What I learnt from Malawi
Sunday 22 June
Malawi Outreach
Matthew 28:18-20
Acts 1:8
What I learnt:
1. The disciples in Malawi have much in common with us
Jesus is head of church, building his church- we don’t have it all
Illustration of pianos and tuning fork- all pianos in unity because of tuning fork, not pianos
Incredible prayers- whole hearted
2. The strength of team.
Different giftings
Evangelism- team effort. Local church
3. The stronghold of sin and power of the gospel
Many social problems- root problem sin. Rom 3:23
Deceptiveness of sin- Heb 3:13
Nature of sin is that it blinds people, deceives people- that we have a problem
To share gospel effectively must understand sin first. Gospel is answer to problem of sin.
Kind of preaching we did- bad news of sin, good news of salvation from sin
Rom 1:16- Gospel power of God
Ambassadors to this gospel- saw much evidence of prosperity gospel. Gospel without sin.
4. God wants to heal our diseases
Convicted of: must seek for gift of healing.
3 specific cases. Not all healed.
Saw emotional healing and healing from demonic oppression- also called healing in bible- Acts 10:38.
We are seek for healing- why? Glorifies God.
Important to know- not living yet in fullness of kingdom when all have glorified bodies, completely well.
Not all are healed but can trust that many will be.
We need to keep asking and seeking
5. The importance of water baptism.
Baptized 20 new believers on Sunday
Acts- every time someone repents and believes, gets immersed in water.
Public demonstration of your faith
Public association with what Jesus did, death and ressurection
Time of worship
Time to minister and pray for sick, emotional healing, salvation