Grace in the Trespass Offering - Sep. 19th, 2021
Pastor Walker explains the trespass offering's role to bring about restoration to one who has sinned against another, and its fulfillment by the death of Jesus Christ.
I. Out of Bounds: Some Things the Lord Calls Foul
A. Ignorance of What Belongs to God
B. Ignorance of the Law He Has Given
C. Intentional Deception & Violence for Self-Gain
II. Getting Back In-Bounds: Pathway to Peace
A. A Guilty Conscience
C̵ONVIC̵´TION, n. The act of proving, finding or determining to be guilty of an offense charged against a person before a legal tribunal; as by confession, by the verdict of a jury, or by the sentence of other tribunal, as in the summary convictions before commissioners of the revenue.
2. The act of convincing, or compelling one to admit the truth of a charge; the act of convincing of sin or sinfulness; the state of being convinced or convicted by conscience; the state of being sensible of guilt; as, the convictions of a sinner may be temporary, or lasting and efficacious. By conviction, a sinner is brought to repentance. Men often sin against the conviction of their own consciences.
3. The act of convincing of error; confutation; the act of compelling one to acknowledge his error, or the truth of what is alledged; as, the conviction of a heretic may induce him to abandon his errors.