Sermon Transcript Tone Analysis

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A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
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Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
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Verse 8. Then the word of the Lord came to him saying.
All right, go to verify which belongs to sit on and what are their?
I have commanded a widow there to provide for you.
So he arose and went 205 the way he came to the gate of the city.
Where was there, and he called to her and said please?
Bring me a little water in a cup that I may drink.
I know she was going to get it.
He called to her and said please bring me a morsel of bread in your hand.
So he's said so she said as the Lord your God Lives, I do not have read only a handful of flour in a bin and oil in a jar for myself and my son that we may eat it.
And I and Elijah said to her, I do as you have said what make me a small cake for the first and bring it to me.
And afterward make something for yourself and your son.
What does says the Lord God of Israel?
The been a flower shall not be used until the day of the Lord say.
So she went away and then and she said,
And she, and he, and her household for many days.
The bigger flower was not used up nor did the jar of oil runs dry.
According to the word of the Lord, which he spoke by Elijah and God.
So where on the series, I need a miracle?
Last week, we started on.
The second part of this message, your help will come from unexpected places.
And I want to continue on what I'm calling part 2 of that point that you help from unexpected places.
We have looked.
And I've seen how God intervenes in the lives of his people.
And what we have seen so far, is how God intervene in your life and how because of your obedience, something Supernatural happen.
We experienced hard times.
I categorize, the reason did the three groups.
We experienced hard times because of one of these three reasons why it's natural.
It's nature.
It's going to happen by virtue of us being born into this world.
There's something that's going to happen to us.
That is natural.
As you get older do anymore.
Are you have difficulty?
Because of him we didn't he ready?
Terry reasons.
You might have had diseases that are in your bloodline.
There's another category of that are results of our choice.
best things happen to us difficult, things happen to us because of Choices.
We make.
Things we decide to do.
Whether right or wrong.
And then we have our experience, a different difficult time.
And the third category.
Are those experiences that happen because God is trying to get that.
His name would be glorified answer today.
As we, as we continue to.
Look at this.
I want to reflect on those three reasons that I've given, because, oftentimes in our society today.
We are told that by example and healthy in your way.
That's the perception that is given some time.
unless, You must have done something wrong, but that's what happened to you.
And that's not always the case.
They were deliberate and going out and didn't protect himself, but I did.
That's something that happened.
They got caught up with the virus.
Well, that's your choice.
You didn't do what you're supposed to do.
Regardless of the fact, we should always try to understand.
What is it that has in store for me today.
That is on the way.
and we looked at day, the story of
isolated because Syria is basically we saw how the lepers were the cops decided to buy face, but went to the camp and when they got there, they realized that the car stereos.
And that we look at.
Five Points that we said, we should really take a section.
That we said be careful who you take instructions from Breaking Point.
Focus was on 2nd Kings 7:20.
Then we said, also, you must have a balanced evaluation of your circumstances.
We talked about the car that always under his work.
God says he will do, you would always honor his words?
It'll be safe point.
We said when you have received your breakthrough, remember to Sherry, and if it's what we said, not everyone will believe your testimony of God's Deliverance.
Understand navigate breakfast places.
Last week we said don't hesitate and we should have gotten your obedience can sometimes result in a hard time?
And start point we said last week.
We said God always have proficient, you work for you.
I know where you are, at whatever's happened as what you're outside of the will of God, but when you are in the word of God, always.
And we started looking last week.
We said the first profession was God Elijah.
And you are going to get water from the brook and then go.
When you get to the brook.
I'm going to send a raven.
I got Raven is going to bring you food, and we said bye.
Bye, nature of a date.
The Raven.
We pray that we don't miss the blessings of God because we expected it from some other places.
But unexpected places and circumstances.
I still believe this is crazy.
I still believe that we have just brushed off the surface.
I believe the God says it's time.
I'm going to show you those who Faithfully.
Trust me.
I'm going to show you what what I can do.
And the third point is where we going to pick up on and it turns off the provision that God has for you with the Widow.
And the prophet.
We didn't get the lady's name.
That was important to the story.
But what she did is what we need to pay close attention to.
Is interested by the way that as we talked about help coming from an unexpected, The Raven?
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