Discouragement in God’s Servants
Introduction: In today’s lesson we will have opportunity to learn from the life of God’s faithful servant Elijah. James tells us in James 5:17 tells us that Elijah was a man just like us and yet his prayers were powerful and effective. Was he ever discouraged ? Let’s look and see in 1Kings 18:22
1. Discouragement often comes to the Spiritual Capable
a. Here we see that Elijah was a tremendous powerful man of God. Let’s examine his spiritual capability. Turn to
1 Kings 18:22
b. the odds here are 450 –1 or in other words here is a situation that is impossible by human standards to win.(read to verse 29)
c. After 3 hours of intense activity the worshippers of Baal turned frantic and Elijah began to taunt them because of his confidence.( read to verse 35)
d.3 hours later nothing had happened and Elijah added to the anticipation and improbability of what would happen by adding water to the altar.(read to verse 39)
e. Elijah didn’t have to use theatrics or frenzy, he simply prayed as a man with faith in God as a person.
2. Discouragement often comes on the heels of great spiritual accomplishment.
a. as a result the prophets of Baal were slain in obedience to the law. (read verses 40-45)
b. another act of God resulted as Elijah prayed for rain
c. he then ran 25 miles with divinely inspired energy. (read verse 46)
d. Notice how in the midst of victory over his enemies Elijah’s focus shifted from God to himself.
3. Discouragement often comes when we are physically exhausted .
a. notice at this point Elijah is tired. Read 1 Kings 19:1-5 but rather than resting in God, he runs away.
b. God had just finished proving Himself faithful in Elijah’s life.(read vs 5-8)
c. Elijah was tired and exhausted and the angel that God sent ministered to those needs first.
4. Discouragement often results from fear
a. Elijah’s fear caused him to run away. ( read vs 9,10)
b. God asks him the question “What are you doing here?” because God didn’t send him there.
c. He was operating on feelings rather than facts.
5.Discourage is often resolved by God in a way we least expect.
a. God showed him His power and then ministered to him in a whisper( read vs11-14)
b. God told him to get back to work
c. God also told him the truth about others that remained faithful.
6. Conclusion What do I do to Deal with Discouragement Biblically?
a. We must not be shocked or overwhelmed when we find ourselves discouraged.
b. In the midst of spiritual accomplishment we must prepare for testing
c. When we find ourselves discouraged we must check our physical condition.
d. We must resist the urge to flee from God in fear.
e. We must listen for the still small voice of God in the midst of the storm.