingdom will be restored to God’s people.
As the Jews see Jesus approaching, they lay out palm branches; the palm branch was used during the Maccabean revolt in 167- 160 BCE. A Jewish guerilla fighter of the name Judas would overtake troops of Seleucids under the reign of King Antiochus. The Maccabees would celebrate this victory and lay palm branches to Judas in declaration of his victory and would be declared a hero.
The symbol of the palm branch represented military victory; and so, the Jews would declare on to Jesus you’re the King of Israel who will have victory of Rome.
Jesus enters in a vastly different approach then that of a military leader or King; first he does enter on a horse (this time) he enters on a donkey. This donkey would be the size as they are today; rather he would be a small donkey to which to ride the donkey one would have knelt low with his feet being pushed up as to not hit the ground. To ride on a donkey would equate the message of peace.
The Jews would soon realize Jesus is not the king want; in a weeks’ time they would hand of the one they just praised. Afterall Jesus never came to dethrone earthly Kingdoms, ( this coming). Jesus came to bring peace and to be the atonement of sinners.
Point 1: King of Peace
Jesus rides in on that donkey, not only fulling prophecy, but also maintain that he is the King of Peace. To understand this peace, we must look at what peace is and is not.
Peace is not:
Agreeing with everything or everyone; the world states peace is to be in equality of everything and have no form of truth. It spoken of in the ways of you do you, I do me. There is not authority of truth or morality, therefore their can be no peace only a resolve to hide from conflict.
Peace is not:
Avoiding conflict; conflict is not contrary to peace but rather it involves a difference of opinion to lead to the truth. The disciples of Jesus did not understand why Jesus refused to acknowledge the position to conquer Rome. They had conflict with Jesus and Jesus would have conflict with them. This conflict is the result of truth being found and applied.
Peace is : Truth
True peace can be only acquired through the Son in the supreme authority of His word. Therefore, Peace is proper doctrine, proper orthopraxy (way of living) around the truth of who God is and what he is. True peace is in Christ and Christ alone.
Jesus did not come to establish a military victory or political assault. Jesus did come to bring truth and liberty to souls held captive under their depraved nature. This liberty comes at being born again, where the chains of sin are broken and true life in the pursuit of holiness can come. Only when life is in Christ is their peace.
Therefore, Church be agents of redemption which brings the peace of God. On this note; do not expect a pagan culture to follow the ways of Christ if they do not know Christ. Your duty is not to change their behavior (that is legalism) your calling is to preach Christ who will then by the Holy spirit bring a change in their life and peace with God.
Point 2: King of Kings
The Jews at the end of the week were furious this King did not overtake Rome, and because they did not get their way they murdered Jesus. The King rose on the third day as he said he would, and he ushered in with Him the true Kingdom.
Jesus by his resurrection is the Kings of Kings; Rome could only do one thing kill the King of the Jews and his death would put a stop to his reign. The King rose and death did not stop the King.
The King of Kings no longer dies, instead he lives. The resurrection points to the doctrinal truth that Jesus is King of Kings, and when he returns it won’t be on a Donkey, it will be on the Horse bringing the final judgment over earthly Kings and all who denied the Son.
The King of Kings appointed Ambassadors to bring forth the message of the gospel. His ambassador of truth is the Church who operates as the church local. Your duty Christian is to proclaim the coming return of the King of Kings, and the call of salvation.
Point 3: The True Kingdom
The Jews sought a King that would usher a visible Jewish nation, defeating Rome once and for all. This Kingdom that Jesus reigns today in and preached on is not a Jewish Kingdom, nor one that is to be established at the first coming of Jesus.
The Kingdom of God which is both today visible and invisible is filled with every tribe, nation, and tongue. It is not Jewish, nor is it purely gentile. This Kingdom is one of purity that is not stained with sin or contains people of unrighteousness.
It is a Kingdom whose King is worshiped night and day by every tribe, nation, and tongue. It is a place where the angels cry out Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God almighty. It is a Kingdom where the sinner is cast out and damned to the fire of hell.
It is a Kingdom where their heirs of the Kingdom, you and I cast our crowns before the King of Kings. It is a Kingdom where there is a peace beyond current comprehension, war has ended, death is no more, pandemics are history, and weeping ceases.
It is a Kingdom the Jews nothing about, but rather it is Christ the King who is this very Kingdom. It is His Kingdom.
You who are listening are invited to this Kingdom, only by way of the true King, Jesus. He rode in on a Donkey to bring peace by the blood he will shed, so that you can have life. You are who are in Christ are heirs of this Kingdom and are once more called to call others into the very Kingdom of God, where for all eternity we will know Him, worship Him, and enjoy Him.
The kingdom of God is political, it is physical yes, but is just as much spiritual. It is the final place to which the Jew and Gentile will spend eternity in worship to the King of Kings.
The King is returning on a horse, to judge the living and the dead; but now is the time where peace with God can be had and only had through Jesus the Christ. The King rode in on a donkey for the peace of God with man.
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