The power of an O
What is a good gift?
Unity Marketing says “the key attribute that distinguishes a good gift is something that the recipients will like, but is unlikely to buy for themselves. Because most gifters look for something that is more emotional, rather than practical, they turn first to entertainment and recreation goods, such as books, toys, sporting goods, video/audio, DVDs and entertainment equipment, photographic equipment, computers, games, etc. Next is clothing and fashion accessories."
Is it about expense? In 2018 parents spend about $480 a kid on Christmas
A good gift is a gift that brings glory to God and encouragement to your soul.
Good gifts are not always about what we want, but what God wants for us
Matthew 7:15-19
In its best- everything is made for and by Jesus
Col 1:16-17 “For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. 17 And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together.
I often think of Jesus as the mortar in the brick wall. Without him the rest may look pretty or sturdy, but it will fall apart.
Have you ever thought about how much power 1 letter has? Think about it it only takes one letter to change a desert into a dessert; or to change your past into your paste; by just adding an end you can make your pig go ping. yes, one letter can make a world of difference. Today’s sermon is about one letter that makes a big difference in how we view gifts. It only takes one O to make good into God.
Have you ever thought about how much power 1 letter has? Think about it it only takes one letter to change a desert into a dessert; or to change your past into your paste; by just adding an end you can make your pig go ping. yes, one letter can make a world of difference. Today’s sermon is about one letter that makes a big difference in how we view gifts. It only takes one O to make good into God.
There is really no debating that we live in a world with really good things. Often we talk about the evils of the world, and all that is wrong, and some of that is with good reason. However, we also can point to some really good and beautiful things in our world. Sunrises, oceans, the laughter of children, the birth of a new baby, friendships, coffee. These are all great examples of some good and beautiful things in our world. These things cannot be overlooked or understated just because there is evil in the world like cancer, murder, violence, and hate.
In fact, the Bible does not shy away from stating that there are good things in the world. Over and over again we read of the beautiful gifts of God. From the very beginning God looked at so much of the world and said that it was good. Now sin has entered the world and caused pain and distortion of some of the good things, but the goodness of God is still evident in the things he has created for us and around us.
In fact James summarizes it by say that there are good gifts- and those gifts come from God. But that begs a few questions, doesn’t it? Like, first, what is a good gift anyway? Is a good gift defined by money? Is it about expense? In 2018 parents spend about $480 a kid on Christmas. How many people define a good gift by the price tag?
Is a good gift defined by size? If buy Jess a ring for our anniversary is the goodness of the gift or the value of the thought defined by the size of the ring? If your friend was going to give you a free steak dinner, would you only take it if it was at least a 10oz steak?
In terms of material gifts Unity marketing says that “the key attribute that distinguishes a good gift is something that the recipients will like, but is unlikely to buy for themselves. Because most gifters look for something that is more emotional, rather than practical”
It is also important for us to remember that is not us who decide what a good gift it- it is God. God knows us, knows our hearts, knows our situation, and knows our future, and so God is the one who gets to make the call on what is good for our lives. I am reminded of Jesus’ words in Matt 7:15-19
This passage reminds us that God is in the good gift giving business, and that we are not the ones who get to determine what is best for us. Why? Because we are influenced by sin, our own fleshly desires, the world around us, and any other of 10000 factors- and God is not.