Gifted...Discovering Your Gifts
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God’s Involvement
God’s Involvement
There are no formulas to discover your calling and gifts. Even though there are various resources that can help you discover what you’re good at, locating your calling and gifts will require God’s involvement.
Recite: I am persistent in my pursuit of calling. I make a careful exploration of who I am and the work I’ve been given. I keep on asking until I receive answers. I keep on seeking until I find direction. I keep on knocking until I find the right path. I sink myself into what God has called me to do without comparing myself to others. I take responsibility for doing my creative best I can with my own life.
We aren’t just talking about developing our natural talents. We are talking about discovering those God given talents and abilities.
Consider someone that just loves music and wants to become a musician. They can pick up an instrument, spend 10,000 hours practicing and go from terrible to an average musician. All that time and effort might make your playing a bit more enjoyable, but it still might not be your charisma (gift) that propels you to build His Kingdom.
Galatians 6:4-5 Make a careful exploration of who you are and the work you have been given, and then sink yourself into that. Don’t be impressed with yourself. Don’t compare yourself with others. Each of you must take responsibility for doing the creative best you can with your own life. - The Message
When it comes to the discovery of gifts, God’s divine involvement is needed. I know today that God has called me to preach. I would never have believed that on my own. I certainly wouldn’t have stumbled into that on accident. There was nothing in me that lead me to believe it.
King David wouldn’t have known that he was a warrior if he hadn’t protected the flock from a lion and a bear! You see, being a Shepherd, killing a lion, and killing a bear had prepared him for Goliath. Step by step God was raising him up to be a warrior king!
Consider Gideon, God had to convince him through fleeces that he was a warrior.
If your wanting to discover your own supernatural gifts, you need God involved in that process. That revelation will only come from seeking Him!
Hebrews 11:6 'And without faith living within us it would be impossible to please God. For we come to God in faith knowing that he is real and that he rewards the faith of those who passionately seek him.' - The Passion Translation
Notice He doesn’t say those that occasionally seek Him, He say they passionately seek Him. Jesus say...
Matthew 7:7-8 “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. - NKJV
We must passionately pursue Him for revelation. After all finding Him and experiencing His presence is the real prize.
“God isn’t hard of hearing, and He’s not holding out on you. He desires that you won’t take for granted the gifts that He gives you for the building up of His people. Your passion will need to be stronger than the adversity you will face on your way to your dreams. So let your desire grow, and the spontaneity will keep you fervently seeking to know your charisma and gifting.” - John Bevere
There are many in the world that are wise, but they lack the eternal perspective. You can only trust their advice up to a point. You must also filter advise through prayer and the Word of God.
In this pursuit of discovery, it is important that we have people that we can talk to and ask questions. We should find those that can be honest, but encouraging as well. Sadly, that not everyone in your life. So it must be approached with much prayer.
You don’t need people that will only tell you what you want to hear. Also you should avoid those that are pessimistic, critical, and negative of seemingly everything - they lack vision! Both should be avoided in this pursuit.
Instead seek out those fathers and mothers of the faith, or those who have traveled the journey longer than you and have made mistakes and learned and grown from them.
First of all, be sure that your planted in the church...
Psalm 92:13 Those who are planted in the house of the LORD Shall flourish in the courts of our God. - NKJV
Questions To Ask Yourself And Wise Friends...
Questions To Ask Yourself And Wise Friends...
What Are You Naturally Good At?
Some of you may know the name Aaron Baddeley. Today he’s a pro golfer. There was a time though when he refused to give all his effort to golf. Instead he wanted to evangelize. one night in a conference God spoke to him and told him that He had called him to golf. Since then he’s been #16 in the world ranking. He’s won 4 PGA Tour events, and the Australian Open!
What Energizes You?
Your true gifting will actually energize you, even though you may become mentally or physically exhausted during long stints. Hours of practice, competing, or working can seem like minutes. So ask yourself “What causes you to loose track of time?”.
What Are You Drawn To?
What grabs your interest? What is it that causes you to come alive? What would you be drawn to do, even if you never got paid to do it?
Who Are You Drawn To?
Certain people awaken and unlock the gifts within you. Find your Tribe - those who share similar gifting’s and callings as you.
Again, none of these questions or answers can or should stand alone and apart from your seeking God in your personal time of prayer. Seek Him first!!!