The Patient Church- Part 3
Attributes of Jesus
Knowledge of Jesus
Promises of Jesus
Command of Jesus
Perhaps here the more general meaning of victory attached to stephanon should remain undefined.
Promise to the Overcomer
The Jerusalem that comes down from heaven is all temple, and Christ’s victorious ones are its living stones and pillars. The Philadelphian Christians will be permanent, like a pillar in the Temple, and will stand when all else has fallen. They are assured of continuance in God’s presence throughout all eternity (Walvoord).
Christ’s “new name” symbolizes the full revelation of His character promised to the overcomer at Christ’s second advent. Currently, man is incapable of grasping the full theological significance of the incarnation, but that will change. When He comes, the victors will not only appreciate fully who Christ is, but they will bear His new name with Him (Charles; Mounce). Herein is further assurance.