Paul at Athens (Pt. 1)
Acts • Sermon • Submitted
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· 8 viewsJust like us, Paul found himself in a pagan, pluralistic, idolatrous society and was provoked to speak out for God and for His neighbor. We can learn much from Paul's actions and words as He engaged the society around him with the truth of Christ.
Paul found himself in a pagan, pluralistic, idolatrous society and was provoked to speak out for God and for His neighbor. We can learn much from Paul's actions and words as He engaged the society around him with the truth of Christ.
Read Acts 17:16-33
Athens was:
Pagan: Polytheistic worship, or irreligious hedonism
Ex. Athena - the goddess of wisdom, craft, and strategy. The most prominent building in Athens was the Parthenon, a massive temple dedicated to worship of their patron goddess.
While they emphasized her, there were many gods to choose from. From Ares, (the god of war), to Apollo, Artemis and Aphrodite, just to name a few. There was a multitude of gods, all associated with various forms of worship and ritual related to their supposed spheres of power.
one who has little or no religion and who delights in sensual pleasures and material goods: an irreligious or hedonistic person
We’ve simply traded the temples and idols of Athens for material goods, philosophies, and entertainments of the 21st century.
Ex. There’s a growing segment of our population that consider themselves “spiritual, but not religious,” who tend to shy away from “organized religion” but try and find some spiritual connection through various forms and experiences.
We are an increasingly pagan society. Not only that...
Pluralistic: Foundational to our society, but can lead to wholesale acceptance or rejection of all religion.
a state of society in which members of diverse ethnic, racial, religious, or social groups maintain an autonomous participation in and development of their traditional culture or special interest within the confines of a common civilization
This is something that the US as a whole has enshrined in it’s foundations.
Ex. Freedom of Religion, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Assembly, the idea of “Separation of Church and State”
We, as a society, take it further and assume equality between religions.
Ex. To equate classical Christianity with Islam or Hinduism or Mormanism. “What matters is that you believe”. False. They have completely different concepts of who God is, who man is, where we came from, where we’re going, and how to live in a way that is “right.” Some have historical claims that can be verified through archeology and ancient writings. No all are not the same, and all are not equally valid.
Just as bad is to wholly reject all religious claims as mythology or foolishness without any consideration of their claims.
In our society, we must stand for the freedoms that pluralism provides, but beware of the influence of pluralistic philosophy on our understanding of the truth. Like in Athens, we need the ability to hear and debate such claims of religious truth. Pagan, pluralistic, but also idolatrous.
1: the worship of a physical object as a god
2: immoderate attachment or devotion to something
Ultimately, idolatry is the violation of the first commandment - Exo 20:3 “You shall have no other gods before Me.” It is to put something in the place of God, to give something or someone what is owed to God - worship, glory, etc. - to love something more.
Athens was full of art that portrayed the gods they worshipped. They had a whole buffet of gods they could choose from and for any occasion. Paul couldn’t walk around without seeing the art and industry of idolatry at every turn.
Now while Paul was waiting for them at Athens, his spirit was being provoked within him as he was observing the city full of idols.
Are we an idolatrous society? (Yes, we simply don’t call them gods.)
We worship the experience of feeling good. (i.e. Medicine/Drugs/Alcohol, Entertainment, Leisure, and of course the money that makes it all possible.)
Sexuality, Sports, Food, etc. Our senses are our God. Pagan idolatry.
What do we do? Get motivated.
Get Motivated
Get Motivated
v.16 - Paul was provoked.
3947. παροξύνω parŏxunō, par-ox-oo´-no; from 3844 and a der. of 3691; to sharpen alongside, i.e. (fig.) to exasperate:—easily provoke, stir.
Strong, J. (2009). A Concise Dictionary of the Words in the Greek Testament and The Hebrew Bible (Vol. 1, p. 56). Bellingham, WA: Logos Bible Software.
“stirred, spurred on, urged, or agitated” - “distressed” NIV/NRSV
He was greatly affected and not just emotionally, but in his spirit. He was moved deeply to act. He was motivated.
Why? The cause was “he was observing the city full of idols”
The mighty temple of Athena, while beautiful to look at, broke his heart and stirred in him an indignation that some false deity was exalted and worshipped while the One True God and Savior was ignored.
Everywhere were signs idolatry - demonic deceit
No, but I say that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to demons and not to God; and I do not want you to become sharers in demons.
I enjoy art. I can appreciate how a song, or painting, or movie tells a story from the perspective of those that create it. And yet, I wonder if we aren’t getting too comfortable with certain signs and symbols of idolatry that are among us - “in our own city.”
Beer commercials, Pay day loan offices, pharmaceutical commercials, celebration of so-called sexual and gender liberty in media - could these be the signs and artwork of idolatry that we see every day?
Many are good, or at least benign things that end up stealing our devotion and rob God of His glory as our culture worships pleasure instead of Him!
Science, education and healthcare are a source of many blessings but do we look to them as gods, placing all of our hopes for the future, for improvement, for the salvation of men and of society on them? (Many do!).
We must not despair, nor compromise. Romans 12:1-2
Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.
May God open our eyes to it, and provoke our spirits that we may get motivated for His glory and for the lost!
He couldn’t ignore what he saw because of His love for God and neighbor (the lost).
Every statue, every temple, represented some man-made image or deity that was getting credit and glory that God deserved.
“I am the Lord, that is My name; I will not give My glory to another, Nor My praise to graven images.
Further, each one represented a trap for those who would follow these false gods.
Remember the electric bug zappers? That’s exactly what these idols are! Bright lights of deception that lure in the gullible to their own destruction!
Like a ship - It doesn’t matter how beautiful the ship if it has a gaping hole in the hull! It is destined to sink and you with it!
“I, even I, am the Lord, And there is no savior besides Me.
God deserves better than our neglect. He doesn’t need us, but is owed glory, worship, honor and praise. When we worship the things we create instead, it rightly incurs His wrath. Not only that, but we need more than what create with our hands to make us feel better.
Paul knew this and was motivated. What do we do? Get motivated for His glory and the lost - and use the means He’s given us.
Use Our God-Given Means
Use Our God-Given Means
What did Paul do when so provoked?
v.17 - He had one thing to offer (the same thing you and I have) - Truth. From the One True God.
Paul proclaimed truth
He “reasoned” - conversed, discussed, argued (KJV - disputed)
v.18 - “he was preaching Jesus and the resurrection”
Dark is conquered by shining the light - deceit is conquered by declaring the truth.
Notice what he didn’t do - He didn’t try and compete with the idols. He didn’t call up resources from the church to build bigger temples, or better statues. He didn’t try to simply get better at speaking eloquently. Instead, he declared the truth of God.
Too often in our day the church is trying to win the lost by competing with idols. Bigger buildings, more entertaining music, shorter sermons, more activities - do not necessarily glorify God nor win the lost. Those caught in the deception of demons need one thing - Truth. (The very truth you are holding in your hand!!!)
Paul took the opportunities God presented - where was he reasoning about Jesus?
In the synagogue with the Jews and God-fearers - take advantage of opportunities to worship and grow in knowledge of God and His Word! Take opportunities to help others do the same!
Also in the market place every day with those who happened to be present - Where is that? Wherever you are! (He positioned himself intentionally) - May we get motivated and intentional!
Finally, in the Areopagus before all who gathered there to hear.
(Part 1)
(Part 2)
Preach God’s Message
Preach God’s Message
v.22-31 - Paul shares fundamental truths for a pagan, pluralistic, idolatrous world.
He finds common ground to start from
Listen before you speak!!! James 1:19
Note: He doesn’t start with grace, mercy and the saving work of Christ. Why? Because Pagan, Pluralistic, Idolatrous peoples need to recognize the God they’ve offended. They need the bad news that they may appreciate the good. (Ex. Medicine to one who thinks they are well.)
CREATOR “The God who made the world and all things in it
YHWH is the One True God who made you. He made everything. He is the almighty Creator with power and authority over all of His creation. Everything we see is His! It came from Him and belongs to Him! He reigns over it all
LORD “... since He is Lord of heaven and earth,
They had gods they created, idols made by their hands. Their gods were believed to have power over certain spheres of life (war, love, sun, sea). This God is Lord of all.
SELF-SUFFICIENT “...does not dwell in temples made with hands; nor is He served by human hands, as though He needed anything
God doesn’t need our buildings or the works of our hands. He needs nothing from us and depends on no one. He is completely self-sufficient and if He uses man, it is only from choice and not from necessity.
As a matter of fact, the opposite is true. We are utterly dependent on Him!
OUR DEPENDENCE … since He Himself gives to all people life and breath and all things;
All that we have is from Him. There is not a breath we take in and exhale, not a beat of our heart, not a day of our life that is independent of God’s power and provision. Without God we do not exist. We are utterly dependent upon Him for everything.
He is Almighty Creator and Lord.
Paul points to God as Lord of all peoples (v.26-28). He isn’t just the God of the Jews, but is the One True God for all.
GOD OF AND OVER ALL - v. 26 - “...and He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation”
All peoples have come from one person. God has created men equal and yet has determined particular times and boundaries for the nations to dwell. He ruled over Egypt, Rome, and rules over the USA today, whether we recognize this or not.
But he does it with purpose...
NOT FAR OFF - v.27 - “that they would seek God, if perhaps they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us;”
God hasn’t hidden Himself. He isn’t on some Mountain in the heavens watching from afar but is intimately involved in the lives of His creation.
He is here, and says that all who truly seek for Him will find Him. Though it be as groping around in the dark, He has the power to open the eyes and reveal Himself to His children.
v.28 - for in Him we live and move and exist,
This is not some pantheistic idea that God is everything. God isn’t energy, or some neutral spiritual power, but He is the originating source of all creation, is the ongoing source of life, and is omnipresent - that is He is separate from, but present with His creation.
NOT LIKE OTHER GODS - v.28 - as even some of your own poets have said, ‘For we also are His children.’ “Being then the children of God, we ought not to think that the Divine Nature is like gold or silver or stone, an image formed by the art and thought of man.
Scripture uses “children of God” in two different ways: 1) of mankind generally who have come from their creator God, and 2) His specifically called and redeemed people who follow Him and represent Him in this world. This passage is using children in the first sense.
God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.
If we are created by Him, why would we think that he is like some dead thing that we create? What a travesty! What an offense to the Almighty!
This is our greatest and foremost sin, that we have not worshipped God and have placed other gods before Him!
This brings Paul to His next point...
All people are accountable
NOT TOO LATE - v.30 - “Therefore having overlooked the times of ignorance, God is now declaring to men that all people everywhere should repent,”
God hasn’t shut the door to them, just because of their past or their idolatry, but is, instead, offering an opportunity for change. (Repent - change of heart and mind, reversal)
This is mercy, but it isn’t optional. There is no other way to receive mercy from the God they (and we) have neglected and offended. All people, everywhere, must repent! Why?
JUDGEMENT COMING - v.31 - “because He has fixed a day in which He will judge the world in righteousness through a Man whom He has appointed”
Men must repent because there is a court date coming. The judge will execute justice, not based on our ideas and preferences, but according to righeousness - true justice by God’s standard.
Paul is showing our guilt and the impending doom of all who continue in idolatrous rebellion against God and is setting up the introduction of Jesus who is the object of our Salvation.
Christ will judge. But it is Christ, through His own blood sacrifice on the cross that has paid the penalty for our sin! He is the sacrifice. He is the Savior. He alone is the means by which we can be forgiven of every sin.
But… I .... - no matter what you’ve done wrong, no matter what you’ve tried to do right. We need righeousness. We have none. Christ offers His!
In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins.
whom God displayed publicly as a propitiation in His blood through faith. This was to demonstrate His righteousness, because in the forbearance of God He passed over the sins previously committed;
PROOF OF JESUS’S AUTHORITY - v.31b - “...having furnished proof to all men by raising Him from the dead.”
He proved it. There’s evidence. This Jesus - the judge of the earth, was raised from the dead in power.
Sadly, at this point Paul was interrupted and never got to the offer of salvation in Christ Jesus, for the idea of the resurrection caused a stir as many began to sneer and mock. (v.32).
As believers, we can learn much from Paul in Athens.
May God open our eyes to the idolatry around us and provoke our spirits
May we get motivated to act for His glory and for the salvation of the lost
May we see and utilize the means God has given each of us and as a church, to share the truth and cut through the demonic deceit of this world with His glorious truth
May we boldly share the full message of our Almighty Creator, of our debt of guilt to Him and of His loving, gracious act and offer of pardon through His Son, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Unbeliever - Two reponses: Sneer, or accept. Believe or to reject. To follow, or to walk away.